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Christianity: about 300 denominations. What do people divide, when God is single?

  • 17.11.2015
  • 134
  • 14364

Perhaps, many people are unaware that Christianity, the largest world religion of our time with its over 2 billion followers living in different parts of the globe, has about 300 denominations, and you have probably never heard of the most of them, dear readers. At that, hopefully, some rumours have still reached you that the largest Christian denominations are in permanent latent fight for the followers and their exceptional right to possess the Truth. At times it becomes totally unclear what the Lord, who is single in the multitude, has to do with all such disunity and confrontation. Hence, a detached observer such as me has a number of fair and logical questions to representatives of the influential religious community who aspire for God 

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Mary Magdalene in Orthodox and Catholic traditions

  • 01.12.2015
  • 140
  • 13589

    Following the earlier articles "One of the secrets of Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ’s Beloved Disciple, The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. Mary Magdalene or Apostle John?, and "Cracking the Da Vinci Code: The Unauthorized Guide to the Facts behind Dan Brown's Bestselling Novel, we continue collecting and bringing together scattered information about the mysterious female name covered with ancient legends, secrets and sacred worships. A reader might ask why delving into thousand-year-old legends, when hardly anyone knows for sure what took place just a century ago. There are a plenty of stuff to do now, so maybe it’s easier to leave everything as it is and be satisfied with universally recognized versions of the Orthodox and Catholic religions? Let’s admit mankind has had such habitual and indifferent attitude throughout the last two horrible millennia, full of bloody wars, conquest campaigns, crusades, and economic enslavement stages, which all resulted in a mere technocratic model of consumer society where knowledge of the human nature and the purpose of people’s transitory stay on this little beautiful planet has been completely lost. And now, although many refuse to believe this, we’ve come to the verge after which another global extermination is quite possible. Why? We will try to answer the question through deep scrutiny of the essence of the grandiose phenomenon of Mary Magdalene, the phenomenon seemingly fantastic and unbelievable for an ordinary human mind, for in fact there is much more behind this name than just a story of one of faithful disciples of one of the Teachers of humanity.

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Mary Magdalene. Preaching and Popular Devotion in the Later Middle Ages

  • 18.12.2015
  • 121
  • 13551

    Looking for information about Mary Magdalene, we discovered a very interesting book by American researcher Katherine Ludwig Jansen. Extracts from her fundamental research paper clarify the issue addressed in our previous publications. It becomes obvious how the image of one of the most praiseworthy women of all times was deliberately distorted, why and for whom it was beneficial to ascribe to her the past of a loose and demon-possessed woman, supposedly cured by Jesus. We will underline the most important points, and our comments on the text will be in red.

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Virgin Mary: the greatest personality in history.

  • 07.04.2016
  • 402
  • 57243

    Despite the fact that the Christan holy scripture – the Bible (New Testament) contains very few records of Virgin Mary’s words and deeds, her marvellous image and particular respect for her are found all over the world, to this day with inexplicable power attracting believers and atheists in different parts of the globe. We are returning to this wonderful luminous topic again, since we consider it to be one of the most worthy subjects to address and pay attention to. It deserves attention of all people for them to expand their limited understanding of the essence of hidden processes in the universe. Though many people are so far engrossed in earthly and transient things and fail the accept what they don’t physically see, though talks about spirituality and deep inner feelings provoke distrust and detachment, any opinion, even the most deep-rooted one, may be changed, while extinct interest may be inflamed with interesting and obvious facts, for facts are stubborn things.

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Virgin Mary’s sites in Italy. Santuario di Santa Maria del Fonte presso Caravaggio

  • 26.11.2016
  • 117
  • 8019

Not many people know Virgin Mary has a number of sites in Italy – the very country where everything started and everything will end. It started from Peter and will end with Peter as well. As a matter of fact, the entire history of Catholicism has represented a struggle against the pure and Holy Personality, the mistress, Beloved Disciple and Apostle of Jesus – Mary Magdalene. It’s been a fight for power based on envy and hatred, for She always came to ordinary people, not to religious ministers. 

Places of power chosen and attended by Mary are all around Italy. Since local inhabitants lack genuine knowledge, they believe it was Jesus’ mother who came. However, such misunderstanding does not prevent them from receiving help for already several centuries. Nowadays people here have nobody but Mary to rely and set hopes on, because Catholicism as religion can give nothing to a human being. 

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Mary Magdalene. Not remembrance, but nowadays

  • 17.08.2017
  • 191
  • 12694

The 4th of August was the day of remembrance of St. Mary Magdalene, Equal of the Apostles. Countless riddles and fantasies are associated with this Personality.

To tell the truth, it has become news for me that even within Christianity there is no single opinion on who Mary Magdalene actually was. As a person reared on Christian traditions since my early childhood, I used to commonly think that Mary Magdalene was a “penitent sinner”, and I also heard something about stones, demons, feet ablution, the raising of Lazarus, etc. Thus, I had a typical set of knowledge of a person who doesn't know what she’s talking about.

Now that I approach information consumed by my consciousness more maturely, it has turned out that most of the knowledge I use is scrappy. I used to take many things on trust, not even thinking whether information I heard or read was trustworthy.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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