What is ALLAT? Part 1: Primordial ALLATRA Physics. Selected quotes from Anastasia Novykh’s books

What is Allat? Extracts from the Primordial AllatRa Physics report issued in 2015


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The knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS gives access to an inexhaustible source of energy which is available everywhere including outer space. It is renewable energy, thanks to which elementary particles are cre­ated, move and interact. The ability to obtain and transfer it from one state to another gives us a source of alternative energy: new, safe and available to each person. The potential of this never-ending source of en­ergy is enormous; it is much bigger and much more stable and safer than the potential of the Sun or geothermal energy. Moreover, using this source, we no longer need to accu­mulate excessive energy and transfer it to consumers for subsequent use, because this energy is everywhere; it can become available to every person, under any conditions, here and now: both on Earth and in space.

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The basis of indivisible particles and connection between them is carried out by the force of non-material character.

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In ancient times, together with the con­ception of knowledge of fundamental indivisible particles of matter ‒ atoms – there were also mentions of an inex­haustible source of free energy, which was characterized as omnipresent and pervasive ("there is no place in the mate­rial world where this energy would not exist"), one of foundations of the material world. In extant ancient Indian texts, it is called akasha. Ākasa is a Sanskrit word formed from ā + kāś, which literally means “shining forth”, “endless shine”, “illuminated space”.

Interpretation of this term points to the fact that ancient people knew about the properties of the inexhaustible source of energy, which many centuries later were found by Serbian physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943).

In interpretation of the ancient text in European languages, translators explained the meaning of Akasha concept as "that which lies at the root…" Thus, in the context of the Greek language it already sounded as essence (ousia, i.e. the primary, basic), whereas in Latin the Greek word es­sence was designated by the concept of substance (substantia) and consid­ered to be "a fundamental principle of a phe­nomenon", matter in terms of uni­ty of all forms of its motion, all the differences and opposites arising in such movement. Modern dictionaries contain such definition of the word akasha as spatial substance from which "the beginning of manifesta­tion", "an initial impulse" originates.

There are ancient mentions that akasha has only one characteristic feature – Sound, and the Sound is understood as inaudible, very subtle vibrations of non-manifested Sound (which is also mentioned in ancient texts as the Primordial Sound), being the reason of all consecutive manifestations of invisible and visible, subtle and rough elements of the Universe. Akasha is a carrier of quality of such Sound and is described as infinite, om­nipresent substance of the Universe that penetrates everything, has no material form, but gives a basis for a variety of things. It is mentioned that all objects in the world have the prop­erties of spatial separability from each other due to the fact that they are sur­rounded by akasha and interact with it. A manifestation of akasha is every­thing that represents a combination of elements and acts as tangible, audible, vis­ible. At that, akasha itself is so subtle that it is not perceived by human senses. In translations of ancient Hindu teach­ings, it is said that at emergence of the world there was only this substance, and when the world cycle is complet­ed everything will revert into akasha again, and the next cycle will begin with it.

Extant references to akasha may be found in literature dedicated to teachings of ancient Hindu philosophical schools, such as Vaisheshika, Nyaya, Sankhya and others, where philosophers tried to argue about even more ancient knowl­edge which remained in their time. For example, in Sankhya, akasha is regarded as "causing" akasha and the "caused" akasha, and explanations concerning this transformation are given. This knowl­edge becomes very interesting when you know the fundamental principles of the processes happening in the ezoosmic grid.


One of the most influential philosoph­ical schools of antiquity was stoicism which later on became popular in Rome as well. Stoics called the subtlest initial matter pneuma which makes up everything and acts in every­thing. According to their doctrine, everything turns into this initial matter after "the world fire". Pneuma was considered to be the subtlest sub­stance, a vital force that penetrates space with "life breath" and unites it in a single integral organism. The pneumatic system, according to their doctrine, has its control centre, a “managing part" which is in aether (see below in the section dedicated to real (stationary) Po particles).

It is interesting that in translation from Greek pneuma originally meant “breath”, i.e. an initial impulse (see below in the section dedicated to the initial impulse – the process of ezoosmos).

The initial impulse as a process in antique cosmology engenders movable substance, i.e. sets the first movement. In this regard the word pneuma was also trans­lated as "burning of aether", i.e. the energy of aether. Later on pneuma was translated as "breath­ing", then as "life breath" (spirit) originating from "blow", "breathe". Now, the concept of pneuma, e.g. in religion, is associated with the sphere of spirit. In Christian theology, one can find such concepts as pneuma hagion, i.e. the Holy Spirit, and also the teaching about the Holy Spirit ‒ Pneumatology.

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Both in ancient teachings of the East and in the earliest historical form of Greek atomism there was a concept of a non-material nature (principle) existing outside space and time. To a large extent it explained the behaviour and characteris­tics of the material world, made it possible to understand the laws of interaction of matter and the principles of control over it. Since the 19th century many ancient references to the non-material na­ture were deliberately removed and fully expurgated from the publicly available knowledge. Consequently, the following generations were raised with a dominating materialistic world­view determined by egoistic consum­er thinking and a limited perception of reality. As a result, today humankind has numerous problems, including those in science, which could have been avoided.

For example, in physics there is a problem of the so-called “crisis of the physics of elementary particles”. It means that nowa­days, owing to the physics of high energies, mankind has faced unusual facts in the microcosm, the variety of appearing and disappearing particles in the mi­crocosm, interconversion of mass to energy, but, having lost the primordial knowledge of non-material nature it is now standing at the threshold of misunderstanding of these global processes and apprehending them from the perspective of an Ob­server outside the system.

So, what makes the basis of the material world unity and determines the diversity of changes in it? The keys that were lost from ancient times and reveal the secrets of the true physics of mi­crocosm are the concepts of EZOOSMOS and the EZOOS­MIC GRID. They provide a whole pic­ture of the processes taking place in the Universe, of discreteness of the structure of matter, the functions of indivisible particles and the creation of divisible particles, understanding of basic principles of interaction between particles and of opportunities to obtain free energy from an inexhaust­ible source. This is exactly the knowledge that has been lost in time and become the basis for various cosmological myths, religious dogmas, philosophi­cal teachings, and so on. Our millenni­um has got only echoes of that former knowledge of the invisible processes (e.g. the concept of akasha (an “illuminated space”, “infinite shining (emission)” in ancient Hindu texts, aether (a “transparent, pure stratum of air”, an “abode of gods”) in ancient Greek literature, etc., which unfortunately have been complicated many times due to mere lack of understanding of the true essence of these processes.

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A cosmic symbol of spinning and weaving

Symbols of weaving and spinning used to have sacred meaning for many peoples. We can find rather interesting information from ancient times, which has been preserved to the present day. For instance, a modern word that sounds as لون (nul) in Arabic means an ancient manual weaving loom (a plain rectangular framework with two strained threads forming a lattice). Knowing the sacred meaning of the symbol of weaving (and spinning) for ancient peoples, one can see an associative connection of this symbol with relevant cosmological conceptions. In particular, a manual weaving loom was used as an example to explain the tool of the Universe creation, operated by a generative deity who knitted threads, entwined a pattern (signs) of those threads into the cloth of the world, thus determining the life and destiny of all things in existence, including every human being. Moreover, spinning processes (the process of linear folding and spiral twisting of separate fibres with the help of a spindle in order to make an uninterrupted solid yarn) were used to explain the process of creation of all things and life in the Universe. Spiral rotation of a spindle symbolized movement of the Universe, a veil through which the world is seen as an illusion (Note: the level of the ezoosmic grid). The word spindle is kindred to the ancient Hindu word vártanam – “spinning, rolling, moving backward and forward”.

Spinning was a characteristic of the Great Mother as well as of “moon” goddesses (as a rule, their distinguishing symbol was the Allat sign – a crescent with its horns pointing upwards) and weavers of destiny in cosmic mythology of many peoples of the world. For example, in the East Slavic mythology the patroness of the feminine principle, destiny, fertility, water, spinning and weaving (also called the invisible Great Spinner of the World) was goddess Makosh (Mokosh). One of her attributes was a cornucopia, a crescent with its horns pointing upwards. It is worth mentioning that back in pre-Christian times East Slavs had unique ancient knowledge of the universe and man, of signs and symbols. All that was engraved in their culture and beliefs, as well as in architectural structures of Slavic temples and chapels (Note: more information may be found in the AllatRa book). They knew about the creation of the world as a process similar to the process of creating a yarn or cloth: the world is “twisted” like a yarn, “wrapped” like a warp yarn or “weaved” like a cloth. How this ancient knowledge was destroyed and the new worldview of priests was imposed and politicized, one can judge by the fact that in the 12-14th centuries almost all sermons against paganism contained the name of ancient Makosh.

Makosh was an important goddess of the old Slavic pantheon, who was among seven main gods. The meaning of her name Makosh, or more precisely Ma-kosh, is very interesting. The etymology of this word is said to be connected with the root which denotes “spinning, yarn”. In Sanskrit there is a word moksha (moksa) which means “liberation” and is still used in Indian philosophy and religion as a concept of spiritual liberation. In the name Ma-kosh, taking into consideration the old Indo-European age of the word Ma, the first word means “Mother” (the Great Mother who gave birth to the world, the Goddess of Destiny), while the word kosh in the Old Slavic language means “a wattled basket”, a braided cart for sheaves (known since the times of the Eneolithic – the 4-3rd millennia BC), a storage container for grain. Moreover, the phrase “my lot” (meaning “my fate”, “my destiny”) meant “my cart of sheaves”, “my basket of grain”. At that, taking into consideration the ancient associative symbolism of these objects and plants associated with explanation of the process of creation, it is clear that the phrase had a non-material meaning, for example, the phrase “my basket of grain” meant “my spiritual good”, “my spiritual value”. In mythology of peoples of the world grains represent an ancient symbol of birth, resurrection, revival of the world; and from the perspective of human spiritual evolution the grain symbol means formation and establishment of spiritual life in a human being, where the highest values are achievement of non-material goods, spiritual growth and improvement within one’s lifetime, i.e. conception of eternal spiritual life during the short-time existence of a cover – a body. That is why the initial image of the goddess, patroness of full baskets, as of the Mother of true Happiness (liberation) had a completely different meaning associated with non-material human values.

In many ancient cosmological myths of peoples of the world it is noted that it is goddesses (Note: the force of Allat) who made weaving as an act of cosmic creation, a continuous process where all transient events – threads – were interweaved in a constantly changing pattern on an invariable base. Moreover, the warp (lengthwise threads on a frame) was a symbol of the permanent and constant which links all levels of the Universe (Note: refer to the ezoosmic grid, the real (stationary) Po particles), whereas the weft (transverse threads placed perpendicular to warp threads and interweaved with them) symbolized the inconstant and changeable, quantitative, the nature itself in time and space (Note: please, refer to the phantom Po particles). The warp and the weft form a cross.

Almost all goddesses of Destiny and Time in mythology of peoples of the world are spinners and weavers. Even nowadays one can find various mentions, rituals, traditions and legends connected with that, e.g. sisters Day and Night weave a web of time, a space-and-time cloth of cosmological creation. However, there are mentions that are even more ancient. For example, in Ancient Egypt goddess Neith was worshiped as the initial goddess of heaven, wisdom and weaving, and from her the sun god came out and shined. According to myths, in the beginning of times she strained the sky on her weaving loom and weaved the world of the primordial waters, weaved all the living creatures including men and women. Neith (Net, Nit) was usually depicted by means of the following hieroglyphs: …

The first hieroglyph means her name (the root “nt”), the second hieroglyph indicates her symbol placed on her head, and the third hieroglyph means “goddess”. It is interesting that, judging by the root, the name Neith is connected with the root of the word that means ”to weave” (ntt). It is also the root of the world “existence”. Egyptians believed Neith was connected with the goddess of eternal emptiness (primordial waters) Nun. The name Neith is also associated with the word “water” (nt), thus indicating a connection of Neith with the goddess of the primordial waters. In one of myths Neith is said to be the one who “illuminated the first face” or illuminated the first facial surface”. Plutarch and Plato quoted the following text about the goddess Neith: “I am all past, present and future things, and no mortal has ever unveiled my cover.” According to the historical sources in Ancient Egypt, there was a prayer to Neith: “Oh the great Mother, whose birth is unperceivable. Oh the goddess, young and great, whose cover cannot be unveiled! Oh, open your cover, the precious, because I have no way to you. Come and take my soul and protect it with your hands.”


North America and Mesoamerica

A similar picture is observed on the other continents thousand kilometres away from these places. For example, in North America the indigenous people of Alaska (Indians of the Northern Athabaskan ethnolinguistic group) have a myth about the goddess Atsentma (Atsintma). It tells that Atsentma opened her eyes in an empty world. Then she weaved a cloth of flowers of Chamerion (fireweed) (Slavs have its analogue – Ivan Chai, a plant of the willow-herb family) and stretched it, fixing at the corners on holy mountains. Then she started singing. That was how the universe was born. It is interesting that fireweed is a rather widespread plant, in Alaska as well. Its flowers are arranged according to a fourfold scheme. Its lower ovary is four-sided; with time, it transforms into a long four-sided box that bursts into 4 leaves and releases many seeds. Owing to their long filaments, the seeds have an ability to fly at long distances. When we know such details, it is clear why this plant was used for explanation of cosmological concepts (Note: other peoples of the world associated the universe with a plane four-sided brick, while the voice, the first word, the voiced sound was associated with the Primordial Sound).

In cosmic mythology of Central American Indians, the most ancient by its origin is the goddess-mother who created the world, the goddess of fertility and spiritual purity. (By the way, in most tribes, let say, in South America, mother lines dominated until the European invasion). With the spread and complication of social technologies this goddess became the progenitress of the pantheon. Then goddesses of the moon, rain, corn, etc. appeared. It is interesting that some of them still preserve ancient elements and attributes of the goddess who created the world: clothes with a grid pattern, a spinning wheel and some signs including a circle, an equilateral cross, the AllatRa and Allat signs (Note: for more information please refer to the АllatRa book).

Relevant archaeological artefacts clearly indicate how ancient goddesses were replaced by male deities, how priesthood was rising, how old gods were defaced and their creative functions removed, and how signs were substituted. As political power was developing, various deities of power, of rulers and dynasties appeared, human sacrifice to gods was widely introduced, while ancient spiritual basis and knowledge were ruined.

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is a unique non-material structure. It represents the sides of a special cube of every ezoosmic cell. The main action which gives life to the entire material system – the process of EZOOSMOS – takes place through the ezoosmic membrane (its centre). The membrane is characterised by the so-called “paradox of dimensions”: in the three-dimensional world the ezoosmic membrane has practically no thickness, but at the same time it really exists and its inner space is infinite. Between adjacent ezoosmic membranes situated on one straight line there is always an absolute distance by length.

Ancient texts contain diverse information about the unexplainable (from the perspective of a person with a materialistic worldview) inner space of the ezoosmic membrane, which, on the one hand, has no thickness in the three-dimensional world, but at the same time its real space is infinite. That boundless, eternal space, from which the creative force (energy: in the AllatRa book, an ancient term “the force of Allat” is used) and the initial plan (information: in the AllatRa book, an ancient term “the Initial Lotus Plan” is used) come, used to be called “the spiritual world”, “the world where gods are born”, “the primordial”, “the eternal”, “that which always existed before the creation of the world”. Moreover, the spiritual world was initially referred to in plural (e.g. the world of gods) as something that unites many (“single in the multitude”), while the material system was referred to as singular and allegorically compared with “a cosmic body”, “the mortal Self” (Ego, from the Latin word ego meaning “self”).

Much later, when religious and political institutions developed and patriarchate was established in the society, the spiritual world started to be called in singular (the world of God), while the material world was already referred to in plural; at that, the generative divine feminine principle started to be considered evil, and the aggressive masculine principle was called good. That is, priests and those in power deliberately changed the signs from + to –, and everything was turned completely to the opposite, to the benefit of the material mind system.

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The unique structure and the smallest component of the septon field is a septon (a modern term used in the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS).

Septon may not be referred to even as the smallest indivisible Po particle because it is what creates a Po particle (both a real and a phantom one), but it is not a Po particle in its essence. The structure of a septon consists of an inclusion of the force of Allat and six “antipode reflections” – antial­lats that surround it, i.e. it consists of 7 elements. As a vivid example, taking into account many associations of the three-di­mensional world, we can say that it is a sort of mini-machine, a mechanism that transforms the force of Allat into antiallat, which allows the entire material world to exist.

Structure of a septon: 6 antiallats (“antipode reflections”, “smoking mirrors”) and inclusion of the force of Allat.


In ancient times this structure, being the main unit of the septon field, was also associatively compared to six “smoking mirrors” (harmful natures / principles) that surrounded the shining source (the candle of living light; the true nature / principle). While turning, these mirrors only distort the reflected light and are not that light in their essence. In ancient legends, the true nature (the inclusion of the force of Allat) was compared to a burning candle. It was mentioned that, once the burning candle disappears, all the visible things will disappear and turn into nothing.

Using modern associative com­parisons, the 6 “antipode reflections” – antiallats – may be referred to as a sort of micro-holographic objects that exist only owing to the pres­ence of the force of Allat in this world and make up the essence of the illusionary world – the world of multiple pseudo-copies… Everything is a mere reflection of something, a cause and a consequence. What draws a person’s attention more in his or her life – the mirror play of numerous reflections of the material world or the genuine spiritual source – is a part of what the person eventually becomes.

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As a matter of fact, ancient Greeks called Medes and Persian priests by the word magician (magush, mugh; magi in Latin, magos in Greek). It is assumed that this word goes back to the Proto-Indo-European root mugh – “to have the power, to be able to", and many European words denoting the concept of “I can", "I have an opportunity" have been formed from this root. In ancient times, talented people who possessed force or power were described as "those who have an opportunity" (Note: refer to the AllatRa book). Some possessed such force since their birth, while some acquired it when they mastered special techniques. In essence, it is the force of Allat. However, the more a person possessed it, the more his or her septon field became active. Force is force, and everything depended on what the person chose, where he / she invested attention; as they said in ancient times, on whether attention was invested in one’s living flame (the soul, the deep inner feelings) or focused on the curling smoke of the illusory world (thoughts, emotions from the Animal Nature).

If a person focused most of his or her attention on the septon field, i.e. on desires (thoughts) of material life, he or she eventually obtained magic and faced catastrophic consequences for his or her Personality. If a person directed this force to spiritual self-development, he / she reached the main goal of his / her life – spiritual transformation and inner freedom from the material world, from the dominating influence of the septon field.

At the heart of such changes and transformations in a person, there is pure physics. According to the ancient primordial knowledge, the power of attention is an enormous vital force in which the generative force of Allat is concentrated. Owing to the power of attention, a Personality exercises the freedom of choice and forms his / her post-mortal destiny by every moment of his / her life. Where a person invests his / her attention (inner potential), that becomes his or her reality. Any attempts to invest attention in the material world, its desires and delusions, eventually always form the reality of sufferings extended in time. That is why spiritual treatises said that it is important for a human being to concentrate attention constantly on one’s spiritual inner world. Only in such case a person will invest one’s precious inner potential in formation of life after death, and not spend it on formation of death during one’s lifetime (a subpersonality). In the language of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, if a person spends not more than 10% of the power of his / her attention on material life and focuses 90% of attention on the state of prevalence of spiritual life in his / her inner world, this leads to such a spiritual transformation of the person. Otherwise, when 90% of attention are paid to material life, desires and thoughts of the Animal Nature and only 10% are invested in the care of one’s spiritual condition, then during one’s lifetime a person forms a subpersonality of oneself. It is neither philosophy nor religion, but the fundamental laws of physics.

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According to its inner potential, a phantom Po particle has its proportionality. The smallest phantom Po particle is the unique power phantom Po particle – Allat.

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What is the meaning for the material world of the renewed inner potential of a phantom Po particle, which is replen­ished and "corrected" every time in the process of ezoosmos? It may be called in general: evolution (creation, trans­formation, destruction, and renovation), resources, reserves and opportunities. In ancient times, the unique reserve of energy supplied by a phantom Po particle from the non-material world was called the forces of Al­lat (Note: more about the force of Allat may be found in the AllatRa book). It is the force owing to which the entire material world exists. The septon field of real Po particles hunts exactly for concentration of this force in various spots of the ezoosmic grid, feeding the existence of its system (the Animal Mind system) with it. According to the ancient spiritual knowledge, it is the force of Allat that orders everything in the visible and the invisible worlds, makes everything move, shift and transform according to a specific plan (information) of the non-material world (Note: in ancient times it was called the Primary Lo­tus plan, the plan and will of God, the will of the spiritual world). Structured information sets characteristics, parameters, properties, a program of action (and so on) to objects and phenomena of the material world. It is necessary to distinguish the general concept of the modern word information and the meaning embedded in the word information in the described processes of physics of the microcosm.

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It is a phantom Po parti­cle, the smallest and most unique in its functions. Being a part of an elementary par­ticle, it plays an important role as a power particle and a universal connecting link between phantom Po particles which have incompat­ible inner potential and cannot be located near each other in the elementary particle struc­ture. It exists only if bound to other phantom Po particles. (As it has been mentioned above, phantom Po particles do not exist separately. If in the process of elementary particle decay one phantom Po particle separates, it disappears in the ezoosmic membrane irretrievably.) It is thanks to its uni­versal character and exclusiveness of its nature that this Po particle is called the Allat phantom Po particle, or Allat in short.

It is a unique power phantom Po particle. It is the only phantom Po particle from which the real (stationary) Po particle cannot with­draw energy and information. Passing through an ezoosmic cell, Allat phantom Po particle, figuratively speaking, has an immunity status (a figurative example of a diplomatic carriage). It is the presence of Allat phantom Po particle in their struc­ture that makes such particles as, for example, photon (3 Pos), neutrino (5 Pos), and electron (13 Pos) unique. If an elementary particle contains an Allat phantom Po particle, this means such elementary parti­cle takes part in power processes and interactions, shows specific properties and certain peculiari­ties. However, as far as this report does not have the goal to describe fully the characteristics of Allat phantom Po particle and its influ­ence on Po particles in the process of various interactions between a relevant elementary particle and other particles, we limit ourselves just to description of general understanding of these processes.

Owing to its universal force of Al­lat, as people said in ancient times, which is inherent to the spiritual world, and owing to its unique func­tion to link the unlikable, Allat phantom Po particle was denoted by the an­cient Slavonic letter A [а]; the name of this letter in the old Slavon­ic language is Aз [Az], and it is also the old Slavonic name of the number one, which is connected with the use of Cyrillic letters to denote numbers; there is an old Slavonic phrase “Аз есмь” (I am, I exist). It has been done due to two reasons: firstly, in order to show the unique and exclusive character of Allat phantom Po particle itself and its many peculiarities against the background of already known values and notions in physics (to de­note those, we use Latin and Greek letters), and secondly for historical reasons, taking into account that the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS fundamentals, which were lost in time by humanity, have been renewed and restored in the Slavic lands as basics of science in the present-day world.

There is no elementary particle in nature that would consist of one or two phan­tom Po particles. The world of elementary particles, which make up all matter, begins with a bond of 3 phantom Po particles or more. This knowledge may be found in many an­cient cultural traditions of peoples of the world. For example, the numbers 1 and 2 were not considered numbers at all, while 3 was regarded as the first number in many traditions.

“The very notion of Allat is quite ancient. In the past, the Allat sign in the form of a crescent with its horns pointing upwards was used to indicate the presence of the divine force in one or another phenomena, object, etc. It also denotes a common unit – the forerunner of time.”

Allat has multiple manifestations. In scientific understanding allat is a single unit of time, which has a great importance for entire matter. If we take modern earth time values, Allat makes up 12 minutes, or more precisely 11 minutes 56.74 seconds. When scientists get to the notion of this important unit of foundation, so to say, the main building block of the Universe, there will be not just a grand revolution in science, but an evolutionary leap. Then scientists will understand what is hidden under the secret of time and, having realized that, they will reveal the true process of matter formation in the Universe. If people get to know the essence of Allat, they will get enormous opportunities.”

(Note: for more information about the unique nature of the force of Allat and its mentions in ancient times please refer to the books by Anastasia Novykh.)

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Symbolism of the number 1 was a reflection of ancient knowledge about the Allat phantom Po particle. In the oldest texts, the meaning of the number 1 may be found very seldom. The number one meant not as much the first element in a numerical series, but rather the perfect integrity of the spiritual world (the supreme god thanks to whom this world emerged). It was interpreted as the beginning, the initial cause and mover, the indivisible, the basis of life.

The symbolic meaning of the number 2 was associated with an­cient echoes of the knowledge of phantom and real Po particles which are the basis of interactions in the ezoosmic grid. The number 2 was interpreted as a basis of binary oppositions by means of which people described the world, division of unity, distorted reflection of unity (using the example of a candle reflected in two opposite mirrors); and it was mentioned that nothing had real existence beyond the Unity. The number two was interpreted as difference, dependence, appeal of illusion, formation of pairs of opposites. The Vedic tradi­tion has such a correlation of 1 and 2 where two, on the one hand, is a symbol of opposition, division and connection, but on the other hand as a symbol of cor­respondence or homology of opposed members. Ancient Greek philosopher Plato mentioned the number two was a number without meaning, because it implied relation that brought the third factor.

The first number in many traditions of peoples of the world is con­sidered to be the number 3. It opened a numerical series and was interpreted as a perfect num­ber, dynamic integrity, accumulated action, universal character of power, multiplicity, creation, movement ahead, aggregation, external expression, the origin of all the things, and so forth. It was the main constant of mythical and poetical macrocosm and social organi­zation (three highest values, three supreme deities, thrice-repeated actions by people during rituals, etc.). The bond of three phantom Po particles will be the next topic in this report.





The phenomena of reflection and refraction of light have been known since ancient times. Until now, the essence of these phenomena and their true nature are not obvious to official science, and everything is based on the probability theory.

In scientific literature of today photon is the name of a quantum of an electromagnetic field. It is supposedly an el­ementary particle, which, in the light of contemporary theories, is regarded as a carrier of electromagnetic in­teraction. However, as a matter of fact, the mod­ern name of photon only implies the observed process – the lowest "por­tions", "beams" of light that constitute waves of electromagnetic radia­tion, including the visible light, ra­dio waves, X-rays, laser pulses, and so on.

The notion of a photon (from the an­cient Greek word φωτός (photos) meaning "light") was introduced in 1926 by the American chemist Gilbert New­ton Lewis. By the way, he regarded photons as being "uncreatable and indestructible” (it is similar to the story of introduction of the notion of atom by the chemist John Dalton who based his consider­ations on the ancient knowledge of indivisible particles). Today photon is denoted in phys­ics by a symbol of the Greek let­ter gamma (γ). Such denotation is connected with the discovery (in 1900) of gamma radiation consisting of high-energy photons. It was dis­covered by the French physicist Paul Villard in the course of research of radium emission in a strong mag­netic field. Subsequently, the English physicist Ernest Rutherford, who had ear­lier given names to two types of ra­diation of uranium as alpha and beta rays, ascertained that the new type of radiation discovered by Villard possessed a great penetrating power. He named this type of radiation gamma rays.

The discovery of photon consider­ably stimulated the development of theoretical and experimental physics, including physical chemistry (photochemistry), quantum mechan­ics, and so on. To a certain extent people began to understand and use manifes­tations of such physical phenomena as electricity, stream of photons, etc. However, the knowledge of the smallest structure of these phenome­na is approximate since official sci­ence still cannot explain what electron or photon exactly consists of (although the knowledge of the true nature of microcosm was available in remote antiquity).

In a research article in 1926, Gilbert Lewis writes: "… we are dealing here with a new type of atom, an identifiable entity, uncreatable and indestructible, which acts as the carrier of radiant energy and, after absorption, persists as an essential constituent of the absorbing atom until it is later sent out again bearing a new amount of energy… I therefore take the liberty of propos­ing for this hypothetical new atom, which is not light but plays an essential part in every process of radiation, the name photon…” An interesting fact is that Gilbert Lewis considered a photon to be "the carrier of radiant energy", but not the energy itself (nowadays physicists consider photon to be a carrier of electro­magnetic force). Since that time, the word photon promptly became current.

The nature of photon remains a mys­tery to scientists. However, even relying on the results of researches that have been recorded in the process of observation, owing to experiments, the discov­eries were made that found wide application in life of society. Various technical devices have been invent­ed, the principle of functioning of which is connected with the use of photons, e.g. computer tomography, quantum generator (maser), laser, and so on. Laser has wide practical application in industry, medicine, everyday life, starting from crea­tion of physical devices of high-pre­cision, such as seismographs, gravimeters, laser scalpels used in micro­surgery, and up to development of technological processes of weld­ing, metal cutting, household laser printers, and so forth. Photons are also used in spectral analysis (the spectrum of electromagnetic radia­tion of atoms is studied by nuclear spectroscopy). Owing to studies of photons, scientists have found out that at­oms of every chemical element have strictly defined resonant frequen­cies. They emit and absorb light (photons) within the limits of these very frequencies. That is, just as every per­son has individual fingerprints, so as every chemical element has its unique spectrum of radiation and ab­sorption. Furthermore, all these facts consti­tute only the beginning of the study of such a unique structure as photon that is actively involved in various power processes and interactions in nature.

Yet, what photon and electron actually represent, and what do these structures consist of? Owing to which of its components is photon stable and participates in power interactions? Why does this “massless elementary particle”, as it is called in modern physics, have no electric charge? Why is photon one of the smallest and most widespread elementary particles in the Universe? Today official science cannot answer these questions because photon, de­spite the accumulated experimental material, still remains a mysterious elementary particle for it. But it is easy to rectify the situa­tion. Possessing knowledge of the foundations of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, even a schoolchild will be able to find answers to these ques­tions.

The entire theoretical physics of elementary particles is based on the probability theory. However, analysis of objective grounds of the probability theory was actively discussed only during the creation of quantum mechanics. Today physi­cists discuss the nature of probability not so vividly. On the one hand, everyone recognizes that it lies in the basis of micro-processes, but on the other hand in the course of experiments a little has been said about the probability theory, as if it plays a secondary role. This particularly relates to the physics of elementary particles where the ideas of probability are mostly concealed under characteristics of internal conditions and properties of elementary particles. As one of the founders of quantum electrodynamics, American researcher Richard Feynman said, “Try as we might to invent a reasonable theory that can explain how a photon “makes up its mind” whether to go through glass or bounce back, it is impossible to predict which way a given photon will go. Philosophers have said that if the same circumstances don’t always produce the same results, predictions are impossible and science will collapse. Here is a circum­stance – identical photons are always coming down in the same direction to the same piece of glass – that produces different results. We cannot predict whether a given photon will arrive at A or B. All we can predict is that out of 100 photons that come down, an av­erage of 4 will be rejected by the front surface. Does this mean that physics, a science of great exactitude, has been reduced to calculating only the probability of an event, and not predicting exactly what will happen? Yes." By the way, the aforesaid photon problem is still an unresolved issue for official science only. For researchers of the ALLATRA SCIENCE group this issue has been solved a long time ago.

IN ACTUAL FACT PHOTON, if we regard it as a genuine elementary particle, consists of phantom Po particles. A photon may exist in two states: PHOTON-3 (γ3) and PHOTON-4 (γ4). Most photons consist of 3 phantom Po particles (photon-3). However, un­der certain conditions each of the photons may turn into a photon consisting of 4 phantom Po particles (photon-­4), whereas photon-­4 may turn into photon-3. According to its state, a photon may perform functions either of a pow­er particle (photon-3) or of an "infor­mation" particle (photon-4), that is in the latter case it may act as a carrier of information about the elementa­ry particle with which it interacts. It is noteworthy that photon, moving within the ezoosmic grid, has more acceler­ated spiral rotation of its phantom Po particles than that of the phantom Po particles of many other elemen­tary particles. Due to such accelerat­ed “whirls” of the photon structure, the speed of its movement is higher in comparison with the speed of many other elementary particles.

Photon-3 and photon-4 usually move in a single energy stream, and it is noteworthy that the number of pho­tons-3 is always many times higher than that of photons-4. For instance, the sun generates a stream of photons most of which are power pho­tons (photons-3) responsible for energy and power interactions, however there are also ‘information’ photons (photon-4) among them, which carry information about the sun. Streams of photons-3 do not car­ry heat: they generate it upon destruct­ion of particles they collide with on their way. The greater is a flux of photons-3, which are directed at a right angle to a material object, the more heat is generated. Owing to information photons (photons-4) a human being, for example, is capable of seeing the sunlight and the sun itself, while owing to power photons (photon-3) we feel the heat coming from the sun, and so on. That is to say, an energy stream and various power interactions in the material world are ensured by photons-3, and owing to photons-4 information is delivered within such energy stream (i.e. participation in the processes that, for example, enable a human being to see the world around).

PHOTON 3 consists of three phantom Po particles, namely of two phantom Po particles linked to each other by an Allat phantom Po particle. Exactly the inclusion of Allat phantom Po particle in the composi­tion of a photon makes it unique, sta­ble and an active participant in power interactions. By the way, Allat phantom Po particle will never be in the place of the first head phantom Po particle in any elementary particle which has it in its composition. Al­lat phantom Po particle is always lo­cated inside an elementary particle, between phantom Po particles as the power base of such elementary particle.

Photon-3 may turn into photon-4, and photon-4 may turn into the state of pho­ton-3. How does this process work? A photon (both photon-3 and photon-4) has a unique structure that distinguishes it from any other elementary particle. In particular, it has an unusual first (head) phantom Po particle. If appropriate condi­tions arise in an ezoosmic cell and two head phantom Po particles (one of which belongs to the photon, and the other one to an­other elementary particle) enter it simultaneously from two opposite directions, and if they converge to a maximum extent, the following process takes place.

The head phantom Po particle of the photon, due to its high speed compared to the speed of the head phantom Po particle of another elementary particle, rapidly rotates. Thus, it en­ables the power particle of the photon (Allat phantom Po particle), running behind it, to capture from the on­coming elementary particle its head phantom Po particle which is a bearer of entire information about this elementary particle.

Capturing the head phan­tom Po particle of such other elementa­ry particle, photon-3 appends this information phantom Po particle to its structure. As a result, photon-3 turns into photon-4 that consists of four phantom Po particles. At that, the elementary particle from which the head phantom Po particle has been with­drawn undergoes destruction, as a result of which energy is re­leased. Generally speaking, such a process of seizing information by the pho­ton occurs only in the case if exactly a head phantom Po particle of an ele­mentary particle passes through a given ezoosmic cell, but not other phan­tom Po particles that comprise the elementary particle.

When photon-3 knocks a head phantom Po particle out of an el­ementary particle, it turns from an "invader" into a "transporter", i.e. a carrier of information (photon-4). Recalling the associative example with a train and carriages, this is similar to a situation when a train of three carriages, mov­ing at full speed, captures a lo­comotive from an oncoming train. Hence, it turns into a train with two locomotives, one diplomatic carriage and one ordinary carriage until the conditions arise under which it will be able to get rid of the locomotive captured into its structure. The remaining carriages of the oncoming train that have been deprived of their locomotive are disbanded in depot (in the ezoosmic membrane).

PHOTON-4 consists of four phantom Po particles: a unique head phantom Po particle, a “borrowed” head phantom Po particle (an information particle), an Allat phantom Po particle, and a closing phantom Po particle. Namely, the inclusion of the “borrowed” head phantom Po particle in the composition of photon-4 adds an informational content to it, i.e. makes it a carrier of information about the given (“foreign”) elementary particle. Generally speaking, when there are plenty of such photons, they carry information about a particular item, object, phenom­enon, etc. Photon exists in this particular state (photon-4) until similar conditions arise in an ezo­osmic cell again and it gets exempted from the “borrowed” head phantom Po particle, i.e. when a process of "in­formation reset" occurs. At that, the head phantom Po particle rotates again, and due to participation of an Al­lat power Po particle in this process, the ”bor­rowed” phantom Po particle is pushed out within the limits of the septon field of an oncoming head phantom Po par­ticle of an elementary particle. The photon itself, having undergone transformation into the state of photon-3, leaves the ezoosmic cell. The released head phantom Po particle drops out information into the septon field of a real Po parti­cle and into the septon field of the head phantom Po particle of the elementary particle that is passing by (thus enrich­ing their inner potential with new information) and irretrievably goes into the ezoosmic membrane.

After the reset (transfer) of the “bor­rowed” head phantom Po particle that carries information, pho­ton-4 turns into photon-3 again, i.e. it gains its original state in which the multi-variability of diverse actions is inherent to it. For instance, photon-3 can take part in other interactions, be a part of el­ementary particles, and so on. It may disappear (owing to the ezoosmic mem­brane) in one place and appear in another place, i.e. move within the ezo­osmic grid at very long ("cosmic") dis­tances almost instantly. Certainly, this is only brief information about the photon, intended for initial acquaintance. Moreover, there is plenty of unique information obtained in the course of studies of regulari­ties and paradoxes of photon behaviour pat­terns in different envi­ronment, peculiarities of photon wave properties; interactions of photons with other elementary particles, algorithms of control of the photon behaviour, and many more.

Summing up the above information, we can say that the main function of photon-3 is en­ergy interactions that are mainly re­lated to the process of destruction of matter and release of energy, and the main function of photon-4 is information interactions that re­late to transfer of information. Possessing the knowledge about the functions and peculiarities of pho­ton, the principles of its interaction with other elementary particles and especially with the septon field, it is possible to understand many of processes in the macro- and micro-world in which it is directly involved. Owing to this knowledge, it is possible to find answers to many questions. For example, how does a human being actually perceive visual informa­tion? What is actually a shadow, heat or cold, if we look at these processes at the level of the ezoosmic grid? As a re­sult of what underlying reasons the destruction of matter that is under a long-term influence of sunlight oc­curs? What are the peculiarities of photon connection with the gravi­tational and electromagnetic field? And many more. The knowledge about photon assists in understand­ing of the root cause of one or another action performed owing to photon involvement and allows conducting more accurate calculations of photon interactions without using expensive machinery and equip­ment.

One of the key philosophical texts of Daosism, called Lieh Tzu (1-3 centuries AD), includes the following lines about the Absolute, about how the world that received its name comes from the unnamed absolute whole:

“In the beginning there was the Great Simplicity,

then the Great Origin appeared,

then the Great Basis appeared,

thereafter the Great Substantiality emerged.

There was yet no breath in the Great Simplicity.

The Great Origin was a beginning of breath,

The Great Basis was a beginning of all material forms.

The Great Substantiality was a beginning of all things.

Breath, form and substance were not separated from each other yet, which is exactly called Chaos. Look inside and you will not see, listen to it and you will not hear. Its name is Simplicity. The Simple has neither form nor limits. Having undergone transformation, it became Single, and from Single it became Seven, and Seven transformed into Nine. Here all transformations end and come again to the Single, whereas the Single is the beginning of transformation of all forms. The pure and subtle went up and formed the Heaven, the dirty and heavy went down and formed the Earth, and breath, having pervaded the first and the second, gave birth to a human being. Thus the Heaven and the Earth embraced the seed of all living things and everything came to life.”

The ancient Chinese text Tao Te Ching (Chapter 42) contains the following lines, “Tao gave birth to One. One gave birth to Two. Two gave birth to Three. Three gave birth to myriads of things. Every substance carries the yin and embraces the yang.”





In contemporary physics this elemen­tary particle is called neutrino (the Italian word neutrino, diminutive of neutrone – neutron). Hypo­thetical existence of this particle was officially suggested by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930. Trying to explain apparent violation of the laws of conservation of energy and momen­tum of quantity motions in the process of beta decay of atomic nu­clei, as the "last resort", the researcher put forward the hypothesis of existence of a kind of weakly interacting particle. Based on his hypothesis, the prominent Italian physicist Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) developed the theory of beta decay, the essence of which is that another elementary particle yet unknown to science is emitted during beta decay in addition to electron. He called that particle neutrino. It appeared feasible to confirm the existence of neutrino through experiments only in 1956.

Neutrino is called an "illusory parti­cle". Today official science knows not so much about this unique parti­cle, and neither science knows what kind of particle it actually is. It is believed that neutrino is extremely difficult to detect, and in order to do this, appropriate con­ditions, special equipment, expensive materials, etc. are required. It is known that neutrinos are formed and destroyed as a result of disintegration of particles where weak nu­clear coupling is involved. Neutrinos in­teract with the substance very weakly and have a high penetrating power. It is believed that this particle is emitted upon transformation of atomic nuclei and disintegration of elementary particles in the Earth’s bowels and atmosphere, inside the Sun, in other stars, and so forth. Under laboratory conditions, the sources of neutrino are nuclear reactors and accelerators of charged particles. Researchers assume that a powerful stream of neutrinos per­meates the entire cosmos. Around a hundred trillions of these particles permeate every human being every second. Today neutrino is regarded as a perspective tool for the study of space objects (including the Earth and the Sun) as well as and as an opportu­nity of obtaining accurate and timely information, and this has been success­fully confirmed by researchers of the ALLATRA SCIENCE group.

IN ACTUAL FACT NEUTRINO, just like photon, is one of the smallest and most widespread particles in the Universe. Neutrino consists of 5 phantom Po particles, where two phantom Po particles are linked with two other phantom Po particles via an Allat phantom Po particle.

The following fact, related to the power particle – Allat phantom Po particle, is worth paying special attention to. As a part of photon-3, Allat phantom Po particle connects one phantom Po particle with another one, hence the given elementary particle exhibits a rougher power interaction in the material world. As a part of neutrino, Allat phantom Po particle connects two phantom Po particles with other two phantom Po particles, and due to this, the elementary particle exhibits a subtler interaction in the material world.

A distinctive feature of neutrino is its all-pervading effect, which occurs because it has an extremely weak interaction with the substance. Its main function is to transfer "internal information" about objects. How­ever, unlike photon, it does not de­stroy elementary particles, which a given object consists of. Passing through an object, neutrino only reads in­formation from head phantom Po particles of elementary particles that make up such object (just like a real Po particle does). Thus, the neutrino stream becomes a car­rier of information about the inter­nal structure and condition of objects and phenomena, unlike streams of photons, which mostly carry information about the external state of objects or events. Neutrino carries information about the internal structure and condition of the matter from which it is released (i.e. it withdraws from the composition of complex elementary particles), and partly carries information about the matter that it passes through. In the latter case, neutrino exchanges information with head phantom Po particles of elementary particles that constitute the object.

Neutrino may exist in several states, but unlike photon, it will not change the quantitative composition of phantom Po particles (it will always be the same: 5 phantom Po particles). Neutrino may transform from one state into another, depending on wheth­er it is a part of a complex elementary particle or exists by itself. In the latter case, different states are also inherent to it, based on whether it is currently an information carrier or does not bear information about other objects. If currently neutrino is a carrier of information, it is pos­sible to detect and record this particle in the third dimension.

Neutrino is a special elementary par­ticle. Due to its all-pervasive property, streams of neutrinos permeate the Earth, the Sun, cosmic space, other space objects, and are carriers of unique information about the state of such objects. Recent studies in the field of physics of elementary particles, neutrino geophysics and neutrino astrophysics, conducted by the working group of researchers of the ALLATRA International Public Movement, reveals more opportu­nities for prospective basic and ap­plied research. During the study, a significant influence of cosmic factors on the activation of internal dynamics of the Earth is ascertained… Owing to the knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, an opportunity has arisen not only to fundamentally examine the behaviour of neutrinos emanating from the bowels of the Earth and the Earth’s own septon field, and to estimate certain correlations, but also to elaborate new methods of forecasting volcanic eruptions and to conduct more detailed studies of modern magmatic formations of geodynamic conditions. Moreover, an op­portunity has arisen to exert a direct im­pact on these processes by means of cli­mate and volcanic geoengineering. Thanks to the PRIMORDIAL ALLA­TRA PHYSICS, it may be confident­ly proclaimed today that control of natural processes is already quite feasible.


Prepared by Julia Matveyeva (Russia)

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What is ALLAT? Part 1: Primordial ALLATRA Physics. Selected quotes from Anastasia Novykh’s books What is ALLAT? Part 1: Primordial ALLATRA Physics. Selected quotes from Anastasia Novykh’s books - Topic rating: 5.00 out of 5.00 votes: 119
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