The story and destruction of planet Phaeton

  “100,000,000,000 planets inhabited by humanoids who want to live happily just like YOU do.”




“Such possibility certainly exists. Throughout the existence of this civilization the adapted formula of the Initial Sound was given to people six times, and thank God no one globally used it in a negative way as it had happened on Phaeton. Otherwise it would mean overturning of the monad, i.e. total annihilation of humanity, perhaps even together with annihilation of the planet.”

“Is that all so serious?” Nikolai Andreevich asked thoughtfully.

“More than you think.”

“Yet, what happened on Phaeton?” Kostya asked with interest.

“A stupid thing…” Sensei replied with bitterness. “If you add forty-three (43) days to this day, exactly five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago destruction of one of the beautiful planets of our galaxy – Phaeton – took place.”

For some reason, our Philosopher hastily started to calculate, moreover he did it aloud.

“So, today we have the twenty eightieth of June, nineteen ninety one (28.06.1991), plus forty-three (43) days and minus five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago. It will be… It was…” (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV)

Астероидный пояс Койпера

Well, we have given ourselves the trouble to calculate which day on the Earth corresponded to the aforesaid event. Using an online calculator for dates (, we have got the following values:

28.06.1991 (28 June 1991) + 43 days = 10.08.1991 (10 August 1991)
10.08.1991 was on the 32nd week of the year, and it was the 222nd day of the year.
If we subtract precisely 5105 years from that date, we get the following:

10.08.1991 – 5105 years = 10.08.3114 (10 August 3114 BC)

It is quite interesting that the 10th of August happens to be on the 32nd week of an earthly year, while there are whole 52 weeks in a year. Thus, if we estimate the ratio of these two values, we get the following:

32 / 52 = 0.615, with a declination from the golden ratio (0.618) of 0.42%


Maya calendar (link):

It is known that the current Long Count cycle, or the Age of the Fifth Sun, started on, 4 Ahaw, 8 Kumk’u. That happened on 11 August 3114 BCE at the correlation of 584283, or 13 August 3114 BCE at the correlation of 584285. Hence, the current cycle has ended in December 2012, namely on 20 December 2012 (correlation 584283) or 22 December 2012 (correlation 584285).

 календарь майя

Continued from Sensei of Shambala – Book IV:

“It happened long ago!” the guy said in a tone which didn’t allow any objections. He obviously said it so that Kostya would stop to philosophize and didn’t prevent him from listening.

In response Sensei said, “Why long ago? It was almost recently. Five thousand years is absolutely not a long time in terms of the Universe.”

“Does this mean Phaeton really existed?” Nikolai Andreevich asked distrustfully.

“Yes. It was the fifth planet of our Solar System. Its orbit was located between Mars and Jupiter. Phaeton was quite a big planet: its mass exceeded the mass of Earth almost seventeen (17) times. It was a beautiful planet with an atmosphere similar to that of Earth. There were nice oceans and lovely lands on it. One year on Phaeton lasted for two hundred sixty (260) Phaetonean days…” (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV)


(Let’s note this number for we will revert to it later on.)

“… If we convert it into earthly time, one year on Phaeton was equal to one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight earthly days (1898).”

“So, this means one year on Phaeton was equal approximately to our five years,” Nikolai Andreevich specified.

“5.2 to be more precise. One day on Phaeton made up 175.2 earthy hours. On that planet one day was divided into twenty equal parts (20: let’s note this number, too, since we will revert to it as well), i.e. twenty hours; in earthly terms their one hour made up 8.76 earthly hours or 525.6 earthly minutes. In principle, Phaeton as a planet had a huge energy reserve and could have existed for a much longer time… but for human stupidity.”

“Were there people on Phaeton?” Victor asked with surprise. “I mean, earthlings?”

“We are not the only species who belong to humanoids. Phaeton was also inhabited by humanoids and even earlier than Earth.”

“What does this mean – humanoids?” Slava asked. “Does it mean creatures resembling a human being?”

“Yes. More simply, these are sentient creatures of a human-like form, created from a mixture of spiritual nature and animal or material nature. Humanoids may defer from each other by their matter, that is body, but they all live according to the same laws of synthesis of the spiritual and the material.”

“Hence, besides the body they also have the soul,” Stas specified.

“Certainly. Despite such a unique combination that presupposes considerable opportunities for development and self-improvement, humanoids are the highest form of life only in their sphere. However, on the universal scale humanoids are one of the lowest forms of sentient life. While we regard univellular protozoa such as amoebas, parasitical lamblias or free living radiolarias, sunfish, etc. as the lowest creatures, on the universal scale for those whom we call the Supreme Mind humanoids are almost the same as amoebas for us, that is only the beginning of rational evolution. At that, as distinct from other lowest forms of sentient life, we have agreat potential for spiritual growth.”

“Are there higher forms of life?” Andrew wondered, obviously trying to get more information on the issue from Sensei.

“Of course, there are higher forms of life, but they have nothing to do with our today’s topic. Let’s put it as follows: there is a great diversity of life in the Universe. As for the humanoid form of life, it’s a quite young one. In earthly terms it has existed in the Universe only for some four hundred million (400,000,000) years. It’s not that much in cosmic terms.

Generally speaking, in our galaxy the humanoid form of life appeared sixty-four million one hundred fourteen thousand six hundred and ninety four years ago (64,114,694). As of today, there are more than one hundred forty billion (140,000,000,000) active galaxies and less than one hundred billion (100,000,000,000) planets inhabited by humanoids. In our Solar System, humanoid life appeared one million two hundred fifty-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight years ago (1,252,758 if we calculate from the year 1991)…” (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV)

 солнечная система

From the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS report (page 79):

There are a lot of artefacts evidencing that in ancient times before our current civilization there were more technologically advanced human civilizations, and every year this collection of facts which are “unfavourable” for the system is being supplemented with new discoveries and findings from different corners of the world. For example, today we have irrefutable tangible evidence that 140 million years ago there was a highly advanced civilization which surpassed the present-day civilization in technological development many times. But will such facts change the fate of today’s system of consumer society? No, because everything will end up with a trite consumer curiosity of the “lower” classes and a desire of the “upper” classes to create a new type of instruments of power for intimidation and manipulation of the “lower” classes. At that, it should be noted that people will not become free of their own sufferings created and multiplied by the system. However, everything will change if people start to wake up spiritually and change themselves and the world around towards spiritual and moral development of the society via their everyday deeds. We do have all the knowledge and opportunities for that!


Continued from Sensei of Shambala – Book IV:

“… And the first planet in our Solar System which was populated by humanoids was Phaeton, whereas Earth got populated much later.”

“Here you are, one hundred billion planets inhabited by people!” Victor uttered with admiration. “And we keep thinking our Universe is uninhabited. We still argue whether there is life in the Universe or we are the only ‘child prodigies’. After so many years of suggested loneliness it’s a bit difficult to believe that we turn out to be not the only ones.”


“Our current civilization has existed for about twelve thousand (12,000) years. At that, today it knows nearly nothing about the first millennia of its existence. Precious knowledge has been lost because of human greed and stupidity, megalomania and, as a consequence, permanent wars for the main idea of the animal nature to be the sole ruler of the whole world. Do you think this humankind will exist at all in twenty five thousand years (*It is noteworthy that 25,920 years is the precession cycle. More information is available on, if its majority consists of people with animal nature ambitions?

Furthermore, humanoids belong to temporary types of civilizations that are lost quite soon, since from the very beginning human beings are inclined to self-destruction because of the animal nature. On the scale of a humanoid civilization such stimulus of the animal nature shows itself as self-annihilation and mutual liquidation. Miserable remnants of people start a new civilization from the beginning, and history repeats itself. At that, even if owing to scientific and technical progress people are able to face extraterrestrial civilizations, what in your opinion will they try to do first of all with such domination of the animal nature in the society? Certainly, they will try to conquer, to enslave (but not to co-exist peacefully), to dominate in order to create a new colony of slaves. Given that people are unable to get along with each other on Earth and keep destroying the planet, they can’t be regarded as welcome guests on other planets, because the predominant principle of this humankind with all its current achievements in both culture and science is to destroy and not to create, or to be more precise, to create for their own egoism.

Thirdly, even now, looking at stars, we see only a picture of the past that took place millions of years ago. Over this time, even if there was life on those planets and in those systems, it has changed many times. As for the highest evolution, only few humanoid races really achieve it. For higher sentient forms of life, who can read our primitive radio signal without any difficulty, to interfere into life of humanoids, moreover to get into contact with them, is the same thing as to interfere into the life of amoebas. But, unlike humans, amoebas simply exist, supplementing the diversity of nature, and they certainly neither possess megalomania, nor do so many stupid things, nor harm the environment as people do.”

“In such case, what is the sense of their living?” Kostya uttered slowly with a thoughtful air.

Sensei asked with humour, “Of amoebas?”

Kostya roused himself, went out of his thoughtfulness and hastily uttered, “No, theirs… I mean ours…”

Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich exchanged looks and tried to hide their smiles regarding the guy’s question. But then Sensei replied quite seriously, “The whole sense of human life is to abandon the sphere of Lucifer, I mean to abandon the circle of reincarnation, leave for the paradise, get to Nirvana, call it as you wish. At that, the sense of human community in general is to create such a society which instead of wishes of destruction and annihilation would try to attain such spiritual purity that the spiritual would prevail in it, so that the whole society would break away from the sphere of Lucifer. This surely happens very seldom in the history of human civilizations. Why? Because, as a rule, every human being in the society is at one’s own stage of evolution. It’s like in space. The whole Universe is divided into certain cells or spheres, each of which has its own individual evolution…”

 звездная галактика

From Ezoosmos by A. Novykh:

It is the world of matter, and its laws apply to both microcosm and macrocosm. Matter is characterized by a certain reasonable organization, by certain laws of survival and limited time of existence. Matter begins and ends. Hence, no wonder that stars and humans are so similar.


From the program A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important:

02:04:35 “If we go deeper and expand it all, well, at least, I don’t know, a few billion times, OK? We’ll make everything bigger. Then we will see… Well, a few billion times, we won’t see particles. We’ll see molecules, right? We’ll see great distances, molecules facing each other. That is, we’ll see space. Man will look like space, in the fractal way, won’t he? If we go further deeper, what will we see? We’ll see that in each molecule, like in a galaxy, same things take place.”


Continued from Sensei of Shambala – Book IV:

“… The whole Universe is divided into certain cells or spheres, each of which has its own individual evolution. Every humanoid race develops in its cell at its level, i.e. it is positioned on its wave.”

“I wonder whether there are human civilizations that have managed to break out from the sphere of Lucifer,” Victor inquired with doubts.

“There have been very few of those. If we express this figure in percentage equivalent, it will not be even one percent, but one hundredth of it. It is difficult for a whole civilization to break out, although it’s quite realistic. As a rule, everybody stumbles over same ‘Ariman’s hillocks’, especially at early stages of evolution. Everything turns out so foolish that it is ridiculous. Let’s take, for instance, our civilization. As soon as people have begun to deal with science and understand something, this knowledge gets usurped by the Archons – a small group of people who impose on society the way of life according to the animal nature canons. As a result, normal pure spiritual development can take place only in secret from the society as a whole. Figuratively speaking, one has to establish temples inside temples. Even if a certain circle of people with pure thoughts and spiritual aspirations join their efforts, they have to hide themselves from other people, otherwise the circle would be ruined by Ariman’s system through stimulation in the society of elementary human envy, stupidity and hatred towards these people that are not like everyone. This is the entire complexity and paradox.”

“It is indeed a paradox,” Nikolai Andreevich agreed thoughtfully.

It came to a short pause in the conversation.

“So, Phaeton was the first inhabited planet in the Solar System,” Stas reminded, obviously wanting to hear about it in more detail.

“Yes. The last civilization on Phaeton existed for eleven thousand five hundred (11,500) years according to Phaetonean time, or fifty-nine thousand eight hundred (59,800) years according to earthly time, before the planet was destroyed. It was quite an advanced civilization that was much ahead of us by its level of development. People from Phaeton visited Earth many times, had contacts with earthlings and shared their Knowledge with them, including the Knowledge about ALLAT, which is fundamentally important for understanding of formation and structure of the Universe. Moreover, earthlings witnessed the annihilation of Phaeton. On that day seven billion Phaetoneans perished on Phaeton. There was no explosion as such. The sphere simply fell apart.”

“What do you mean ‘fell apart?” Nikolai Andreevich looked askance at Sensei with distrust.

“The matter of Phaeton collapsed without emission of energy.”

“I don’t understand,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered with interest. “Without emission of energy?”

“This phenomenon is not studied by modern physics and astronomers yet, although sometimes, while exploring space, they face such phenomena, so far inexplicable for them, when visible matter turns into dark matter without energy emission. All this is quite natural though. As a matter of fact, what do people know about physics today?” Sensei took a handful of sand and showed it to us on the open palm. “Here is what people know about physics! And this,” he pointed to the sandy coast receding under the sea line, “is what people still don’t know about it. Moreover, what is hidden under water is much greater than what they don’t know today, and it is beyond the boundary of understanding of the material world, beyond that what a human being can grasp with his or her mind limited by matter.”

Sensei became silent, automatically pouring sand from one hand to another, while Nikolai Andreevich summarized his words again, “So, on Phaeton the visible matter turned into the dark invisible matter without an explosion.”

“Right. 92% of the entire mass of Phaeton actually turned into dark matter without energy emission, i.e. there happened a sort of conversion of one energy into another, a peculiar process of neutralization. At that, 8% of the mass simply broke off and now makes up the so-called Asteroid Belt located between Mars and Jupiter. However, those are not actually asteroids, i.e. separate ‘little planets’, because they all possess enormous residual energy and similar characteristics that point at similarity of their origin, etc. Their energy mass is greater than the physical mass, that’s why those remnants neither scattered nor were drawn by powerful Jupiter. They move along the same orbit as Phaeton used to move with its strong field of gravity… Since there was an insignificant break-off of the planet mass, an outburst of photons took place and generated a bright flash (more information about photons may be found in the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS report, page 82). Those events remained in people’s memory and were recorded also in legends about Phaeton.”

“Oh, are there even legends about Phaeton?” Kostya got surprised.

“Ancient Greeks had a myth, inherited from their forefathers, about the son of the Sun god Helios, whose name was Phaeton. According to the myth, Phaeton wasn’t immortal unlike his father since he was born by the mortal Oceanid Clymene, the daughter of sea goddess Tethys. As legend says, once Phaeton asked his father to let him at least once to drive the golden chariot that Helios used for his daily journeys along the heavenly road, and Helios fulfilled the request of his son (the latter was entrusted with the Initial Sound formula). However, Phaeton lost his way amidst celestial constellations; the fiery horses felt the charioteer’s weak hand and rushed away from the road. The fiery chariot neared dangerously to Earth, and its flame covered Earth. Forests were burning, rocks cracked from heat, water boiled in seas and rivers. Animals, birds and fishes died. People and whole cities perished. Hence, the goddess of Earth Gaia begged Zeus the Thunderer, the ruler of gods, for protection, and Zeus stroke Helios’ chariot with lightning in order to save Earth from destruction. With his curls inflamed, Phaeton flashed along the sky and fell down on the edge of the populated universe into the waters of distant northern river Eridanus. That’s the story.”

“Well,” Volodya uttered. “How many times did the mass of Phaeton exceed the Earth’ mass? Seventeen times?! Then, of course, if Phaeton exploded it would be such a powerful explosion that the neighbouring planets Mars and Jupiter would have been seriously affected, and Earth as well.”

“Exactly,” Sensei nodded. “Yet, that happened without emission of powerful energy. Phaeton simply disappeared… Thus, it was because the adapted formula of the Initial Sound got into bad hands, or to be more precise into a poor head. Having gained the power over powers they wanted to experiment. They finished badly for the sake of pleasing their megalomania.” Sensei sighed heavily, kept silence for a while and then said, “So, despite the intense development owing to which Phaetoneans were considerably ahead of us, one the most beautiful planets of our Galaxy, which was inhabited by such an advanced civilization, no longer exists.”

“I didn’t get it. How come the matter collapsed, what took place there?” Ruslan failed to get the point of the conversation.

Sensei repeated, “Human stupidity…” He threw a handful of sand underfoot and made it even with the rest of sand. “Why do you think the Archons for centuries hunt after something that today people call the Grail? Because, if they gained this power over powers, they wouldn’t need any super-weapon to frighten population. With such predominance of the animal nature in minds of people like the Archons, even opening access to the genuine world of God through the Initial Sound will not prevent them from realization of mean material desires and the dream of absolute power over other people.”

A short pause ensued in the conversation.

“Well,” Nikolai Andreevich drawled, “I wouldn’t like this story to be repeated on Earth.”

“Everything depends on people,” Sensei emphasized. “They can either destroy the planet and die themselves, or restore its primeval appearance and establish the golden age.”

“Well, as for me, I would really like to live in the golden age. But how can it be established if there is chaos, dirt and injustice around? What can I do alone?” Andrew asked with agitation.

“You can do a lot! Sometimes the future of entire humanity depends on the personal choice of one human.”


From the UNITY program:

03:31:46 “The Holy Spirit is among people, and He is in every person. But in abundance, and here it says precisely “pours out”, that is, will be given beyond that. This speaks of when people, being still here in their bodies, they will experience happiness, the happiness of the boundless world, only when they will be able to unite, when all of them become loyal to God. Everyone! And this is possible, and this is easy… This is what we’ve been talking about, and many have heard about it. And in order for everyone to hear, this depends on each person. Each person who understands this essence can tell another person about it, and if they are inspired with this they can do much. Everything has been given. They will get support and be strengthened, if they want to. And this is possible.”


Continued from Sensei of Shambala – Book IV:

“Well, if this human heads some leading state, I would agree. But what can depend on me? I’m just an ordinary man!”

“All people are ordinary and consist of one and the same matter. Yet, depending on the personal choice, one of them may turn into Hitler and another one into Buddha. Hence, if you want to live in a better society, start with yourself first of all, become a Human. Look inside yourself, think what you live in this world for and who you are in reality. Look at the world around you with pure gaze, without Ariman’s veil.

  • Keep your thoughts pure.
  • Replace your mental backbiting with kind words.
  • Instead of envy, feel sincere joy for other person’s successes.
  • Instead of idle mean discussions, better go and do something good to other people – simply, silently and unselfishly.
  • Instead of wishing bad to another person and being out for his death, better share a piece of your bread with him, or simply sit together and talk about what you both feel inside – about life, about Love, about God.
  • Let the rays of your good into the world, share pure knowledge with other people, and many souls will be warmed by such cordiality.

Then, from your little pure sparkle two sparkles will possibly flare up, and where there are two there will be a third one. At that, when there are a lot of such sparkles, a real flame will flare up. Thus, one person can do a lot of useful and good things! And he or she even can’t imagine how great his or her deed will be and how precious his or her work will be before God for the sake of his or her soul.

Try to understand that besides you there are other people who want to live happily just like you do. After all, every human being, no matter how bad he or she is, has a soul, maybe a suppressed one, a distorted one, but he or she does have it, and the soul strives for light, good, happiness, and joy. If all conventionalities and nonsense imposed on us by the animal nature are cast away, if spiritual features are being developed and the prevalence of the spiritual is ensured in our society, no Lucifer’s sphere will be able to keep the society from a spiritual breakthrough and thus from achievement of a higher level of evolution. I repeat: everything is in the hands of people themselves!

“It is hard, but it’s possible,” Nikolai Andreevich agreed with him.

I will tell you even more. If everyone on Earth prayed at the same time at least twice a day for all other people… not for themselves, but for the others… May everyone pray to their own God! After all, God is one, and all souls have the same longing for Him. Even if you are an atheist, simply wish happiness and good to all people at that time, but in all sincerity, with all your heart. Those who know how to practice meditation, meditate at that time with a sincere feeling of joy, wishing everyone good and Love. But all people should do this at the same time, at least one allat per day,” Sensei immediately corrected himself, “I mean twelve minutes… Then I assure you that during the next 3 allats, that is 36 minutes, no human being would die on Earth.”

“Do you mean if we synchronize people’s spiritual surge we really can influence not only society’s unification on the spiritual base, but also global events?” Nikolai Andreevich said with admiration.

“Even more than that: if all people on Earth practice this at least twice a day for 12 minutes, emitting such a positive impulse into the world around, then the world would change very fast for the better. Even nature would become much more favourable towards humanity… Because nowadays a great number of people emit a lot of negative emotions every day: evil, hatred, craving for revenge. However, all these are not simply psychic emotions, but first and foremost a destructive energy. Nonetheless, everything is in people’s hands, especially now, when the Crossroads times are approaching.”

”What does it mean, the Crossroads times?”

“It is the times of the general human choice. It is the times of changes in nature and the future destiny of this civilization. Too much will depend on each person, since everyone, whether consciously or not, will make their contribution to this crucial choice. During the Crossroads times Rigden Djappo himself will be present in the world. These are the times when the Grail will be given again. And, depending on the direction chosen by humanity – towards good or evil, i.e. depending on which of the roads is chosen at the Crossroads, to that direction will it rush, and it will be very difficult to stop or change this process. These times will come very soon, so you, guys, will witnesses either the beginning of a bright future or the dismal end.”

“So, during these times Rigden Djappo himself will be present in the world, won’t he?!” Victor asked to repeat.

”He will. Moreover, the lot of the Grail will be cast into the world again. I can tell you even more: owing to Rigden’s presence, every person will have a unique opportunity to join the spiritual wave of the Shambala Sovereign and to show oneself as a spiritual being…”


As we have already mentioned, we should recur to the numbers 260 and 20 referred to at the beginning of this article. The thing is that these numbers are also found in Maya calendar. It is interesting that the internal space of the two wheels symbolically forms the AllatRa sign.

 в календаре Майя

в календаре Майя

календарь майя


The cycle of 260 days has no practical meaning under earthly conditions, and just as practically meaningless is the calendar of 13 days and 20 months marked with names and symbols that have nothing to do with the reality around us. Everything “falls into place” only if the calendar was given to Maya by some “gods” who were familiar with a wheel and for whom the cycle of 260 days did have a practical meaning, by “gods” who were so educated that they could not only calculate the earthly year, but also adapt its “inconvenient” duration to the system of integer-valued count with preserved accuracy.


What if Phaetoneans were exactly those who shared their knowledge with earthlings and provided them with information about the calendar and cosmic cycles?

It is also interesting that the number of 260 days is very close to the average duration of human pregnancy:


It is no less interesting that the cycle of 260 days is comparable with the time interval (in seconds) typical for such elementary particle as PROTON (


Since proton consists of 12 phantom Po particles, whereas the time interval for one phantom Po particle is 21.72 seconds, the time interval for proton is calculated as follows:

(21.72 * 12 = 260.64): the difference from 260 makes up 0.24%.




  • If the monad is overturned humanity gets totally exterminated, even with possible annihilation of the planet.
  • Phaeton annihilation took place in the Age of the Fifth Sun (10.08.3114 BC) according to the Maya calendar.
  • The date of 10 August divides the earthly year approximately according to the golden ratio.
  • Phaeton was the fifth planet in our Solar System. Its orbit was located between Mars and Jupiter. Phaeton was quite a big planet: its mass exceeded the mass of Earth almost seventeen (17) times. Nowadays there is the Main Asteroid Belt in its place:
  • One year on Phaeton lasted for two hundred sixty (260) Phaetonean days.
  • One day on Phaeton was divided into twenty equal parts.
  • Phaeton was inhabited by humanoids much earlier than Earth.
  • Sentient creatures of a human-like form are crated from a mixture of spiritual nature and animal or material nature. Humanoids may defer from each other by their matter, that is body, but they all live according to the same laws of synthesis of the spiritual and the material. Hence, besides the body they also have the soul.
  • On the universal scale humanoids are one of the lowest forms of sentient life. At that, as distinct from other lowest forms of sentient life, we have a great potential for spiritual growth.
  • The humanoid form of life is quite young. In earthly terms it has existed in the Universe only for some four hundred million (400,000,000) years. It’s not that much in cosmic terms.
  • In our galaxy the humanoid form of life appeared sixty-four million one hundred fourteen thousand six hundred and ninety four (64,114,694) years ago.
  • As of today, there are more than one hundred forty billion (140,000,000,000) active galaxies and less than one hundred billion (100,000,000,000) planets inhabited by humanoids.
  • In our Solar System, humanoid life appeared one million two hundred fifty-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight years ago (1,252,758 if we calculate from the year 1991).
  • There is irrefutable tangible evidence that 140 million years ago there was a highly advanced civilization which surpassed the present-day civilization in technological development many times.
  • Our current civilization has existed for about twelve thousand (12,000) years. At that, today it knows nearly nothing about the first millennia of its existence.
  • Humanoids belong to temporary types of civilizations that are lost quite soon, since from the very beginning human beings are inclined to self-destruction because of the animal nature.
  • On the scale of a humanoid civilization such stimulus of the animal nature shows itself as self-annihilation and mutual liquidation.
  • Looking at stars, we see only a picture of the past that took place millions of years ago. Over this time, even if there was life on those planets and in those systems, it has changed many times.
  • The whole sense of human life is to abandon the sphere of Lucifer… abandon the circle of reincarnation, leave for the paradise, get to Nirvana…
  • At that, the sense of human community in general is to create such a society which instead of wishes of destruction and annihilation would try to attain such spiritual purity that the spiritual would prevail in it, so that the whole society would break out from the sphere of Lucifer.
  • As a rule, every human being in the society is at one’s own stage of evolution. It’s like in space.
  • The whole Universe is divided into certain cells or spheres, each of which has its own individual evolution. Every humanoid race develops in its cell at its level, i.e. it is positioned on its wave.
  • People from Phaeton visited Earth many times, had contacts with earthlings and shared knowledge with them, including the knowledge about ALLAT, which is fundamentally important for understanding of formation and structure of the Universe.
  • Earthlings witnessed the annihilation of Phaeton. On that day seven billion Phaetoneans perished.
  • If you want to live in a better society, start with yourself first of all and become a Human.
  • After all, every human being, no matter how bad he or she is, has a soul, maybe a suppressed one, a distorted one, but he or she does have it, and the soul strives for light, good, happiness, and joy. 


Prepared by Zahar (Ukraine)

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