Star. The Golden Ratio

This is the final part of the Star. The Golden Ratio series. Here I will consider the works by Jim Alison on the patterns of cult sites placement on our planet. “A new look at an old design”: this is, so to say, an updated view of the ley line theory initially developed by Alfred Watkins, which I wrote about in Part 3. However, taking into account which exactly cult sites Alison considers, this is indeed another look at a very old design that, I believe, relates to the “Star Map”. I shall endeavour to simplify the material a little bit by abridging the contents, excluding tables and some calculations. Visual materials that remain are quite easy to understand. As for those who’d like to familiarize themselves with Alison’s works at great length, the original information in English may be found on the official website of Graham Hancock – the author whom you already know very well from my earlier articles The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco. Apocalypse now? and New evidence of the probable global disaster.

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    In the previous article Star. The Golden Ratio. Places of Power. Ley Lines there was information about the so-called Stellar Road. I mentioned that once I had encountered the Stellar Road, my brain had worked in the “stop and look closely” mode. Herein I have already walked the Stellar Road, gathering pebbles, and there has turned out to be plenty of them. Perhaps, I lost sight of some pebbles, while some I did notice, but decided not to collect them (the Way passes through Southern France, Occitania, Languedoc, one of Cathars’ bases. Most probably, Knights Templar controlled this pilgrimage route in their time). I left these pebbles for those who might possibly desire to follow this Way, just like myself. 

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    In this part of the Star. The Golden Ratio I will touch upon such “pseudoscientific” research area as ley lines. Why is it pseudoscientific? Because, according to official science, pyramids, for instance, are mere sepulchres constructed within several decades by slaves who were carrying those large-tonnage blocks like “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, and nothing more. They don’t admit any special pattern in location of the sepulchres. I remember when our teacher was telling us about the pyramids at history classes, surely expounding the official version, he smiled, apparently not believing in what he himself was telling. Almost a quarter of a century has passed since then, while things haven't got forward an inch as they say. The so-called official science keeps turning a blind eye to facts regarding the pyramids and other cult buildings.

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    In the second part of the Star. The Golden Ratio we shall mostly discuss polyhedrons. Please, note this is a hypothesis, i.e. not a generally adopted scientific fact; hence, there are both opponents and supporters of this idea.

    The hypothesis is interesting because it well correlates with seats of ancient cultures, language formation centres, location of lithospheric plates, mountain masses, cavities, and anomalous areas on the planet. Here’s what the authors write themselves: “The authors of this report have performed a complex comparison of various geological peculiarities of the Earth, centres of certain geophysical phenomena, and biosphere particular features with an icosahedron and a pentadodecahedron (the polyhedrons made of 20 triangles and 12 pentagons). These polyhedrons are inserted in the globe in such a way that two vertices of the icosahedron and centres of two opposite faces of the dodecahedron simultaneously coincide with the Earth’s geographic poles.”

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Star. The Golden Ratio (Part 1)

  • 09.05.2016
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  • Igor
Star. The Golden Ratio

    I am fond of stars, and you? I wouldn’t be mistaken if I say everyone drew a star at least once in their lifetime. Of course, it’s more characteristic for children who draw spaceships flying towards stars or the night sky with stars and the moon; draw a Christmas tree with a star on its top, or their grandfather who passed the war with a star on his chest. Numerous examples can be made of how stars are depicted in children’s art. And adults, I think, draw stars from time to time, why not?

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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