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The Lotus Flower. Spiritual diary. Practical experience

  • 27.01.2016
  • 376
  • 24902

I’ve got a request to write an analytical report on the practical experience of three-year daily performance of the Lotus Flower spiritual practice, and in this introductory statement I would like to note, first of all, that analysis of such things implies a great responsibility. Not claiming anything, herein I only describe my own experience, for I view it vitally important to talk about the spiritual today. To many it may seem a nice metaphor – “talking about the living in a dead language” (as it was mentioned in the programs with Igor Danilov), but for those who have already touched deep inner feelings it’s a reality of “translation difficulties” along with awareness of the incredible simplicity of the entire PLAN. At that, despite all the written below, the spiritual practice itself is actually very simple. The only problem is that one might approach this simplicity via roundabout ways for years and even decades.

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