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Imam Mahdi is in the secular world among us! Sensational investigation and evidence

  • 17.09.2015
  • 412
  • 599786

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...  

Appeal to Muslims all over the world! A sensational investigation and comparisonof Islamic traditions containing the signs of Messiah Imam Mahdi’s advent with the present-day reality!

Three public interviews with Igor Danilov (Rigden Djappo) (A Frank Dialogue about the Most ImportantThe Meaning of Life: Immortalityand Unity) posted on YouTube urged us, a team of independent analysts, to search supplementary materials and seek answer to the main question: how important is for us, the humanity, such event as public appearance of and open appeal to people by the Spiritual Being called Bodhisattva in the Orient? In our opinion, the advent of such a notable historical figure could not be disregarded in legends and predictions of various religions of the world. We directed our attention to Islam, and what we immediately found really staggered us. Muslim traditions called the Hadith are permeated with predictions that are coming true nowadays, and we will endeavour to give truly sensational evidence in the very article.

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Hopi Indian prophecies of the White Brother

  • 08.10.2015
  • 206
  • 45368

    Owing to a comment posted by one of our readers, very interesting information about the prophecy of White Feather from the Hopi tribe has been discovered. We became interested in the topic, supplemented the information, and now post it here for public audience’s attention. In fact, this is another fragment of the overall picture of today’s world, which our remote ancestors were undoubtedly well aware of. We certainly admit predictions have undergone some change over centuries. Nonetheless, the essence remains the same, no matter how human mind would distort it.

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Little and big signs of the Doomsday in Islam

  • 17.10.2015
  • 323
  • 470228

Let’s recur to the Doomsday signs again. The deeper we delve into the subject the more large-scale this puzzle appears. For a sensible person it is obvious that so numerous facts, signs and events cannot be mere coincidences. The topic involves different times, different religions, different prophets and different continents, but the gist is single: there will come a point when humanity will approach “the last, judgement days”. These will be the times of particularly formidable trials, and for this very reason the idea of unification of all people is so important today as mentioned in the recent Unity program where Igor Danilov was interviewed. As for this outstanding personality, every day we get further more evidences that he is exactly Imam Mahdi long-awaited by the entire Muslim world.

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Time compression as a sign of the Judgement Day approach

  • 09.11.2015
  • 324
  • 258002

    In recent years, many people started noticing something strange happens to the time. Days fly by like hours, weeks like days, months like weeks, and years like months. The speed of the lapse of time is such that people can do further less things. It seems a day has just begun, but before you know it a night starts already! And it’s noteworthy that in the past only senior people noticed time flew faster for them as years went by, while nowadays perception of time transience has become characteristic even for teenagers and children who complain they lack time, too. 

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The clock tower and tunnels in Mecca. Signs of Imam Mahdi emergence

  • 20.11.2015
  • 49
  • 16470

Translation of the text voiced in the video:

The clock tower and tunnels in Mecca are the signs of Imam Mahdi emergence.

On our screens we now see the city of Mecca and the world’s tallest tower with a clock on it. This is something unusual. Later on you will find out the incredible truth.

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Another visual resemblance or coincidence? Ahura Mazda & Igor Danilov

  • 26.11.2015
  • 126
  • 11869

Just two months have passed since the first sensational publications on, and over this short period of time the analyst team has found quite a few unbelievable intriguing likenesses or accidental coincidences. Let everyone regard these materials as they prefer. We do not impose our opinion on anyone, although we consider ourselves entitled to voice it decidedly and elucidate it. Our next discovery originates from Kiev, from where we have received a photo of the stone bust of Zoroastrian supreme god Ahura Mazda whose face on the bust bears a great resemblance to the face of Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov, according to eyewitnesses who saw Mr. Danilov closely. In the context of our investigation such likeness surely looks not that accidental.

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Forty signs of the Judgement Day

  • 21.12.2015
  • 212
  • 67893

Numerous facts, prophecies and predictions referred to on our website indicate one and the same thing, and the information below also relates to this significant topic.



“Towards the end of my ummah there will be men who will ride on something like comfortable saddles, and will dismount at the doors of mosques; and their women will be clothed yet naked.” 

This prophecy on the emergence of motor transport (“saddles”) is amazing in its meaning, whereas the present-day garments of fashion-conscious women who are Muslims by blood only accentuate their nakedness. It should be mentioned that today mosques are full of praying people (many of whom come to the mosques on expensive “saddles”), and their wives, sisters and mothers do look clothed and naked at the same time, just like the Prophet (peace be upon him) predicted.

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The ideal cities of Hermes Trismegistus and Agapit of Pechersk. The four gates secret

  • 03.02.2016
  • 208
  • 15480

Owing to another tip given in a commentary to one of the previous articles we have found an indication that in old times our semi-literate (as we erroneously imagine) ancestors possessed serious knowledge on construction of both sacred buildings and city fortresses, in particular on application of sacred geometry in construction of building foundations and even whole architectural complexes for the purpose of activating positive features and blocking negative features in local population. In this article we shall talk about quadratic structures that are indicative of the common ancient symbolism of spiritual knowledge as reflected in architectural layouts of temples and churches of various religions, and most amazingly in location of gates to ancient cities and fortresses on different continents of the planet. The outcome of our earlier work on proving the existence of the four human Aspects may be directly linked with a strange pattern in references to the number of main gates in ancient cities and the gates orientation at the four cardinal directions: south, west, north, and east. However, let’s first dwell at length on the architecture stories of two places – Ancient Egypt of the times of Hermes Trismegistus and Kievan Rus of the times of Agapit of Pechersk (times of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise). We shall postpone to later publications a bold assumption that these two highly spiritual Personalities – the ancient Egyptian deity and the revered Orthodox Saint whose relics are kept in Kiev Pechersk Lavra caves – were incarnations of one and the same Spiritual Being who visits the earthly world from time to time, and let’s refer to the sources.

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A present from the Most Holy Mother of God

  • 14.03.2016
  • 359
  • 6754

    This article lay idle for a month and a half in my desk. The composition of it involved numerous obstacles, and even after the final article version was prepared and thoroughly edited on the website in the offline mode, the text suddenly and enigmatically disappeared, so that I had to rewrite everything all over again. Nonetheless, after a while I decided to go back to this story for a reason unknown to me.

    In my previous publication entitled Grace of the Most Holy Mother of God I disclosed some details of my biography associated with my past spiritual awakening, if such pathos expression would be appropriate for an ordinary non-pathos life situation. In my case I could stop on that, since I am neither a select nor awarded with any particular divine marks or signs. However, something probably clicked inside, and the memory suddenly exposed a very interesting and long-forgotten story from the same time period, which story’s directly connected with Virgin Mary or rather her manifestation during my ordeals of those days. I gave myself a while to mull over whether I should present the story to a wide audience, and if so, in which form should I do that. I was and am still harried by certain contradictions: firstly I wouldn’t like to seem immodest, and secondly I fear to dilute the emphasis, since for better understanding it’s necessary to give details of my life situation in the first part of the story, while that situation had nothing to do with spirituality. Moreover, the whole story looks rather improbable today even for me, and I’m simply astounded what a fine fellow I was in those years.

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The secret of life, ciphered in icons of the Mother of God

  • 13.02.2016
  • 183
  • 12869

    Iconography is an art that keeps many secrets. Such secrets are ciphered in signs and symbols which conceal information, concepts and details unapparent for a cursory glance of an average person, but reveal a deep sacral meaning to an inquisitive heart of the one who seeks more than the entire material world can offer to its two-legged batteries. Probably, there is no person on the earth (other than representatives of tribes living in jungles) who hasn’t seen an icon of the Mother of God at least once, namely an icon where there is an up-horned crescent in the lower part of the image or a veil held in Virgin Mary’s hands while her elbows are bent. Icons drawn in such a style have always been particularly nice and attractive for me. Grace and tenderness beyond expression are coming from such images which, like a light amidst impenetrable darkness, are capable of rescuing anyone who asks for Virgin Mary’s help from the quagmire of existence in the brutal world created by people themselves.

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The AllatRa sign. A circle and a crescent. Analytical research

  • 19.04.2016
  • 535
  • 499498

In view of the recent events relating to some people’s concern about the emergence of a peculiar sign – a circle and a crescent (under the circle) – in the streets of Slavic cities (though for justice’ sake let’s note the sign first appeared on city billboards a couple of years ago and has always been there since that time as this post vividly demonstrates), we would still like to carry out an impartial analytical research of the nature of this phenomenal image, its origin, meaning and informational content. By the way, our intention to look into the issue in more detail appeared quite a while ago, but we have been postponing this work due to its complexity, because any more or less serious research first and foremost presupposes collection and analysis of a considerable stratum of information, which takes a lot of time and effort. Yet, now such material has become very topical, and so I’ll do my best to put down certain interesting points.

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Star. The Golden Ratio (Part 1)

  • 09.05.2016
  • 375
  • 33922

    I am fond of stars, and you? I wouldn’t be mistaken if I say everyone drew a star at least once in their lifetime. Of course, it’s more characteristic for children who draw spaceships flying towards stars or the night sky with stars and the moon; draw a Christmas tree with a star on its top, or their grandfather who passed the war with a star on his chest. Numerous examples can be made of how stars are depicted in children’s art. And adults, I think, draw stars from time to time, why not?

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A historical excursus on the issue of the coat of arms and the true patrons of Kiev

  • 27.05.2016
  • 371
  • 445006

Heraldic traditions came to Slavic lands from Western Europe, whereas the word gerb found in several Slavic languages originates from the German erbe meaning “heritage”, “inheritance”. In the Middle Ages, when feudal relations were strengthening in Europe, it became necessary to single out feudal lords among their vassal environment. Moreover, in the times of tournaments and crusades, when a knight was covered with armour and had a closed visor on his helmet, it was totally unclear who he was and which nation and family he belonged to. Thus, insignias were absolutely necessary. One’s coat of arms was exactly an indicator of one’s name and title. Knights mostly drew their coats of arms on their shields, and that was the origin of the major heraldic tradition. Later on city coats of arms began to emerge.

Hence, there was surely no coat of arms in Kiev in the times of Kievan Rus, though Kievan princes did have their personal seals. In fact, every prince had such a seal to mark his property and sign his orders.

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Places of Power. Ley Lines. Part 3 of the Star. The Golden Ratio Series

  • 31.05.2016
  • 420
  • 477234

    In this part of the Star. The Golden Ratio I will touch upon such “pseudoscientific” research area as ley lines. Why is it pseudoscientific? Because, according to official science, pyramids, for instance, are mere sepulchres constructed within several decades by slaves who were carrying those large-tonnage blocks like “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, and nothing more. They don’t admit any special pattern in location of the sepulchres. I remember when our teacher was telling us about the pyramids at history classes, surely expounding the official version, he smiled, apparently not believing in what he himself was telling. Almost a quarter of a century has passed since then, while things haven't got forward an inch as they say. The so-called official science keeps turning a blind eye to facts regarding the pyramids and other cult buildings.

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Sacred geometry of the Kaaba

  • 09.06.2016
  • 180
  • 22346

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful                                     

History preserves numerous puzzles and riddles, as well as countless numbers of lies, hypocrisy, falsifications and attempts to conceal the Truth.

Once upon a time, when peace and harmony reigned between heaven and earth, when falsehood and anger only started poisoning human hearts, a brave young man ventured to seek the Truth which hid itself from people because of avidity and spite emerging in them. The young man believed once he finds the Truth he would bring back peace and concord to humanity. Thus, having travelled all over the world in search of the Truth, on a sage’s advice he finally climbed up a very high mountain and found a stream of crystal pure water where a beggar woman in rags was sitting under a pomegranate. The youngster approached her and asked whether she had seen the Truth anywhere around. 

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Lake Seydozero. Traces of an ancient civilization

  • 09.07.2016
  • 157
  • 41988

Here we would like to talk about such place as Lake Seydozero, which is very interesting due to numerous local mysterious phenomena, myths and stories. Frequent UFO and yeti sightings, anomalous natural phenomena, traces of ancient civilization activities, and the inimitable beauty of local nature – all these attract researchers, travellers, psychics, and mystery fans. At that, various studies of this place produce more questions than answers.

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A circle with a star and a crescent inside appeared in the field near Stonehenge

  • 17.07.2016
  • 167
  • 8513

Every day new interesting events take place as hints or indicators. They are open to everybody’s eyes, but what a person sees depends solely on such person and the contents of his or her inner world and aspiration to explore oneself and the world where he or she resides. A new extraordinary pattern appeared on 8 July 2016 in a wheat field in immediate proximity to the ancient megalithic site of Stonehenge in Wiltshire County, England. We won’t make any assumptions on how such crop circles emerge, since there are already plenty of relevant hypotheses available to anyone who wishes to know more about the subject. Let us only draw your attention to the pattern itself, taking into account there is an opinion every crop circle is a sort of a message, prediction or warning.

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Five points of the Star. Hypotheses in addition to Star. The Golden Ratio series

  • 19.07.2016
  • 219
  • 19680

It seems to us the veil has been lifted from many secrets owing to the recently published series of resonant articles Star. The Golden Ratio. We started to search for clues to puzzles and decided to follow a natural and gradual way, not jumping over steps, but going like a child: step one, step two, step three... collecting and referring to interesting facts and building hypotheses. Today we shall make our first step on which we’ll elucidate information about the five points of the Star “drawn” (see map below) in the final article of the aforesaid series, entitled A new look at an old design. Jim Alison’s lines, and this is from where we will depart. This is our first hypothesis-drawing attempt, and nobody knows what we’ll eventually arrive at. We kindly invite everyone to join discussions and share opinions. Perhaps, our joint efforts will take us somewhere. As a matter of fact, joint efforts is our great advantage, so let’s delve into the subject together in order to prevent any possible attempts to claim ownership of information and hypotheses presented herein.

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Great Mothers of the World and Goddesses of Mankind

  • 23.07.2016
  • 184
  • 13100

    Having “accidentally” discovered an online collection of images of archaeological artefacts (statuettes and sculptures) devoted to female deities – Mothers of the World, we experienced another culture shock. Based on the primary source it can be concluded the materials were collected by project to whom we express our sincere gratitude. They have brought together an enormous number of facts confirming that in all times, starting from deep antiquity and almost until today, famous and honoured women and female images (also called goddesses) were depicted in various cultures, civilizations and ages, in particular erected of stone, wood or plaster, in frescoes, paintings or bas-reliefs.

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In quest of... North America of the 11th century... Indian tribes, Cahokia and Fort Ancient. Part Two

  • 26.08.2016
  • 163
  • 13309

This material was not planned, but emerged unexpectedly as an addition to the article dedicated to Quetzalcoatl (Part One of the In quest of… series), who reached the shore of Yucatán Peninsula in the 10-11th century and gave spiritual knowledge, culture and flourishing to Toltec tribes. As you remember, in the said article I endeavoured to find traces of the Primordial Knowledge on the ruins of extinct Native American civilizations, and I intend to continue this work herein.

To avoid unnecessary long prefaces, let me proceed to the main point and say that several days after the previous publication I got a short e-mail message referring to North American Iroquois tribes, which have been living for a long time and still live in a cultivated environment in the current US territory. Several images were attached to the message.

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Icons of the Most Holy Mother of God, on which a circle and a crescent are present (the AllatRa sign)

  • 25.10.2016
  • 199
  • 19073

Many of you certainly attend churches, temples or houses of prayer, and believe in Single God. For sure, many of you respectfully treat the great woman depicted on numerous icons and images, revered in various religions and denominations, and named Mary. Unfortunately, today we know almost nothing about who this woman was and what was her destiny; and hardly many people have an idea of the true essence and meaning of her superior spiritual feat.

We have already dedicated a number of articles and analytical publications to her in the Holy Mother of God (Virgin Mary) section, and today we would like to post a new series of photos clearly showing that in Christian images and icons of Virgin Mary the sign consisting of a circle and a crescent is widely present – the sign that is already familiar to many readers as the AllatRa sign (more details about it may be found in our relevant analytical material).

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Signs all over the world. Museums of Siberia and the Far East

  • 28.10.2016
  • 105
  • 7354

Recently my friends and I, inspired by the knowledge given in the AllatRa book, decided to go on a museum tour across our region in order to receive evidence that the signs and symbols indicated in ALLATRA and other books by Anastasia Novykh are indeed present all over the world.

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Sedona, Arizona, USA. Signs all over the world

  • 29.10.2016
  • 140
  • 10299

Our consciousness is arranged very interestingly. Say, you read a piece of information, see presented evidence with your own eyes, and believe in everything you read, not having even a slightest doubt. Yet, who believes? Obviously, not consciousness.

At the beginning of this year, I happened to stay a couple months in the US state of Arizona. Those who know at least a little bit of geography are aware of the fact that this state is famous for the Grand Canyon National Park, which is considered to be one of the natural wonders of the world. Moreover, in the state there is the largest reservation of Navajo and other Indian tribes. Halfway to the Grand Canyon there is a town of Sedona that looks like a mini Grand Canyon and is, so to say, a preparation for a traveller to see the entire might, grandeur and incredible beauty of the canyon itself. 

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Girih: the book of signs

  • 21.11.2016
  • 334
  • 475127

In different times, same ornament elements were perceived and used in different ways, depending on people’s beliefs and views of the surrounding reality. Ornaments were attached a special interpretation, visual solution and style to. For instance, in ancient heathen beliefs a rose (rosette) was the flower of goddess Venus – the symbol of love and beauty; in the Middle Ages it symbolized the flower of the Mother of God, and in Islam it is the symbol of heavenly life and cosmic power: “rose blazes as the gift of the sun, while its petals are small moons”. Ancient decorative elements have been preserved in traditional arts of the peoples of Africa, Australia and Oceania, in ornaments of South American Indians. Their ornaments and decorative motifs include both real and geometric, conventionally stylized shapes.

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Among the finds in caves difficult of access... Easter Island again

  • 22.12.2016
  • 79
  • 3993

Once again we refer to Easter Island, the navel of the earth. Perhaps, the subject is not particularly interesting for many readers, but as an ordinary researcher I cannot omit another little “puzzle piece” to be added to our picture and refrain from mentioning it on our website. After the series of articles dedicated to this marvellous corner of the world situated in the middle of the boundless Pacific Ocean (Which secrets are hidden on Easter Island?In quest of… The 11th century. Easter Island and PolynesiaVoice in one’s head and Easter Island) I suddenly wondered: should we assume the island was indeed attended by the great civilizer and Kind Friend of people, is it really possible that no traces of one of the main signs from the Primordial Knowledge has been preserved there? Here is what I discovered while rereading the book Aku-Aku: The Secret of Easter Island by Thor Heyerdahl.

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Black Madonna. Part 1

  • 25.12.2016
  • 182
  • 10734

Having equipped ourselves with a camera, my friends and I went to explore local cultural heritage sites. Luckily, Barcelona as one of the centres of Templar activities in the Middle Ages is full of architectural riches, so we had an opportunity with our own eyes to see signs and symbols that we had previously seen mostly in books.

However, what we saw there surpassed all our expectations. Local signs and symbols carefully and accurately placed by Knowledgeable people centuries ago still wait for an attentive eye to notice them. Like guiding stars, they are ready to show the road to those who can orient themselves by them. The AllatRa book became an indispensable compass for us in such doing.

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Ancient Egypt and the AllatRa sign – a circle and a crescent. Image collection and analysis

  • 02.01.2017
  • 133
  • 20947

In the year 2016, plenty of publications dedicated to Ancient Egypt appeared on our website, probably not by mere chance, if we take into account the earlier mentioned enigmatic prediction regarding the head of Osiris – a special relief outline in Kiev City geography. Today I would like to extend the subject and try to draw a parallel between Ancient Egypt and modern Kiev or, to be more precise, between the remote age of the Pyramids construction and our days when Rigden Djappo brought the Primordial Knowledge. As many of you have guessed, we will discuss the AllatRa sign that we wrote about earlier in the analytical research article The AllatRa sign. A circle and a crescent. Let me refer to the prehistory: the AllatRa book contains several pictures suggesting that the circle-and-crescent sign was revered in Ancient Egypt in the times of several pharaoh dynasties in various millennia.

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Mary’s Sign. Part I

  • 18.01.2017
  • 397
  • 14821

This is the first part of a little series of articles dedicated to Mary’s help given to all of us. The subject was repeatedly addressed on this website, but it is so extensive that it’s impossible to cover it fully. There are whole books and tens of thousands of records of Her miraculous apparitions and healings via one or another Image / Face, and there are surely miracles She worked which are unrecorded in any written sources. Nobody will ever know for certain how many people She helped, because the help of a personality who follows the spiritual path is not necessarily flaunted, and exactly such help has no limits in time.

As a matter of fact, my role in preparation of these articles is quite modest and minor. It boils down to working with various sources which I will refer to as far as possible. There will be very few comments on my side and almost no analysis or comparison, since all those are needless.

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Silouan’s Dream. Part III

  • 13.02.2017
  • 377
  • 11102

This is a closing part of the little series dedicated to the help rendered by Mary to all of us. As you have probably understood by the article title, we will talk about Reverend Silouan the Athonite. Recently on our website we touched upon the subject of Ezoosmos – the inner impulse. I believe it would be absolutely fair to attribute the concept of Ezoosmos to the personality’s spiritual path as well, that is in this context such impulse would be an event, e.g. a dream, a vision, or a conversation with someone. Owing to such an event, a person comes to understand he or she is not just a piece of matter, a part of this material world, but something greater…

Such event serves as a sort of an impetus that forces a person to step on the spiritual path, start improving oneself for the better in every day of one’s life, and gradually move in the right direction where he or she has been “pushed”.

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The Cucuteni-Trypillian civilization: anthropomorphic plastic art and its sacral meaning

  • 07.03.2017
  • 201
  • 55297

This article contains brief review and analysis of Trypillian anthropomorphic plastic art (hereinafter referred to as TAPA) or, in other words, anthropomorphic items made of burnt clay and associated with Cucuteni-Trypillian archaeological culture. The term anthropomorphic originates from the Greek word anthropomorphos and means “having a human or humanoid image”.

The purpose of this work is to familiarize readers with the aforesaid original culture, as well as to thoroughly extend knowledge of such a unique cultural phenomenon as TAPA. For this we shall analyse it not only from the viewpoint of mainstream science, but also from the perspective of sacral knowledge about the human nature as presented in the books by Anastasia Novykh.

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Madonna, the Mother of God. Indian motifs

  • 30.03.2017
  • 151
  • 7218

Let me once again revert to the topic of Virgin Mary reverence in various cultures of the world. This time I have prepared an image collection with North American Indian motifs. There is the Holy Mother with a baby and the signs already familiar to many of our readers, which entwine the discovered forms with the single grain of knowledge. At that, Our Lady is beautiful as always!)

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My collection of AllatRa signs. Please, send more!

  • 07.04.2017
  • 115
  • 7592

Some people collect postage stamps, others collect magnets for their fridges; still others collect beautiful photographs or even BMW cars. You should agree that everybody collects something, and even those who are sure they collect nothing in fact do collect some vivid emotions, acute sensations or reminiscences in the bank of their memory. As for me, as many of you have probably noticed, I collect images with the AllatRa sign. I used to conduct a special blog, although recently I ceased to be active there due to certain reasons relating to responsibility awareness. There is no need to invent anything when the central place in the blog heading is occupied by the ancient circle-and-crescent working sign – the AllatRa sign.

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The story and destruction of planet Phaeton

  • 07.06.2017
  • 327
  • 27693

“Such possibility certainly exists. Throughout the existence of this civilization the adapted formula of the Initial Sound was given to people six times, and thank God no one globally used it in a negative way as it had happened on Phaeton. Otherwise it would mean overturning of the monad, i.e. total annihilation of humanity, perhaps even together with annihilation of the planet.”

“Is that all so serious?” Nikolai Andreevich asked thoughtfully.

“More than you think.”

“Yet, what happened on Phaeton?” Kostya asked with interest.

“A stupid thing…” Sensei replied with bitterness. “If you add forty-three (43) days to this day, exactly five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago destruction of one of the beautiful planets of our galaxy – Phaeton – took place.”

For some reason, our Philosopher hastily started to calculate, moreover he did it aloud.

“So, today we have the twenty eightieth of June, nineteen ninety one (28.06.1991), plus forty-three (43) days and minus five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago. It will be… It was…” (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV)

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Interesting headings