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In quest of... The 11th century. Sican and Inca civilizations. Part Three

  • 02.09.2016
  • 133
  • 9675

We kindly recommend you to familiarize yourselves with the previous articles of the series In quest of… A journey to the remote 11th century:


This is neither a book nor a science work intended to impress readers, gain public recognition or obtain other benefits, so let me get straight to the point. As we remember, the great civilizer Quetzalcoatl left the Toltecs around the 11th century. Legends say he sailed away to the east in the same direction he had arrived from over the eastern sea. Let’s imagine for a moment that the god-king of the ancient Mexicans was Bodhisattva – the teacher of humanity. In such case, what was the sense for him to abandon North America and go back to Eurasia, when South America was right across a little isthmus (the contemporary Panama Canal), which was very close by the planetary scale? You should agree it would have been quite logical for him to leave sprouts of spiritual knowledge on the vast South American continent, where the Andes and the Amazon rainforest stretch for thousands of kilometres, before his ultimate departure from that part of the world.

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In quest of... The 11th century. Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia). Part Five

  • 06.02.2017
  • 127
  • 7064

If you remember, in the previous Part Four of the In quest of… series, like pathfinders we were following traces of the unknown glorious seafarers who had fearlessly furrowed the immense Pacific Ocean with a certain clearly defined purpose as I believe. I cannot say with confidence whether it was an accidental concurrence of circumstances or rather a result of an implemented great spiritual plan that remained in traces of ancient cultural monuments on Easter Island and in Polynesia. Somebody may regard it as mere coincidence that the historical period of the 10-11th centuries AD which we consider in this article series was marvellously and simultaneously imprinted in North, Central and South America, as well as on legendary Easter Island and a bunch of other PacificIslands, having given birth to advanced civilizations and cultures.

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Angkor: Land of the Gods. Documentary

  • 09.04.2017
  • 113
  • 8432

Let me bring to your attention an interesting documentary series Angkor: Land of the Gods, consisting of two parts: Throne of Power and Empire Rising. This is a good addition to our common collection for future discussions.

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In quest of... The 11th century. Indoсhina (Khmer Empire, Pagan, China). Part Six

  • 05.06.2017
  • 92
  • 7952

Let’s continue our journey to the 11th century. As you remember, in the previous articles, relying on the official history, we found traces of a powerful spiritual and cultural upsurge in the territory of North, Central and South America, then on the islands of Polynesia, Bali and other Indonesian islands. We kindly recommend everyone to familiarize themselves with the earlier articles of the In quest of... 

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Viracocha. The One who came in a time of chaos

  • 31.07.2017
  • 213
  • 429313

We continue searching for historical materials that indirectly relate to the Preamble of our project, and today let me present to readers’ attention some extracts from Graham Hancock’s book Fingerprints of the Gods where a mysterious white-faced “stranger” immortalized in stone as a deity is mentioned. Many millennia ago he came to the South American continent to give knowledge to local people. Not so many myths and legends have remained about him, so it’s difficult to draw any conclusions. Nevertheless, for real seekers of truth the extracts below will be quite useful, for they can reveal a broader picture of relevant events. We will hardly manage to discover who Viracocha was and when exactly the events predicted in legends took place. Perhaps, it was at the time of the last global cataclysm, a great flood which demolished the previous human civilization about 12,000 years ago (the book tells a lot about that), or maybe later. Nonetheless, anyone who is interested in primordial knowledge can draw useful parallels and become stronger in faith that the said events are by no means a tale.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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