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Ahura Mazda – the Holy Spirit – Rigden Djappo!

  • 30.01.2016
  • 166
  • 10618

The Preamble of our online project contains quite a bold assumption that currently on the Earth there lives a human incarnation of Ahura Mazda who is also known by other names, such as Osiris, Archangel Gabriel (Angel Jibrail), Quetzalcoatl, Agapit of Pechersk... Yet, who is Ahura Mazda? Supposedly, most of our readers as well as followers of major contemporary religions know nothing about the bearer of this unusual Name, and probably they are not to blame. Over the last centuries, a vast deal of information has been deliberately concealed, cleaned up and distorted by a certain group of people who have written their own version of history for humanity. It’s a great pity, since in ancient times spiritually advanced cultures honoured Ahura Mazda as the Creator and the Lord of Wisdom. In this article we will try to fill in the unfortunate gaps in the knowledge of present-day humanity and perform a comparative analysis based on two sources – the Free Encyclopaedia Wikipedia and the books by Anastasia Novykh, namely Sensei of Shambala – Book IV and AllatRa, where we have found a rather extensive stratum of information about Him.

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