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Why didn’t the Pharisees recognise Jesus Christ?

  • 02.10.2015
  • 173
  • 36723

Today many people use the internet to collect information of their interest, and we are no exception. Recently I have found a list of questions relating to our subject, where somebody asks a consultant on the Christian portal why Israelis did not recognise Jesus Christ despite all the “hints” they had. The consultant’s answer has seemed convincing and trustworthy to me. The answer well correlates with the present-day reality where for some reason we got the first critical and negative reviews on our publications from contemporary clergymen (see an example), and such opinions are very similar to those of Judaic Pharisees and lawyers who lived two millennia ago. Well, we are not going to draw any accusatory parallels, for our task is totally different.

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Turkic messiah Geser Khan, Burkhan Bator, or God’s Warrior

  • 17.10.2015
  • 108
  • 29573

    In this article we suggest to supplement the integrated and versatile outline of the Essence of the image of Messiah, Rigden Djappo, Archangel Gabriel, Imam Mahdi, Kalki Avatar, Maitreya, etc. who is mentioned in nearly all religions, traditions, and legends. We still persist in our daring opinion that all the aforesaid names belong to the Single One – the Holy Spirit. Who is he? What is his role in humanity’s destiny? And at which times does he come? Here we will speak about epos and legends of Turkic peoples: Buryats, Mongols, Kazakhs, Altaians, and Tibetans, and about the grains of knowledge those peoples managed to preserve over ages. We will speak of Geser Khan, Abai Geser, or Burkhan Bator. And the major source of information about this mysterious personality is the heroic Epic of King Geser (Gesar).

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The Second Coming of Christ and the end of the world: Bible interpretation

  • 21.11.2015
  • 129
  • 53711

Here we present one of religious views of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which is based on interpretation of the Holy Bible. We have found this article on the web and considered it appropriate to publish it in our Christianity section with certain amendments. Since we believe our approach to such a significant event as the Second Coming must be as versatile as possible, a different opinion, even from a narrow religious perspective, is always welcome on our portal. Hopefully, the author of these lines truly believes in the advent of Christ and not just uses this “fashionable sacred legend” as a habitual tool to strengthen his or her local earthly power, although to be more precise holy Christian texts tell about the advent of the Holy Spirit or Comforter rather than the return of Jesus Christ. After all, Christ himself said so to the apostles in the Gospel of John 14:15. Therefore, let’s try to treat the information given herein indulgently.

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David Wilkerson’s visions of the end times and Second Coming of Christ

  • 20.03.2016
  • 181
  • 23902

    The topic of the Judgement Day and Second Coming of Jesus Christ is quite popular in speeches by Protestant preachers, and I won’t analyse the true causes of that, which, I hope, are clear for many people. Hundreds of Christian denominations originating from the single New Testament, for some reason have different interpretations of what is written in the Holy Bible, though this is totally understandable. For as long as people keep knocking at the heaven door not with love, but with their mind, such splitting and divisions will continue. 

    Yet, the purpose of this article is not to catch anyone in separation or disunity, but to state that millions of faithful Christians all over the world also hear from their missionary pastors about the Doomsday approach and the coming of messiah Jesus Christ, although, if we read Gospels attentively, the Saviour didn’t tell anything regarding his return, however he did mention the Comforter and the Holy Spirit! “The Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (Gospel of John 14:26)

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Mary Magdalene. Not remembrance, but nowadays

  • 17.08.2017
  • 191
  • 12692

The 4th of August was the day of remembrance of St. Mary Magdalene, Equal of the Apostles. Countless riddles and fantasies are associated with this Personality.

To tell the truth, it has become news for me that even within Christianity there is no single opinion on who Mary Magdalene actually was. As a person reared on Christian traditions since my early childhood, I used to commonly think that Mary Magdalene was a “penitent sinner”, and I also heard something about stones, demons, feet ablution, the raising of Lazarus, etc. Thus, I had a typical set of knowledge of a person who doesn't know what she’s talking about.

Now that I approach information consumed by my consciousness more maturely, it has turned out that most of the knowledge I use is scrappy. I used to take many things on trust, not even thinking whether information I heard or read was trustworthy.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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