Pyramids: the mystery that may be finally unravelled!



Everythinginthisworldfearstime, but time fears the Pyramids.” (ancient Arab proverb)


I suspected that once I start digging out information on pyramids my attention would plunge and sink in megatons of research data, as well as versions, assumptions and fantasies. It took me only a week to find relevant materials on the web, as distinct from heroic scientists who are racking their brains over this mystery for years and even decades. I’m gladly giving a link to a forum where plenty of information is accumulated, with sincere gratitude for the effort of those interested people. While trying to unravel the millennia-old mystery of the man-made stone structures, inquisitive minds invented numerous concepts and ideas, and the regrettable outcome of their failure to unravel the secret, in my opinion, is another evidence that our civilization, moving along the way of consumer development and relying on the “visible matter”, has lost its main treasure – the knowledge which our remote ancestors (who were not as wild as somebody endeavours to persuade us) used to possess. Finally, it proves once again that humanity is moving towards its inevitable decline.

I am pretty sure that in the academic science community there is a strictly controlled conspiracy as to officially recognized views and opinions on various historical and architectural riddles. Doesn’t it look weird that we, contemporary well-educated people, mark our remote ancestors with a brand of primitive savages and at the same time have no idea of the purpose of megastructures they built?! Furthermore, possessing modern construction technologies we are unable to reproduce what was built on the planet in ancient times, despite the availability of high-capacity lifting cranes, tractors, loaders, bulldozers, and other equipment. Let’s not be naïve and let’s evaluate the situation more sensibly and critically. What do the aforesaid facts indicate? First and foremost, that we are seriously mistaken, secondly that our achievements in science and technology progress are ridiculous compared to the knowledge of previous human generations, and thirdly and finallty that we are following the wrong way. This is obvious!

In this article I won’t dwell on numerous versions of researchers, in particular Egyptologists, enthusiasts, etc., since imagination of the human consciousness has really no bounds and endlessly continues composing its funny and senseless memoirs. Whether deliberately or through ignorance, official science imposes a belief in outright nonsense, and as for me I will never trust in principle that people in ancient times throughout the planet constructed pyramids only to praise somebody’s name, i.e. Ego or animal nature (the human dark side) and to leave the memory of it for descendants in millennia. Or could they build about 1,000 stone pyramids in Central America just for the sake of wild sacrificial offerings as Mel Gibson has shown to the entire world in his Apocalypto? It’s hardly possible to have a more clinically morbid imagination than that, but people still believe! Why?! There is another mismatch in fact: how could illiterate half-naked tribes on different continents, having no means to cover ocean water distances, find out about strange and nearly same particularities of stone giants and start erecting those without relevant technical means? What kind of a virus was spread over mountains, rivers and oceans, infecting minds of ancient people with such a weird obsession? Certainly, it's much easier for contemporary “academicians” to attribute all this to even more sheer nonsense – an extraterrestrial origin of the pyramids. This is indeed a perfect solution for official science, for thus the mystery will stay unravelled forever. One should just view TheRevelationofthePyramids documentary (posted at the end of this article) in order to put any nonsense of such sort out of one’s head once and for all. Those huge cult buildings and structures were constructed with the use of sacred knowledge for a strictly determined purpose, which in my opinion relates solely to human spiritual development. This becomes totally clear for everyone who has encountered the Primordial Knowledge, and such people gain a significant advantage over inveterate sceptics and materialists.

Let’s first look at an obvious fact: dozens and even hundreds of stone pyramidal structures have been discovered all over the globe, which were apparently built for a certain purpose. Which purpose could this be? I will try to maintain an answer to this question by the end of the article. Despite the fact I’m not scientist at all and became interested in the subject relatively recently, nonetheless I have rather serious grounds to have my own opinion on the matter. What are these grounds? I will repeat it once again: the Knowledge brought by Rigden Djappo (or Imam Mahdi, Comforter, Maitreya, Kalki Avatar, Messiah, Geser Khan, Saoshyant, etc.). Why am I so interested, and why do I publicly express my interest on our website pages? Because I aspire to understand in which way ancient people used pyramids for human spiritual development! Quite probably, the pyramids were constructed for this very purpose! Moreover, it should be stated there are well-known assumptions that ancient monumental complexes are somehow connected with each other, creating a gigantic geometrically adjusted planetary network.

Below let me present the outcome of my three-day quest, which outcome is surely incomplete. It would be impossible and unreasonable to post here the enormous number of available images of pyramids “scattered” around the world. I guess I’ve included too many materials already, though my only goal is to demonstrate that pyramids do exist, there are plenty of them, and they are similar in many features. I should add there are also numerous scenary images on the web, where pyramid contours are clearly noticeable in landscapes, and if we take such places into account, the entire pyramidal geography significantly expands. Yet, doubts may arise, too, so I’ll dwell on purely artificial examples only, of which there are plenty anyway.




пирамиды по всему миру

пирамиды по всему миру

пирамиды по всему миру

пирамиды по всему миру




Eastern hemisphere: Egypt, Tibet, China, Sudan, Bosnia, Korea, England, Crimea, Mozambique, Morocco, Namibia, Australia, Japan... 

Westernhemisphere: Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Bermudas, the central part of Brazil, the seabed near the Easter Island...




In Egypt there are over 100 pyramids, but only the following objects in Giza are considered to be the great wonders: the Pyramids of Cheops (146.6 metres high), Chephren (143.6 metres high), Mykerinos (66.4 metres high), 7 small pyramids, and the Great Sphinx. The Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) consists of 2 million stone blocks and has 6.5 million tons in weight; its foundation area is 190 thousand square metres and the slope angle is 52 degrees. Generally speaking, all Egyptian pyramids were built of blocks having 2.5 to 400 tons in weight, and the blocks were taken from areas situated 1,000 km far from Giza.


Египетские пирамиды, фото

Египетские пирамиды, фото

Египетские пирамиды, фото

Египетские пирамиды, фото

Египетские пирамиды, фото

Египетские пирамиды, фото

Египетские пирамиды, фото

Египетские пирамиды, фото

Египетские пирамиды, фото


MEXICO, North America

Pyramids in Central America date back to Maya times and are as enigmatic as Egyptian pyramids. The most famous are pyramids located in Teotihuacan (the City of Gods). The highest Teotihuacan pyramids include the Pyramid of the Sun (72 metres) and the Pyramid of the Moon (69 metres). They are composed of blocks 20 tons each. Other famous pyramids are situated on YucatánPeninsula and belong to Chichen Itza temple and pyramid complex. The Kukulkan pyramid (25 metres tall) has 9 levels and stands on a square foundation with each side of 55.5 metres in length and 91-step stairways on each of the four sides. If we sum up all steps on all the stairways and include the platform as a step, too, we will get a number that equals to the number of days in a year (91х4+1=365). Scientists believe this pyramid used to have some astronomical meaning. It is about 5,000 years old. The Great Pyramid of Cholula (77 metres tall) in Mexico is a Toltec structure. The Pyramid of Cheops is smaller in volume by 900 cubic metres compared to Cholula. Scientists assume this Mexican pyramid is about 6 centuries old.


пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике

пирамиды майя, в Мексике



In 1999 in Tibet, Russian researchers found the largest pyramid complex on the planet with over a hundred pyramids of various shapes. All of them are oriented strictly at the cardinal directions and located around the holy MountKailash (6,700 metres high). Kailash itself has a pyramidal shape, too. The height of the pyramids around it is 100 to 1,800 metres. The pyramids are conjugated with enormous concave and flat structures located nearby. Scientists have called those structures “mirrors”. The sizes of the “mirrors” are huge. For instance, the height of the “Happy Stone House mirror” makes 800 metres. There are different opinions as to the origin of this “City of Gods”. A group of researchers headed by Prof. Muldashev believe the complex was constructed by representatives of a highly-developed earthly civilization who could not just surmount gravitation, but also manage time and subtle energies. 


гора Кайлас, Священная гора, Тибет

гора Кайлас, Священная гора, Тибет



Not far from Xian in China there is a complex of huge pyramids (the tallest Great White Pyramid has 300 metres in height). The pyramids were discovered by chance during the 2nd World War by an American pilot who flew above this area. These pyramids were referred to in ancient records of a neighbouring monastery over 5,000 years ago. There are more than 100 of pyramids in this region.


китайские пирамиды

китайские пирамиды

китайские пирамиды

китайские пирамиды

китайские пирамиды

китайские пирамиды

китайские пирамиды


SUDAN, Africa

Records indicate Sudanese pyramids were constructed in the 8th century BC. They are located not far from a contemporary town of Karima and half-covered with sand.


пирамиды в Судане

пирамиды в Судане

пирамиды в Судане

пирамиды в Судане



Scientists discovered 7 pyramids (45 to 52 metres in height) having the same age as those in Tibet. On the same line, there are Stonehenge, Tibetan pyramids and the sunken pyramids of the Easter Island.


пирамиды в Боснии

пирамиды в Боснии

пирамиды в Боснии

пирамиды в Боснии



In England, what is considered to be pyramids are artificial mounds (40 metres in height) situated not far from Stonehenge. The image below shows the highest artificial mound in Europe. Its purpose is still undiscovered. Researchers have proved the mounds appeared much earlier than Stonehenge. Legend says the Holy Grail originated from here.


пирамида в англии



In 2006, geologists dug out a pyramid face (646 metres tall). It was previously thought to be an ordinary hill. The pyramid is the least studied, and excavations continue there. It is known that people have inhabited this valley for over 7,000 years, and the hill was always just a hill. Nobody ever guessed it was a hidden pyramid. 



Photo: The hill-pyramid in Crimea

In 1991, a unique complex of seven underground pyramids was discovered in Crimea. Their height is 45 to 52 metres, and the tops are almost at the earth level. The pyramids were discovered by researcher Vitaly Gokh who was looking for underground water springs in the area. Springs were found exactly in the place where pyramids were located, and during subsequent drilling a group of scientists headed by V. Gokh made an unbelievable discovery: they found a highly durable gypsum concrete plate. Further studies made it possible to draw a staggering conclusion: this was a pyramid covered with various rocks up to its top as a result of flood. In 2001 researchers from different countries began to examine the Crimean pyramids and arrived at a unanimous opinion: these pyramids are totally real and unique. They were scanned by diverse modern equipment, and eventually more pyramids were discovered. The largest of all pyramids found in Crimea is the one situated near the Ai-Petri mountain. Under one of the pyramids a Sphinx statue was found, which is smaller than the Great Sphinx in Egypt and looks towards the west, yet accurately reproduces the Great Sphinx’s shape. 

In 2009, another marvellous discovery was made in mountainous Crimea: another unique pyramid complex was found by means of the torsion impulse dispersion reflectory scanning method. Unlike other pyramids discovered in Crimea earlier, the newly found pyramids are above the ground and built in the rock. They are made of artificially processed stone blocks. As of today, 4 unique pyramids are discovered in that area. They have a shape different of that of other Crimean pyramids: their shape is roundish and the top is truncated, which resembles one of the oldest and most enigmatic Egyptian pyramids – the Pyramid of Djoser. 


All in all, 37 pyramids have been discovered in Crimea until today.



In 1991, pyramids were found at the bottom of the Bermuda triangle, at the depth of 600 metres, and the pyramids are much higher than those of Egypt. The pyramid surface is perfectly smooth and made of a material that resembles glass. During a later expedition, a whole underwater city was discovered, consisting of pyramids, rectangles and spheres made of granite blocks. 


бермудские пирамиды



There is the pyramid-shaped Mausoleum of Tangun (22 metres in height) near the city of Kangdong. The Mausoleum is 4,000 years old.


Мавзолей Тангуна


PERU, South America


пирамиды в Перу

пирамиды в Перу

пирамиды в Перу



A temple complex has been discovered at the sea bottom near YonaguniIsland in Japan, dating back not less than 10,000 years ago. By its buildings and structures the complex is very similar to that in South America. The pyramids are stepped with a height of 30 metres.


пирамиды в Японии Йонагуни

пирамиды в Японии Йонагуни




пирамид в Индонезии, остров Ява

пирамид в Индонезии, остров Ява

пирамид в Индонезии, остров Ява

пирамид в Индонезии, остров Ява

пирамид в Индонезии, остров Ява







пирамиды на Сецилии, Италия

пирамиды на Сецилии, Италия




пирамиды на Тенерифе, Канары

пирамиды на Тенерифе, Канары




пирамиды на острове Маврикий

пирамиды на острове Маврикий




ПАРАМИДА Ла Пертус во Франции

ПАРАМИДА Ла Пертус во Франции




пирамида в Греции




пирамида в Алжире

пирамида в Алжире




пирамида в Камбодже




пирамида месопотамия

пирамида месопотамия

пирамида месопотамия

пирамида месопотамия


AZORES, the Atlantic Ocean


ПИРАМИДА на Азорских островах


NEPAL (after the earthquake)


полуразрушенная пирамида в Непале, после землетрясения

полуразрушенная пирамида в Непале, после землетрясения

полуразрушенная пирамида в Непале, после землетрясения


As we can see, pyramids are a rather widespread phenomenon all over the globe. Yet, what is the official science opinion on the reasons of construction of such solid and labour-consuming structures? Unfortunately, most of contemporary scientists are materialists; hence, they cannot get any trustworthy answer to this question. Well, they surely admit the purpose of the pyramids could be other than burials, but which purpose that was remains a riddle for them. As for me, I think it’s an utter nonsense to believe that, let’s say, the Great Pyramids of Giza were built for storing somebody’s mortal earthly remains, even if those were remains of a remarkable personality. Let me repeat, one should see The Revelation of the Pyramids documentary in order to reject all and any imposed nonsense like this. Materialistically thinking scientists are unable to solve such riddles, thus they prefer to pin a label on the issue and shut their eyes to numerous interesting and yet inexplicable details such as linkage to equinox days, sacred geometry, physics, astrology, astronomy, and so on. At that, both isolated pyramids and entire pyramid complexes were constructed not in accidental places and not without reason. Once again, I suggest everyone to refer to the source of the Knowledge brought by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo. In relevant books there are plenty of mentions of pyramids, and though no full answer is provided, those mentions still lift the veil of the mystery, enabling us to do further guesswork more constructively.



Rigden: In Ancient Egypt, for instance, there was comprehensive knowledge of the geometry of space and exact numeric values for measuring angles of geometric shapes. The latter formed the basis of knowledge upon implementation of various projects in construction and architecture, including the unique ones, due to which certain conditions were formed to change the physics of space. A visual example is a complex of the Great Pyramids in Giza, constructed in Ancient Egypt times. However, the true purpose of such complex architectural objects, where angles are accurate within a degree and where certain materials and complicated designs were applied, is probably clear only to those who have Knowledge about the interaction of fields, about subtle energies, principles of operation of other dimensions, and about the influence signs have on the world. But this is not the point. The main thing at the moment is that this knowledge was available in Ancient Egypt. (pages 183-184 of the AllatRa online version: see


Anastasia: You know, when you were explaining this meditation to us for the first time and saying energies were distributed along the sections of the pyramid, out of curiosity I later looked into geometry textbooks and read, already with great interest, that which had slipped my attention at school. For example, a plane that intersects the pyramid and is parallel to its base cuts off a similar pyramid. If we cut a four-sided pyramid with several planes parallel to the base and then project these sections onto the same plane of the base, we will get a series of squares inscribed in each other. As it is known, a square is a symbol of all the material. Generally speaking, owing to such additional information I later came to understand more about the processes taking place in the meditation as well. It’s indeed important for a person to have all-round basic knowledge. (It’s a very interesting paragraph, in my opinion. – note by the article author)

RigdenThe pyramid geometry is closely linked to physics. Having such a structure and the necessary Knowledge, it is possible to cause certain effects as a result of an interconnection… between dimensions, based on natural laws of physics. In fact, this was known to priests who possessed information about the initial spiritual practices. It is sufficient to pay attention to archaeological facts – ancient pyramidal structures, and people would come across evidence that almost all such structures had a very important worshipping, ritual, religious, and ideological meaning. They symbolised supernatural powers and embodied manifestation of certain properties of the world; that is why people deified them.

Anastasia: Yes, today many people know about such ancient monumental structures as pyramids of ancient Egyptians in Africa and truncated pyramids of the peoples of Central and South America. It is known that Sumerians in Mesopotamia (the Middle East) also erected stepped structures (3-7 tiers) shaped as truncated pyramids – ziggurats, at the top of which sacred temples were built. The whole complex symbolised a “connection between Heaven and Earth”, a mystical, sacred centre.

Rigden: Moreover, the pyramid symbol was also linked to people’s afterlife destiny, for instance, by Sumerians, Egyptians, Babylonians… Or let’s take burial traditions of Syria, Palestine, China, Korea, the North Caucasus, Siberia, and so on.

Anastasia: Undoubtedly, such burial places usually have a stepped and pyramidal roof (ideally, up to six steps, which earlier obviously indicated the number of dimensions in which the human structure is located). At the top, as a rule, there was an elongated or hemisphere-shaped stone. It symbolised the other world (the seventh dimension) and signified spirituality, the omniscience of a dead person, or was a symbol of the departed Soul. Tombs themselves are even found square-shaped in their layout.

Rigden: Many peoples simply made burial mounds that resembled pyramids...

Anastasia: Yes, this is the most common type of burial structures on the continents. It is worth mentioning mounds in the steppes of Russia and Ukraine. For example, mounds of the Abashev archaeological culture, which was widespread in the 2nd millennium BC in the territory from Kaluga Region to the Urals (Russia). By the way, “the cult of fire and the sun” and ceramics richly decorated with geometric ornaments were typical for this culture; in its layers, plenty of women’s adornment in the form of spirals as well as pendants, plaques and so on were found. And what about the burial mounds of the ancient burial places in Altai, for instance, the archaeological finding of “the golden man of Altai” in Russia or a similar finding in Kazakhstan – the “golden man of Issyk”?! Earthen pyramidal mounds were also typical for the Scythians who lived in the steppe areas of Europe and Asia (from the 7th century BC to the 3rd century AD). This nation also had a rich sacred symbolism associated with female goddesses and the so-called “animal style” art as scientists call it. Well, I’m not even mentioning archaeological monuments on other continents, for example the Mississippian culture in North America – Cahokia (7-13th centuries AD) that consists of 109 pyramidal mounds mostly with a truncated top. In general, it should be noted that the Mississippian culture is also fairly rich as to symbols and signs. (pages 494-497 of the AllatRa online version)


FROM SENSEI OF SHAMBALA (BOOK IV) (see contents of the book)

Many artificially built pyramids, which are nowadays discovered by contemporary humanity, as well as those not ‘unsealed’ and not found yet, are far from being chaotic buildings. Though built in different times, they were placed in strictly determined coordinates, with strict orientation at certain stars as of the time of construction. Globally it’s a sort of a map. Initiators of such pyramids were people who possessed relevant knowledge, e.g. Imhotep. He received the information about the global architectural project (elaborated far before the time of Imhotep) from Sokrovennik, at the end of his several-year learning from him, along with other knowledge.


The place chosen by Imhotep for constructon of this truncated pyramid wasn’t occasional. It was on the verge of the plateau, that very plateau which was only a few kilometres to the north of the Great Sphinx. When Imhotep showed the site layout to the pharaoh, priests and aristocrats, he explained the choice of this place of deserted plateau as a closer location to Memphis and a beautiful view from that place on Memphis. But in actual fact this place fully matched one of the earth geographical coordinates marked on the ‘star map revealed to him by the Sokrovennik. The Great Sphinx erected far earlier than that time (and not after Imhotep’s life as they assume it now, as if it were during the time when the Great Pyramids were built!) was an important reference point for precise and accurate location of the truncated pyramid.

So, the grandiose construction was intentionally extended not for one decade. Why? Because it wasn’t enough to build this object, it was necessary to ‘launch’ it as well. And for doing this the most important were highly spiritual people, both men and women. Imhotep spent many years for their upbringing and education, that’s why he actually extended the terms of construction, explaining the delay to the elite as improvement and modernisation of his architectural plan.


Imhotep suggested to Djoser to build a stepped pyramid instead of a usual tomb, moreover not of the simple adobe brick which was a widespread fragile building material, but of hewn stone that provided for durability. It was a revolutionary decision for Egypt in those times. Imhotep’s idea to build ‘a staircase thrown from heaven for divine ascension of the pharaoh’ inspired Djoser so much that he ordered to start the works immediately, not sparing money for that, and entrusted it to Imhotep himself. I need to mention that a big brick mastaba for Djoser was already built in Abidos, a place where pharaohs were traditionally burried…


This was during the reign of pharaoh Khufu (the Greek form of the name is Cheops), the one who built one of the Great Pyramids… At that, Khufu just like the previous pharaoh Snofru and the next one Khafra (Kha’ef-ra or the Greek name Chephren) was a member of the kernel of the Spiritually Free Bricklayers organization founded by Imhotep. One of the main goals and tasks of these people was to implement the plan of pyramids construction according to the ‘star map left by Imhotep along with detailed drafts and layouts…


By the way, in the Koran Jibrail is also called the Holy Spirit (Rukh al-Kuds). Thus, during the ascension Mohammed visited not only Jerusalem, but owing to the light staircase provided to him by Jibrail he was raised to the top of heaven where he stood in front of Allah. And after that, with Jibrail’s help, he visited paradise called Janna. To translate it literally from Arabic it means ‘garden’. In the Koran this place is also called the ‘highest’ (83:19), ‘abode of peace’ (6:127), ‘place of stay’ (40:42), etc. Legend says all these names of paradise are associated with its different parts located in eight heavenly spheres. Even in the very description of Janna in the Koran full of different sensual and naturalistic descriptions reflecting certain ecstatic states of consciousness there are some mentions of ciphered knowledge, for example, such as ‘thorn-less lotus’, the same age of righteous men – 33 years, and many other points which give a sign to a person who knows the essense, symbols and subtleties of this knowledge. By the way, in post-Koran literature Janna is described as a multi-storey pyramid crowned by the ‘ultimate Lotus’ mentioned in the Koran (53:13-18). So, all this is not as simple as it sounds.


(About the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture) … But the most interesting thing hasn’t been ‘discovered’ by modern archaeologists yet. This nation erected not simple ‘burial mounds-sanctuaries’. They knew about pyramidal structures and spiritual practices connected with them. And they not only knew but also built such ‘pyramids’ in certain places in conformity with certain star dispositions. And such ‘structures’ exist until now.


“Right you are, the pharaohs Khufu, Khaef-ra and Men-kau-ra,” Sensei nodded with satisfied air. “By the way, exactly these pyramids were built according to Imhotep’s drafts by his disciples, in compliance with exact coordinates on the ‘star map’. And, as I have already said, the Great Sphynx was the main reference point there.”

“Does it mean that the truncated Pyramid of Djoser and the three pointed Great Pyramids of Giza are those very pyramids?”

“Yes, these are some of the ‘genuine pyramids’ called so in the circle of the people of Knowledge.”

“Are there also ‘false’ ones?” Kostya asked.

“There are plenty of them! There have always been enough of imitators,” Sensei said.







Роберт МонроLet me present a literary example of an unusual influence of pyramidal structures on a human being. Robert A. Monroe was an American writer, astral traveller and author of the three bestsellers: Journeys out of the Body, Far Journeys, and Ultimate Journey. He was a sort of a pioneer in studies of astral projections and parallel dimensions. His extraordinary personal story described in the aforesaid books started in the 1950s, when in his sleep he suddenly began to “leave his physical body”. Subsequent events led to a large-scale research in this field and even to establishment of the Monroe Institute. However, here we won’t plunge into depths of the astral world, for everyone who wishes may easily find and read his books themselves. As for me, at a certain time in my life I got interested in and for some reason memorized the following lines from his second book Far Journeys:

Without any obvious reason, I began to "go" out of my body in the fall of 1958. In the light of later historical events, it is important to state that no drugs or alcohol were involved. I was a nonuser of the former and an infrequent imbiber of the latter.

Several years ago, I attended a conference not too far from our former home in Westchester County, New York – the site of my first out-of-body experiences. As we drove by the house, I commented that the reason why they began was still obscure.

A psychologist friend riding with me took one look at the house, turned, and smiled. "The answer is easy. It's the house. Take a good look at it." I stopped the car. The house looked the same. Green roof and stone. The new owner had maintained it nicely. I turned to my friend. "I don't see anything different."

"The roof." He pointed a finger upward. "It's a perfect pyramid. Moreover, it's covered with copper just like the tops of the big ones in Egypt before the looters took over."

I stared, dumbfounded.

"Pyramid power, Robert," he went on. "You've read about it. You were living in a pyramid. That did it!"

Pyramid power? Well, maybe. There are reports and books that make claims about strange energies therein...




Задорнов и пирамидаI’ve recalled an interview given by the famous Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov to the journalist Dmitry Gordon eight years ago. The satirist told about a pyramid he had built in his summer residence in Jūrmala, close to the house.

“... Does the pyramid work as an energy condenser?” (Gordon)

“Well, I guess we can say so.” (Zadornov) “For those who have no clear idea of what a condenser is this word would be OK, but the pyramid actually condenses and also accumulates time. There are two energy components in the Universe: a positive one and a negative one. When energy dirt accumulates, a pyramid can process it into living, fresh and pure energy.”

“Do you mean any pyramid, no matter whether it’s small or giant?”

“Certainly, though the pyramid range of influence depends on its capacity and volume. I knew and understood all this even before my trip to Egypt. When they had built a pyramid near Moscow people noticed that, after they kept water in a vessel for a certain while, it gained more living properties. Physicists have checked and confirmed: indeed, the structure of water molecules gains a shape of ideal snowflakes... Let’s say, the space inside the pyramid never bustles or gets overheated of fuss. I’ve come to love sitting in there...”

“When you were inside your pyramid, did you feel anything at the physical level?”

“At the energy level I left absolute tranquility as I’ve already said. It’s very nice to practice yoga in there. The pyramid is based on the “principle of three”: it recognizes the Trinity in all its corners and triangles... I miss it a great deal now. Even my neighbours say they get some of the pyramid energy... If you place at least a 20-centimetre pyramid at home, your room will be a much quieter and friendly space. By the way, do you know the meaning of the word Pyramid (Py-Ra-Ma-Da to be more correct)? Py means the fire of god Ra, Ra is the sunlight, Ma means matter, and Da is giving. That is: “The one giving the fire to god of the Sun who turns into matter...”




Well, let’s make a certain summary and think together what could be the next step.

  • Monumental pyramidal structures are located all over the globe;
  • Their accurate age is actually unknown;
  • The official science concept of tombs and burial sites is beneath criticism. By all appearances most pyramids have a totally other purpose. My opinion is consonant to opinions of progressive researchers who say that pyramids represent traces of a lost highly spiritual civilization. This is stated by Graham Hancock in his presentation Quest for the Lost Civilization: Ancient Egypt (pyramids are discussed from the minute 21.00);
  • The Great Pyramids of Giza were constructed based on highly accurate geometric estimations (see The Revelation of the Pyramids);
  • Many pyramids and cult buildings were constructed according to a certain stellar orientation (e.g. the Great Pyramids of Giza – the Orion constellation, Angkor – the Draco constellation);
  • Based on information given in A. Novykh’s books, there is a “star map” yet unknown to the contemporary scientific community, and relevant cult buildings on the planet accurately correlate with such map (please, express your opinion on the matter in the commentary section; perhaps, together we will manage to extend the “earthly geography of the mysterious “star map”);
  • The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco article recently published on our website provides convincing evidence to the aforesaid. One of the major goals of construction of the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the Angkor temple complex in Cambodia was to warn the humanity of the approaching “Judgement Day”. Once in about every 13 thousand years certain global changes take place on Earth: natural cataclysms, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, which are somehow connected with the Orion-Draco pendulum. Hence, the ancients marked a zero point for us, i.e. the time of the last global cataclysms (10,500 BC), and indicated the cycle via construction of the said cult buildings in Egypt and Cambodia, so that we could look at the sky, determine such zero point and assume when subsequent global changes are to take place on the planet Earth.
  • In the territory of the ancient Cucuteni-Tripolye culture where Ukraine is now situated there are also pyramidal structures undiscovered by archaegologists yet, which correlate with the same “star map”;
  • If we look at the above photos closely, we can notice that most of the stepped truncated pyramids have 6 tiers symbolizing 6 dimensions of the material world, while on the top of the pyramids (the seventh dimension) temples or sacred stones used to be placed, signifying the “link between Heaven and Earth”;
  • Pyramids “operate”, exerting certain influence on the external and, apparently, internal space;
  • Moreover, most importantly (!), “highly spiritual” people used pyramids in relevant practices. Let’s quote the AllatRa book again: “The pyramid geometry is closely linked to physics. Having such a structure and the necessary Knowledge, it is possible to cause certain effects as a result of an interconnection… between dimensions, based on natural laws of physics.” (page 495)
  • It is common knowledge that pyramids are thought to have strange positive properties; maybe, in our future publications we will consider this in more detail;
  • The mystery of the world pyramids may be unravelled only by means of the sacred Knowledge based on spirituality. No matter how hard scientists with materialistic thinking rack their brains over this mystery, they will run their heads against pyramid solid stones;
  • In the end, it is worth looking at the globe and attempting to see correlations between the largest ancient cult buildings and structures...

To be continued. Follow our further publications!


Finally, let me present a couple of documentaries that deserve your attention in my opinion.









Prepared by Dato Gomarteli (Ukraine-Georgia)

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Pyramids: the mystery that may be finally unravelled! Pyramids: the mystery that may be finally unravelled! - Topic rating: 5.00 out of 5.00 votes: 426
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