The Preamble of our online project contains quite a bold assumption that currently on the Earth there lives a human incarnation of Ahura Mazda who is also known by other names, such as Osiris, Archangel Gabriel (Angel Jibrail), Quetzalcoatl, Agapit of Pechersk... Yet, who is Ahura Mazda? Supposedly, most of our readers as well as followers of major contemporary religions know nothing about the bearer of this unusual Name, and probably they are not to blame. Over the last centuries, a vast deal of information has been deliberately concealed, cleaned up and distorted by a certain group of people who have written their own version of history for humanity. It’s a great pity, since in ancient times spiritually advanced cultures honoured Ahura Mazda as the Creator and the Lord of Wisdom. In this article we will try to fill in the unfortunate gaps in the knowledge of present-day humanity and perform a comparative analysis based on two sources – the Free Encyclopaedia Wikipedia and the books by Anastasia Novykh, namely Sensei of Shambala – Book IV and AllatRa, where we have found a rather extensive stratum of information about Him.
Contemporary internet users grasp information better via images and the so-called clip thinking, so we’ve decided to prepare an official part of our material (the Wikipedia information) in the form of screenshots.
Now, let’s make a brief summary:
It is really interesting, isn’t it? Surprisingly, Wikipedia preserves quite a lot of information about Ahura Mazda in its open archives, perhaps because the religion of Zoroastrianism has almost been relegated to oblivion and very few people today know anything about it. It has been especially pleasant to read the last line in the Russian version of the Wikipedia page dedicated to Ahura, where the latter is associated with Rigden Djappo, i.e. it is implied that these two Personalities represent one and the same highly spiritual Being, Bodhisattva. Well, now let’s supplement the information we already have with the information given in the books by Anastasia Novykh.
From The Crossroads book:
Ahura Mazda is one of numerous names of Rigden Djappo. This is how Zarathustra called him.
For you to know, in translation from the ancient Persian language Ahura Mazda means “the Lord of Wisdom”, or “the Omniscient Lord”. Later on in the Greek version the name of Ahura Mazda sounded already as Ohrmazd, Hurmuz or Hourmazd. In his homilies Zarathustra referred to Ahura Mazda as to the good principle resting upon the Spirit of fire and truthful order (Arta), possessor of the influencing word, the Wise One surrounded by a group of good ones, together with him making up the divine septenary of Amesha Spentas.
From the book of Prophet Zarathustra:
“Oh, dear, best friend, Ahura Mazda!
Let me ask you, please, tell me the truth,
For you know everything:
About intentions implemented
Of both devas and people;
About affairs that are just planned,
About words that are so far unsaid,
About thoughts that have not gained
Their material power yet.
Please, transfer by word of mouth
A wise word about
What is destined for the world
In a thousand, a thousand years.”
And Ahura Mazda said
The following true word,
“I’m telling and stating the truth.
In a thousand, a thousand years and a half
Two-legged people will multiply on earth,
And there will be twelve
Three times in thousands of them.
All those born many times previously
Will gather at an appointed hour.
Four ways will appear before their eyes.
Three are false, those are ways of Druj’s helpers,
And devas will push people there, to the dark pit.
The fourth is the way of Arta, way of Spirit and Truth,
That path leads over the abyss.
Slavic brave people will glorify themselves,
Seeing such way that leads to salvation.
Good fortune will be granted to people.
And soon for their courage and truth
They will be rewarded with richness of Soul
And might of material things.
The world will split into two parts.
Malicious will remain behindWith devas, Druj’s servants.
Nature will turn most of them into dust.They are the end of the end.
Righteous will step side by side with Slavs,
Having made their choice in thoughts, words and deeds.
They will lay the Beginning from the end…
… Do I really need a weak one
Whose word is dust and lies?
I want a glorious, omnipotent in Spirit,
Who does good to the world.
Let him finally emerge,
The power of Arta will be a helping hand.
Wise is the one who heeds Ahura’s word,Standing in the crowd at the verge of worlds.
The choice is given. Everyone will select
Their own fate of evil or destiny of good,
And freedom along with good.”
And I said in response,
“You are sagacious, Wise friend,
Let your generous gifts that we deserve descend on us,
May Ahura’s Will be done!”
From Sensei of Shambala – Book IV:
“... Since that time the two natures – good and evil – fight for supremacy in a human being…”
“Or, if we speak in our language, the Spiritual and Animal Natures.”
“Absolutely right. Moreover, it was believed that the world where Angra Mainyu rules is completely opposite to Ahura Mazda’s world of light. Ariman also has his hierarchical suite which consists of six powerful deities (there are seven of them together with him), each of them is opposed to the good spirit from Ahura Mazda’s milieu. Under his authority there were evil deities, devas who create Darkness, Lie, Evil and Ignorance, as well as a countless number of lower evil spirits. The goal of devas was to reach the highest possible dominance over the human world by any means, starting from devastation of this world and ending with different material temptations and subordination of the followers of Ahura Mazda. It was believed that they tried to play their game everywhere and to deceive people by any means; therefore no person and no house could be insured against their influence. Whatever good things Ahura Mazda would do for people, sooner or later Angra Mainyu turned his deeds to evil via lie and deceit. At that, the fundamental idea of Zarathustra’s teaching,” Sensei emphasized, “was that triumph of Good over Evil, of Ahura Mazda over Angra Mainyu is possible only with the help of pure light forces and only due to participation of people who have made their personal conscious choice towards good, and by purity of their belief, thoughts, words and deeds have taken the side of Ahura Mazda, staying in the place where they are destined to be. Zarathustra called upon every human being not only to make one’s own conscious inner choice, but also to take part in this “heavenly war” as it was called later, and to give up obedience to the forces which don’t serve the good. After all, the entire world order depends on this fight between good and evil… Due to such conscious choice of people towards Good, as Zarathustra declared, every person will not only do what he or she can to help Rig…” Sensei stopped short and immediately corrected himself, “…Ahura Mazda, but will predetermine his or her future destiny. As a matter of fact, physical death of one’s body in the world of Ariman isn’t a real death of a human being. It’s only liberation of the soul – the true human – from the material body shell. Zarathustra stated that after death of one’s body every soul will undergo a Judgement and answer for everything it committed during the lifetime…
… The religion of Mithraism actually originated from Zoroastrianism – the popular religious teaching that had appeared in the territory of Ancient Iran (Persia) and was one of the oldest world religious teachings of revelation. Its insignificant part has been preserved till nowadays and recorded in the sacred book of Zoroastrianism Avesta. The total number of ancient deities in Zoroastrianism is 33. The highest deity was Ahura Mazda whose name is translated as ‘the Lord of Wisdom’ (‘the Wise God’) or ‘the All-knowing Ruler’. He was considered to be the creator of the Universe, which appeared by the power of his thought, as well as the embodiment of wisdom that governed actions of deities and humanity. According to Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda created six immortal Saints (he was the seventh one), and all of them together were known as Amesha Spentas – the seven ‘Immortal Influentials’, or as they were later called ‘the Immortal Saints’, ‘beings irradiating light’ who embodied features of Ahura Mazda himself. Whereas their only original symbol was the lotus flower! ... Although a bit later, when people according to their way of thinking began to attribute these Creatures with the male or female sex, they began to ascribe each of them a certain flower as a distinctive symbol. For example, one of the seven deities, Wohu Manah (‘good thought’) was ascribed with a white jasmine, the other one, Armaiti or Armatai (‘holy devotion’) was believed to be Ahura Mazda’s spouse and was ascribed with a muscat rose, the third one, Haurvatat (‘wholeness’) was ascribed with a lily, and so on… Initially the lotus flower symbolized the Belyao Dzy science of Shambala. Subsequently, when people lost the essence of this knowledge, there appeared these flowers, the so-called different variations of the lotus flower shape… So, regarding these seven deities, one of the Yashts (books) of Avesta tells the following, “They are of one thought, one word, one action… They see the souls of each other, thinking of good thoughts, thinking of good words, thinking of good deeds… They are the creators and makers, protectors and keepers of creations of Ahura Mazda.”
According to Zarathustra’s teaching, the six great deities created by Ahura Mazda called into being the generation of Yazatas, which means ’worthy of worshipping’ or ‘those who are to be worshipped’. In the ancient Iranian religion they were deemed to be good gods, assistants of Ahura Mazda. Mithra was one of them, but the most worshipped. And their assistants in good deeds and fight against evil were good spirits – fravashis, who were also considered to be refractions of Light, the centre of which was Ahura Mazda… Initially, even that very Mithra didn’t have any definite appearance. He belonged to divine emanation and didn’t even have a status of a separate being. The word ‘Mithra’ meant agreement, accord, mediation…
… Angra Mainyu (Ariman) whose name means ‘the Evil Spirit’ was an opponent (almost an enemy) of Ahura Mazda. According to mythology, when Ahura Mazda created the earth, Angra Mainyu penetrated its elements. He made water in oceans salty, and a part of the lands turned into deserts. And he spoilt with smoke even the seventh creation – fire…
… It was deemed that while ascending to the good deity Ahura Mazda each fravashi goes through three stages – humat, hukht, huvarsht, which in ancient Persian means “good thought”, “good word”, “good deed”…
… Hazar is a kingdom that lasts for one thousand years. Although primarily this legend had a spiritual basis, later on people changed it in their own way. According to the text, this kingdom had to prepare the advent of the kingdom of Orhmazd or Ahura Mazda. As you remember, it’s the name of the good deity in Zoroastrianism. Thus Persians regarded history since ancient times as a range of evolutions, each of them being under the influence of a prophet. Every prophet has his Hazar…”
“A thousand-year kingdom?”
“Yes. In Greek it sounds as hiliasm. These consecutive periods constitute the flow of events preparing the kingdom of Orhmazd. Legends say, by the end of times when the circle of thousand-year evolutions is over, the paradise will come and people will live happily; the earth will be like a valley, there will be one language, one law and one government for all people…”
From the AllatRa book:
Rigden: Certainly, any intelligent person, having compared this information, will understand that different “names” of God in religions are mere epithets of the One. For instance, let us consider the name of the supreme god of the ancient Egyptians – Osiris. This name is a Greek version of the Egyptian name Usir. That is, the Greek word Osiris is derived from the Egyptian U’sir, which means “He who is at the top”. Or, for example, what is the meaning of the name of the Avestan deity Ahura Mazda (later Ohrmazd, Ormuzd) in Zoroastrianism, proclaimed as the Single God by the Prophet Zarathustra? By the way, the prophet originally mentioned that the name of Ahura Mazda was just a substitution for the forbidden name of God, which none among people knew. This God was noted as Nameless even in the religious calendar. The Avestan Ahura Mazdā is translated as “the Wise Lord”, “the Master of Thought / Wisdom”. The Avestan word “maz-dā” also means “to keep in memory”. As a matter of fact, this “name” is derived from two ancient Iranian words having Arian (Indo-Iranian) roots. “Ahura” corresponds to the Sanskrit word “asura” meaning “master”, while “maz-dā” to the Indian “mēdhā” which means “wisdom, insight”.
By the way, generally speaking, people have forgotten one simple truth – what Wisdom really is. It is by no means knowledge acquired from books, nor is it life experience, a brilliant mind or clever logic of thinking. In the most ancient tradition of different peoples of the world, originally “Wisdom” is a gift of heavens (the euphoria of feelings, epiphany) during the spiritual growth of a human being. This is a gift with which one can attain the state of highest enlightenment, omniscience, and understanding of everything. It is of no coincidence that Zoroastrianism mentions Ahura Mazda revealing himself to Prophet Zarathustra, thanks to the “Good Thought” only after his persistent spiritual search, which had lasted for many years. “The prophet asked, and God answered and mentored him in the heavenly Wisdom”, that is, he was “the one who gives Wisdom, comprehension.”
Rigden: ... Mentions of two ways of the Soul – the true and the false ones – exist also in the ancient Indo-European mythology. They have been preserved also in the Upanishads which are considered to be the final part of the Vedas, where the sacred knowledge and explanations of the secret inner meaning of the spiritual path are laid out. This work is the basis of orthodox religious and philosophical systems of India. The ancient Iranian religion of Zoroastrianism, the sacred book of which is the Avesta, also speaks about the personal Judgement of a human being after the death of his or her body. In particular, it is mentioned that the afterlife destiny of a person depends entirely on how many righteous good thoughts, words and deeds he or she has accumulated during one’s life. In three days after the body death, the human Soul goes to the Bridge of the Requital (Chinvat) for the Judgement executed by the sons of Ahura Mazda – Mithra, Sraosha, and Rashnu. The person’s actions committed during one’s earthly life are weighed on the scales by Rashnu (the spirit of righteousness; “direct, honest”). By the way, according to religious treatises, Ahura Mazda had four sons: Mithra, Sraosha, Rashnu, and Asha (the Essence of the Truth, the True Law of the Universe; the Asha term was also used in the meaning of the name of the goddess of Fate, Truth and Justice).
Anastasia: In The Crossroads book, I wrote about the prophecies which are coming true today and existed among different peoples of the world: the Sumerians, the Mayans (Divination of the Bird Man), the Celts (divination of The Wheel of Times), the ancient Persians, and so on. By the way, the Persians in Zoroastrianism, too, like you’ve said, preserved a lot of information about the afterlife, the Resurrection, the common Judgment Day (Frashegird meaning “making (the world) perfect”). According to the beliefs of Zoroastrians, three Saoshyants are to come into the earthly world (“saoshyant” is an Avestan word, a participle of the future tense of the verb “to save”). The first two Saoshyants will have to restore the teachings of Ahura Mazda at the end of times, and then the last Saoshyant will come for the final battle with bearers of evil and execute the Last Judgment. There is also information that by the end of times, when the circle of millennial evolutions is exhausted (when Asha – Truth, Justice, Good – triumphs), “heaven on earth” can finally set in, where people will live happily: the earth will become like a valley; there will be one language, one law for all people. And every righteous person brings closer this event of the world’s transformation via one’s thoughts and deeds. From today’s perspective, all these predictions do not seem to be legends at all.
Rigden: Yes, everything depends on people themselves, on their choice. It is just that today most people fail to understand the entire importance of these processes, the importance of personal spiritual transformation which can not only open a path to Eternity for a person, but will also invariably entail transformation of the world around him or her…
The picture has become somewhat clearer, hasn’t it? Anyone who desires to know more now has relevant guidelines for the further search, and we should admit it is more obvious to us as well Who is in front of us. Ahura Mazda is one of numerous names of Rigden Djappo as Sensei of Shambala – Book IV says, and even Wikipedia calls Ahura Mazda the Holy Spirit.
Moreover, it is interesting and appropriate to draw special attention to the Zoroastrian pair of “antipode deities” Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu who “oppose each other” within the “earthly project”. Consequently, associations with the following divine pairs automatically arise: Ridgen Djappo – Ariman / Ahriman (in Anastasia Novykh’s books), and (owing to some comments to the article Icon of the Mother of God “Softening of Evil Hearts”) such pairs as Horus – Seth (ancient Egyptian mythology) and Quetzalcoatl – Tezcatlipoca (ancient Mexican mythology).
Finally, it has been unexpected to find out that Ahura Mazda was also believed to be the Lord of Justice, which in turn produces an association between him and Osiris, “the Judge of the souls of deceased”, who headed the list of preternatural beings of the ancient Egyptian pantheon.
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Prepared by Dato Gomarteli (Ukraine-Georgia)
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