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Angkor Wat. New unique photographs!

  • 29.03.2016
  • 126
  • 10443

    And the great Angkor again! After publication of the sensational article The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Dragon we continued the subject in Angkor Wat. Architecture, frescoes and sacral numbers 7 and 72, while in this new article we present a unique opportunity for our readers to look into the mysterious and marvellous world of Angkor Wat ancient architecture, to peer at mythology images and intricate scenes depicted on frescoes and bas-relief friezes of the truly unique and one of the largest ever created temple complexes, the construction of which was taking place for over three hundred years. Those people who have already familiarized themselves with the Primordial Knowledge brought to the world by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo will certainly have an advantage over ordinary viewers, since, looking at the images in the light of the Knowledge, they will be able to “read” and decipher certain sacral motives and symbols graven in stone for ages. We’ve especially numbered the images for those who will wish to share their opinions and interpretations in the comment section. For such people the matchless scope of the Angkor Wat idea is, first and foremost, an indicator of the very high level of Khmer people’s spiritual culture and proximity to God. And for all the rest it will be apparently a mere exotic rarity and implementation of somebody’s megalomania. Well, everyone errs to the extent of their ignorance.

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A real story of how discovered artefacts are replaced. Excavations in San Bartolo, Guatemala

  • 25.08.2016
  • 226
  • 12752

This extremely interesting and captivating story was written by an extraordinary man, traveller and talented photographer Vladimir Alekseev after his courageous journey to Guatemala and Mexico in spring 2014 with an intention to photograph and provide the general public with materials on the three unusual places, inaccessible for people without special permits: San Bartolo (where the oldest Mayan frescoes were found, disproving certain dogmata of historians as to the Pre-Classical Age), Xultún (the so-called Scribe House with a new calendar drawn on the walls and depicting the period after the widely promoted 21 December 2012) in Guatemala, and Calakmul (the frieze and frescoes depicting scenes of ordinary people’s life) in Mexico. 

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Our Lady’s spiritual help through the centuries... Santa Maria аlla Fontana

  • 18.11.2016
  • 127
  • 6196

Italy is a Roman Catholic country. In every city and even in every smallest town there are well-groomed Catholic churches. Many Italians regularly attend Sunday masses, accustoming younger generations to such tradition as well. In schools and kindergartens kids have weekly classes on religion. The church closely interacts with parishioners and their families. Joint family dinners are arranged, where people meet and communicate in an amicable environment.

Virgin Mary is particularly worshipped in this land. Chapels with Her statues are placed in many ordinary yards of dwelling houses, kindergartens and schools, as well as at street crossings. Inside nearly every house there is Her image or figurine.

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St. Cyril’s Church in Kiev. Wall paintings

  • 28.02.2017
  • 266
  • 17587

Recently I visited Kiev and “accidentally” called at St. Cyril’s Church on 12, Oleny Teligi Street. Although I was entering the church with interest, I did not expect to see anything special there. To tell the truth, I had never been particularly interested in the issue, which was not right as I later on understood. I believe, once you familiarize yourselves with this article you will grasp the reason, dear readers.

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Angkor: Land of the Gods. Documentary

  • 09.04.2017
  • 113
  • 8434

Let me bring to your attention an interesting documentary series Angkor: Land of the Gods, consisting of two parts: Throne of Power and Empire Rising. This is a good addition to our common collection for future discussions.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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