Search by tag •Kukulkan•

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Icon of the Mother of God “Softening of Evil Hearts” (Seven Arrows)

  • 11.01.2016
  • 519
  • 43188

    As legend says, the initial miracle-working image of the Mother of God with seven arrows was drawn in remote antiquity. According to 19th century publications, this icon is over five hundred years old. In pre-revolutionary Russia there was a famous and respected copy of the icon, which was identified with its legendary original. However, particularities of the image iconography and the fact that the said copy was made on a canvas glued to a wooden board indicate its late origin. The copy was made in the 18th century, probably from the initial icon that had not been preserved and dated back to the 17th century, i.e. the time when many elements of Western iconography emerged in Russian painting. The wonderworking icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” comes from northern Russia. Before the revolution it was kept in the Church of John the Divine on the bank of ToshnyaRiver, not far from Vologda. The legend about the icon resembles similar stories about Mother’s of God images seen in visions by different people. A peasant from Kadnikovsky uyezd (district) suffered from lameness for many years and had no hope already to get cured. Once he was sleeping, and a Divine voice ordered him to find an icon of the Mother of God in the Church of John the Divine bell tower where old icons were kept, and to pray in front of the icon with faith for his disease cure. Having come to that church, the peasant could not do right away what he’d been ordered in the vision. Only after his third request clergymen who did not trust his words let him enter the bell tower and go upstairs. It turned out the icon, being covered with dust and dirt, served as a simple wooden stair on which bell ringers stepped while going up or down the tower. Being terrified with their unintentional sacrilege, clergymen cleaned the icon and held a service in front of it, whereupon the peasant totally recovered. Several years later, the memory of the miracle started gradually fading away and could vanish totally, if it were not for a new God’s affair when the miraculous power of the Mother’s of God icon manifested itself again. In 1830, a horrible cholera epidemic overtook a major part of European Russia, including Vologda province. During the pestilence many sacred items were brought to Vologda from Toshnya, including the icon of the Mother of God with seven arrows, and placed in the “cold” (summer) Church of Dmitry Prilutsky on Navolok, in Vologda Zarechye, to the right of the main city bridge. Christ-loving inhabitants of Vologda held a religious procession with the Seven Arrows icon around the city. After the universal prayer in front of the wonderworking image, cholera abated just as suddenly as it had come.

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Kukulkan! A closer look

  • 08.04.2016
  • 288
  • 461468

Once again we recur to the topic of ancient architecture such as temple buildings and pyramids, because for us it is obvious they were built by rather highly spiritual beings, in special places, in compliance with geometrical proportions and, most importantly, for a determined purpose. By no means, such objects were constructed by savages or wild indigenes for any terrible sacrificial offerings, as official historians endeavour to impose on us. Let us again state the historians’ opinion in this case dances to somebody’s tune which sounds as follows: “Don’t ask any additional questions, for everything is totally clear.” But it’s not quite clear either to everyone or to us. Therefore, in our publications we will continue examining strange, mysterious buildings with a surely sacral meaning that are located nearly on all continents of the globe. At that, unlike many other seekers of the truth, we shall rely on the Primordial Knowledge brought to the world by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo. We are confident that either we ourselves or our followers will once manage to unravel these age-old mysteries. In the meantime, let’s take a closer look at the Temple of Kukulkan.

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Places of Power. Ley Lines. Part 3 of the Star. The Golden Ratio Series

  • 31.05.2016
  • 420
  • 477268

    In this part of the Star. The Golden Ratio I will touch upon such “pseudoscientific” research area as ley lines. Why is it pseudoscientific? Because, according to official science, pyramids, for instance, are mere sepulchres constructed within several decades by slaves who were carrying those large-tonnage blocks like “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, and nothing more. They don’t admit any special pattern in location of the sepulchres. I remember when our teacher was telling us about the pyramids at history classes, surely expounding the official version, he smiled, apparently not believing in what he himself was telling. Almost a quarter of a century has passed since then, while things haven't got forward an inch as they say. The so-called official science keeps turning a blind eye to facts regarding the pyramids and other cult buildings.

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In quest of... Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, the Feathered Serpent... Part One

  • 21.08.2016
  • 204
  • 40988

The 11th century AD, the remote time which nobody has particularly noted and which seems to be deservedly consigned to oblivion in history. What could be so interesting in such a distant past for contemporary humanity? Questionable events or inaccurate chronology? As a matter of fact why would anyone delve into what has vanished long ago? It’s hard to dispute with such arguments, especially today when there is a clear understanding of the value of the here-and-now point in human life. Nonetheless, there is a big BUT about this, and our inquisitive mind armed with the Primordial Knowledge endeavours to stand us in good stead and find interesting elements in historical records which, if linked together, unexpectedly reveal a striking picture for us. So, what are we actually talking about? In our subsequent publications we will tell you about the wave or even a whole tsunami of spiritual renascence that rolled around the planet in a marvellous and incomprehensible way. Although our finds represent just a weak hypothesis so far and we don’t claim them to be anything more significant, this is still a very exciting journey that for many people will hopefully become a pleasant surprise capable of inspiring, reassuring, and strengthening them on the spiritual path.

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Consequences of the Primordial Knowledge distortion. An example from the past. The Aztecs

  • 24.08.2016
  • 150
  • 11213

In view of the recently published precedents of the Primordial Knowledge distortions (link) in the works of our contemporaries, we thought it would be interesting and edifying to give an example from a not-so-remote past in the history of a no longer existing nation that became globally notorious for their deeds. Let’s talk about the Aztecs.

In the very beginning of Heaven’s Mirror Graham Hancock gives an excellent description of the outcome achieved by the Aztecs some 500 years ago as a result of distortion and misinterpretation of the Knowledge which all of us, the contemporary humanity, are given in the AllatRa book. I am sure there are many more of such examples in the history of bipeds living on this beautiful planet, calling themselves humans, yet surpassing any wild beast by their cruelty.

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In quest of... The 11th century. Sican and Inca civilizations. Part Three

  • 02.09.2016
  • 133
  • 9675

We kindly recommend you to familiarize yourselves with the previous articles of the series In quest of… A journey to the remote 11th century:


This is neither a book nor a science work intended to impress readers, gain public recognition or obtain other benefits, so let me get straight to the point. As we remember, the great civilizer Quetzalcoatl left the Toltecs around the 11th century. Legends say he sailed away to the east in the same direction he had arrived from over the eastern sea. Let’s imagine for a moment that the god-king of the ancient Mexicans was Bodhisattva – the teacher of humanity. In such case, what was the sense for him to abandon North America and go back to Eurasia, when South America was right across a little isthmus (the contemporary Panama Canal), which was very close by the planetary scale? You should agree it would have been quite logical for him to leave sprouts of spiritual knowledge on the vast South American continent, where the Andes and the Amazon rainforest stretch for thousands of kilometres, before his ultimate departure from that part of the world.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


We support Creative Society

Project Aim

Interesting headings