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Prediction of the Second Coming of Christ as the Judge. Voiced by Giorgio Bongiovanni

  • 13.10.2015
  • 41
  • 8326

    In his interview to Russian journalists, famous Italian stigmatist Giorgio Bongiovanni tells about the Second Coming of Christ, or more exactly of His advent as the Judge. It should be mentioned we permanently encounter such indication in prophecies and scriptures that the awaited Messiah (Teacher) will judge humanity. From numerous sources we know that Rigden Djappo and Osiris (as one and the same “person”) is the Judge of human souls. We dare warily assume “the Second Coming of Christ” is exactly the coming of Rigden Djappo to the secular world.

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If I were God...

  • 07.11.2015
  • 107
  • 4384

    Studying numerous prophecies and records from diverse scriptures of different cultures and ages, which we have earlier referred to in our publications, we can see an obvious fact that most people who reckon themselves among followers of one or another religion or belief are waiting for the advent of Somebody Great, Somebody who should come and save them, put things in order in the world, punish, reward, restore justice, ensure the bright present and future for them, do good for everyone, etcetera, etcetera. At the same time, an impression arises that people’s ideas of such truly important event boil down to the mystically primitive understanding from a Russian children’s song: “A magician will suddenly come in a light blue helicopter…” – and everyone will become happy!

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Sensei of Shambala (Book IV). Contents.

  • 04.12.2015
  • 147
  • 22527

Although this book is a continuation of the three preceding ones, it may be regarded as a separate work due to the scope and quality of information contained therein. Perhaps, it may safely be called a bomb tearing away the shroud and fetters of falsehood from thousand-year layers of human history. The book contains unknown facts of the world history that covers a period starting from Ancient Egypt until nowadays. Imhotep, Archons (a small group of people who claim to be supreme leaders of the entire world, owing to their ideology and sizeable capitals), the story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Paul and Peter, the Knights Templar, Omar Khayyam, Isaac Newton, a totally new version of the Holy Grail secret... And also an unknown history of Egyptian pyramids, the Old Testament, Imhotep, establishment of the USA, the Freemason secret society, the true reasons of world wars and revolutions, and many, many more...

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The reason why emotions emerge in a human is discovered! Aspects – amygdalae – emotions

  • 29.02.2016
  • 311
  • 18331

    We continue building the evidentiary base to prove existence of the four aspects in the human subtle energy structure which are invisible, but exert enormous influence on human life and mental health, so as to convince contemporary scientists and leading society thinkers of the fact that this sensational discovery can help find answers to innumerable questions and cope with numerous so far unsolvable tasks. In our earlier articles titled Human energy structure. Truncated pyramid with a detached top and Four human Aspects. Why do contemporaries know nothing about those? we started considering the “well forgotten” theory described in the AllatRa book regarding the presence of rational energy and information structures in a human being, which presence is confirmed by numerous historical artefacts, and today we will endeavour to link certain scientific achievements in brain studies with the Primordial Knowledge brought by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo to the world. We neither particularly expect that academic science, being stuck in materialism, will immediately react and display due interest to this research, nor care that science makes no headway. Our goal is to provide those who have reached a deadlock with an opportunity to come out of it, to find and link facts of recent scientific discoveries with the deepest knowledge about the human nature currently available. We want just to give a hint, to urge and to guide... and those who get interested will elaborate the topic.

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Who benefits from the world conflict? or ALLATRA IPM refers to dignity, freedom and human rights

  • 18.04.2016
  • 212
  • 8532

    Shocking news! A documentary entitled Who Benefits from the World Conflict? Or ALLATRA IPM Refers to Dignity, Freedom and Human Rights, recently released on YouTube, exposes shameless actions of Ukrainian journalists from Espreso TV, Channel 24 and 2+2. Scandalous program episodes slandering the AllatRa International Public Movement were released in late February on the said three TV channels almost at the same time. The way the information was presented, the uniform style of plots and the general program trend signify a single thing: this is a coarse, insolent, deceitful made-to-order paid campaign the purpose of which is to compromise the good name and reputation of the famous unique volunteer movement.

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Life. Contents. The Truth is One for Everyone (third interview with Igor Danilov)

  • 07.08.2016
  • 810
  • 231566

    Understanding the need to prepare contents of this programme according to our website tradition, I wanted to write down a single word for every broadcast second – LOVE. The words sounding from the screen are surely important, but they are secondary. This programme is an open Gate to the Spiritual World generously endowing everyone who’s open to God with abundance of His Love…

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Love... Essay

  • 13.08.2016
  • 150
  • 5290

What is Love?

In Latin Amore means “to flow, to stream, to spring on another person”... In the Old Slavonic LUBOV (LOVE) means people know God; they explore themselves, their divine Essence. According to famous poet Sergei Yesenin, “love is not spoken about in words…”, but through these lines I would like to simply share the simplest, yet most important discovery in my life:

“God is Love”.

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  • 14.08.2016
  • 202
  • 7138

Gratitude… It’s the only word that may be said when you start feeling Him… He is not false, He is gentle. He is everlasting and will never abandon you. He is everything. But it’s impossible to grasp this. One can only know this. There are neither enemies nor teachers nor friends. There is nothing that seems so firm and stable. But there is Him – the endless, boundless ocean of Love, and only He alone can exist forever. “Master, be inseparable with your product, and if you say a word turn into this word yourself”, how accurate these words are! He simply exists. It is such a joy, such a boundlessness to abide in Him! There are neither doubt nor separation. He is living. There is no Universe, but only Him. Only He is Life which is eternal. There are no stages, no ways. Everything’s fleeting. Freedom. It is here, and it’s greater than human mind can imagine. He is the only Love of everyone. A song that is sung inside. More than happiness. Light.

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Silouan’s Dream. Part III

  • 13.02.2017
  • 377
  • 11102

This is a closing part of the little series dedicated to the help rendered by Mary to all of us. As you have probably understood by the article title, we will talk about Reverend Silouan the Athonite. Recently on our website we touched upon the subject of Ezoosmos – the inner impulse. I believe it would be absolutely fair to attribute the concept of Ezoosmos to the personality’s spiritual path as well, that is in this context such impulse would be an event, e.g. a dream, a vision, or a conversation with someone. Owing to such an event, a person comes to understand he or she is not just a piece of matter, a part of this material world, but something greater…

Such event serves as a sort of an impetus that forces a person to step on the spiritual path, start improving oneself for the better in every day of one’s life, and gradually move in the right direction where he or she has been “pushed”.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Interesting headings