Search by tag •Rome•

Found items - 4

Saint Malachy’s prophecy and Virgin Mary's apparitions in Fatima. What do those have in common?

  • 09.12.2015
  • 322
  • 35113

    After publication of Predictions of the last Pope and flow of interesting comments on that, we decided to elucidate the subject in more detail. The relevant text is historically known as the Prophecy of the Popes and attributed to Saint Malachy (1094-1148), Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland. The prophecy was first published in 1595. It consists of 112 short Latin phrases describing the Popes of Rome, starting with Celestine II elected in 1143, up to the Second Coming and Last Judgement. According to the most widespread interpretation of the prophecy, the last but one Pope is Benedict XVI (2005-2013) associated with the phrase Gloria Olivae (“the Glory of Olive”). His rule terminated in the evening on 28 February 2013. The last Pope is referred to as Petrus Romanus (Peter of Rome). Two closing paragraphs of the prophecy contain the following text:

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Earthquakes in Italy. Why has the planet stopped dead?

  • 24.08.2016
  • 142
  • 7817

    Having found out about a powerful earthquake in Italy, today’s morning (24 August 2016) I observed a strange phenomenon which I’d like to share with everyone. The strangeness is that while monitoring seismic activity on the planet during the last several years via online service I have never observed such an unusual picture:

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Our Lady’s spiritual help through the centuries... Santa Maria аlla Fontana

  • 18.11.2016
  • 127
  • 6196

Italy is a Roman Catholic country. In every city and even in every smallest town there are well-groomed Catholic churches. Many Italians regularly attend Sunday masses, accustoming younger generations to such tradition as well. In schools and kindergartens kids have weekly classes on religion. The church closely interacts with parishioners and their families. Joint family dinners are arranged, where people meet and communicate in an amicable environment.

Virgin Mary is particularly worshipped in this land. Chapels with Her statues are placed in many ordinary yards of dwelling houses, kindergartens and schools, as well as at street crossings. Inside nearly every house there is Her image or figurine.

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The Etruscan wanderers in Eternity, or the miracle of life

  • 11.12.2016
  • 148
  • 8555

Let me start the article with a remarkable documentary about the wonderful people, undeservedly struck out of history, slandered and calumniated. They left, but promised to return. When? Perhaps, in the much-talked-of Golden Millennium? ...

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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