look seem a lot of that ancient stone hand bag were found and belong to jiroft (halil rood) that you are listed there mesopotamian artifacts.
this article (comparative table…) it´s really something, it helps a lot to understand how does primary/secondary conscienceness works along with personality therefore one can develop inner understanding, that allows finetunning all the work that must be done in order to succed in his path to Spiritual Being/World. Thank you.
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A correction to this well-done article: Catholics (and I am reasonably certain Orthodox) do not worship Mary; she is venerated by us.
Better quality image
Another image for your collection: anonymous russian painter, XX century, egg tempera on wood board; nowadays in private collection in Poland
Great resource, thank you for putting this together.
“A golden tooth and an illegible inscription under the Animal Mind’s eye (?)”
It reads “AB CHAOS” and can be seen again later on in the film when the eye reapears at 5:08 although you probably alraedy know that by now.
After this, Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail (peace be upon them) rebuilt the Kaba. The measurements of the Kaba’s Ibrahimic foundation are as follows:
-the eastern wall was 48 feet and 6 inches
-the Hateem side wall was 33 feet
-the side between the black stone and the Yemeni corner was 30 feet
-the Western side was 46.5 feet
the black stone wall ratio to the eastern wall was .618
It would be great if you could provide english translation to the video attached to this post. I think many people don’t understand russian
It is quite interesting to me the description given from the Divine Avesta… it sounds to me as though they were describing the long mountain range found at the center of Pangea, which would be at the center of the Earth. Also, just a side comment that the Gulf of Mexico would be ablout the size of Mount Meru, if in fact the Sacred Mountain was taken from off the Earth. I would suggest reading Moses Chapter 7, it is yet another book that could give a lot of insight as far as ancient religion goes.
More information on Italy from AllatRa TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tleVT60f1IE
It doesn’t surprise me that over the last 40 years, a sigificant part of case# 3976-15 at 7 has changed. This involves the reappearance of Christ and it went something like this: In the years 1958 to 1998 His Light will again be seen in the clouds. As to dates, as to times, as to places, alone it shall be given to them, in whom he has made His election. To them it shall be given.
It is also significant that the Cayce Foundation itself no longer has this part of 7 recorded with the same words. I checked. Fortunately for those who may be interested this time period was part 1. Part 2 is underway with tremendous momentum.
For those nostalgic or anyone wishing to investigate I will leave breadcrumbs that simple investigation will uncover. A more than healthy curiosity may yield fulfilling results as the temple can be entered daily. And many humanitarian initiatives are stemming from it.
A noted “Ambassador” of peace was born on December 10, 1957. By December of 1998 this person announced in Pasadena Ca. USA that for the first time ever, the knowing of the self has been established on every continent (where people can permantly live). And that world wide communication had been tied in to allow for the message to become truly global.
January 1, 2018. Anyone with a smartphone or android can download an app for daily access to the message.
Then maybe someone can see fit to return Cayce’s words to the original version.
Thanks a lot for the videos!
There are also dolmens in north America/USA, mostly in the north eastern United States. See the following:
That’s incredible! Thanks a lot!
Everything is possible, depending on how you look. I guess only da Vinci knew that for sure:)
The extra hand is not extra. It’s Peter’s hand on his hip. Don’t believe me, put something in your hand and then put the back of that same hand on your hip.
Many thanks for this information.
Kindest regards.
The information is given in Chapter 8 of Part III of The Crossroads book (it’s actually the very last chapter). The entire book in Russian may be found here: http://www.e-reading.club/book.php?book=149367
Thank you for your response. It would be interesting know in what part of your book is this information. An image, any indication could be very useful in this matter.
Dear Erik, unfortunately all we have is the quoting of this Old Persian poem in The Crossroads book by Anastasia Novykh, while the book itself is available only in Russian. Hopefully, an inquisitive person will once appear who knows Old Persian and would be willing to work with ancient Persian sources.
Could you please, let any indication about the original source? (...) The original text was composed as verse in Old Persian, and any translation will surely sound differently, since in Old Persian the verse has its special metrical tone(...)
Thank You, it`s very usefull function!
There is a very nice video about Shambhala, made on the basis of the Primordial Knowledge:
Beautiful! Thank you.
Mary, thank you for your bug response! The problem is solved;)
For some reason, I cannot vote for this article. The button does not work.
What a prayer! And Mullah’s voice is so elevating! Thanks for posting this.
Link to the AllatRa book: allatra.us. There you can download or read the book online.
Darya, thanks a lot for your story and intersting quotes. May I download the AllatRa book from anywhere?
There is another interesting quote from the same book…
“You must control the processes of comparison in your mind. As often as possible, you need to ask yourself questions of such nature as, for instance, “Where does the envy come from?”, “What and whom am I comparing?”, “Is thiscomparison appropriate?” People cannot be“identical”: everyone is unique and different in theircharacteristics in build, genetics, in character, talents,the level of diligence, and so on. People have specific features not only in their visible, but also in their invisiblestructure. Simply put, everybody is different, each hashis or her own particularities, and everyone carries his / her own cross, his / her owndestiny. It is better, of course, to use the following motto when the Animal Nature shows itself, “Don’t compare,don’t be proud, and don’t be jealous!” It is better to treat any situation from the perspective of the Spiritual Nature Observer, in other words, being detached from the Animal Nature thoughts and emotions.
You should accept situations and people just as they are, because every situation and each person in it is some kind of a teacher. You must be able to learn positive lessons from any circumstances, even negative ones. To be satisfied with what you have. After all, the root of the feeling of satisfaction is not in the external world, but in the inner world of man, in his deepest desire. If a person wants to become a Spiritual Personality, then all his or her wishes must be about the spiritual zeal.”
Hey, folks, how did you manage to collect the entire information? You really did a great job, for many people spend years to learn and analyse all this. I’ll surely take time and attentively read all artilcles in the Prophecies section and will look forward to seeing your new publications here.
Thanks for posting the program with translation. Hope other programs will also be available in English.
Перевод делал человек. Смысл отражен максимально точно, но рифмы нет, поскольку были даны сжатые сроки на перевод, и смысл бы от рифмы пострадал:)
This is a response to the request of the poem author regarding the above translation. Eugene Gusev asked whether it’s Google translation, or translation was done by a human being. We’ve responded the translation was done by a living person, and the sense of every line is reflected precisely, but there’s no rhyme, since our translators work on numerous texts, whereas rhymed translation would take too much time.
Этот перевод делал человек? Или это машинный перевод Гугла?
Ответ пришлите сюда пожалуйста egg61@ya.ru
What a sweet, heartfelt story! Mary thanks to the author.
The prayer is marvellous. By the way, I’ve once found it here: http://www.worldprayers.org/archive/prayers/invocations/my_true_father_i_set_my_hopes.html
Thank you for the article reposted on your website. The topic is extremely interesting.
This is an amazing piece of information! I have to ponder over what you write on your website, for there’s plenty of new things to know and dig into.
”Humility means persistent efforts in service to humanity. God is always on duty.”
- Mahatma Gandhi, Selected Works
When it was the Dark Ages, with its sinister “Holy” Inquisition, the same lily flower became suddenly shame. Lily Catholic Church begins to be used in the ritual of burning “sinners” at the stake. A beautiful flower has been transformed into a symbol of obscurantism, abuse of people. Emblem of the lily branded criminals.
In Russia, the white lily is also considered a symbol of chastity and purity, they often gave brides. Lily revered in Russia as a symbol of peace.
My True Father,
I set my hopes upon You, the One,
And I only ask You, God,
For my soul salvation.
Let Your Holy will
Be my strengthening on this path,
For my life without You is a mere empty moment.
And only service to You leads to the Eternal life. Amen.
Thank you very much! Always I had the feeling that man is something more than the body
Thank you, who would have thought ... Now I know where are the emotions
Accidentally found this article and got amazed. I’ve been takling interest in the Chinvat Bridge for several years, and here I’ve found good pieces of information that’s new to me. Thanks:)
Thank you very much, guys! Very interesting:)
It is great that this extraodinary information is now awailable in English! All the people in the world have to know it. Because these are the most important news of the last thousand years!
This video excites an unspeakable feeling inside, happier, deeper and broader than anything I’ve ever felt in my life. I wish the programme was in English as well:)
Project Aim
Assuming this is where i share for Catharsis…
All my life I’ve struggled with emotional issues but a common experience ive repeatedly experienced seems relevant. Whenever the strong emotions get to be too much, i historically have had destructive bouts where i break things and wouldn’t stop until I ruined something important to me and thus creating loss, like I’m punishing myself. Embracing such a pattern gets particularly dangerous and self destructive as one gets older, as a child maybe i stopped after ripping up a favorite stuffed animal but as an adult the things that are important to us become much more sensitive, maybe you can’t stop until you’ve ruined your relationship or quit a job…reeling these self destructive urges in gets tougher the longer you put it off, the stakes just climb higher and higher in the meantime.
So i suppose a higher self should be able to reconcile intense anger/sadness/feelings of betrayal and whatnot but when that’s not happening i would guess my subconscious is driving my mind to seek self punishment for the weakness.
Not sure if that’s the sort of thing you’re looking for in this endeavor but there’s a contribution just the same. Good luck and God bless