Search by tag •galaxy•

Found items - 4

Stars in the pocket and on the table

  • 03.05.2017
  • 267
  • 11676

Very often we can hear a standard phrase said by different people: “In our age of high technology…” Well, we do live in the age of high technology, and the latter becomes further more advanced. This is how our civilization is developing. We are surrounded with technologies and have plenty of appliances in our houses and apartments, intended to facilitate our existence on this planet and make it more comfortable, although existence remains mere existence, no matter whether you run about with a stick in your hand or a cell phone in your pocket.

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The Great Dragon

  • 22.06.2017
  • 88
  • 6697

Perhaps, there is no corner on the Earth where there are no dragon legends and myths. These mysterious creatures have been capturing people’s minds since ancient times, gradually changing and gaining further new features and forms that contradict each other at first sight, for just as god Shiva a dragon embodies both the power of life and the power of destruction.

“A dragon is the spirit of transformation and thus the spirit of life itself.” Like the sphinx, a dragon is a symbol of unity of the four elements. In the Orient, a winding dragon symbolised creative rhythms and cycles of nature, while a pearl in its mouth meant the power of undertaking.

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Sirius and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays

  • 29.09.2017
  • 148
  • 10258

Greetings, dear friends! In this brief article we will consider quite an interesting coincidence relating to the constellation of Canis Major (the Great Dog) where star Sirius is situated (1) and the discovered arrival direction of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (2, 3). This article nearly duplicates a material published by the non-profit popular science project entitled Elements of Big Science, so below we will give relevant quotes and add some additional information.

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The Orion Arm, or Where the Solar System is located

  • 07.11.2017
  • 231
  • 443059

It is not fashionable nowadays to scrutinize stars and endeavour to comprehend the laws of heavenly mechanics. Unfortunately, we are too preoccupied with the issues of survival, news in social media and endless shopping. Very few people have an idea of what is going on above our heads and understand that high above there are the Sun, the Moon, planets, asteroids and comets, stars and galaxies. Everything rushes somewhere at enormous speeds and distances. How can a human being grasp the nature and reasons of all that? Well, one can read a book on astronomy, but what benefit would such knowledge bring, he or she thinks? Hence, with a clear conscience the person immerses one’s attention back into the virtual reality of “new” earthly technologies.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Project Aim

Interesting headings