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Decryption of I, Pet Goat II prophetic animated video

  • 25.09.2015
  • 387
  • 613862

    Once again we draw your attention to the sensational animated short film I, Pet Goat II that caused such a stir and contains numerous signs and symbols in its fleeting shots, definitely needing decryption. This momentous animation was obviously created with a hidden purpose. We’ve decided to post one of versions of this prophetical puzzle decryption on our website, since the basic subject of the video is what we are mostly interested in: the advent of Messiah and destruction of the old world foundations.


Explanation by the video creator:

First of all, I’d like to say the film came to me in a visual form, like to an artist who sees colours and shapes with his mind’s eye. And I endeavoured to reflect what I saw accurately, not always understanding the meaning. Some symbols were quite evident. To decode others I had to rack my brain over them pretty much. I don’t claim to be an expert in symbolism. I’m just advancing in studying symbols little by little. I don’t claim to know the truth. As I understand, the language of archetypes is filled with much deeper meaning than the language of words. Thus, archetypes may be interpreted in a simplified way only. It’s same as trying to explain a poem.

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The Second Coming of Christ and the end of the world: Bible interpretation

  • 21.11.2015
  • 129
  • 53711

Here we present one of religious views of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which is based on interpretation of the Holy Bible. We have found this article on the web and considered it appropriate to publish it in our Christianity section with certain amendments. Since we believe our approach to such a significant event as the Second Coming must be as versatile as possible, a different opinion, even from a narrow religious perspective, is always welcome on our portal. Hopefully, the author of these lines truly believes in the advent of Christ and not just uses this “fashionable sacred legend” as a habitual tool to strengthen his or her local earthly power, although to be more precise holy Christian texts tell about the advent of the Holy Spirit or Comforter rather than the return of Jesus Christ. After all, Christ himself said so to the apostles in the Gospel of John 14:15. Therefore, let’s try to treat the information given herein indulgently.

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Why does Europe need Sharia?

  • 07.12.2015
  • 78
  • 4912

Why does Europe need Sharia, where do the organisations forbidden in many countries of the world (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant / ISIL, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.) come from, and why is Prophet Muhammad an example for everyone without exception? This article contains opinions of contemporary progressive thinkers of the Muslim world many of whom are being hunted for by a number of terrorist organisations.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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