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07 Feb 2018 Autogenic Training, Meditation, Prayer, Spiritual PracticeSource: Live conversation with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive – pages 120-131: https://allatra-book.org/category/conversation-consciousness-and-personality Several tools are being given, which will help at initial stages of self-exploration and restoration of one’s spiritual personality through good thoughts, words, and deeds. |
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03 Feb 2018 When the “boot” will creak... Will people hear? Prediction about ItalyLet’s refer to prehistory, so that the subject would be clearer. The well-known climate report prepared by an international group of researchers of AllatRa IPM, which warns about the approaching period of global climate changes on the planet, was issued in 2014. Some people have read it, others cast a cursory glance at relevant online notices, while still others have disregarded it. At that, since the condition of society and the political situation in the world keep aggravating, a conclusion arises that most of humanity have not treated the aforesaid report seriously. “Show us a miracle, then we will trust you,” a quote from the Consciousness and Personality program automatically comes to mind, denoting the words with which people have being meeting prophets throughout the history of mankind. Well, unfortunately, history is repeating itself again. |
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30 Jan 2018 СЕ ГРЯДЁТ. IT IS COMING. VideoParticipants of the program: Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, Igor Vladimirovich Naumets, Anna Dubrovskaya, and Andrei Kovtunov. The inevitability of the approaching serious climate changes, the global and large-scale character of which may today be observed all over the planet, places each human being on the verge of personal choice. |
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19 Jan 2018 Spiritual World and spiritual authorities: what is the difference?Most likely, not everyone understands the issue of spiritual authorities. Let me suggest to take the first step and look into this. Let’s supplement the table together... |
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15 Jan 2018 Soul, Personality, primary and secondary Consciousness: a schemeWe have come to know so much over the last several years thanks to the knowledge brought into the world by Rigden Djappo. Books, TV programs, live conversations, talks in the circle of like-minded people, personal insights and spiritual experiences... As a result, today we already have an opportunity to look into the knowledge, verify it, and most importantly get convinced of what we are as human beings. Now we understand there are Soul, Personality, primary and secondary Consciousness, the four Aspects (Essences), and we understand the difference between them, although some five years ago, let’s recall, we had no idea even of the Aspects. |
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22 Dec 2017 A song about the Mother of God(an unrhymed translation from Russian) Mother of God, Mother of God, the Mother of light, love and good, You are my hope, Mother of God, and the time of miraculous insights. Mother of God, Mother of God, I love You so much with all my soul, You are my star, You are my dawn, You are a ray of light in the earthly life. You are Our Lady of the Don, Our Lady of Kazan, Our Lady of the Sign – all Your images are with me. You are the Theotokos of Vladimir, Our Lady of Valaam, and Derzhavnaya above the land. You are the heavenly joy of all the sorrowful, You are the punishment for all the killed, Your are the Purest Bride of all virgins, You are my grief and love. |
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11 Dec 2017 Primary and secondary consciousness: a comparative tableLet us present to your attention a comparative table for studying consciousness, composed based on the information given in the program Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive. |
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06 Dec 2017 Breaking the laws of physics: the PYRAMID open experiment. The impossible is possibleAn explanation to the above video from the official source: “The series of unique practical experiments with application of the PYRAMID machine that has no analogues in the world is continuing. This time, everyone who desires, regardless of distance and time, may personally participate in an unusual experiment – being unprejudiced, to feel at a distance the work of an Operator sitting inside the PYRAMID as well as the operation of the machine itself. |
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27 Nov 2017 “They knew what they were doing…” A conversation between G. Hancock and R. Bauval at the Pyramids of GizaAttention! The text below contains complete quotes that are in no way distorted by the article author. Everyone understands the quotes according to his or her spiritual, moral and intellectual development! A conversation between Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval as cited in Fingerprints of the Gods THE FIRST TIME I found the implications of the Orion correlation complicated and eerie. On the one hand, the Great Pyramid’s southern shafts ‘precessionally anchored’ the monument to Al Nitak and Sirius in 2475-2400 BC, dates which coincided comfortably with the epoch when Egyptologists said the monument had been built. |
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18 Nov 2017 Emergence of the first star. Heliacal risings / settings of celestial bodiesPerhaps, many have heard an expression “with the first (or last) star”, but very few people know whether this expression has any deeper meaning. To be more precise, the very fact of emergence or disappearance of celestial bodies, stars or constellations from the field of vision in the evening or morning sky represents no riddle. By the laws of celestial mechanics, everything is in perpetual motion and appears before our eyes as an indisputably cyclic change of stellar sceneries. However, in this article I will present several arguments evidencing that in ancient times this implied something more serious, and it related to neither superstitions nor religious traditions, but to something totally different. The first argument is the article Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Fatima which told about the heliacal setting of the three stars of Orion’s belt. At that point not many readers grasped what was actually discussed. I have to admit even today I have only a hazy notion of the importance of such events, although nothing prevents me from expanding my mental outlook and knowledge in this field. |
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14 Nov 2017 What were pyramids needed for? The PYRAMID supernatural experimentRecently, a unique experiment has been carried out with application of an experimental state-of-the-art machine with a pyramidal frame, which has no analogues in the world. The PYRAMID scientific and experimental machine opens up tremendous opportunities to study the phenomena of consciousness and Personality (as an out-of-body observer) as well as to produce a potential that provokes human supernatural abilities. |
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07 Nov 2017 The Orion Arm, or Where the Solar System is locatedIt is not fashionable nowadays to scrutinize stars and endeavour to comprehend the laws of heavenly mechanics. Unfortunately, we are too preoccupied with the issues of survival, news in social media and endless shopping. Very few people have an idea of what is going on above our heads and understand that high above there are the Sun, the Moon, planets, asteroids and comets, stars and galaxies. Everything rushes somewhere at enormous speeds and distances. How can a human being grasp the nature and reasons of all that? Well, one can read a book on astronomy, but what benefit would such knowledge bring, he or she thinks? Hence, with a clear conscience the person immerses one’s attention back into the virtual reality of “new” earthly technologies. |
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16 Oct 2017 Seven years in magic, or How the animal mind system deceives humanityI would like to share my experience of learning the so-called “magic tradition”. This should be especially interesting for those familiar with such terms as the assemblage point, the awareness centre, lucid dreams, karmic knots, the Sephirot Tree, arcana, conduct of energies, varnas, chakras, fireballs, stalking, personal history, places of power, and so on. To give readers at least a general view of this “tradition”, I will have to describe certain major points and subtleties. |
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02 Oct 2017 Allat Daily Universal MeditationLet me start with a quote from Sensei of Shambala – Book IV by Anastasia Novykh: “If everyone on the Earth prayed at the same time at least twice a day for all other people… not for themselves, but for the others… May everyone pray to their own God! After all, God is one, and all souls have the same longing for Him. Even if you are an atheist, simply wish happiness and good to all people at that time, but in all sincerity, with all your heart. Those who know how to practice meditation, meditate at that time with a sincere feeling of joy, wishing everyone good and Love. But all people should do this at the same time, at least one allat per day,” Sensei immediately corrected himself, “I mean twelve minutes, then I assure you that during the next 3 allats, that is 36 minutes, no human being would die on the Earth.” |
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29 Sep 2017 Sirius and ultra-high-energy cosmic raysGreetings, dear friends! In this brief article we will consider quite an interesting coincidence relating to the constellation of Canis Major (the Great Dog) where star Sirius is situated (1) and the discovered arrival direction of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (2, 3). This article nearly duplicates a material published by the non-profit popular science project entitled Elements of Big Science, so below we will give relevant quotes and add some additional information. |
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17 Aug 2017 Mary Magdalene. Not remembrance, but nowadaysThe 4th of August was the day of remembrance of St. Mary Magdalene, Equal of the Apostles. Countless riddles and fantasies are associated with this Personality. To tell the truth, it has become news for me that even within Christianity there is no single opinion on who Mary Magdalene actually was. As a person reared on Christian traditions since my early childhood, I used to commonly think that Mary Magdalene was a “penitent sinner”, and I also heard something about stones, demons, feet ablution, the raising of Lazarus, etc. Thus, I had a typical set of knowledge of a person who doesn't know what she’s talking about. Now that I approach information consumed by my consciousness more maturely, it has turned out that most of the knowledge I use is scrappy. I used to take many things on trust, not even thinking whether information I heard or read was trustworthy. |
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04 Aug 2017 Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally AliveA new priceless gift for all of us has been the truly live conversation with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov, which lasted for 11 hours 56 minutes... By the way, there is the following information in Sensei of Shambala – Book IV (apparently, there is a certain correlation): Allat has multiple manifestations. In scientific understanding allat is a single unit of time, which has a great importance for entire matter. If we take modern earth time values, an allat makes up 12 minutes, or more precisely 11 minutes 56.74 seconds. When scientists get to the notion of this important unit of foundation, so to say, the main building block of the Universe, there will be not just a grand revolution in science, but an evolutionary leap. Then scientists will understand what is hidden under the secret of time and, having realized that, they will reveal the true process of matter formation in the Universe. If people get to know the essence of Allat, they will gain enormous opportunities. |
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31 Jul 2017 Viracocha. The One who came in a time of chaosWe continue searching for historical materials that indirectly relate to the Preamble of our project, and today let me present to readers’ attention some extracts from Graham Hancock’s book Fingerprints of the Gods where a mysterious white-faced “stranger” immortalized in stone as a deity is mentioned. Many millennia ago he came to the South American continent to give knowledge to local people. Not so many myths and legends have remained about him, so it’s difficult to draw any conclusions. Nevertheless, for real seekers of truth the extracts below will be quite useful, for they can reveal a broader picture of relevant events. We will hardly manage to discover who Viracocha was and when exactly the events predicted in legends took place. Perhaps, it was at the time of the last global cataclysm, a great flood which demolished the previous human civilization about 12,000 years ago (the book tells a lot about that), or maybe later. Nonetheless, anyone who is interested in primordial knowledge can draw useful parallels and become stronger in faith that the said events are by no means a tale. |
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17 Jul 2017 What did Gods carry in their “handbags”?In earlier publications on our website you could have seen numerous images of mythological divine beings carrying peculiar “handbags” in their hands. Unfortunately, neither legends nor myths contain specific information about them, although we did manage to find some. There were surely relevant explanations in the past, but humanity has lost understanding, so today we are hardly able to answer the following question with confidence: “What do Gods carry in “handbags?” Why were there so many identical or very similar symbolic elements in various historical epochs on different continents? Well, many people might ask whether such riddles should be solved at all when everything rises in price, when climatic conditions deteriorate and the world approaches a brink of the third global war. As for me, I believe they should be. |
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13 Jul 2017 Göbekli Tepe: what the Potbelly Hill keeps mum about. A history and astronomy researchGöbekli Tepe: what the Potbelly Hill keeps mum about (a history and astronomy research) History of discovery Cult site of ancient hunters The oldest temple (of all known) Observatory Pillar 43: a stone chronicle Observations by the Point of View analyst team An opinion on Göbekli Tepe artefacts in the light of the Primordial Knowledge Afterword Major sources “Before referring to materials on Göbekli Tepe, we need to understand we deal here with a rather advanced culture maintained by our ancestors in the 10th millennium BC.” Klaus Schmidt. Sie bauten die ersten Tempel. Das rätselhafte Heiligtum der Steinzeitjäger History of discovery Göbekli Tepe (“Potbelly Hill” in Turkish) is a temple complex located on the Armenian Plateau in upper reaches of Euphrates, 8 kilometres away from present-day Şanlıurfa (the city which in antique times was called by the Greek name Edessa), in the south-eastern part of Turkey. As of today, it is the oldest megalithic structure in the world. |
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06 Jul 2017 Twin myths and Twin symbolismA very interesting point repeatedly found in books by Anastasia Novykh is the mythological image of Divine Twins. Twins are mentioned in the books in connection with myths of the universe creation, and also as bearers of the power of the Grail. For a start, in order to understand this symbolic image and before we refer to relevant quotes from A. Novykh’s books and attempt to draw conclusions on this concept, let us briefly go over twin mythology and see how the said image was presented in various religions… |
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26 Jun 2017 Dolmens. Part 2. How and for which purpose were they built? HypothesesContinued from Part 1 (read here) How dolmens were built As usual, there are numerous hypotheses, beginning with extraterrestrial and up to simple ones. - The most widespread way to build dolmens was probably the following. An artificial mound was made, into which they dug vertical stones (one or several). Then they dragged another stone up the mound slope and placed it on stone pillars, and such stone served as a vertical partition. Thereafter they gradually demolished the mound, and the finished dolmen remained. |
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25 Jun 2017 Lobsang Rampa about the advent of the Spiritual Leader of the worldWe have received extracts from the books by T. Lobsang Rampa, the Buddhist monk and doctor of medicine who became one of the most famous writers in the genre of “20th century esotericism” since the release of his first book The Third Eye in 1956. The extracts relate to the Preamble of our online project dedicated to the advent of the Spiritual Leader of the world. Once a long time ago, when esoteric literature appeared in our country, I read his books, and today I will comment neither the doubtful story of “the Himalayan shaman who worked as a plumber in South West England” nor Rampa’s writings; neither will I give any assessment of him from the Primordial Knowledge perspective. We have the Source freely available, so it is unnecessary to draw parallels or say something at all. At that, I believe we should add a new page to our Prophecies and Predictions section, for after all our project is a research one. |
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22 Jun 2017 The Great DragonPerhaps, there is no corner on the Earth where there are no dragon legends and myths. These mysterious creatures have been capturing people’s minds since ancient times, gradually changing and gaining further new features and forms that contradict each other at first sight, for just as god Shiva a dragon embodies both the power of life and the power of destruction. “A dragon is the spirit of transformation and thus the spirit of life itself.” Like the sphinx, a dragon is a symbol of unity of the four elements. In the Orient, a winding dragon symbolised creative rhythms and cycles of nature, while a pearl in its mouth meant the power of undertaking. |
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12 Jun 2017 Serpent symbolismIn many of our articles, information in one or another way relating to the serpent or dragon symbol arises quite often. Mentions of snakes and serpent / snake images are found everywhere, beginning with mythology, arts and architecture of nearly every nation and up to constellations reproduced in grandiose temple complexes on the Earth. Serpent symbolism was partially covered in the articles Gudea’s Goblet and The serpent biting its own tail as a symbol of the Universe. The subject has proved to be so extensive and interesting that we’ve decided to dedicate several more publications to it. |
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11 Jun 2017 Dolmens. Part 1: general description, classification, history of studiesFor the first time I heard about dolmens four years ago when a friend of mine came back from Anapa, where he had spent vacation at his parents’ house, and brought me a little souvenir – a box made of flat pebbles with a round aperture on one side. After his brief story I got an impression that in the past such structures had been used in a totally different way than people think nowadays (at that time I was not yet familiar with the wonderful books by Anastasia Novykh). Time went by, and my second “meeting” with dolmens took place when I was reading Ezoosmos. Visually I could already imagine how dolmens looked. I wanted to study the issue at length, but thousands of reasons interfered as usual and prevented me from looking into it. Hopefully, now by common efforts we will be able to maintain a more or less appropriate introductory material. |
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09 Jun 2017 In quest of... The 11th century. India, Japan. Part SevenContinuing our search of the radiant traces left on the Earth by our remote ancestors in the 11th century, we have now arrived to India. This land is said to be the cradle of the human race and speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legends, and the great grandmother of traditions. Hindu culture formed of various historical epochs, customs, traditions and ideas, including those of invaders and immigrants. Many local customs, features, languages, monuments, etc. are referred to as examples of such centuries-old cultural blending. |
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08 Jun 2017 Pyramids of the world: Part 2. CrimeaIn 1926, Felix Dzerzhinsky issued an order to carry out the second expedition of such kind, aimed at unravelling the secrets of Crimea. The expedition was entrusted to Alexander Barchenko and the Neuroenergy Laboratory he headed. Some extant data reveal the place of studies to us – it is the South Coast of the Crimean Peninsula, the area of Bakhchysarai, where very old “underground cities” have remained, whereas the expedition goal was to examine remains of ancient civilisations, as well as the knowledge left by those civilisations on control and management of energy and human consciousness. |
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07 Jun 2017 The story and destruction of planet Phaeton“Such possibility certainly exists. Throughout the existence of this civilization the adapted formula of the Initial Sound was given to people six times, and thank God no one globally used it in a negative way as it had happened on Phaeton. Otherwise it would mean overturning of the monad, i.e. total annihilation of humanity, perhaps even together with annihilation of the planet.” “Is that all so serious?” Nikolai Andreevich asked thoughtfully. “More than you think.” “Yet, what happened on Phaeton?” Kostya asked with interest. “A stupid thing…” Sensei replied with bitterness. “If you add forty-three (43) days to this day, exactly five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago destruction of one of the beautiful planets of our galaxy – Phaeton – took place.” For some reason, our Philosopher hastily started to calculate, moreover he did it aloud. “So, today we have the twenty eightieth of June, nineteen ninety one (28.06.1991), plus forty-three (43) days and minus five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago. It will be… It was…” (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV) |
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05 Jun 2017 In quest of... The 11th century. Indoсhina (Khmer Empire, Pagan, China). Part SixLet’s continue our journey to the 11th century. As you remember, in the previous articles, relying on the official history, we found traces of a powerful spiritual and cultural upsurge in the territory of North, Central and South America, then on the islands of Polynesia, Bali and other Indonesian islands. We kindly recommend everyone to familiarize themselves with the earlier articles of the In quest of... |
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03 Jun 2017 What is ALLAT? Part 3: Ezoosmos, The Crossroads. Selected quotes from Anastasia Novykh’s booksWhat is Allat? This material is based on Ezoosmos and The Crossroads by Anastasia Novykh. Ezoosmos “First of all, I would like to know: what is time in reality?” “Time?” Sensei shook his head and said. “You’re initiating a big subject… In principle, you have noted correctly that time is quite a relative concept. Judging about time significantly depends on who, from which reference system and for which purpose is observing this phenomenon. |
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01 Jun 2017 Pyramids of the world: Egypt (continued). Maps composed by Karl LepsiusThis is an addition to the article Pyramids of the world: Part 1. Egypt. The Orion constellation, regarding the “star map”. The extraordinary Wikiwand, full of interesting information, has pleased with the Lepsius list of pyramids. Karl Lepsius was a prominent Prussian archaeologist who visited Egypt in 1842 and composed a list of all the monuments of ancient architecture that he saw on his trip. Below there are maps drawn by Lepsius where relevant Egyptian pyramids are marked, and here is the list itself with information on the pyramids: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Lepsius_list_of_pyramids. |
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01 Jun 2017 Pyramids of the world: Part 1. Egypt. The Orion constellationPart 1: Egyptian pyramids Brief descriptions are mostly taken from http://www.geolines.ru/eng. There is also a remarkable link to the Lepsius list of pyramids (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Lepsius_list_of_pyramids), where a great number of smaller and ruined pyramids are collected. This is, so to say, just in case somebody needs more information. After all, main information sources pay attention to the most significant complexes only. |
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29 May 2017 What is ALLAT? Part 2: Sensei of Shambala – Book IV. Selected quotes from Anastasia Novykh’s booksGreat God conceived to create another world different from His own and manifested His desire. This world appeared from God’s desire. In the beginning it was insignificant and was in chaos. The further intention of God as to ordering of this world was embodied by Allat – the generative power of the feminine principle which came from the world of God. Allat manifests itself as God’s will, God’s force, God’s part, and God’s protection. It was Allat as manifestation of God’s thought that created the visible world from the invisible, transformed chaos into order, generated space, time, motion, creatures, and established harmony in the world according to God’s plan. In such a way this world appeared. This is what is said in the primordial legend of the creation of the world, which came to the Earth from the advanced civilization of planet Phaethon, and previously to Phaethon from Sirius; and to Sirius it had been brought by more advanced civilizations. In its essence, allat means a common unit – a precursor of time. (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV) |
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27 May 2017 Decoding Göbekli Tepe with archaeoastronomy. What does the Fox say?We have interpreted much of the symbolism of Göbekli Tepe in terms of astronomical events. By matching low-relief carvings on some of the pillars at Göbekli Tepe to star asterisms we find compelling evidence that the famous ‘Vulture Stone’ is a date stamp for 10950 BC ± 250 yrs, which corresponds closely to the proposed Younger Dryas event, estimated at 10890 BC. We also find evidence that a key function of Göbekli Tepe was to observe meteor showers and record cometary encounters. Indeed, the people of Göbekli Tepe appear to have had a special interest in the Taurid meteor stream, the same meteor stream that is proposed as responsible for the Younger-Dryas event. Is Göbekli Tepe the ‘smoking gun’ for the Younger-Dryas cometary encounter, and hence for coherent catastrophism? |
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24 May 2017 What is ALLAT? Part 1: Primordial ALLATRA Physics. Selected quotes from Anastasia Novykh’s booksWhat is Allat? Extracts from the Primordial AllatRa Physics report issued in 2015 Page 4 The knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS gives access to an inexhaustible source of energy which is available everywhere including outer space. It is renewable energy, thanks to which elementary particles are created, move and interact. The ability to obtain and transfer it from one state to another gives us a source of alternative energy: new, safe and available to each person. The potential of this never-ending source of energy is enormous; it is much bigger and much more stable and safer than the potential of the Sun or geothermal energy. Moreover, using this source, we no longer need to accumulate excessive energy and transfer it to consumers for subsequent use, because this energy is everywhere; it can become available to every person, under any conditions, here and now: both on Earth and in space. |
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16 May 2017 Pyramids: collecting information, creating a general databaseOur ship keeps moving forward. There is an interesting suggestion to collect information on ancient cult structures, in particular on pyramids located on different continents and islands of the Earth. Perhaps, by means of such a database we or our followers will manage to unravel the riddle of the star map repeatedly mentioned in Sensei of Shambala – Book IV. This is an open door club – everyone who desires is welcome to join. |
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15 May 2017 Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Fatima“Where the Virgin creates in a holy way, there is always the Holy Spirit with Her…” We have written about the apparitions of Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, on this website before (here and here), whereas this article contains a somewhat unusual approach to those events that took place a century ago. I’ve decided to digress from the religious context which has been already elucidated, and to simply look at the Fatima sky. At that, let’s first refer once again to the description of the 100-year-old events. |
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11 May 2017 The Great Pyramids on the Giza Plateau in Egypt. AnalysisElaboration of this material was suspended in January 2017 due to the lack of more solid logical grounds for its completion. Owing to the unexpected idea of establishment of a “working platform”, this article has got a second chance... We hereby continue reviving the topic of ancient Egyptian mythology. Today we will once again try to unravel the mystery of the purpose of some of the oldest extant cult buildings on our planet – the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt. We are surely neither the first ones nor the last ones to search for the truth, and the only difference between us and other seekers is the additional information we have owing to the books by Anastasia Novykh as well as our own analytical materials collected and accurately supplementing the outline of our search. |
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03 May 2017 Stars in the pocket and on the tableVery often we can hear a standard phrase said by different people: “In our age of high technology…” Well, we do live in the age of high technology, and the latter becomes further more advanced. This is how our civilization is developing. We are surrounded with technologies and have plenty of appliances in our houses and apartments, intended to facilitate our existence on this planet and make it more comfortable, although existence remains mere existence, no matter whether you run about with a stick in your hand or a cell phone in your pocket. |
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25 Apr 2017 Imperishable Khambo Lama ItigilovWho is this man? Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov is Pandido Khambo Lama XII, the head of Buddhists of Buryatia. Pandido Khambo Lama is a Buddhist title roughly translated from Sanskrit as “the most learned lama”, where pandid means “learned”. Historical and modern sources as well as archive documents contain various spellings of the surname of Pandido Khambo Lama XII: Etigiley, Etigelov, Itigilov, etc. The Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia has adopted the spelling of his surname in accordance with the lama’s own signature in Russian. |
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21 Apr 2017 The history of Ancient Egypt or a prediction about a present-day country...?Is this bygone history or a prediction that is coming true nowadays? Perhaps, it is even both, since centuries and millennia pass, while people remain the same, and fooling and enslaving methods don’t change either. The Archons continue leaving their bloody traces of ruin and millions of crushed destinies after themselves. At that, only a few can discern and understand what is happening, concluding that nothing in the human history occurs spontaneously and accidentally. |
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18 Apr 2017 Graham Hancock: “We have so much to learn from the ancients.”I would like to start this little article with the words that are understandable and familiar to many people. I believe many readers of our website would say roughly the same. These days I find it difficult to listen to television. I find it difficult to listen to 24-hour rolling misery which is what the rolling news is, to convince us that the world is just filled with hatred and fear and suspicion. What we need to do is to emphasize the human capacity for Love, for courage, for strength, for decency, for goodness. We need to hear about THAT every day because there is many more examples of THAT than there is of the stuff that the media welter in at the moment! (Graham Hancock) |
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11 Apr 2017 People who lived happily. The Incas’ way of livingOccasionally talking to different people, I often hear a deep-rooted opinion that humanity has always lived as we are now living – in incessant conflicts, competition and injustice; that such a way of life is natural, and it has never been otherwise. However, from the AllatRa book we know that destruction of numerous examples of peaceful, prosperous and culturally rich coexistence of various peoples in different times has been methodically carried out by henchmen of the Archons, and the terrible results of this we observe nowadays. |
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11 Apr 2017 Rejoice, highly favoured one, Life is approachingOn the occasion of the Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady... “Life is approaching,” he says to me, and his deep blue eyes are luxuriating in heaven. “Where?” I ask a little confusedly. He, so unusually close, drops his eyelids, and his light eyelashes like ripe ears shield the fathomless heaven that has stood still in his eyes. I understand without any words. It is he who is now living. The boundless blue waters of heaven have spread inside him. |
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09 Apr 2017 Angkor: Land of the Gods. DocumentaryLet me bring to your attention an interesting documentary series Angkor: Land of the Gods, consisting of two parts: Throne of Power and Empire Rising. This is a good addition to our common collection for future discussions. |
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08 Apr 2017 The Annunciation. Archangel Gabriel and Virgin Mary“In the sixth month Archangel was sent to the Pure Virgin, told Her to rejoice and predicted that the Saviour would come from Her. Having accepted blessing, She conceived the Eternal God who had the ineffable kindness to come into a human body in order to save our souls.” |
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07 Apr 2017 My collection of AllatRa signs. Please, send more!Some people collect postage stamps, others collect magnets for their fridges; still others collect beautiful photographs or even BMW cars. You should agree that everybody collects something, and even those who are sure they collect nothing in fact do collect some vivid emotions, acute sensations or reminiscences in the bank of their memory. As for me, as many of you have probably noticed, I collect images with the AllatRa sign. I used to conduct a special blog www.allat-ra.com, although recently I ceased to be active there due to certain reasons relating to responsibility awareness. There is no need to invent anything when the central place in the blog heading is occupied by the ancient circle-and-crescent working sign – the AllatRa sign. |
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04 Apr 2017 An Australian legend about the creation of the world and the Mother GoddessCreation of all things in existence in this world takes place owing to the Feminine Principle. I got convinced of this over again when I accidentally encountered the book Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines by W. Ramsay Smith. To be more precise, an assistant in a book shop offered me this book, assuring me it was indeed an interesting source worth reading. |
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30 Mar 2017 Madonna, the Mother of God. Indian motifsLet me once again revert to the topic of Virgin Mary reverence in various cultures of the world. This time I have prepared an image collection with North American Indian motifs. There is the Holy Mother with a baby and the signs already familiar to many of our readers, which entwine the discovered forms with the single grain of knowledge. At that, Our Lady is beautiful as always!) |
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21 Mar 2017 Dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna: “Verily, all who share this life-giving wisdom...”Sometimes it may be very useful to read comments to articles. Thus, once in the commentary section I came across a chapter of Bhagavad Gita, which once again pointed to the single grain of truth repeatedly given to humanity. |
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20 Mar 2017 The Jug meditation, or How to learn to control one’s thoughtsToday, let me supplement the Practices and meditations section with information on the Jug meditation described in Sensei of Shambala – Book I by Anastasia Novykh. As I understand, the purpose of this meditation is to learn to balance and purify one’s emotional state, as well as to control one’s thoughts. Moreover, it is said that this meditation helps to improve physical health. The technique is very simple and effective – suffice it not to be lazy to practice it. First let’s refer to the primary source, then to images and video... |
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16 Mar 2017 Why is the Earth strung on an axis? Hypothetical considerationsThere are many diverse theories regarding the ways and trajectories along which celestial bodies move in the boundless space. Probably, this is better visible to astronomers and various degree-bearing scholars who scrutinize the stellar sky via telescopes from the tiny planet Earth, by means of launched satellites and through the prism of their consciousness. Hence, we will not argue, but only share some of our hypothetical considerations that emerged recently as to the presence of the Earth’s steady rotation axis and a remote point that the axis objectively rests against. In order not to oversaturate the article with quotes containing scientific terminology that excessively loads consciousness we have decided to use more visual elements. |
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14 Mar 2017 The ruin of the Clovis culture and the riddle of the Younger DryasRecently many editions have published articles with such headings as New Evidence of Disastrous Extinction of Ancient People Found, Ancient Inhabitants of America Were Killed by a Meteorite Shower, A Meteorite is Said to Be a Cause of the Ruin of Ancient Americans, Ancient Inhabitants of the Americas Could Have Been Obliterated by a Meteorite, The First Americans Were Killed by an Asteroid, etc. The primary source is an article published on 9 March 2017 in Scientific Reports: https://www.nature.com/articles/srep44031 |
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07 Mar 2017 The Cucuteni-Trypillian civilization: anthropomorphic plastic art and its sacral meaningThis article contains brief review and analysis of Trypillian anthropomorphic plastic art (hereinafter referred to as TAPA) or, in other words, anthropomorphic items made of burnt clay and associated with Cucuteni-Trypillian archaeological culture. The term anthropomorphic originates from the Greek word anthropomorphos and means “having a human or humanoid image”. The purpose of this work is to familiarize readers with the aforesaid original culture, as well as to thoroughly extend knowledge of such a unique cultural phenomenon as TAPA. For this we shall analyse it not only from the viewpoint of mainstream science, but also from the perspective of sacral knowledge about the human nature as presented in the books by Anastasia Novykh. |
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03 Mar 2017 Symbolic drawings by Anastasia NovykhBlack-and-white drawings by Anastasia Novykh… After the prologues and prefaces to the marvellous books by the Author it would be logical to present on our website her meaningful drawings used in the context of narration. Scrutinizing some of them, I catch myself at thinking that I have no idea of the enigmatic symbolism of these images. My “old friends” Google and Yandex cannot help me with this either, and there are neither explanations nor discussions by the readers of these strange drawings, which sometimes appear quite tough. I guess they can definitely bear some hidden information. Yet, what is this information, and whom is it intended for? |
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28 Feb 2017 St. Cyril’s Church in Kiev. Wall paintingsRecently I visited Kiev and “accidentally” called at St. Cyril’s Church on 12, Oleny Teligi Street. Although I was entering the church with interest, I did not expect to see anything special there. To tell the truth, I had never been particularly interested in the issue, which was not right as I later on understood. I believe, once you familiarize yourselves with this article you will grasp the reason, dear readers. |
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26 Feb 2017 Our Lady under the skies. Figurines in the mountainsProbably, not many people know that Virgin Mary is found even on mountain tops. In the Alps and the Pyrenees, in the Apennines and on Timor Island (Indonesia), in the Rocky Mountains of Montana (the USA) and on South American peaks, there stands Our Lady, loved and revered by billions of people, looking at humanity from the snowy mountain heights and offering all believers protection and blessing. Enormous statues and small figurines were placed there by both construction companies and courageous solitary mountain climbers who believed in Her and loved Her. |
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21 Feb 2017 The Maldives from an archaeological perspectiveI would like to tell you about a wonderful place on our planet – the Maldives, but not in terms of tourist attractions. Let us look at this paradisiacal corner of the world from an archaeological perspective, certainly with due regard for the Primordial Knowledge. Wikipedia note: The Republic of Maldives is located in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean, approximately 700 km to the southwest of Sri Lanka. It’s a chain of 20 atolls consisting of 1,192 coral islands. The country population is 402,071 people, including 338,434 citizens and 63,637 non-citizens (results of the population census of 20 September 2014). The major religion is Islam. |
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19 Feb 2017 Newgrange: the heritage of DruidsEven today the purpose of megaliths – huge cult structures of antiquity, erected in all parts of the globe – remains a riddle for contemporary science. Such grandiose buildings still amaze researchers and ordinary people by the new facts indicating that millennia ago humanity was much more educated than we are in our age of “high” technology. |
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17 Feb 2017 “There might come once more some kind of Renaissance out of the hopelessly condemned and trampled past...” Graham HancockIt would be absolutely unwise to leave out Graham Hancock’s works and not to include in our Prophecies section the truly unique information he has collected over the years of his research activities. In his books the researcher one way or another touches upon the riddles of spiritually advanced ancient cultures and civilizations, as well as the single knowledge of immortality, traces of which have been miraculously preserved in ancient monuments and artefacts that are persistently ignored by mainstream science and conspiratorially suppressed in our age of general degradation and decadence. Let me continue stringing priceless beads on the necklace of our initial preamble and present three final chapters of Graham Hancock’s sensational book Heaven’s Mirror, where the first bold attempt is made to bring together numerous facts relating to the global cosmological cyclicality and to the corresponding pattern of the new great Renaissance to come. |
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13 Feb 2017 Silouan’s Dream. Part IIIThis is a closing part of the little series dedicated to the help rendered by Mary to all of us. As you have probably understood by the article title, we will talk about Reverend Silouan the Athonite. Recently on our website we touched upon the subject of Ezoosmos – the inner impulse. I believe it would be absolutely fair to attribute the concept of Ezoosmos to the personality’s spiritual path as well, that is in this context such impulse would be an event, e.g. a dream, a vision, or a conversation with someone. Owing to such an event, a person comes to understand he or she is not just a piece of matter, a part of this material world, but something greater… Such event serves as a sort of an impetus that forces a person to step on the spiritual path, start improving oneself for the better in every day of one’s life, and gradually move in the right direction where he or she has been “pushed”. |
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10 Feb 2017 “Sometimes, my dear, I reveal myself to people, especially to those who are in trouble.”The article Virgin Mary’s sites in Italy mentions Mary’s apparition that occurred on 26 May 1432 near the town of Caravaggio. That was a true miracle. However, nobody gives information on Mary Magdalene’s apparition in our days, although such event did take place and is recorded in Vladimir Lermontov’s book Delphania. Summary of the book: Bad occurrences were faced by Maria and Constantine, when they went on a tour to the New Athos caves. Their son disappeared without a trace, and they failed to find him. Constantine sent Maria back home to Kazakhstan on a train to get prepared for their second child birth, while he himself stayed to continue searching for the son. He was advised to find a sagacious elder and hermit named Nectarios in the Caucasus, who might tell where his son was. He spent six months looking for the hermit and finally found him. |
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09 Feb 2017 Borobudur. The Buddhist stupaBorobudur is the oldest Buddhist temple in the world and one of the most majestic ones. It is situated on Java Island, Indonesia. The period of construction: 750-850 AD. Its name is translated as “the Buddhist temple on the mountain”. It is the second largest Buddhist temple in the world after Angkor Wat. Constructors erected this monument in the shape of a mandala and an opening Lotus flower on a square base (118 x 118 m) that smoothly turns into a circle. |
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06 Feb 2017 In quest of... The 11th century. Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia). Part FiveIf you remember, in the previous Part Four of the In quest of… series, like pathfinders we were following traces of the unknown glorious seafarers who had fearlessly furrowed the immense Pacific Ocean with a certain clearly defined purpose as I believe. I cannot say with confidence whether it was an accidental concurrence of circumstances or rather a result of an implemented great spiritual plan that remained in traces of ancient cultural monuments on Easter Island and in Polynesia. Somebody may regard it as mere coincidence that the historical period of the 10-11th centuries AD which we consider in this article series was marvellously and simultaneously imprinted in North, Central and South America, as well as on legendary Easter Island and a bunch of other PacificIslands, having given birth to advanced civilizations and cultures. |
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30 Jan 2017 What is ezoosmos? Let’s discussToday I suggest structuring our publication in a way unusual for this online project – as forum communication aimed at looking into the essence of the most fundamental process in the material world, which is called ezoosmos. The thing is that recently I arrived at a number of questions, which I could answer neither on my own nor with the help of mutually interested acquaintances who seemed to be well oriented in the field of spiritual practices. Well, let me put the question straight: |
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29 Jan 2017 The Saviour of Rus. Part IIThe AllatRa book refers to the history of St. Sophia’s Cathedral construction in Kiev in the 11th century. It was built according to a design recommended by Agapit of Pechersk to Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Agapit partly let the prince into the secret of active signs, and Yaroslav successfully implemented the project, owing to which Kievan Rus became the “Home of the Most Holy Mother of God” (read more about the grand construction project in Kiev on pages 509-527 – allatra.us). Below we will talk about the ways Our Lady protects Her “Home”, but first let’s tell more about St. Sophia’s Cathedral. |
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18 Jan 2017 Mary’s Sign. Part IThis is the first part of a little series of articles dedicated to Mary’s help given to all of us. The subject was repeatedly addressed on this website, but it is so extensive that it’s impossible to cover it fully. There are whole books and tens of thousands of records of Her miraculous apparitions and healings via one or another Image / Face, and there are surely miracles She worked which are unrecorded in any written sources. Nobody will ever know for certain how many people She helped, because the help of a personality who follows the spiritual path is not necessarily flaunted, and exactly such help has no limits in time. As a matter of fact, my role in preparation of these articles is quite modest and minor. It boils down to working with various sources which I will refer to as far as possible. There will be very few comments on my side and almost no analysis or comparison, since all those are needless. |
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15 Jan 2017 GUANYIN: the patroness saving people from calamitiesIt turns out that even in socialist China people greatly revere and worship the divine deity – the virgin named Guanyin (or Guan Yin). Besides the Celestial Empire, this goddess is known in Vietnamese, Korean, Malaysian and Japanese mythology as a patroness and protectress of people from various calamities, giver of children and childbirth helper. Despite the fact that her holy image originates from Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara of the Buddhist tradition, Guanyin is revered by representatives of nearly all religious denominations in China. For a long time it seemed to me the Chinese political policy did not favour the freedom of religion, but I was greatly mistaken. Look what statutes the Chinese have erected in honour of their heavenly patroness Guanyin. |
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02 Jan 2017 Ancient Egypt and the AllatRa sign – a circle and a crescent. Image collection and analysisIn the year 2016, plenty of publications dedicated to Ancient Egypt appeared on our website, probably not by mere chance, if we take into account the earlier mentioned enigmatic prediction regarding the head of Osiris – a special relief outline in Kiev City geography. Today I would like to extend the subject and try to draw a parallel between Ancient Egypt and modern Kiev or, to be more precise, between the remote age of the Pyramids construction and our days when Rigden Djappo brought the Primordial Knowledge. As many of you have guessed, we will discuss the AllatRa sign that we wrote about earlier in the analytical research article The AllatRa sign. A circle and a crescent. Let me refer to the prehistory: the AllatRa book contains several pictures suggesting that the circle-and-crescent sign was revered in Ancient Egypt in the times of several pharaoh dynasties in various millennia. |
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31 Dec 2016 The Pyramid Code: Episode 5 – A New ChronologyThe Pyramid Code: Episode 5 – A New Chronology Have we got the timeline right? Human remains of about 2.5 million years old. The 26,000-year cycle. The conference on precession and ancient knowledge. Why do we consider civilization to be only about 6,000 years old? Arguments about the Great Pyramid age. How do we approach the age of archaeological finds? (methods) Precession. Precessional astronomy. The science of cycles in various cultures on different continents, and the myth of progress. Maya. The Maya calendar. The 260-day cycle. Ways of dividing time. 2012 as a turning point. 21 December 2012. The Sun lined up with the centre of our Milky Way galaxy. |
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30 Dec 2016 The Pyramid Code: Episode 4 – The Empowered HumanThe Pyramid Code: Episode 4 – The Empowered Human Ascending and descending ages. Matriarchy and patriarchy. Artefacts that show the high status of women in Ancient Egypt. Evidence of the equality of sexes. Mother Goddess in religious symbols of Ancient Egypt. Cerebral hemispheres, the masculine and the feminine. Two left hands in ancient Egyptian art. Balance between the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine. The winged disc over the entrance to Egyptian temples. Chakras and glands. The sanctity of child-bearing. Sacred geometry of the Luxor Temple. The pineal gland and its reflection in the temple design. Lotus and papyrus. Depiction of half-animals and half-humans in ancient Egyptian art. Amazonian shamans and Ayawaska. The blue lotus and mandrake tincture. The scarab and the brain. Ancient knowledge of the subconscious mind. 360 senses. |
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29 Dec 2016 The Pyramid Code: Episode 3 – Sacred CosmologyThe Pyramid Code: Episode 3 – Sacred Cosmology Why were the ancients so interested in the motion of the stars? Sacred science of ancient Egyptians. Death is westing (“going towards the west”). Faith in the afterlife and the Soul’s immortality. Nile overflows and star cycles. The annual cycle of Sirius and Orion. The Pyramid Texts as the oldest known religious texts in the world. Hieroglyphics in Ancient Egypt. Jean-François Champollion and Thomas Young. The Rosetta Stone. Laird Scranton’s hypothesis on reading of hieroglyphs. An ancient observatory in Nabta Playa. |
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28 Dec 2016 The Pyramid Code: Episode 2 – High Level TechnologyThe Pyramid Code: Episode 2 – High Level Technology Proofs of the existence of high technology in ancient times. Megalithic structures from the electromagnetic point of view. “The physics that we were taught at school is not everything!” Why is access to and legitimate scientific research of ancient monuments being systematically restricted? Everybody who participated in construction of the pyramids was working willingly. Strange images in the Temple of Seti I. The Baghdad Battery. Strange objects that resemble light bulbs. Subtle energy and megalithic structures. Energy lines of the Earth. The ley lines. |
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28 Dec 2016 The story of one discovery. “The kind friend of poor people”. Ancient Egypt of the late 3rd through 7th DynastiesAll Imhotep’s merits mentioned above were only a visible part of the great work he managed to do during his life. But there was also more valuable and significant invisible work thoroughly hidden from strangers. His high position gave Imhotep a real opportunity to contribute to implementation of the global architectural project narrated to him by the Sokrovennik, which project could bring an invaluable assistance to humankind of the remote future. (SENSEI of Shambala – Book IV) |
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27 Dec 2016 The Pyramid Code: Episode 1 – The Band of PeaceOriginal title: The Pyramid Code Released: 2009 Genre: popular science, documentary, education Director: Carmen Boulter The documentary involves researchers whom our readers already know by my earlier articles: Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Robert Schoch, John Anthony West, as well as other researchers of Ancient Egypt from various fields of science. |
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27 Dec 2016 Japanese Madonna. Virgin Mary of the Land of the Rising SunIt turns out Virgin Mary is revered in Japan. You didn’t know, did you? Me neither, until I accidentally saw her image on the web. I set myself the task, found more images, and then decided to publish my image collection on the website. She is very sweet, isn’t she? In Japanese images of Our Lady there are no features of sorrow, pain or bitterness as in the images usual for Catholic and Orthodox traditions. Only gentleness, touching tenderness and boundless love radiate from these simple Oriental scenes. |
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25 Dec 2016 Black Madonna. Part 1Having equipped ourselves with a camera, my friends and I went to explore local cultural heritage sites. Luckily, Barcelona as one of the centres of Templar activities in the Middle Ages is full of architectural riches, so we had an opportunity with our own eyes to see signs and symbols that we had previously seen mostly in books. However, what we saw there surpassed all our expectations. Local signs and symbols carefully and accurately placed by Knowledgeable people centuries ago still wait for an attentive eye to notice them. Like guiding stars, they are ready to show the road to those who can orient themselves by them. The AllatRa book became an indispensable compass for us in such doing. |
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22 Dec 2016 Among the finds in caves difficult of access... Easter Island againOnce again we refer to Easter Island, the navel of the earth. Perhaps, the subject is not particularly interesting for many readers, but as an ordinary researcher I cannot omit another little “puzzle piece” to be added to our picture and refrain from mentioning it on our website. After the series of articles dedicated to this marvellous corner of the world situated in the middle of the boundless Pacific Ocean (Which secrets are hidden on Easter Island?, In quest of… The 11th century. Easter Island and Polynesia, Voice in one’s head and Easter Island) I suddenly wondered: should we assume the island was indeed attended by the great civilizer and Kind Friend of people, is it really possible that no traces of one of the main signs from the Primordial Knowledge has been preserved there? Here is what I discovered while rereading the book Aku-Aku: The Secret of Easter Island by Thor Heyerdahl. |
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19 Dec 2016 How Christians may be helped to realize the need to save their Soul already in this lifeAfter reading the books by Anastasia Novykh, for two years I have been working on self-improvement. My progress is rather slow, but it is strongly felt. At that, you know, in the past I read many books on positive thinking and spiritual development, and thereafter I felt a desire to improve myself, too. However, my zeal lasted for just a couple weeks. Now I may conclude that only А. Novykh’s books have given me essential awareness that this life for us, humans, is the only chance to save ourselves, and another awareness I’ve got is that absolutely everyone can save oneself. I believe for the further spiritual development many Christians lack only this simple understanding. |
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18 Dec 2016 The serpent biting its own tail as a symbol of the Universe. An image collectionIn search of information to confirm what is written in the books by Anastasia Novykh, in particular the AllatRa book, I spent some time on the symbol of the Universe – the serpent biting or eating its own tail. The relevant part of the book is certainly rather difficult to understand without appropriate spiritual development and one’s personal experience, for it tells (no less than) about the structure of the Universe and the system of 72 dimensions that form it. Residing in the third dimension, it is surely quite hard to perform analysis on the subject, so let us start with a little point – the symbol itself. Below I will present a quote and a number of images, which all indicate that the symbol of the serpent eating its tail is rather well-known. |
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11 Dec 2016 The Etruscan wanderers in Eternity, or the miracle of lifeLet me start the article with a remarkable documentary about the wonderful people, undeservedly struck out of history, slandered and calumniated. They left, but promised to return. When? Perhaps, in the much-talked-of Golden Millennium? ... |
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10 Dec 2016 I give you just one commandment: LOVE!Without beating about the bush let me say that, in addition to the unique books by Anastasia Novykh, this is the text to which I have repeatedly recurred lately. The philosophical work entitled The Lost Pages of the Gospel, compiled by Denis Sokolov based on the analysis of sacred texts that make up the Holy Bible and of extant sacred legends, contains major ideas and statements by Jesus Christ. While reading this book, you as if travel through millennia and find yourself sitting in a serene warm evening, near the bonfire under the boundless starry sky, right next to Him – near and dear Jesus – and listen to His words with your soul widely open… |
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07 Dec 2016 Kiev is a point from where a new age will unfold (from The Third Opening of Power by A. Sidersky)Here we continue our prophecy search that is very important both for the sake of compliance with our initial goal stated in the Preamble and due to awareness that many people come to the Primordial Knowledge “through consciousness”. In this context, let me draw your attention to the book entitled The Third Opening of Power by the Ukrainian author Andrew Sidersky. The book is very popular among those who actively practise yoga and has undergone as many as nine editions. We won’t dwell neither on philosophy and world views expressed by the main characters in their dialogues, nor on peculiarities of training and psycho-energy techniques discussed. Though the author positions his book as fiction, anyone who has certain knowledge in this field can still figure out not all the information there is fictional, but rather represents “interpretations” of what the author heard, pondered over, experienced, and realized himself (by the way, this is indicated in one of prefaces). |
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30 Nov 2016 Prologues in Anastasia Novykh’s booksThose who read the first four books by Anastasia Novykh (Sensei of Shambala series) certainly wondered Who is talking to Whom in a mysterious dialogue described in the Prologues (introductory part) of these works of literature. |
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27 Nov 2016 The World Mountain – Mount Meru in myths and legends of peoples of the worldThe cosmic or World Mountain as axis mundi is mentioned in world mythology just as frequently as the World Tree. As a rule, these two images peacefully coexist, not excluding, but rather being superimposed on each other. The World Tree stretching to the heaven is often placed on top of a giant mountain in the middle of the universe. Both concepts serve as embodiments of the sacred axis in the world structure. |
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26 Nov 2016 Virgin Mary’s sites in Italy. Santuario di Santa Maria del Fonte presso CaravaggioNot many people know Virgin Mary has a number of sites in Italy – the very country where everything started and everything will end. It started from Peter and will end with Peter as well. As a matter of fact, the entire history of Catholicism has represented a struggle against the pure and Holy Personality, the mistress, Beloved Disciple and Apostle of Jesus – Mary Magdalene. It’s been a fight for power based on envy and hatred, for She always came to ordinary people, not to religious ministers. Places of power chosen and attended by Mary are all around Italy. Since local inhabitants lack genuine knowledge, they believe it was Jesus’ mother who came. However, such misunderstanding does not prevent them from receiving help for already several centuries. Nowadays people here have nobody but Mary to rely and set hopes on, because Catholicism as religion can give nothing to a human being. |
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23 Nov 2016 The World Tree in legends and myths of peoples of the worldLike the wind plays with leafage, feelings flow from leaf to leaf, from branch to branch – burning like fire, shining and sounding as an inexpressible heartfelt song, the Song of God! Plunging deeper and deeper into the boundless well of feelings! Guards of the Animal Nature are on the alert, endeavouring to steal HUMAN attention, but if you are consistent and have made your choice, you will certainly be rewarded with DIVINE HAPPINESS signifying LIFE. |
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21 Nov 2016 Girih: the book of signsIn different times, same ornament elements were perceived and used in different ways, depending on people’s beliefs and views of the surrounding reality. Ornaments were attached a special interpretation, visual solution and style to. For instance, in ancient heathen beliefs a rose (rosette) was the flower of goddess Venus – the symbol of love and beauty; in the Middle Ages it symbolized the flower of the Mother of God, and in Islam it is the symbol of heavenly life and cosmic power: “rose blazes as the gift of the sun, while its petals are small moons”. Ancient decorative elements have been preserved in traditional arts of the peoples of Africa, Australia and Oceania, in ornaments of South American Indians. Their ornaments and decorative motifs include both real and geometric, conventionally stylized shapes. |
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21 Nov 2016 “The Sun will rise from the west”: an Islamic prophecyProbably, many people heard that in Islamic predictions of the approach of the Doomsday, Judgement Day or End Times (read more on our website) there is a strange phrase: “When the Sun will rise from the west.” How should this be understood? Is such a disaster on Earth really possible when the east and the west will interchange? Or is something else meant? In the closing part of one of our earlier articles Keeper of Genesis, Part III. The First Time. The Last Time we encounter an unexpected interpretation of this incomprehensible phenomenon. |
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20 Nov 2016 Keeper of Genesis. Part III. The First Time. The Last Time‘Underlying all Egyptian speculation’, as R. T. Rundle Clark has observed, ‘is the belief that time is composed of recurrent cycles which are divinely appointed ...’ There is furthermore a governing moment amongst all these cycles and epochs – the ‘genesis event’ that the Egyptians called Zep Tepi, the ‘First Time’. (Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval. THE MESSAGE OF THE SPHINX, or KEEPER OF GENESIS) ‘Many believe the Pyramid Age is the time when Giza pyramids were created, the time of a single special dynasty or group of pharaohs. However, the plan was much more grandiose and was not limited to the Fourth Dynasty’s creations. There are plenty of evidence leading to conclusion that there was a single great plan ‘to freeze the time’ in stone or in other words to make stones ‘tell’ about the ‘First Time’.’ (Robert Bauval. The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids) |
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18 Nov 2016 Our Lady’s spiritual help through the centuries... Santa Maria аlla FontanaItaly is a Roman Catholic country. In every city and even in every smallest town there are well-groomed Catholic churches. Many Italians regularly attend Sunday masses, accustoming younger generations to such tradition as well. In schools and kindergartens kids have weekly classes on religion. The church closely interacts with parishioners and their families. Joint family dinners are arranged, where people meet and communicate in an amicable environment. Virgin Mary is particularly worshipped in this land. Chapels with Her statues are placed in many ordinary yards of dwelling houses, kindergartens and schools, as well as at street crossings. Inside nearly every house there is Her image or figurine. |
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17 Nov 2016 A message from the past. The man who has deciphered hieroglyphsWhile re-reading the article Keeper of Genesis. Part II. EdfuBuilding Texts. The wisdom god Thoth, I was carried away by the photographs of majestic Egyptian temples and once again noticed the abundance of hieroglyphs covering the temple walls. A question came to my mind, which had arisen several times before, though I had never got to profound clarification of the issue. What do those beautiful signs mean, and have scientists managed to decipher and understand what the wise ancient people endeavoured to communicate to their descendants? Then, owing to a hint given in the commentary section, I learned about a wonderful man whom we should thank for letting us know so much about the Egyptian mythology and rituals, as well as about Ancient Egypt in general. That man was Jean-François Champollion, a French scholar, philologist and orientalist, and a founding figure in the field of Egyptology. In this article we will exactly talk about this remarkable person, about his life devoted to the quest of Truth and his selfless labour for the benefit of humanity, which could be a good example for all of us. |
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29 Oct 2016 Sedona, Arizona, USA. Signs all over the worldOur consciousness is arranged very interestingly. Say, you read a piece of information, see presented evidence with your own eyes, and believe in everything you read, not having even a slightest doubt. Yet, who believes? Obviously, not consciousness. At the beginning of this year, I happened to stay a couple months in the US state of Arizona. Those who know at least a little bit of geography are aware of the fact that this state is famous for the Grand Canyon National Park, which is considered to be one of the natural wonders of the world. Moreover, in the state there is the largest reservation of Navajo and other Indian tribes. Halfway to the Grand Canyon there is a town of Sedona that looks like a mini Grand Canyon and is, so to say, a preparation for a traveller to see the entire might, grandeur and incredible beauty of the canyon itself. |
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28 Oct 2016 Signs all over the world. Museums of Siberia and the Far EastRecently my friends and I, inspired by the knowledge given in the AllatRa book, decided to go on a museum tour across our region in order to receive evidence that the signs and symbols indicated in ALLATRA and other books by Anastasia Novykh are indeed present all over the world. |
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27 Oct 2016 The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part III: Comparative analysis and conclusionsWe are going on with publication of the Permian Animal Style artefacts, having sorted them by categories we are interested in and having added corresponding explanations to shed light upon the mystery of strange motifs in shaman images, Chud amulets and bronze cult casts. Let me remind of the links to the previous articles of the series: Part I: The lateral animal Aspects in a human being Part II: Victory over the animal nature (trampling on the beast)... In the final material dedicated to the Permian Animal Style I will first spilt the image collection into three sections: Three-Faced Beings, Birdman, and Hands on the Belly, then I’ll add several images of “sacred bugs”, and in the end there will be a brief comparative analysis based on photos of artefacts from other ancient cultures, published on our website earlier. |
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25 Oct 2016 Icons of the Most Holy Mother of God, on which a circle and a crescent are present (the AllatRa sign)Many of you certainly attend churches, temples or houses of prayer, and believe in Single God. For sure, many of you respectfully treat the great woman depicted on numerous icons and images, revered in various religions and denominations, and named Mary. Unfortunately, today we know almost nothing about who this woman was and what was her destiny; and hardly many people have an idea of the true essence and meaning of her superior spiritual feat. We have already dedicated a number of articles and analytical publications to her in the Holy Mother of God (Virgin Mary) section, and today we would like to post a new series of photos clearly showing that in Christian images and icons of Virgin Mary the sign consisting of a circle and a crescent is widely present – the sign that is already familiar to many readers as the AllatRa sign (more details about it may be found in our relevant analytical material). |
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23 Oct 2016 Shambala callsThe article is composed of Nicholas Roerich’s quotes, and the article compilers added no word of their own, so everything stated below may be put in quotation marks. Only illustrations are inserted for more vivid perception. “Verily, the old prophecies are being fulfilled. The time of Shambhala has come. For centuries and centuries, it has been predicted that before the time of Shambhala, many wonderful events would occur, many terrible wars would take place, and Panchen Rinpoche would leave his abode in Tashi-Lhunpo in Tibet. Verily, the time of Shambhala has come. The Great War has devastated countries, many thrones have perished, earthquakes have destroyed the old temples of Japan and now our revered Ruler has left his country. |
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21 Oct 2016 The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part II: Victory over the animal natureContinuing the first article entitled The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part I: The lateral animal Aspects, and considering archaeological exhibits kept in private collections and history museums and dating back to the ancient mysterious Perm culture, I would like to draw readers’ attention to the motif that we are already familiar with, i.e. the “standing on the beast” or “trampling on the beast” motif, which according to the Primordial Knowledge is interpreted as a person’s victory over his or her animal nature. This is new incontrovertible evidence that spiritually advanced people once lived in that region. Official history is unwilling to tell, or rather passes over in silence, when those people lived and what became of them. |
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19 Oct 2016 The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part I: The lateral animal Aspects in a human beingThe Permian Animal Style includes shaman images, Chud amulets and cult casts – bronze artworks of the 7th century BC – 12th century AD, discovered in the forest and tundra area of Northeast Europe and West Siberia, from the Kama-Vyatka river basin to the Yenisei-Ob watershed. The found animal-style items created by the ancients are now kept in numerous private collections, antique shops, art galleries, and state history museums including the HermitageMuseum in St. Petersburg. |