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The secret of life, ciphered in icons of the Mother of God

  • 13.02.2016
  • 183
  • 12870

    Iconography is an art that keeps many secrets. Such secrets are ciphered in signs and symbols which conceal information, concepts and details unapparent for a cursory glance of an average person, but reveal a deep sacral meaning to an inquisitive heart of the one who seeks more than the entire material world can offer to its two-legged batteries. Probably, there is no person on the earth (other than representatives of tribes living in jungles) who hasn’t seen an icon of the Mother of God at least once, namely an icon where there is an up-horned crescent in the lower part of the image or a veil held in Virgin Mary’s hands while her elbows are bent. Icons drawn in such a style have always been particularly nice and attractive for me. Grace and tenderness beyond expression are coming from such images which, like a light amidst impenetrable darkness, are capable of rescuing anyone who asks for Virgin Mary’s help from the quagmire of existence in the brutal world created by people themselves.

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Prophecies about the Comforter fulfilled today

  • 26.02.2016
  • 266
  • 31778

    This video is comforting for everyone who’s in spiritual search. It is the present-day reality for entire humanity. It is Love penetrating the depth of one’s soul. It’s the Truth of the Last Time with timer counting down, the Truth about the advent of the Comforter in the last times, about an opportunity for every person to deeply feel the Holy Spirit gift, and a chance to experience genuine Freedom and Love.

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In quest of... The 11th century. Sican and Inca civilizations. Part Three

  • 02.09.2016
  • 133
  • 9675

We kindly recommend you to familiarize yourselves with the previous articles of the series In quest of… A journey to the remote 11th century:


This is neither a book nor a science work intended to impress readers, gain public recognition or obtain other benefits, so let me get straight to the point. As we remember, the great civilizer Quetzalcoatl left the Toltecs around the 11th century. Legends say he sailed away to the east in the same direction he had arrived from over the eastern sea. Let’s imagine for a moment that the god-king of the ancient Mexicans was Bodhisattva – the teacher of humanity. In such case, what was the sense for him to abandon North America and go back to Eurasia, when South America was right across a little isthmus (the contemporary Panama Canal), which was very close by the planetary scale? You should agree it would have been quite logical for him to leave sprouts of spiritual knowledge on the vast South American continent, where the Andes and the Amazon rainforest stretch for thousands of kilometres, before his ultimate departure from that part of the world.

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What is ALLAT? Part 1: Primordial ALLATRA Physics. Selected quotes from Anastasia Novykh’s books

  • 24.05.2017
  • 119
  • 12151

What is Allat? Extracts from the Primordial AllatRa Physics report issued in 2015


Page 4

The knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS gives access to an inexhaustible source of energy which is available everywhere including outer space. It is renewable energy, thanks to which elementary particles are cre­ated, move and interact. The ability to obtain and transfer it from one state to another gives us a source of alternative energy: new, safe and available to each person. The potential of this never-ending source of en­ergy is enormous; it is much bigger and much more stable and safer than the potential of the Sun or geothermal energy. Moreover, using this source, we no longer need to accu­mulate excessive energy and transfer it to consumers for subsequent use, because this energy is everywhere; it can become available to every person, under any conditions, here and now: both on Earth and in space.

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What is ALLAT? Part 3: Ezoosmos, The Crossroads. Selected quotes from Anastasia Novykh’s books

  • 03.06.2017
  • 71
  • 4754

What is Allat? This material is based on Ezoosmos and The Crossroads by Anastasia Novykh.




“First of all, I would like to know: what is time in reality?”

“Time?” Sensei shook his head and said. “You’re initiating a big subject… In principle, you have noted correctly that time is quite a relative concept. Judging about time significantly depends on who, from which reference system and for which purpose is observing this phenomenon. 

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Allat Daily Universal Meditation

  • 02.10.2017
  • 237
  • 12466

Let me start with a quote from Sensei of Shambala – Book IV by Anastasia Novykh:

“If everyone on the Earth prayed at the same time at least twice a day for all other people… not for themselves, but for the others… May everyone pray to their own God! After all, God is one, and all souls have the same longing for Him. Even if you are an atheist, simply wish happiness and good to all people at that time, but in all sincerity, with all your heart. Those who know how to practice meditation, meditate at that time with a sincere feeling of joy, wishing everyone good and Love. But all people should do this at the same time, at least one allat per day,” Sensei immediately corrected himself, “I mean twelve minutes, then I assure you that during the next 3 allats, that is 36 minutes, no human being would die on the Earth.”

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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