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Found items - 4

Hopi Indian prophecies of the White Brother

  • 08.10.2015
  • 206
  • 45369

    Owing to a comment posted by one of our readers, very interesting information about the prophecy of White Feather from the Hopi tribe has been discovered. We became interested in the topic, supplemented the information, and now post it here for public audience’s attention. In fact, this is another fragment of the overall picture of today’s world, which our remote ancestors were undoubtedly well aware of. We certainly admit predictions have undergone some change over centuries. Nonetheless, the essence remains the same, no matter how human mind would distort it.

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Chilam Balam: Mayan mysterious manuscripts. Seven Angels, seven ages

  • 28.10.2015
  • 152
  • 15562

    Continuing the search of records in ancient sources regarding not just the Messiah advent, but also predictions with respect to our epoch as a decisive time, a sort of time crossroads, the time of global human choice, we should certainly mention Maya Indians, the ancient American aboriginal population. It’s no secret that the 2012 end of the world date was widely advertised. Everyone knew about it, studied, feared, and lent an attentive ear to information on the end of Maya calendar and assumptions on what would take place afterwards. Nonetheless, the predicted doomsday didn’t happen, and people quickly started forgetting the subject, in spite of the fact it’s rather interesting and informative. In actual fact, a lot of things of the foretold have come true, though we admit most of predictions are most likely simply unintelligible for us, people with prevailing materialistic world outlook.

    Thus, here we will speak of Mayan mysterious manuscripts called CHILAM BALAM and the 7 Angels (ages) mentioned therein.

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Sedona, Arizona, USA. Signs all over the world

  • 29.10.2016
  • 140
  • 10301

Our consciousness is arranged very interestingly. Say, you read a piece of information, see presented evidence with your own eyes, and believe in everything you read, not having even a slightest doubt. Yet, who believes? Obviously, not consciousness.

At the beginning of this year, I happened to stay a couple months in the US state of Arizona. Those who know at least a little bit of geography are aware of the fact that this state is famous for the Grand Canyon National Park, which is considered to be one of the natural wonders of the world. Moreover, in the state there is the largest reservation of Navajo and other Indian tribes. Halfway to the Grand Canyon there is a town of Sedona that looks like a mini Grand Canyon and is, so to say, a preparation for a traveller to see the entire might, grandeur and incredible beauty of the canyon itself. 

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Madonna, the Mother of God. Indian motifs

  • 30.03.2017
  • 151
  • 7220

Let me once again revert to the topic of Virgin Mary reverence in various cultures of the world. This time I have prepared an image collection with North American Indian motifs. There is the Holy Mother with a baby and the signs already familiar to many of our readers, which entwine the discovered forms with the single grain of knowledge. At that, Our Lady is beautiful as always!)

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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