Search by tag •Shariah•

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Little and big signs of the Doomsday in Islam

  • 17.10.2015
  • 323
  • 470243

Let’s recur to the Doomsday signs again. The deeper we delve into the subject the more large-scale this puzzle appears. For a sensible person it is obvious that so numerous facts, signs and events cannot be mere coincidences. The topic involves different times, different religions, different prophets and different continents, but the gist is single: there will come a point when humanity will approach “the last, judgement days”. These will be the times of particularly formidable trials, and for this very reason the idea of unification of all people is so important today as mentioned in the recent Unity program where Igor Danilov was interviewed. As for this outstanding personality, every day we get further more evidences that he is exactly Imam Mahdi long-awaited by the entire Muslim world.

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Why does Europe need Sharia?

  • 07.12.2015
  • 78
  • 4912

Why does Europe need Sharia, where do the organisations forbidden in many countries of the world (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant / ISIL, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.) come from, and why is Prophet Muhammad an example for everyone without exception? This article contains opinions of contemporary progressive thinkers of the Muslim world many of whom are being hunted for by a number of terrorist organisations.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Interesting headings