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Göbekli Tepe: what the Potbelly Hill keeps mum about. A history and astronomy research

  • 13.07.2017
  • 353
  • 424913

Göbekli Tepe: what the Potbelly Hill keeps mum about

(a history and astronomy research) 

  1. History of discovery
  2. Cult site of ancient hunters
  3. The oldest temple (of all known)
  4. Observatory
  5. Pillar 43: a stone chronicle
  6. Observations by the Point of View analyst team
  7. An opinion on Göbekli Tepe artefacts in the light of the Primordial Knowledge
  8. Afterword
  9. Major sources


“Before referring to materials on Göbekli Tepe, we need to understand we deal here with a rather advanced culture maintained by our ancestors in the 10th millennium BC.”

Klaus Schmidt. Sie bauten die ersten Tempel. Das rätselhafte Heiligtum der Steinzeitjäger


History of discovery


Göbekli Tepe (“Potbelly Hill” in Turkish) is a temple complex located on the Armenian Plateau in upper reaches of Euphrates, 8 kilometres away from present-day Şanlıurfa (the city which in antique times was called by the Greek name Edessa), in the south-eastern part of Turkey. As of today, it is the oldest megalithic structure in the world.     

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What did Gods carry in their “handbags”?

  • 17.07.2017
  • 218
  • 145851

In earlier publications on our website you could have seen numerous images of mythological divine beings carrying peculiar “handbags” in their hands. Unfortunately, neither legends nor myths contain specific information about them, although we did manage to find some. There were surely relevant explanations in the past, but humanity has lost understanding, so today we are hardly able to answer the following question with confidence: “What do Gods carry in “handbags?” Why were there so many identical or very similar symbolic elements in various historical epochs on different continents? Well, many people might ask whether such riddles should be solved at all when everything rises in price, when climatic conditions deteriorate and the world approaches a brink of the third global war. As for me, I believe they should be.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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