Although this book is a continuation of the three preceding ones, it may be regarded as a separate work due to the scope and quality of information contained therein. Perhaps, it may safely be called a bomb tearing away the shroud and fetters of falsehood from thousand-year layers of human history. The book contains unknown facts of the world history that covers a period starting from Ancient Egypt until nowadays. Imhotep, Archons (a small group of people who claim to be supreme leaders of the entire world, owing to their ideology and sizeable capitals), the story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Paul and Peter, the Knights Templar, Omar Khayyam, Isaac Newton, a totally new version of the Holy Grail secret... And also an unknown history of Egyptian pyramids, the Old Testament, Imhotep, establishment of the USA, the Freemason secret society, the true reasons of world wars and revolutions, and many, many more...
This is an uncommon and truly amazing book with a strikingly broad scope of historical facts and subjects addressed.
- What is human memory capable of?
- How can a flow of thoughts be stopped?
- What is the root and reason of thoughts cycling?
- Feelings experienced upon immersion in the Lotus Flower spiritual practice
- How is the material world quagmire substituted for aspiration for the spiritual?
- Why does a human being need experience accumulated on the way?
- How can mistakes become a necessary aid for a person to gain valuable lessons?
- How life is perceived when it’s regarded from a Spiritual perspective. Who is the main teacher for a human being?
- What can people learn from dolphins? How is real democracy implemented in organization of a dolphin community?
- How pure knowledge is turned into religion by distortion of its genuine meaning.
- Why people nowadays live for the sake of being not worse than others...
- Why are “freedom” and “equality” among Ariman’s most enticing snare words?
- What is the main tool to control people’s consciousness?
- How can a person experience the internal conflict with minimal damage to himself/herself and to people around?
- The Love and Gratitude practice
- 80% of an illness depends on one’s mind. The more a person thinks about the illness, the more he/she suffers from it.
- What is the link between Agapit of Pechersk and the Grail?
- Who is Ariman? Which knowledge and power does he possess?
- How does this world look for those who have the power?
- What does the true “Victory over oneself” mean?
- The history of emergence of such secret societies as The Brotherhood of the Snake, The Brotherhood of the Dragon, Illuminati, Masons.
- Who are Archons, and what is their goal?
- How do they manipulate people via secret societies and the global government ruling the entire world?
- Why does man always invent external enemies for himself? What does this have to do with the human internal conflict between the Animal and Spiritual natures?
- Who is the true invisible enemy of every human being? The Animal nature!
- What does the true freedom mean for people?
- What secret is concealed in a human being?
- What does the subconscious mean in human life? How can one and the same tool be used in different ways, depending on one’s choice?
- Disputes that cause sufferings. Why do people indeed suffer?
- What is the cause of hatred?
- Shambala!!!
- Oriental conceptions of Shambala
- Recurrent visits of Shambala Bodhisattvas to the Earth and restoration of the lost spiritual knowledge
- Who opposes Evil and Archons within the human society?
- Who are Arhats, Vezhas, Sokrovenniks, and Mezhanins?
- Secret societies of Arhats who opposed Archons. What were such societies established for?
- Who is Ariman, the Great Archon, Abraxas? What are other names he is famous by?
- False notions of Satan. Why are they imposed on the society?
- Movement of Spiritually Free Bricklayers in Ancient Egypt.
- What is satrapy?
- Imhotep. His role in Egypt spiritual growth. His life story and spiritual development path. Meeting with Sokrovennik, initiation into Belyao Dzy science fundamentals.
- The Lotus Flower practice. This practice was known to people since deep antiquity, and not just to the current human civilization.
- Lotus as a sacred flower in Egypt. Which legends relate to it?
- Egyptian idea of death as of a stage point in the flow of complex existence. Egyptian belief in reincarnation processes.
- The concept of the soul in Ancient Egypt. Five components of a human being: Ka, Ba, Akh, Khat, Khu.
- What does the word spirit mean?
- What portion of the primordial knowledge is preserved in Slavic people’s memory?
- Notions of the immortal soul among Persians (Mazdaism)
- Notions of the soul in Ancient Greece
- Egyptian word Ba means the soul as the Spiritual nature component.
- What did Sirius mean for Egyptians?
- The Soul of goddess Isis
- Egyptian word Akh means “spirit”, “blissful”, “enlightened”. Why was it associated with human heart? Which substitutions appeared due to such associative link?
- The Ka element as a human spiritual double, vital energy (“breath”, “spirit”) given to a person upon his/her birth.
- Egyptian notion of Khat, meaning not just the physical body, but rather everything that is subject to decomposition...
- Egyptian notion of Khu, meaning the worst component of a human being.
- Notions of the soul duality in Jainism and Chinese mythology. Chinese ideas of Hun and Po souls.
- An ancient Chinese parable about Shen and Gui spirits
- Notions of the Soul, spread among Turkic and Siberian peoples
- Egyptian beliefs, ancient folk legends, fragments of historical documents and chronicles of ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Akkadians, Persians, Greeks, as represented in the Old Testament.
- The role of Jewish priest clans in composition of the Old Testament. Their emphasis on the particular importance and “selected elite” nature of the clan of Jewish priests’ descendants.
- What were legends described in the Old Testament based upon?
- The Old Testament was based on Babylonian myths and Sumerian legends.
- The Akkadian legend about Tiamat (embodiment of the world chaos)
- A legend of paradisiacal Eden
- History intended for masses...
- How Abraham was turned into “patriarch”, “forefather”, “preacher of the faith” for religious purposes.
- Who was Abraham in reality? How and why was his image overstated?
- What did the city of Ur located near Babylon mean for Archons?
- An ancient civilization in the Palestinian territory of Sumerian times. Why no information has been available about it until now.
- What did Archons need the Khanaan region for?
- The story of Yahweh as God
- Chapter 12 of the Genesis. Typical examples of deeds demonstrating that all means are good for achieving a given goal.
- What does the word Jews mean? How is its meaning interpreted?
- The character of Joseph. A real person as his prototype. Who was he in actual fact? Was he sold into slavery? Where was he born? How was he brought up, and what was his destiny?
- Secrecy, mystery and invisible control over leaders are the three golden rules in any Archons’ affair.
- A legend of how Moses supposedly “parted” the Red Sea waters
- Which information was the basis for the story contained in the New Testament and relating to the prophecy, Herod and his “hunt” for babies?
- Life of Hebrews among Egyptians
- What was the source of commandments described in the Old Testament? Which commandments did the Egyptian nation have, where a special attention was paid to moral upbringing?
- Ancient Egyptian commandments. Which role did they play during the after-death justice?
- How Judaic priests used moral foundations of ancient Egyptians for writing their works under the authorship of Judaic patriarchs.
- Specific examples from the Bible, demonstrating similarities between the Old Testament texts and ancient Egyptian texts.
- Moses’ role as of a controlled leader
- Where there the forty years during which Moses supposedly was guiding his people across the desert?
- The history of a militarized force which belonged to no one, used for provocation of military conflicts and initiation of political rearrangements in given regions.
- What was the point of the situation when Kohath, Dathan and Abiram came out? Which appeal did they address to people?
- Fear as a tool to manipulate people
- Why wars take place in the world? Substitution of the concepts of freedom and better life. The role of Archons.
- Information about the destiny of Saul who is considered the first king of the Israeli and Jewish state.
- How can a person get rid of the Archons’ oppression?
- How important is to put things in order in one’s inner world and one’s own thoughts in order to avoid Archon’s oppression?
- Why do people regard the Old Testament as a genuine information source without even understanding its contents?
- Was Egypt a slaveholding country initially?
- What are the roots of Kabbalah?
- Why does the Jewish teaching underline that Hebrew letters are exactly the ones associated with the creative forces of the Universe?
- The concepts of the sacred Five Books and the sacred Six Books
- What did this mean for Jewish priests? A secret meeting in 440 B.C.
- Establishment of diverse religious organisations by Archons as a tool to manipulate people.
- Knowledge of a person’s genuine name. What did it mean?
- Meaning of the Hindu myth about Purusha, the primeval man.
- The Book of Zohar and its contents borrowed from other sources. The origin of the ten sephiroths concept and other Kabbalah concepts.
- What is the Jewish Triad?
- What did the Sakh-Ba-Shu triad mean in Ancient Egypt? Which ancient spiritual knowledge about the human being was concealed in this concept?
- What was one of the reasons Egyptians revered the Ben-Ben pyramid-shaped sacred stone?
- Ancient Egyptian pyramids. What were they constructed for?
- Are all pyramids discovered as of today?
- Imhotep’s personality, purity of moral qualities, and sincerity of spiritual motives.
- Information on contacts with extraterrestrial beings
- The mystery of the Great Sphinx construction. Why is this structure called Sphinx nowadays, and what does this name mean?
- How was the Great Sphinx related to the LotusTemple, one of the oldest underground objects located in that place? When was it constructed in actual fact?
- Ta-Kemet (Ancient Egypt) and its importance for Shambala. Particularities of the country geography on the Earth, its coordinates and view from the outer space.
- Where was the Threshold of Shambala located in different times?
- Where is the Threshold of Shambala nowadays?
- Meanings of Khapi, Horus and other characters of Egyptian myths
- Why do people associate Bodhisattvas with Gods?
- Chronology of Egypt composed by Egyptian priest Manetho. Why was the chronology unfavourable for Archons? Which facts contained in the chronology reflected the genuine history of Egypt?
- What are the main numerical structures of Archon’s protégés, and why?
- Ptah and Osiris: Bodhisattvas who visited the Earth and are mentioned in Egyptian history. Why do people believe that gods should assume a human image in order to contact people?
- The activity of Bodhisattva whom people knew under the name of Osiris.
- Osiris and the ancient name of VolgaRiver (Ra). Why such an unnatural plant for those places as the lotus flower was brought and cultivated there.
- Prospects of the contemporary humanity development
- The mystery of Baalbek Terrace, a huge platform constructed of giant blocks, 360 tons each.
- Why do religious sources mention the Egyptian city of Khem as “a road sign showing a way for Osiris to the sky”?
- Egypt under Pharaoh Djoser’s reign prior to appearance of Imhotep in the top circles of power.
- How Imhotep put things in order in Egypt within a short period of time.
- Mastaba. What is it?
- Why did Imhotep suggest Pharaoh Djoser building a stepped pyramid instead of a usual tomb?
- Peculiarity of the place chosen by Imhotep for construction of a truncated pyramid. Why was this place so important, and where was it located relative to the Great Sphinx? How does this place relate to the “star map” shown to Imhotep by Sokrovennik?
- How were the Egyptian pyramids constructed, and who did that?
- How were women treated in Ancient Egypt?
- Ur Heku priests and Urt Hekau priestesses. Who were they, and which role did they play in the life of Egypt?
- Were Egyptians engaged in prophecies? Which rule were there in Egypt as to people’s attempts to know the future?
- Spiritually Free Bricklayers: community established by Imhotep
- Which symbols were used by the community, and how were they later on copied and modified by Ariman’s Freemasons? Symbols of mason’s apron, stone, hammer, pyramid with an all-seeing eye inside, etc.
- The meaning of pentagram (five-pointed star) and circle symbols
- What did a star mean in Belyao Dzy science?
- The knowledge given to Imhotep by Sokrovennik of Shambala. This knowledge required steadfastness of a person’s spiritual intentions and, most importantly, the purity of thoughts and desires.
- How did Imhotep’s special crosier look? Which symbols were depicted on it?
- What happened when Imhotep’s crosier fell into hands of Freemasons?
- Which legends exist about the crosier origin?
- Meaning of the legend about Hermes. Slyness, craftiness, and lies as Hermes’s major qualities. Which behaviour model is popularized in this and other Greek myths?
- Did Homer exist in reality?
- A link between Homer’s stories and the Old Testament. Significance of these writings for people of that time.
- Which ideology and subconscious behavioural style are imposed on people by such writings? Human behaviour model shown in relations of the family clan of Olympian gods.
- Homer’s influence on religious beliefs of Greeks
- Why do Archons benefit from people’s misunderstanding of the essence of popular “idols” and blind imitation of their behaviour?
- What does the Caduceus mean?
- Secrets have always attracted people. Archons often use this human weakness, getting people involved in their religions, sects, and occult societies, thus turning them into slaves.
- Words “rational” and “the Higher Mind” as special innovations by Freemasons, introduced through ancient Greek culture. This was needed to make people who studied such philosophy subconsciously identify their soul and the Highest not with the divine nature, but with the “reason”, “mind”, i.e. the main throne of the animal nature in humans…
- One of Archons’ favourite techniques is to substitute an illusion for what people desire.
- A special meaning of the wall that surrounded Djoser’s pyramid complex in Sakkara, invented by Imhotep.
- How to perform the Ka ancient meditation, which Imhotep taught his disciples and which has a wholesome effect on person’s health.
- Why a human being is the entire Universe?
- Why are there only left forms of amino acid molecules in bodies of humans and animals?
- Energy frame (phantom, astral body, biological field) as the primary factor determining the form of life and the life itself in any material structure.
- A human being as a generator of various energies and corresponding fields
- Human abilities understanding achieved by Ivan Pavlov in the course of his studies
- Person’s victory over his/her fear of physical body death as a foundation of Imhotep’s Teaching. Why deliverance from this fear makes a person internally free?
- How to overcome the fear of death?
- Why do people cry at funerals?
- What happens when a person becomes aware that the life of his genuine self is everlasting?
- Why Imhotep’s teaching, owing to which people ceased being afraid and which promptly became very popular, seriously concerned Archons?
- The Great Sphinx as a key reference point for the pyramids construction
- Which methods do Archons use to destroy undesired organisations and even whole states, and how do they manipulate people? Ancient Egypt as a typical example of their methods.
- How exactly do Archons cause division of a country?
- Archons’ slogan which smoothly worked at all times: “Freedom and Justice!”
- Why are there bad historical records of Pharaohs Khufu and Khafra who opposed Archons? Who benefits from this?
- What actually takes place in the world by Archons’ fancy?
- Substitution of magic for ethical beliefs
- How there appeared a substitution that human after-death future depended not on pious earthly behaviour, but on the knowledge of magic formulas?
- Archons’ traditional political formula: “those who are not with us are against us”.
- Symbol of the river of fire in the knowledge of human afterlife.
- Why many people who looked for the community of Spiritually Free Bricklayers started to find themselves in the community of Freemasons?
- Egyptian goddess Atama. The meaning of myths relating to her.
- Records about Hathor (literally meaning “the house of Horus”), goddess worshiped as a heavenly cow that gave birth to the sun. The Eye was placed in her forehead. Later on she was turned into Ra’s daughter.
- How the history of Egypt was rewritten. Why valuable ancient scrolls were destroyed, especially those written by spiritually mature people?
- How and why is history made, but not just happen?
- Why and how did such country of “Freedom” as America emerge?
- What were the reasons of the World Wars I and II?
- As soon as human population began to increase swiftly, Archons started to establish numerous different organizations, secret societies, mystic movements, religious sects, etc.? Why did they do that?
- Who regarded themselves as no less than the “messianic” elite of Judaism and asserted that all Jews of the world showed solidarity with their aims?
- What happened when Archons put England under their command and arranged the so-called “English revolution” with the help of William III of Orange, Freemasons’ protégé?
- Who drew England into a very costly war with France?
- Which deal disadvantageous for the English caused the establishment of the first private central bank named the Bank of England?
- How was England drawn into war with involvement of German soldiers, which war depleted the English treasury?
- Why Archons not just established numerous secret societies, but also provoked competition between them, right up to tough confrontation with enticement of the most important figures?
- What was the Mother Grand Lodge for Archons? Which role for Archons was played by Hanoverian dynasty that occupied the English throne?
- Which role is played by the age of 11-12 years old in human life? The age of vital energy awakening.
- Who is Rothschild? Why do Archons publicly promote embellished stories of their ostentatious “pawns”?
- Hannover city in Germany. Its role as of a breeding ground for Freemasons in those days.
- William IX (future Elector of Hesse), according to the advice of Freemasons, was the first one of German princes who began to issue loans with interest.
- The order of Bavarian Illuminati organised with Rothschild’s money. Why Archons needed such “doubler” in history?
- How “the freest, most rightful and democratic country in the world” was established
- How the continental “army” headed by George Washington (one of the “pupils” of a Masonic lodge) was formed by means of Freemasons’ capitals.
- How and why Washington became a general to command the army gathered “to defend American freedom”.
- The word freemason originates from French francmaçon, literally meaning “a free bricklayer”.
- The US Constitution was composed and signed by masons.
- How is the President elected in the USA?
- What is the Electoral College? The College of Priests in Babylon, the College of Pontiffs in Ancient Rome, the Electoral College in the USA...
- What do symbols on US flag and state emblem mean?
- Why the hexagram (the symbol of Judaism) is on the US stamp?
- How Archons maintained financial situation in the USA throughout the country’s history.
- Why do Freemasons, having accumulated major capitals in their hands, deliberately destabilize the US economy from time to time?
- Who are the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank as the American central bank?
- How Archons funded the American Civil War. The country split into “Northerners” and “Southerners”. Rothschild’s London bank funded the “Northerners”, whereas Rothschild’s Paris bank financed the “Southerners”. How the Rothschild family supplied both parties with arms and food and made enormous profits on that.
- How the big French colony of Louisiana was “purchased”, the territory of which stretched from New Orleans to Canada?
- Who arranged the "great French Revolution"?
- The role of Freemasons and their subordinate masons in the French Revolution: “ideologists” and “activists”, such as Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Robespierre, Marat, and others.
- Symbolism of the date of 30 April. Walpurgis Night, May Eve, Beltane…
- What was the negative impact of Goethe’s novel The Sorrows of Young Werther on people? Why was the novel published in many copies and actively spread not just in Germany, but abroad as well?
- Archons’ tactics. First a revolution took place, then a republic was established, later on they introduced a military dictatorship, and finally the country was headed by a puppet which had to obey financial aristocracy controlled by Archons.
- Napoleon was a puppet placed in power by Archons. How he was prepared for the wars in Europe.
- How the USA acquired the Spanish colony of Florida, arranging revolutions and impudently occupying the territory with their settlers.
- The Suez Canal was constructed under the Freemasons’ supervision.
- Were Archons interested in construction of the Panama Canal?
- Why the English-French-Israeli aggression against Egypt was organised in 1950-60s?
- The main pawn in Archons’ game in Egypt: Ferdinand de Lesseps
- How Archons constructed a canal on Egyptian land, swindled Egypt out of its money, and even made Egyptians being owing to them! How the Suez Canal turned into “an English-French enterprise”.
- For which purpose was the Israeli war initiated in 1967 against Egypt and several other Arab countries?
- Why Archons began actively establishing the Ariman’s Blade after World War II?
- Where is the Ariman’s Blade situated?
- The Statue of Liberty story
- How was the location of the Statue of Liberty selected?
- Who was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, and what was his role in the Statue of Liberty story?
- How attributes of popular ancient Iranian god Mithra was added to Bartholdi’s statue
- How Archons changed the popular positive image of Mithra for their own purposes
- Why is the Egyptian origin of the Statue of Liberty kept silent about nowadays? How the true symbolism of the Statue of Liberty was concealed. What did Mithra’s torch and crown mean?
- What is the underlying message of the painting Liberty Leading the People by French romanticism artist Eugène Delacroix?
- The role of Édouard de Laboulaye, French senator, lawyer, historian, member of the Freemason order, in granting of the Statue of Liberty to America.
- How Archons have been using the Statue of Liberty for manipulations
- The Roman law which is currently used by the entire world was elaborated in Ancient Rome by pontiffs-priests who belonged to the Freemasons’ highest organisation back then.
- Mithraism, the religion originating from a popular religious teaching that appeared in ancient Iran (Persia).
- What was the initial sense of the word Mithra?
- Who were Ahura Mazda and six immortal Saints “Amesha Spenta” in Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism)?
- The meaning of the lotus flower that initially symbolized the knowledge of Belyao Dzy science of Shambala.
- The concept of an internal agreement in Ancient Europe and Ancient India
- Link between the Slavonic expression “peace and God”, Vedic mitrabhaga, and Avestan Mithra Baga.
- Symbolism of the ChinvatBridge at which a human soul finds itself after death. Concept of the afterlife judgement in Mazdaism.
- Which primordial Knowledge is presented in associative concepts of the afterlife judgement in various cultures of the world?
- It is possible to explain life in the spiritual world with earthly words?
- How the knowledge of the internal in Mazdaism was eventually replaced with external material stimuli?
- How Zoroaster’s teaching is interpreted nowadays?
- What was the fundamental idea of Zoroaster’s teaching?
- Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu. The concept of good and evil in Mazdaism.
- Struggle between Rigden Djappo and Ariman for the spiritual purity of people.
- Destiny of the human Soul
- Cult of Mithras. How this religion emerged and became popular owing to Archons’ considerations.
- How Archons used the Avesta text to attract as many people of their interest as possible.
- How Archons interpreted popular scriptures to direct people along a totally different course beneficial for Archons themselves.
- Establishment of Mithraism by Freemasons as of a completely male religion.
- Religion as a powerful tool of Archons’ influence.
- Why Mithraism that was spread all over Europe and Near East suddenly surrendered to Christianity which had been previously little known and violently persecuted.
- How Archons replaced the old signboard with a new one, i.e. Mithraism with Christianity.
- How Archons ensured artificial growth of the US economy
- How and for which reasons was World War I provoked, and who did that?
- The Committee of 300: the ruling elite. Why this community was established, and who are its members.
- Who is called the All-Seeing Eye in narrow circles and “a leading spirit’ or ‘Lucifer’s eye” in wider circles?
- Closed circle of priests (the Council of 13), the Council of 33, CFR, the World Bank, the Trilateral Commission... Who do all these organisations have in common? For which purpose were they established?
- Who are Bilderbergers, and how are they connected with the ruling top?
- NATO and the UN: institutions owned by the secret world government
- The three empires deliberately destroyed: Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian
- What is the Slavic nation mystery? Why does this nation remain unpredictable for Archons’ logic?
- Why did Archons benefit from the Russian Empire collapse? How they financed arrangement of an artificial crisis within the country and caused the civil war.
- World War I: the massacre imposed by Archons, which caused enormous increase of the state debt of nearly every country that participated.
- Why was the League of Nations established right after World War I?
- World War II: the event planned by Archons in order to expand their influence and increase profits.
- What message is enciphered in the UN Charter Preamble promulgated in 1945?
- Why price growth is usually presented as a “spontaneous unpredictable process” and justified by price increase “in global markets”. Is this process really unpredictable?
- Why Archons benefit from making people financially dependent? What happens, when people’s thoughts permanently relate to increase of their incomes needed for their families to survive in this world?
- Who opposes Archons in this world?
- Human animal nature as a main lever of Archons’ ideology. Why it’s important for everyone to be a Human.
- Hitler’s role as of Freemasons’ pawn. Hitler’s real biography since childhood up to adulthood and key events of his life.
- Formal and actual purpose of the Thule Society. Mysticism and occultism in the secret society’s activity.
- The role of Hitler’s meeting with architect Alfred Rosenberg and playwright Dietrich Eckart, the Thule Society members.
- How Hitler used certain techniques and practices he had been taught in the Order, and a group of mediums who supported him on his public speeches.
- How Hitler’s party was established in Germany, representing a whole order formed like medieval knightly orders.
- How the entire fault and troubles or, on the contrary, all the best deeds are ascribed to certain historical figures for Archons’ propaganda purposes.
- Hitler’s party funding. Where did they take enormous amounts of money to fund the party in the period when Germany was greatly suffering due to reparation payments?
- The Bush clan as an example of Freemasons’ active work. Participation of the Bush family members in implementation of Archons’ secret plans during World Wars I and II.
- The role of CIA Director Allen Dulles and lawyer Prescott Bush in Archons’ plans
- Why did the February Bourgeois Revolution tale place in Russia?
- The personality of Lenin. Who was this man who opposed Archons, and what were his goals?
- Lenin tried to overcome crisis in the country. When his goals contradicting Archons’ intentions started to become apparent though concrete activities, Archons decided to remove and replace him with their puppet.
- Why Stalin was elected the General Secretary at the 13th Congress of the Russian Communist Party, although Lenin had entrusted his followers with non-admission of Stalin to the said post.
- Why Hitler was imprisoned together with Rudolf Hess
- Who was Karl Haushofer, and what was his role in implementation of Archons’ plans in Germany?
- The Order of the Green Dragon. What knowledge do its members possess?
- Why a negative attitude to Shambala started to be popularised after Nazi times?
- The mysterious personality of a “Tibetan monk” who wore green gloves, with whom Hitler and leaders of secret societies of the Third Reich were in permanent contact, calling him “the Key Keeper”.
- With each new splash of light, there is less darkness in the world. If a person sees the light, but quenches it, the darkness extends its territory. Everybody who has taken in the light becomes its bearer. And only one’s personal choice determines how much light will be there around him/her, and in the world as a whole.
- Why do Archons benefit from distorting information about Shambala?
- Thule Society founder Rudolf von Sebottendorff and the Brotherhood of Light order
- What happened when Hitler revealed the true character of those who had organized his rise to power? How was he looking for possible options to escape from the Archons’ control and gain sole dictatorial power?
- What was the actual reason of repressions initiated by Stalin?
- Hitler’s and Stalin’s attempt to join efforts against Archons was unsuccessful. Why? The role of Archons’ occult forces in the issue.
- Why was Hitler searching for Shambala and the Grail?
- Hitler initiated construction of a complex where he intended to keep the Grail. The complex was named “the WewelsburgCastle”. What was the architectural symbolism of the complex?
- The Grail as 12 runic signs which last time were inscribed on four stones, three signs on each stone.
- Who was punished by Freemasons’ judges for numerous victims of World War II?
- Archons plan global wars by generations. According to their estimates, World War III is to fall to the lot of the current human generation.
- Three probable dates of the next global war scheduled by Archons: 23 December 2012, the year 2017, or the year 2025.
- Modern technologies enable the mankind to turn Sahara desert into a blooming garden and provide a considerable part of population with its fruits.
- The Agarti Plan implemented by Archons: construction of a fully autonomous underground city (intended for rather long dwelling of 144 thousand people with due regard for their reproduction) which would be safe enough during any cataclysms and duly protected against nuclear attacks.
- Wars are arranged by a small group of people. The rest are their numerous slaves.
- Archons just plan, while we, people, decide whether to agree with their choice or defend ours. The overall choice totally depends on each one’s personal choice.
- A man is always free in his personal choice! All fears are begotten by the Animal nature, due to its total fear of death. But any matter is mortal: it’s the law. However, a human being is unique and great, because he/she is not just a piece of matter, and neither he/she’s a slave. A colossal spiritual power is within him/her, able to transform a human being into the Human Real, into a creature superior to this world. Freeing from deceit, a person gets rid of stupidity. Knowing the Truth, he/she becomes stronger and smarter. The more there will be clever, spiritually free people in the world, the harder it will be for Archons to implement their plans, and the weaker their influence on people will be. And, if all people know the Truth and make the right choice, there will be nobody whom Archons would dictate their terms. After all, Archons are empty spaces. There are only a handful of them. The decision is in people’s hands: to yield to Archons’ provocation and bring the planet to the global war, or to throw down the Archons authority and create a golden age of this civilization. The future of the world is in people’s hands. Everything is very simple. You need to be the one whom Archons fear. You need to be a Human!”
- Americans have never landed on the Moon. A human foot has never stepped there. Evidence of this fact.
- Why do Freemasons benefit from falsification of the lunar flight?
- Why was the USSR leading in astronautics? Sergei Korolev’s role in this, and the qualities of his extraordinary personality. Korolev was not a common person.
- As nanotechnology is developing, people will be able to fly to the Moon and other neighbouring planets.
- What is the nanoworld? What prospects are opened for the humanity by the microworld knowledge?
- What is the basis of people’s conflicts, quarrels, and scandals? Our inner immaturity and internal conflict between the Animal and Spiritual natures.
- Omar Khayyam’s life story and creative works. Khayyam’s learning from a person who was a disciple of Agapit of Pechersk.
- How Isaac Newton copied Omar Khayyam’s scientific works
- Who was Isaac Barrow?
- The goals of the secret Luciferian Order and its relation to the TrinityCollege and Freemasons.
- The real life story of Isaac Newton, and Isaac Barrow’s role in his emergence
- Which affairs were arranged by Luciferians through Newton? Newton as a puppet in Freemasons’ hands.
- Omar Khayyam’s contribution to mathematics, astronomy, and physics. What were his spiritual knowledge and achievements? Why did contemporaries deservedly call him “the Greatest Erudite of the Century”, “the Evidence of the Truth”, “the Imam of Horasan”, “the King of Eastern and Western Philosophers”, and “the Sage who has grown a sprout of Living Love in his heart” (his major nickname emphasizing his inner essence)?
- What symbols did Omar Khayyam use in his poems in order to allegorically communicate spiritual knowledge and express what was impossible to say openly? Sufi methods in Khayyam’s poetry.
- What is meant by “the Grail Chalice” or “Jamshid’s Cup”?
- Newton and Omar Khayyam: one served the darkness throughout his life, while the other one served the light. The role of personal choice in human life.
- An ancient legend about Conscience, about how external laws are drafted, and why people keep Conscience locked up.
- The role of body mortality awareness for one’s spiritual self-improvement. “To die” means to separate from one’s Animal nature inside oneself, to feel who and what you are in reality. It’s the Animal nature’s power and numerous desires that die. When egoism vanishes, a person starts serving God and disinterestedly helping other people.
- How Imhotep’s disciples became aware of what death was
- Why it’s important to feel and understand that you are already dead here and now
- Description of one of the parts of a secret ritual of initiation into the Knights Templar inner circle. A text by Templar Evrar.
- Who is divine Sophia? What does the word Sophia mean and symbolize?
- Knowledge of the CosmicMountain in different cultures of the world (MountMeru / Sumeru, Altyn-Tu).
- What does Miraj mean in Islamic tradition? How does the word symbolism relate to human spiritual development?
- Jibrail (Gabriel) is called the Holy Spirit (Rukh al-Kuds) in the Koran.
- Paradise in Islam. Janna is described as a multi-storey pyramid crowned by “the Extreme Lotus”. In which Koran Surahs is the Extreme Lotus mentioned?
- The Extreme Lotus is the highest level of a person’s spiritual development. How can it be achieved?
- Symbolism of Sirius star in Islam
- What is spiritual experience?
- What is the mysterious Grail? Why is it said that it possesses “the power over power”?
- What is called the Initial Sound, the Sound of Creation, or the Primordial Sound capable of changing the world?
- What do contemporary scientists know about the Universe? How did it emerge in actual fact?
- What is Allat? An ancient legend about Allat. Allat as a creative power of the female nature, that came from God’s world.
- The Universe which we regard as boundless occupies an area billions of times smaller than a tip of the thinnest medical needle.
- God’s single reality, the universal power reality. Why a human being cannot grasp it with mind and logic. How can a human being perceive God’s reality?
- Correlation between Lotus and Allat
- Functions of Po particles of which the entire material Universe in composed. Does Po include Allat, or Allat include Po? Do Allat and Po represent one and the same thing? What is the Po particle?
- How the power of Allat is manifested?
- What are the Tablets of Destinies?
- The Universe creation according to Sumerian cosmology (Nammu, Alad, Apsu, Tiamat…)
- What is depicted on the Shambala sign? What do signs on it symbolize?
- An ancient Egyptian legend about Ra, the Sun god
- Knowledge of Allat in legends of various peoples (ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Hindus)
- Allat worship among ancient Arab peoples
- A Chinese myth about Nui-Wa foremother who was considered the creator of all things
- In scientific understanding, allat is an integral time unit, very important for the entire matter. How many minutes are there in one allat?
- The story of the Phaethon planet civilization. Where was the planet situated, and who lived on it? How people on the Phaethon applied the Grail, and what was the outcome?
- Which myths contain records of the Phaethon?
- There are a hundred billion planets in the Universe, inhabited by people.
- The sense of human life is to abandon Lucifer’s sphere, leave the circle of reincarnations, and leave for the paradise (get to Nirvana).
- The sense of life of the mankind as a whole is to establish such a society where spiritual purity would be ensured instead of destructive desires and intentions, where the spiritual would prevail, and the entire society would be able to abandon Lucifer’s sphere.
- Civilizations which succeeded in abandoning Lucifer’s sphere
- How can the mankind create the Golden Age?
- If you want to live in a better society, start with yourself first and become a real Human. Look inside yourself and think who you are and what you live in this world for.
- What positive changes in the world can be caused by synchronization of people’s spiritual surge?
- At what time in the day does Rigden Djappo perform his working meditations, and what will happen if other people perform the Lotus Practice at those hours?
- What do the Crossroad times mean for the humanity? Which choice is currently faced by the mankind?
- What happens when a person applies the Primordial Sound formula (the Grail)? What was the original Knowledge about the formula opening?
- God’s world is the human being’s primordial Home.
- For the fifth time, the Primordial Sound formula was brought by Jesus Christ. Why was the formula given to Mary Magdalene?
- Who was Mary Magdalene? The true story of her life and disclosure of the meaning of her spiritual feat. How did she meet Jesus? Who was she for him? Why is she called “Magdalene”, and how does this relate to her spiritual role as of Jesus’ best disciple?
- Not everything that looks black in the human world is black. And not everything that seems to be white is white. Perception of the colour depends on the inward feeling. The purer the soul is, the more often a human sees true colours of this world. And the more he/she grows spiritually, the further he/she realizes what this world is in actual fact. Aspirations for cognition of the truth are certainly praiseworthy. However, the more knowledge is acquired, the more sorrow is experienced.
- The true story of Jesus’ life. Who gave him birth, and where? How did he meet John the Baptist? Jesus’ journey to Tibet and Altai.
- Why Peter was never Jesus’ real disciple in actual fact? Peter’s life story, egoistic ambitions, and world outlook.
- The story of life and spiritual living of Andrew, Jesus’ true follower
- What kind of a group was the group of Jesus’ true disciples? Why was Mary Magdalene the best among Jesus’ disciples, and why did he call her the successor of his Teaching and his Minister (sounding like apostolos in Greek)?
- Which Jesus’ words mentioned in the Bible as said to Peter were in fact addressed to Mary Magdalene?
- How did the term simony appear? How does it relate to Peter?
- What was the trade in indulgences? How open barefaced trade of crimes via the Holy See took place.
- Who was Jacob? What was his role in the establishment of Christianity as religion and in substitution of the primordial knowledge brought by Jesus?
- Why did the Pope inherit the pontiff title? Who were called pontiffs in Ancient Rome? Where did this name originate from, generally speaking?
- What was the role of Numa Pompilius in establishment of religious cults and handicraft workshops, and in adoption of laws mandatory for the society?
- How pontiffs created the Roman Empire as a global whip by means of which Archons instilled obedience in many countries of the ancient world for a long time.
- Contemporary world lives by the legal template of the Roman law invented by pontiffs!
- Esagila city of Ariman as of the Great Pontiff, constructed by Archons in the centre of Babylon
- What does ziggurat mean?
- Vatican in Rome as the global religious centre with political control levers
- How Archons prepared for the advent of such a powerful Spiritual Personality as Jesus
- Who are Pharisees?
- What is electorate? Which schemes did Archons use from the earliest times to manipulate electorate?
- Jesus undermined the authority of rulers, “holy”, “untouchable” persons, exposed the true essence of those who called themselves “mediators” between God and people, indicated they were just as mortal as others, and said they speculated God’s name instead of serving God, actually forcing people to serve them.
- Pontius Pilate’s story. What kind of a person he was considered, and why he decided to help Jesus.
- How Jesus’ death was imitated, and where Jesus departed after the crucifixion
- Archons’ old reliable scheme: if you can’t destroy a movement, you should become its leader.
- What “key operation” on substitution of Jesus’ teaching was entrusted by Archons to Hillel’s grandson Gamaliel, the famous Jerusalem rabbi and authoritative Pharisee?
- Barnabas was not an apostle. Who was he in reality?
- Who was Paul in actual fact, and which role did he play as Archons’ special chessman?
- What is the conclave?
- How Greeks called Jesus’ teaching, and why did Jesus’ followers called themselves Chrestians? How and why Archons changed the name to Christians, supposedly coming from the word сhristos (“anointed”)?
- How Archons turned the Church of Antioch into a temporary centre of Christianity, and how this Church started sending the so-called “missionaries” all over the Roman Empire.
- For a true believer, whatever religion he/she belongs to, there is no force or obstacle which would restrain his/her soul sincerely longing for God. The genuine faith is within a human being. If the faith is true, nothing external may be an obstacle for it.
- Jesus’ genuine teaching. Jesus taught people to feel God inside themselves, since every human being is God’s Temple. He taught to feel one’s soul and live for the sake of its salvation, whereas Archons’ protégés replaced the idea of personal self-improvement with formal external worship actions.
- How Archons turned their people into “mediators” between God and a human being, and introduced a statement that nobody could be saved without participation of such “mediators”
- How Peter became the public leader of the Christian religious organisation, while Paul became its actual leader
- What Archons did in order to provoke fear in the flock, given fear enslaves people.
- What does the word Satan mean literally? Why Israelite Paul raised Satan in his teaching up to a cosmic enemy opposing God.
- How Jesus’ teaching was awakening people’s souls
- What is the true sense of big politics?
- How does “democracy” actually operate in a “republic”? Whom do people select their rulers from?
- Why the Pope got this title, although Jesus warned: “Don’t call anyone on earth your father, for your have only one Father who is in heaven”.
- Authentic information about Peter’s life and deeds. Why was he never Jesus’ real follower, and which role did he play for Archons?
- How Jesus’ teaching was transformed into the official religion based on contradictions
- Jesus taught that a person should first and foremost care about his/her soul, about accumulation of spiritual wealth and good deeds.
- The true face of Vatican. This tiny country is one of the richest countries of the world now, when millions of people die of starvation. Whom does Vatican industriously serve?
- How were the four Gospels composed? What were the sources of these texts, and how was the truth misrepresented in them?
- Emperor Nero’s story. Who was he for Archons, why did he become unattractive for them, and how did they deal with him?
- Why Roman archives were destroyed during the fire in Rome, including archives that contained Pontius Pilate’s reports on his work as of Judea Procurator.
- Archons’ favourite technique is to involve as many people as possible in their political and economic conspiracies, for in such a crowd it’s very easy to cover up tracks of the real instigators and trip others up.
- What was previously located in the place of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome?
- The VICАRIVS FILII DEI title inscribed on the Pope’s tiara means “the Deputy of the Lord’s Son”, if translated from Latin. If all numerals of the title letters are added up, the number 666 comes out.
- Human fear is the main enslaving whip of Archons, which horrifies the masses and deprives them of force and will. At that, fear of the future is a double hit at human psyche.
- Disasters and cataclysms take place according to certain earthly cycles, and this was known to many ancient peoples.
- The Revelation of St. John represents artificial blinkers for the flock. Which texts were used as sources for the Revelation? Babylonian, Sumerian and Akkadian origin of biblical legends.
- Why was Jesus telling parables, and what did they awake in people?
- How “apostle” Paul suggested hypnotic sets on people, manipulating their consciousness
- If a human being gets rid of fear and wakes up from illusions imposed by Archons, he/she will understand that the matter is dust, while life time is given for achievement of spiritual goals. There is nothing behind fear, only emptiness distorted by the Animal nature beyond recognition. Life of the matter is momentary, but for the soul these moments, no matter how fast they pass, represent a real chance to leave for the real world, the eternal reality of God.
- How the so-called Eastern Roman Empire turned into the Byzantine Empire. Why did Christianity become a state religion in the Byzantine Empire?
- What does the word heretic mean, and who were called heretics in ancient times?
- How and why was the cross turned into the symbol of Christianity?
- Who was Emperor Constantine in actual fact? Thanks to whom are historical records of him so flattering, and who actually organised his victories? Why was Constantine an attractive puppet for Archons, and how did they use him?
- What is the difference between places of power where there is a real power radiation and the so-called “holy sites” related to certain events or activities of representatives of one or another religion?
- Why did Prince Vladimir adopt Christianity?
- What is the mystery of the unpredictable Slavic nation’s soul?
- Historical examples of how Slavic holidays were renamed after the Christianity adoption, but Slavic customs and traditions were preserved.
- What kind of churches did they start constructing during Emperor Constantine’s reign?
- Funny historical examples of “holy relics” trade.
- Why Orthodox women should wear kerchiefs on their heads while they are in churches?
- Why the famous four Gospels only were selected for the Bible text, but not other gospels?
- Only in spiritual purity a divine sparkle, the soul, may be opened. And for reaching such purity one just needs to become a Human.
- Disclosure of the mystery of Jesus’ Last Supper.
- When did Jesus hand the Grail to Mary Magdalene? How did that take place? Who was Mary Magdalene for Jesus?
- How Mary Magdalene used the Grail formula given to her by Jesus. Why, having become the Creature higher than the Human, she stayed on the Earth, in this hell, basically hovering between the worlds, in order to help millions of sufferers?
- Why is Virgin Mary still appearing to people nowadays?
- Which mystery lies in the female nature? Why in ancient legends of various peoples of the world this source or vital energy was associated with immortality.
- Which role is played by the unconscious in human psyche and life?
- The cult of Sumerian goddess Inanna. Who was Inanna in actual fact?
- Goddess Isis as a prototype of a real woman connected with Bodhisattva Osiris. Which grains of primordial knowledge were preserved in Ancient Egypt?
- Why is the Slavic nation unique? Why most churches in Rus were constructed in honour of the Mother of God?
- How did Athos become what it’s famous for? What did Agapit of Pechersk contribute to the glory of this place?
- Who were the Knights Hospitaller?
- What is the Grail? What is the sacred sound formula? How and why was the Grail given to humanity?
- The Knights Templar. How did the Order emerge? Who were its founders, which noble objectives did the Order set for itself, and how did the Order relate to the Grail and Mary Magdalene? What is the meaning of the Order symbols and slogan, and what was its major secret? What is known about the White Monk?
- Who deliberately exterminated the Knights Templar? How and why was this done?
- Why was “the Holy Inquisition” developed in the Middle Ages? What was its purpose?
- Who benefits when Templars are confused with masons?
- A bélles-léttres text as the most convenient form to store the knowledge, including the secret one.
- The Crossroad times. The Grail and the people’s choice.
“Well, guys, why have I told you so many ‘uninteresting things’ today? For you to understand what this world is like, and how a true Human should live in it. Life is too short to waste it for desires of a mortal body. Don’t give way to illusions and fears imposed on you by the Archons who thus endeavour to turn you into their narrow-minded slaves. Everything existing in this world will disappear sooner or later and will turn into emptiness. So, why should you feel fear of something that doesn’t exist already in front of the Eternity? Having chosen the spiritual path, approach God without hesitations and don’t be afraid of anything, because everything in this world is temporaryand transient.
Remember that you were born for the highest Freedom! And you always have the right of personal choice. It’s up to you to become a prisoner of the Animal nature or to merge with the essence of your Soul and be the Light for others! To be a Human, to live for the sake of highest spiritual goals, to render all possible help to people are the true values which might be gained in this world and taken to the Eternity, when you go there. Everything in this world has its Beginning and End. But only for those who gain the Highest through their thoughts and deeds, the End turns into the Beginning.”

Prepared by Anna (Ukraine)
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