There are many diverse theories regarding the ways and trajectories along which celestial bodies move in the boundless space. Probably, this is better visible to astronomers and various degree-bearing scholars who scrutinize the stellar sky via telescopes from the tiny planet Earth, by means of launched satellites and through the prism of their consciousness. Hence, we will not argue, but only share some of our hypothetical considerations that emerged recently as to the presence of the Earth’s steady rotation axis and a remote point that the axis objectively rests against. In order not to oversaturate the article with quotes containing scientific terminology that excessively loads consciousness we have decided to use more visual elements.
So, it is generally known that our planet steadily rotates on its axis (an imaginary straight line), owing to which we observe the daily alternation of morning, day, evening and night. The axis runs through the centre of the Earth and crosses the planet’s surface at geographical poles. Furthermore, it slightly swings like a whirligig as the rotational impulse is attenuating. This looks roughly in such a way:
The Earth’s axis precession around the north ecliptic pole
In scientific circles this phenomenon is called precession. What actually takes place? The Earth rotates quite rapidly on its axis, while the axis in turn draws a smooth circle in the celestial sphere as the Earth rotates around the Sun. The circle is called the zodiac, and its entire 360-degree cycle equals to 25,920 terrestrial years, 72 years per 1 degree. We already wrote about this earlier.
The centre of the precessional circle is called the ecliptic pole. Thus, the above image shows the north ecliptic pole in the middle of the constellation of Draco.
Draco constellation
All this is perfectly known, and there are plenty of articles on our website which point out the existence of precession as well as some yet unclear connection with the coming global cataclysms. However, we won’t touch upon the subject of climate change, and before raising key questions will refer to several interesting facts to think over the following: what is actually going on, and how can this be possible?
Let us start with movement:
Earth orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 150 million km (93 million mi) every 365.2564 mean solar day. The orbital speed of Earth averages about 29.78 km/s (107,200 km/h; 66,600 mph) (Wikipedia).
The Solar System is located in the Milky Way spiral galaxy. The Sun resides in one of the Milky Way’s outer spiral arms, known as the Orion-Cygnus Arm or Local Spur. The Sun lies between 25,000 and 28,000 light-years from the Galactic Centre, and its speed within the Milky Way is about 220 km/s, so that it completes one revolution every 225-250 million years. In its turn, the Solar System within the Milky Way moves at a speed of about 20 km/s towards the apex located at the border of the Lyra and Hercules constellations, and accelerates as the Universe is expanding.
Can we imagine this? Within a second we fly 30 kilometres around the Sun, and after another second we cover 220 km around the centre of the Milky Way galaxy. We count from one to five and cover whole 1,000 km within the galaxy! That is, for our ordinary consciousness these are totally unreal numbers, completely out of awareness. Yet, as a matter of fact, whether we are lying on a couch, walking in a park, sleeping 7 to 8 hours daily or observing motionless leaves on a tree through a kitchen window, we are actually flying through space at crazy speeds.
It is known that the ancient temple complex Angkor Wat in Cambodia, which is already well familiar to many of our readers, represents an earthly reflection of the celestial constellation of Draco. The temple has been repeatedly mentioned in articles on our website, e.g. The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco. Apocalypse now?, Angkor Wat. Architecture, frescoes and sacral numbers 7 and 72, Angkor Wat. New unique photographs! ...
The Angkor period started in 802 AD when the Khmer emperor Jayavarman II declared himself the “universal monarch” and “god-king”, and lasted until the 13th century when prior to his death king Jayavarman VII completed construction of the last, brightest and most impressive Prasat Bayon temple in 1219.
The following quote from The Orion-Draco Pendulum article deserves particular attention:
It might all be an accident and modern historians might be 100 per cent correct when they allege that this high-speed building programme was just megalomania, resulting in the random construction of many temples here and there: ‘an orgy of building, a brief yet sustained period of hectic, almost crazy architectural creation’. Yet in inscriptions from which we have already quoted in earlier chapters, Jayavarman sounds far from crazy or egocentric. On the contrary, he tells us explicitly that his temples were part of a grand scheme to win the ‘ambrosia of immortality’ for ‘all those who are struggling in the ocean of existence’.
Let’s assume the “ambrosia of immortality” (or Soma juice, or Amrita) should be understood as either an increased concentration of Allat that creates reality and directly contributes to one’s personal spiritual liberation (enlightenment)… or something associated with the very process of attaining Eternal Life.
We would get totally confused if we cited here the whole bunch of mythological descriptions of this concept. Therefore, let us refer to Sensei of Shambala – Book IV by Anastasia Novykh as the best of all available sources, which I believe perfectly contributes to understanding of the entire picture:
“Amrita… This word originates from ‘amrta’ meaning ‘immortal’. It is akin to a later ancient Greek myth about the Ambrosia drink which supports immortality and eternal youth of Olympic gods. Amrita or Ambrosia is the same as the juice of Soma in the Vedas. In Rigveda it is described as a juice of gods that causes an ecstatic state, grants immortality and extraordinary force. In ancient Indian religious practice the very process of preparation of this juice represented a special ritual. In Avesta this juice is called Haoma. Its cult dates back to the ancient Iranian period. It was also worshipped by Sarmatians and Scythians. Moreover, this juice was called ‘death averting’. It not only changed one’s perception of space and time, but also granted an enormous power, enlightenment and knowledge. And, as ancient Iranians believed, it prepared the way for the soul in the best way. At that, in general this juice of immortality was always called the ‘juice of lotus’. In nearly all legends this sacred juice was described as the juice of an unusual heavenly plant connected with the earth, beautifully and rightly created, which had white-and-yellow and even light golden colour.”
“Does the drink of immortality really exist?”
“Yes. But not in the way it is usually imagined by people. I can give you quite an interesting example of medieval description of a part of the secret initiation ritual into the inner circle of the Knights Templar order. The author of this text was the Templar knight Evrar. He left his impressions about the event in his personal records.
“… At the end of the great sacrament of initiation, being in a special spiritual elevation, I wished with all my heart to see what I was told about… And it was shown to me. Everything seemed to have disappeared around me, only the marvellous light illuminated the way and dragged me with it as if to the very zenith of the highest heaven. Something divine and unquenchable was bringing me closer to a flow of the bright attractive Light. The power of its radiance was enormous, but didn’t burn. I felt something High and Inexplicable present in it. With joyful excitement I entered the dazzling Light, and with my eyes having got lucid I saw a face of an indescribably beautiful Virgin covered with light-emitting shine. I saw her – Sophia Herself! It’s impossible to describe the divine image with any human words.
A great mystery was in everything around. Divine Sophia approached me. Beautiful aroma of the other world emanated from her. In her hands she held a golden chalice shaped as the eternal flower of Love that had opened many of its petals in divine purity of their primeval shine. A light golden drink sparkled inside the chalice. Gently laying her hand on my head, beautiful Sophia brought the chalice to my lips with her other hand and started feeding me with the golden drink. Blissful delight began to spread all over my body. I saw the divine sparkling liquid going down from the chalice and flowing into me, but I didn’t feel it in my mouth, I didn’t feel its taste. At that, I obviously felt heavenly warmth beginning to spread inside of me as if washing the empty vessel of my body: first my hands, then my chest, stomach, legs. Then it filled my entire being from legs to head with a rushing current of never-dim radiance, awaking boundless joy and grace in my heart. When the last drops of this wonderful liquid flowed into my body, Sophia directed at me her tender look, full of divine Love, and suddenly as if something opened inside, my mind became clear and I felt that some mysterious source of mighty force opened in me. An understanding of Immortality suddenly dawned upon me as if a door to the other world had opened. And Wisdom revealed itself to me…
Those who were present at my initiation saw something different. Later on, when I took part in initiation of the others, I was many times a witness of this divine miracle which happened in its constant order but already with the others. It was as follows. When everybody surrounded an initiated one and prayed about him, suddenly the radiant light brightened all the present. This light came from the initiated one as if he had got in one burst inflamed and covered with non-burning fire from all sides. We delved deeper into the sacred prayer, and the light became intolerably bright and so dense that it was impossible to see anything through it. We intensified our prayer with growing inner force. Gradually the light changed, gaining unusual softness and transparency, and we were allowed to see through it only a little of the hidden divine Sacrament – a contour of a Child as if immersed in the primeval ocean of the Universe. After the short sacrament the divine Light intensified and became dense, then flared up and cleared away, showing to our gazes the usual appearance of the initiated.”
Sensei made a pause and then went on telling, “But the most interesting thing is that not only Templars but also other warriors, the Geliars, underwent such sacrament. While entering the internal circle and undergoing initiation, they saw the same vision – a Virgin who filled them with power from the golden lotus-shaped chalice.”
“Who is that divine Sophia?”
“Sophia translated from the Greek means ‘wisdom’, ‘knowledge’. For the Templars, Sophia meant not just Wisdom, but also the divine image of Mary Magdalene as the Grail…”
As it has been mentioned above, the last temple built in the Angkor architectural complex was Prasat Bayon.
If we attentively look at the Angkor layout and project on it the Draco constellation as its celestial counterpart, we will notice the Bayon is exactly the point that corresponds to the north ecliptic pole.
However, this is far from being all. If we scrutinize the star map, at the north ecliptic pole we will see a “point” called NGC 6543, or the CAT’S EYE NEBULA (
Now it is appropriate to give a quote from Heaven’s Mirror by Graham Hancock:
In the process of mentally ‘winding the stars back’ until the correlation was achieved such adepts would inevitably have discovered what we can so easily confirm on our computer screens today: the slow, cyclical rotation of the celestial north pole around the ‘heart’ of the constellation of Draco, i.e. the ecliptic north pole. It is this ‘heart’, this abstract point in space that finds its terrestrial counterpart at Angkor in the great pyramid of the Bayon – a monument that rises in three terraces from a square base measuring 80 metres along each side and that culminates in an unusual circular central sanctuary at a height of 45 metres above ground-level.
Coedes rightly calls the Bayon ‘the mystic core of the Khmer Empire’ while Bernard Groslier describes it as the ‘omphalos’ (‘navel’) of Angkor’s ‘stone cosmos’ and John Audric notes that to this day rumours persist of some great treasure long ago concealed within it.
Such a treasure need not be gold or jewels.
It might equally be knowledge, gnosis, the elixir that all true initiates must seek – in all lands, in all epochs – if they are to attain the life of millions of years…
It should also be noted that Angkor Wat is partly dedicated to the serpent / snake symbol, which is evidenced by numerous stone statues and bas-reliefs with respective images. By the way, the Draco constellation is basically a celestial image of a serpent, too.
The Cat’s Eye Nebula:
Data in the above image:
Cat’s Eye Nebula
C 6 – NGC 6543
Type: planetary nebula
Stellar magnitude: 8.10
Colour index (B-V): 1.70
Surface brightness: 5.87
Right ascension / Declination (12000.0): 17h58m33.43s / +66o37’59.5”
Right ascension / Declination (to date): 17h58m33.13s / +66o38’06.4”
Horary angle / Declination: 9h07m41.51s / +66o38’06.4”
Azimuth / height: +343o50’52.3” / +13o10’50.1”
Ecliptic longitude / latitude (12000.0): +153o00’07.4” / +89o50’21.9”
Ecliptic longitude / latitude (to date): +153o10’21.2” / +89o50’20.9”
Obliquity of the ecliptic (to date): +23o26’13”
Galactic longitude / latitude: +96o28’05.5” / +29o57’16.1”
Mean sidereal time: 3h6m15.1s
Local sidereal time: 3h6m14.6s
Size: +0o00’20” x +0o00’30”
Orientation angle: 20o
Distance: 1,000±0.300 kiloparsecs
Redshift: - 0.000219±0.000003
Parallax: 0.01700±0.00800
The north ecliptic pole is marked in the Draco constellation.
Data in the above image:
Cat’s Eye Nebula
C 6 – NGC 6543
Type: planetary nebula
Stellar magnitude: 8.10
Colour index (B-V): 1.70
Surface brightness: 5.87
Right ascension / Declination (12000.0): 17h58m33.43s / +66o37’59.5”
Right ascension / Declination (to date): 17h58m33.13s / +66o38’06.4”
Horary angle / Declination: 9h07m41.51s / +66o38’06.4”
Azimuth / height: +343o50’52.3” / +13o10’50.1”
Ecliptic longitude / latitude (12000.0): +153o00’07.4” / +89o50’21.9”
Ecliptic longitude / latitude (to date): +153o10’21.2” / +89o50’20.9”
Obliquity of the ecliptic (to date): +23o26’13”
Galactic longitude / latitude: +96o28’05.5” / +29o57’16.1”
Mean sidereal time: 3h6m15.1s
Local sidereal time: 3h6m14.6s
Size: +0o00’20” x +0o00’30”
Orientation angle: 20o
Distance: 1,000±0.300 kiloparsecs
Redshift: - 0.000219±0.000003
Parallax: 0.01700±0.00800
The north ecliptic pole and the Cat’s Eye Nebula
Presumably, according to materials available on the web:
About 3300 light-years away from the Earth a dying star throws off shells of glowing gas... At that, it has always been a problem to measure accurate distances to planetary nebulae. Most methods applied are based on general assumptions and may be inaccurate in specific cases.
The Cat’s Eye is structurally one of the most complex planetary nebulae known. It has numerous diverse interlacements, discharges and bright arched elements. Modern studies indicate the nebula is very mysterious and even somewhat inexplicable. Its structure complexity is usually explained by coronal discharges in a binary star system in the nebula centre, although there are no direct proofs the central star has a companion. Moreover, when its chemical composition was analysed via different methods, discrepant data were obtained. The reason of such discrepancies is still unclear.
Moreover, here is information from Wikipedia (
The angular expansion of the nebula can also be used to estimate its age. If it has been expanding at a constant rate of 10 milliarcseconds a year, then it would take 1000±260 years to reach a diameter of 20 arcseconds. This may be an upper limit to the age, because ejected material will be slowed when it encounters material ejected from the star at earlier stages of its evolution, and the interstellar medium.
At the same time, the external spade-shaped parts of the nebula are older and supposedly emerged circa 1600 years ago. Most likely, they had formed of the substance emitted by a star before the nebula itself was formed.
The Cat's Eye is structurally a very complex nebula, and the mechanism or mechanisms that have given rise to its complicated morphology are not well understood.
This information is extremely ambiguous. I dare say they have simply “poked their finger at the sky” and filled the gap on the webpage rather than writing a decent explanation. Well, let’s not argue, but better look at photos and watch videos:
As a matter of fact, the idea of this article emerged owing to materials presented in and comments given to the analytical review The World Mountain – Mount Meru published on our website in last November, where the author collected numerous evidence from various mythological sources of the world as well as from Sensei of Shambala – Book IV and AllatRa by Anastasia Novykh. In this regard, there are grounds to assume that the sacred Mount Meru (or Kunlun, Altyn-Tu, Mandara, the Junction of Heaven and Earth, the Navel of the Heaven, etc.) is that very “point” at the north ecliptic pole, in the area where the Cat’s Eye Nebula lies in the middle of the Draco constellation, through which the imaginary axis of rotation of our planet Earth runs.
From Sensei of Shambala – Book IV:
Many records and legends about the World Mountain remained from extreme antiquity almost all over Eastern and Central Asia where it is called the great Mount Meru and considered to be the centre of the world located in an inaccessible place. Later, when people began to give their own interpretations of the original legends about this mountain, some ’interpreters’ placed it in the centre of the earth under the Pole Star and encircled with the world ocean, others placed in the inaccessible Himalayas and associated it with Shambala…
… the World Mountain is located amidst the worlds of the material Universe, and it is a place of visit of wise beings, like our enlightened people or demigods as they were called by ancient people, that is those who reached a high spiritual level. Therefore in ancient legends this mountain was associated withachievement of the genuine human happiness and immortality.
In the mythology of Ancient India there was a range of myths connected with Meru. According to such ancient views, Brahma, Shiva and other great gods live on the World Mountain located in the centre of the Universe, with stars, planets and many suns revolving around it. There are also references to thirty-three gods who communicate with each other there. Their activities are described, too. For example, on this mountain Vishnu gives advices to other gods on how to extract the drink of immortality Amrita.
Judging by official sources, for a long time scientists have been arguing about this overwhelming question, and they still have come to no unanimous answer. There are plenty of hypotheses, e.g. that the Universe originated from the Big Bang, or that its centre is located everywhere and nowhere. There were even know-alls in history such as Ptolemaeus who asserted the Earth was the centre of the Universe, whereas everything in the Universe, including the Sun, rotated around it. We may also refer to Wikipedia ( where all the available academic information about the nature of the Universe is collected, but I’m afraid readers will only waste time, trying to look into those incomprehensible theories, which are most probably erroneous, since people today have no clear understanding of how everything is structured.
At that, since herein we directly touch upon the knowledge brought by Rigden Djappo, it would be appropriate to cite relevant extracts from the books by A. Novykh:
... there is a single reality, and that is the Reality of God, the reality of the universal power. But unfortunately our human mind is very limited. It was created in such a way that man is unable to understand this with his mind. All the more, logic cannot be applicable here. Whoever would explain it to us as primitively as possible, it would be only a primitive explanation in our mind. Well, indeed, how is it possible for a human mind to understand that the Universe arose from “the Word of God uttered by Him into Nowhere”? How is it possible to explain a place where there is neither matter nor even void? How can one realise that the absolutely infinite Universe is so tiny that it is billions of times smaller than a tip of a thin medical needle? According to our logic, all this is total nonsense. And how does the Reality of God look compared to such a background? And who is God? Whatever attempts we do to comprehend these things through logic, we would anyway reach a deadlock because our brain is limited. But the whole miracle of man is that he has not only the limited matter of his brain, but also the soul – small yet all-embracing. Everything that man cannot explain with his mind he can experience through his soul. For the mind the Reality of God is practically unreal, while for the soul the Reality of God is an indisputable fact. The soul knows much more than the mind. Therefore it is necessary to learn to listen to the soul. (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV by A. Novykh)
The phenomena on which scientists rely in their guess-work concerning the origin of the Universe, e.g. the relict radiation (or as it is also called the “chilled” radiation that remained since the early stages of evolution) or the distribution of heterogeneities in the Universe, do not represent the very beginning of the Universe, but are mere indicators of one of the stages in evolution of the Universe already after its formation.
… researchers already understand that the Universe is permanently expanding, and it expands with acceleration. Owing to such expansion, the average density of the Universe is shrinking all the time. They know that the space is permanently humming...
... In the nearest future mankind will face another phenomenon of the Universe. Due to the increasing acceleration of the Universe and exhaustion of the power of Allat, mankind will experience rapid compression of time. This phenomenon is such that the conventional twenty four hours a day will remain just like they have been before, but time will fly by much faster… (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV by A. Novykh)
The Primordial Sound gave birth to the Universe shaped as a sphere (the universal, cosmic egg, the Golden Foetus, the primary seed). On the sphere surface, under the influence of the forces of Allat (the initial energy which begets vital movement), matter started to form (a part of the energy started to turn into matter). Thanks to, again, the forces of Allat (in mythology – the Foremother of all things, the generative divine feminine principle, the creating, viable Principle, the Mother-Bird, the will of God, the power of God’s thought), matter began to interact with each other. Once I have already described in more detail how exactly the Universe was formed as well as what Allat, time, space and gravity really are...
... in the places of the highest concentration and activity of the forces of Allat, on the surface of that initial spherical state of the Universe, matter started to accumulate in certain formations. The latter became the “progenitors” of future galaxies where life arose. (Various legends describe this in images of the emergence of an enormous initial man, of giants, the progenitors who formed the Universe with their bodies and who subsequently, after death, were separated into parts and gave birth to other formations). By the way, within those initial accumulations there appeared centres of thermal radiation that remain within the microwave range even now. Today they are already known to science as the cosmic microwave background radiation (the relic radiation). This is exactly the manifestation of the first effect of the forces of Allat during the creation of the material world. In fact, it should be noted that it is owing to Allat that matter started to get endowed with life, and the ordering of all things in existence began.
There is also another very important aspect of the Universe formation, which gives understanding of what the Universe represents now. The drive of the force of Allat for the unified ordered form (towards God) set the motion of the Universe “from the inside to the outside” and started spinning it along the right spiral, that is, towards expansion. This way the function of creation was set. (Since the Upper Palaeolithic peoples symbolically depicted this movement “from the inside to the outside” as the regular swastika (the “straight”, “right” swastika), i.e. as a cross with edges bent to the left. Such a swastika symbolizes clockwise movement – in the right direction. By the way, translated from Sanskrit, the Old Hindu word “swastika” originating from the word “su” means “associated with good”, i.e. “su-asti” means “the beautiful exists”, “good existence”.)
But simultaneously, while spinning the Universe along the right spiral, the force of Allat gave birth to the opposing force that started spinning along a reverse spiral inside the Universe, in the direction opposite to the main direction of Allat – “from the outside to the inside”, uniting matter into a unified material Mind (the Animal Mind). Thus, the function of destruction was set, an opposition to the forces of Allat. (Peoples symbolically depicted such motion “from the outside to the inside” as the wrong, aggressive, reverse swastika, i.e. as a cross with edges bent to the right. Such a swastika symbolizes counter-clockwise movement – in the left direction. In mythology, the emergence of the opposing force is reflected in the image of emergence of fire out of water.) (AllatRa by A. Novykh, pages 52-54 –
At long last, there is a mention of Mount Meru which I have given in the previous section:
... The World Mountain is located amidst the worlds of the material Universe...
Please, forgive me, but for the sake of impartiality I am so far unable to answer the following question with confidence: “Does the Universe have a centre?” or rather “Where exactly is it?” I am ready to correct the content if any convincing evidence appears in the commentary section, in particular from the books. The only thing I would like to draw special attention to is “the places of the highest concentration and activity of the forces of Allat” in space and the relict radiation coming from there.
Well, let us recur to the main question: why has the planet Earth been strung on an invisible axis for thousands and thousands of years, which axis rests against a certain area in space where, judging by myths of peoples of the world, there is the sacred Mount Meru and thus the centre of the worlds of the material Universe? At that, is it a mere chance that in this very place there is the Cat’s Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), which is one of the most complex nebulae in terms of its structure and characteristics? May this nebula be connected with Mount Meru? Or, perhaps, is it that very centre from where the Universe expands? (If we speak of expansion movement “from the inside to the outside”, there should logically be a centre from where such expansion takes place, shouldn’t it? If such logic is applicable at all.)
Generally speaking, why have I got interested in this topic? Because in the Universe all planets, stars and galaxies move at speeds totally crazy for human understanding and in some accurately set direction towards expansion, which should seemingly provide for natural alteration of angles and trajectories relative to the overall location of objects around. Hence, a question arises: is this movement in space chaotic or rather dictated by certain laws? After all, it is known that many things in material nature twist helically. Let us at least view an animation and a video of how the Solar System planets rotate around the vivifying Sun:
“Knowledgeable people” will promptly remind me of the power of gravitational influence of large celestial bodies. However, will they dispute that the Sun as a star has its movement trajectory within the twisting Milky Way galaxy? Furthermore, the Milky Way definitely has its own spiral trajectory as well. Now, imagine that within such a cosmic whirlpool the “microscopic” planet Earth continues rotating on its permanent axis resting against a given area in the sky, as if a whirligig resting against a solid horizontal surface under the influence of gravitational forces.
Why so?
Maybe, an explanation is concealed in tremendous time periods, where the ecliptic poles also shift, though quite unnoticeably? Perhaps, a couple million years ago the north ecliptic pole did not correspond to the current location of the Cat’s Eye Nebula at all. In such case, why do we refer to the mythological story of the sacred Mount Meru and a very specific indication of the centre of the worlds of the material Universe?
How can we explain the crazy idea of several generations of Khmer emperors who built Angkor Wat in order to reflect on the Earth an area of the sky that strictly correlates with the Draco constellation, with the most beautiful and majestic Bayon temple as a “point” that correlates with the north ecliptic pole through which the imaginary axis of the planet Earth runs? Moreover, the builders had a clearly formulated goal ‘to win the ‘ambrosia of immortality’ for ‘all those who are struggling in the ocean of existence’. At that, the ambrosia of immortality most likely means SOMETHING connected with an increased concentration of Allat, while the whole idea is to help people attain liberation from the slavery in matter, or speaking in a more understandable language to gain sanctity, enlightenment, salvation of the soul, or to leave for Nirvana.
Doesn’t it seem to you that many points really fit?
First of all, it should be grasped that any information available in the Earth’s material field regarding the real structure of the Universe is very far from being objective at least because one who analyses such information resides on a tiny planet in the boundless ocean of space and is equipped only with a pair of poor lenses plus a personal consciousness that is totally unexplored and, based on the Primordial Knowledge, represents no less than a part of the Devil’s unified system. Prospects of objective assessment of the reality seem ridiculous in such a situation, therefore we only build hypotheses and claim nothing for ourselves...
Well, let’s proceed to specifics:
The three dots in the last item speak for themselves. In this article we have attempted to link certain data only in order to raise new questions, and the main question so far is unfortunately full of helpless irony: “What is actually going on?”
In the end, here are a couple more videos:
Prepared by А... and Dato Gomarteli (Ukraine-Georgia)
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