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The advent of Maitreya

  • 24.09.2015
  • 319
  • 481699

Ancient prophecies of many peoples tell about the Golden Age advent, which is connected with the coming of Messiah, the Saviour who, possessing the Knowledge of Divine Laws, will educate people and restore lost justice on the Earth. The world knows the future Saviour by various names: he is called Kalki Avatar in India, Milèin China, Miroku in Japan, Maydar in Lamaist myths, but most often the name Maitreya is mentioned.

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Mentions of Rigden Djappo in various literary sources

  • 07.10.2015
  • 94
  • 10163

In this article we will make no analytical inventions, but will only refer to mentions of Rigden Djappo, the Shambala Sovereign, which we have recently found in some literary sources. Unfortunately, such sources are far from being numerous, and so today the Sovereign’s mythical name is under a cloak of insuperable secrecy.

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“Shambhala: Oasis of Light” by Andrew Tomas. About the advent of Maitreya

  • 19.10.2015
  • 176
  • 9797

Once on the web we found a book Shambhala: Oasis of Light by Andrew Tomas, containing very interesting lines regarding the advent of Messiah Maitreya. Who is Andrew Tomas? This man (1906-2001) was initially named Andrey Tomashevskiy. Before the age of 20 he lived in Manchuria where his parents had emigrated due to the revolution in Russia. Later on, for many years he stayed in China, Japan and India, learning from Taoists, Buddhists and Brahmans. Moreover, he could safely be called a disciple of Nicholas Roerich and had first-hand knowledge of Europe, America and Australia. During the last decades of his life Andrew Tomas was formally an Australian citizen, but he said his home was the entire globe.

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Hope for germination of the seed of the Spirit

  • 05.01.2016
  • 128
  • 5547

Herein we refer to the words of progressive German researcher and theologian Holger Kersten, which he initially wrote in 1983 in the primary version of his book Jesus Lived in India. His Unknown Life before and after the Crucifixion and updated in later versions of the book. Generally speaking, no special clarifications or interpretations are needed, for the author speaks straight to the point. He has supported his words with numerous facts discovered in his research and journalistic activities, and we hope to refer to some of these facts in subsequent articles as well.


“Do not think I am spinning yarns:
Get up and prove things otherwise!
All ecclesiastical history
Is a mishmash of error and coercion.”

(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

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Lotus Flower spiritual practice: description, physiology, mistakes

  • 08.01.2016
  • 217
  • 27535

     “This spiritual practice is called “the Lotus Flower”. It consists of the following. You imagine that you plant a lotus seed inside yourself, to the solar plexus area… And this small seed grows owing the power of Love generated by your positive thoughts. Thus, controlling the flower growth, you artificially get rid of negative thoughts that constantly whirl in your head.” 

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Keeper of Genesis. Part II. Edfu Building Texts. The wisdom god Thoth

  • 12.10.2016
  • 270
  • 29422

The Temple of Edfu in its present form was erected over a two hundred-year period between 237 BC and 57 BC, but incorporates parts of much earlier structures dating back to the Pyramid Age (for example, portions of the inner and outer western enclosure wall). Moreover, like all major temples, it was built “on hallowed ground” and there attaches to it a recollection of vast antiquity and of momentous antecedents.

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The World Mountain – Mount Meru in myths and legends of peoples of the world

  • 27.11.2016
  • 180
  • 35283

The cosmic or World Mountain as axis mundi is mentioned in world mythology just as frequently as the World Tree. As a rule, these two images peacefully coexist, not excluding, but rather being superimposed on each other. The World Tree stretching to the heaven is often placed on top of a giant mountain in the middle of the universe. Both concepts serve as embodiments of the sacred axis in the world structure.

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Borobudur. The Buddhist stupa

  • 09.02.2017
  • 130
  • 14468

Borobudur is the oldest Buddhist temple in the world and one of the most majestic ones. It is situated on Java Island, Indonesia. The period of construction: 750-850 AD. Its name is translated as “the Buddhist temple on the mountain”. It is the second largest Buddhist temple in the world after Angkor Wat. Constructors erected this monument in the shape of a mandala and an opening Lotus flower on a square base (118 x 118 m) that smoothly turns into a circle.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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