The serpent biting its own tail as a symbol of the Universe. An image collection

In search of information to confirm what is written in the books by Anastasia Novykh, in particular the AllatRa book, I spent some time on the symbol of the Universe – the serpent biting or eating its own tail. The relevant part of the book is certainly rather difficult to understand without appropriate spiritual development and one’s personal experience, for it tells (no less than) about the structure of the Universe and the system of 72 dimensions that form it. Residing in the third dimension, it is surely quite hard to perform analysis on the subject, so let us start with a little point – the symbol itself. Below I will present a quote and a number of images, which all indicate that the symbol of the serpent eating its tail is rather well-known.

Source information from the AllatRa book (pages 176-182 on

Rigden: … This knowledge has existed since ancient times, however, in associative forms that were understandable to people then living. For example, in ancient India, China and Egypt knowledge about the geometry of space and the structure of the Universe did exist since ancient times. A sacred symbol of the seventy-two dimensions was a serpent (snake) biting its own tail. Moreover, its body was depicted in the form of 72 rings (or rather “links” of the body), which symbolically implied dimensions of the Universe. The serpent head symbolized the complex energy architectonics of the 71st dimension transiting into the 72nd dimension. At that, the serpent’s bite of its own tail symbolized transition of the complex into the simple and connection between the 72nd dimension and the 1st dimension.

Anastasia: Yes, I have repeatedly found this ancient artefact in archaeological works dedicated to the culture and life of different peoples of the world. I believe readers will be interested to learn an essential detail, namely, how the serpent head is supposed to be turned – clockwise or counter-clockwise. After all, there are different variations in different cultures.



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Figure 5. Symbol of the Universe – the serpent biting its own tail:

1)        fragments of the image on bas-reliefs and paintings in temples of the ancient Egyptian culture;

2)        a finger ring in the form of a serpent biting its tail, from archaeological finds in the Indus Valley (the Harappan Civilization – proto-Indian civilization that existed in the 3-2nd millennia BC);

3)        an ancient Chinese symbol – the serpent eating its own tail (the symbol is made of nephrite, regarded as the “stone of life” in China).

Rigden: The original location of the serpent head was exactly clockwise, as a symbol of creation and evolution. Schematic representation of the number of dimensions in the form of ring-scales was, respectively, from left to right. A circle (serpent’s coil) was also a symbol of generative spiral movement of the Universe (the clockwise, regular swastika), i.e. movement according to the main action of the forces of Allat (the supremacy of Spirit over matter). In ancient times this symbol was often applied for decoration of temples as a sacred symbol that communicated the divine Knowledge. At that, the serpent head was depicted counter-clockwise, as a rule, by adherents of the material Mind (the Animal Mind) as a symbol of a small force that drives the Universe inward counter-clockwise (the reverse swastika) in the direction of destruction and annihilation. Obeying the will of the Animal Mind, these people proclaimed for themselves the supremacy of matter over Spirit and implemented the principle of domination of the material power.

Anastasia: In essence, this is a substitution of the sign from plus to minus. I have often seen such a serpent whose head is directed counter-clockwise in architectural motifs initiated by Freemasons.

Rigden: This phenomenon was quite common, for instance, in the Middle Ages during the outburst of alchemy, where the direction of the head of this ancient reptile was often depicted counter-clockwise as a symbol of artificial containment or regression. On the other hand, such details were only known in narrow circles of initiates. The masses were presented with quite a plausible interpretation of the concept, so common people unfortunately paid little attention to the serpent head rotation in one or another direction, although symbols and signs play a significant role in the life of society, even if society suspects nothing.

Yet, some pictured the serpent head counter-clockwise knowingly, while others did so because of banal human confusion, loss of knowledge or incorrect copying of ancient information on the basis of which this motif was drawn. For example, the same can be seen today in symbolic representation of the world in the form of the legendary ancient Indian serpent Ananta-Shesha. According to Hindu mythology, the Universe is a giant global serpent biting its tail and wrapping the Universe in a ring. Inside the ring it is carrying a giant turtle, on whose back there are four elephants supporting the world. In the centre of the world there is an inhabited land Jambudvipa, the form of which reminds of a blossoming lotus flower with Mount Meru in the middle.

The symbol of a serpent biting or eating its tail was rather common among different peoples in ancient times. In myths it was associated with the image of the Universe, with the act of creation of the world or sustenance of the earth. For example, in the mythology of African peoples, particularly in the Dahomey mythology, there is an archaic character Aido Hwedo – the rainbow serpent. According to a myth, it appeared the first and existed before all others. This serpent supported the earth, having curled up and bit its own tail. According to another myth about the world creation, the serpent Aido Hwedo accompanies Mawu-Lisa, the head of the pantheon of deities, as his servant. Moreover, it is mentioned that during the act of creation this serpent carries the aforesaid deity in its mouth, i.e. in the jaws.

Anastasia: It turns out the supreme deity of Dahomey carried out creation of the world from the jaws of the serpent. Hence, this is a direct reference to the Knowledge that God actually creates out of the 72nd dimension, more precisely at the intersection of the 72nd and 1st dimensions?! It is amazing! It turns out the people of Dahomey also had such knowledge?

Rigden: Unfortunately, this West African people, just like many others, no longer possesses such knowledge, but has only partially preserved some of the information to our times in legends that were communicated to their ancestors long, long ago, although once such knowledge was given on different continents to different peoples that were geographically unrelated to each other.

Anastasia: Yes, the symbol of a serpent (snake) biting its tail may be found in mythology of not only the ancient peoples of Africa (the Dogon people, the Egyptians), but also of Asia (the Chinese and the Sumer), North America (the Aztecs), and in myths of the ancient cultures of other continents.

Rigden: Eventually, in human interpretation the symbol of the serpent biting its tail acquired a meaning of unity, of the whole in one. It became a symbol of eternity and infinity, marked the beginning and the end (alpha and omega, creation and destruction), and also self-renewal of natural cycles, periodicity of time, birth and death. This symbol of the Universe, immortalized in ancient Egyptian images, later on appeared with the Phoenicians and Greeks who came up with a name for it – ouroboros, which in Greek means “devouring (absorbing) its tail”. Then this word came into common use by alchemists, and the meaning of the symbol underwent even greater distortion. In today’s world, at the suggestion of Kabbalists this symbol came under the interpretation of “depth psychology.” In such version twisted by the human mind it is already regarded as a “basic archetype that symbolizes the prehistoric unity of the masculine and the feminine, serving as the beginning of the human individuality when one’s Self is immersed in the unconscious, from which conscious experience is not yet differentiated.” Generally speaking, the farther away from the primordial Knowledge and the greater the immersion into an abyss of material human logic, the more the Truth is being lost. Although this does not mean the Truth is unknown today. Take the present-day priests who have access to ancient Knowledge: they are trying to conceal the Truth from the masses in order to maintain their power over these masses. However, originally the Knowledge was given for all people.


Now, let us view a whole bunch of other relevant images:

Serpent biting its own tail (Egyptian mythology)






Symbol of the Universe






Serpent biting its tail





























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The serpent biting its own tail as a symbol of the Universe. An image collection The serpent biting its own tail as a symbol of the Universe. An image collection - Topic rating: 5.00 out of 5.00 votes: 260
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