Search by tag •immortality•

Found items - 20

Bodhisattva interviewed. Who is Igor Danilov?

  • 13.09.2015
  • 27
  • 5861

    This video was made promptly after the interview with Igor Danilov on 07.09.2015 in the program “The Meaning of Life: Immortality”. Before the video was finished, the AllatRa TV camera crew declared in social media they hadn’t deliberately done anything that would provoke an additional light effect and flashes around Igor Danilov’s head. Isn’t this really Bodhisattva’s aura recorded on digital medium?

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Aura on digital images? A collection of photographs from The Meaning of Life: Immortality

  • 16.09.2015
  • 24
  • 3893

Aura on digital images? A collection of photographs from The Meaning of Life: Immortality

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A Gift of the Holy Spirit

  • 21.09.2015
  • 54
  • 2808

(The Meaning of Life: Immortality program with the participation of Igor Danilov and Father Sergey provoked numerous responses on the web and letters addressed to AllatRa TV channel. The thing is that the digital camera recorded incredible effects throughout the program. A whole wave of discussions arose on the web: “It is real! The digital camera recorded an Angel!”, “The Holy Spirit has been filmed!”, “Manifestation of the Holy Spirit breaks all physical laws!” Below we present one of the letters written by people from different countries.)

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The total lunar eclipse of 28.09.2015 and release of the Unity program. Accidents are not accidental?

  • 30.09.2015
  • 91
  • 6017

    As life indicates, events that we consider accidental coincidences in actual fact emerge in line with certain natural laws and are caused by visible or invisible factors, no matter whether we are aware of them or not. My long-developed habit of approaching various life situations and events with exploratory interest urged me to notice certain strange facts relating to the issue discussed on this website.

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The Meaning of Life: Immortality (interview No. 2, 07.09.2015)

  • 30.09.2015
  • 371
  • 38641

How is human spiritual development taking place? How does a person move along the spiritual path in his/her everyday life? Which obstacles are imposed by the system and faced by a person within his/her inner world via thoughts? What does the power of attention mean for Personality, and how can it be used for spiritual development? How can one GET IN TOUCH AND MERGE WITH HIS/HER SOUL AND THE SPIRITUAL WORLD IN PRACTICE? How can one deepen the spiritual world perception and permanently live in such state?

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The future Saviour Astvat-Ereta – the Implementer of the Truth. Zoroastrianism

  • 19.10.2015
  • 342
  • 441091

We kindly offer everyone to turn our eyes again to the East which from time immemorial has been considered the cradle of Wisdom and Knowledge. Let’s speak of Zoroastrianism and the predictions left by Zarathustra and reflected in the Avesta.

Zoroastrianism (Mazdayasna, Mazdaism) is a very old religion that was formed on the basis of the teaching of Prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster). The teaching is based on the concept of spiritual and moral freedom of every human being as embodied in good thoughts, good words and good deeds. This religion emerged in the territory of Greater Iran (Persia). The main sacred book of Zoroastrianism is the Avesta (Zend-Avesta) which supposedly consists of 21 texts that have not been preserved in full. Two of those were discovered and translated only in the 18th century. Researchers believe the information now contained in the Avesta was considerably distorted and modified in the Middle Ages. No wonder, for on the basis of the initial Knowledge the religion was established with its strict rules, ethical provisions, rituals, feasts, and other mandatory attributes. According to Zoroastrianism, the name of Messiah is Saoshyant, which in translation from the Avestan language means “the Future Saviour”.

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Deep inner feelings. First steps to learning sensory perception

  • 11.01.2016
  • 385
  • 27916

    Before I started expounding this topic, I thought it would be necessary to apply a nonstandard approach to presentation of relevant information, and a different structure of material. Why? In order to avoid stereotypes and clichés, awake greater interest, and let readers deeply realize a particular importance of the topic. Hence, the Preface will be followed by quotations from the AllatRa book as the primary source, defining what deep inner feelings are, and the author of this article kindly asks readers to read the quotations really carefully. I would like to avoid stilted statements, however it’s impossible to do without those, and so I’ll put it straight: your future life totally depends on how you, dear readers, get imbued with the essence of the information given, and not just your life, but your afterlife destiny as well. This is naked truth.

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Personality and Consciousness. Life-worth understanding

  • 07.01.2016
  • 201
  • 6342

In the epoch-making programs No.2 and No.3 of The Silver Thread series, Bodhisattva himself says several times that human Personality and Consciousness are not the same things. That is, I the personality and my consciousness are different things, and my entire life depends on this basic understanding, without exaggeration. I mean my true Life which does not end with the death of my body-shell. Besides, in the programs we find out that Personality is in fact a part of the Holy Spirit. However, he or she can either be enslaved by consciousness or consciously control and use it for his or her purposes, say, like a summer resident in the country uses a shovel to dig up potatoes. This statement makes me ponder over many things.

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Poem of the Sufi Way by Umar Ibn al-Farid

  • 26.01.2016
  • 397
  • 536471

    Recently we have discovered a marvellous illustration to the topics touched upon in the epoch-making program The Meaning of Life: Immortality, where Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo participated. It’s the ancient literature masterpiece dating back almost 1,000 years – the brilliant Poem of the Sufi Way (Naẓm al-Sulūk) by ancient Arab Sufi mystic and scholar Umar ibn `Alī ibn al-Fārid who lived in 1181-1235. This work, also having such titles as the Great Qasida (Ode), Great Mystery, Poem of the Way, Poem of Progress, or the Way of the Pious, is a unique phenomenon in the world poetry, psychology and spiritual literature. The author poetically communicates experience of a man who is becoming saint, describing in human language what is almost impossible to describe, i.e. the process taking place in the other world, the spiritual world, at the junction of the 6th and 7th dimensions. It’s exactly the process of the Personality fusion with the Soul and the birth of a new spiritual being – an Angel!

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Navels of the World and the Soul of the Mother of Stars

  • 19.09.2016
  • 194
  • 14151

The subject of this material was suggested to us in comments to the article Five points of the Star. Hypotheses in addition to Star, The Golden Ratio series, where we published certain assumptions regarding the symbolism of the name ‘navels of the world / earth’ as ascribed to some geographic points on the planet. According to our experience, once you start searching for information on a given subject you always find more than you initially expected. Hence, in this research we will actually touch upon several topics that have proved to be closely interconnected.

As we have discovered while studying information about the territories where incredible archaeological sites and ancient architectural complexes are located, there are quite a lot of places on our planet, which in various times used to be called the ‘navels of the earth. Since today we don’t have genuine knowledge of the true history of humanity, there are probably many more of such places than official science is aware of.

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The World Tree in legends and myths of peoples of the world

  • 23.11.2016
  • 248
  • 536154

Like the wind plays with leafage, feelings flow from leaf to leaf, from branch to branch – burning like fire, shining and sounding as an inexpressible heartfelt song, the Song of God! Plunging deeper and deeper into the boundless well of feelings! Guards of the Animal Nature are on the alert, endeavouring to steal HUMAN attention, but if you are consistent and have made your choice, you will certainly be rewarded with DIVINE HAPPINESS signifying LIFE.

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The Pyramid Code: Episode 3 – Sacred Cosmology

  • 29.12.2016
  • 112
  • 6542

The Pyramid Code: Episode 3 – Sacred Cosmology

  • Why were the ancients so interested in the motion of the stars?
  • Sacred science of ancient Egyptians.
  • Death is westing (“going towards the west”).
  • Faith in the afterlife and the Soul’s immortality.
  • Nile overflows and star cycles.
  • The annual cycle of Sirius and Orion.
  • The Pyramid Texts as the oldest known religious texts in the world.
  • Hieroglyphics in Ancient Egypt.
  • Jean-François Champollion and Thomas Young. The Rosetta Stone.
  • Laird Scranton’s hypothesis on reading of hieroglyphs.
  • An ancient observatory in Nabta Playa.

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“There might come once more some kind of Renaissance out of the hopelessly condemned and trampled past...” Graham Hancock

  • 17.02.2017
  • 204
  • 7885

It would be absolutely unwise to leave out Graham Hancock’s works and not to include in our Prophecies section the truly unique information he has collected over the years of his research activities. In his books the researcher one way or another touches upon the riddles of spiritually advanced ancient cultures and civilizations, as well as the single knowledge of immortality, traces of which have been miraculously preserved in ancient monuments and artefacts that are persistently ignored by mainstream science and conspiratorially suppressed in our age of general degradation and decadence.

Let me continue stringing priceless beads on the necklace of our initial preamble and present three final chapters of Graham Hancock’s sensational book Heaven’s Mirror, where the first bold attempt is made to bring together numerous facts relating to the global cosmological cyclicality and to the corresponding pattern of the new great Renaissance to come.

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Symbolic drawings by Anastasia Novykh

  • 03.03.2017
  • 224
  • 14233

Black-and-white drawings by Anastasia Novykh… After the  prologues and prefaces to the marvellous books by the Author it would be logical to present on our website her meaningful drawings used in the context of narration. Scrutinizing some of them, I catch myself at thinking that I have no idea of the enigmatic symbolism of these images. My “old friends” Google and Yandex cannot help me with this either, and there are neither explanations nor discussions by the readers of these strange drawings, which sometimes appear quite tough. I guess they can definitely bear some hidden information. Yet, what is this information, and whom is it intended for?

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Why is the Earth strung on an axis? Hypothetical considerations

  • 16.03.2017
  • 183
  • 10166

There are many diverse theories regarding the ways and trajectories along which celestial bodies move in the boundless space. Probably, this is better visible to astronomers and various degree-bearing scholars who scrutinize the stellar sky via telescopes from the tiny planet Earth, by means of launched satellites and through the prism of their consciousness. Hence, we will not argue, but only share some of our hypothetical considerations that emerged recently as to the presence of the Earth’s steady rotation axis and a remote point that the axis objectively rests against. In order not to oversaturate the article with quotes containing scientific terminology that excessively loads consciousness we have decided to use more visual elements.

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In quest of... The 11th century. Indoсhina (Khmer Empire, Pagan, China). Part Six

  • 05.06.2017
  • 92
  • 7952

Let’s continue our journey to the 11th century. As you remember, in the previous articles, relying on the official history, we found traces of a powerful spiritual and cultural upsurge in the territory of North, Central and South America, then on the islands of Polynesia, Bali and other Indonesian islands. We kindly recommend everyone to familiarize themselves with the earlier articles of the In quest of... 

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Serpent symbolism

  • 12.06.2017
  • 331
  • 500962

In many of our articles, information in one or another way relating to the serpent or dragon symbol arises quite often. Mentions of snakes and serpent / snake images are found everywhere, beginning with mythology, arts and architecture of nearly every nation and up to constellations reproduced in grandiose temple complexes on the Earth. Serpent symbolism was partially covered in the articles Gudea’s  Goblet and The serpent biting its own tail as a symbol of the Universe. The subject has proved to be so extensive and interesting that we’ve decided to dedicate several more publications to it. 

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Twin myths and Twin symbolism

  • 06.07.2017
  • 285
  • 458607

A very interesting point repeatedly found in books by Anastasia Novykh is the mythological image of Divine Twins. Twins are mentioned in the books in connection with myths of the universe creation, and also as bearers of the power of the Grail.

For a start, in order to understand this symbolic image and before we refer to relevant quotes from A. Novykh’s books and attempt to draw conclusions on this concept, let us briefly go over twin mythology and see how the said image was presented in various religions…

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What did Gods carry in their “handbags”?

  • 17.07.2017
  • 218
  • 147916

In earlier publications on our website you could have seen numerous images of mythological divine beings carrying peculiar “handbags” in their hands. Unfortunately, neither legends nor myths contain specific information about them, although we did manage to find some. There were surely relevant explanations in the past, but humanity has lost understanding, so today we are hardly able to answer the following question with confidence: “What do Gods carry in “handbags?” Why were there so many identical or very similar symbolic elements in various historical epochs on different continents? Well, many people might ask whether such riddles should be solved at all when everything rises in price, when climatic conditions deteriorate and the world approaches a brink of the third global war. As for me, I believe they should be.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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