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Shambala. A myth or reality?

  • 23.12.2015
  • 278
  • 98215

Please, note the article is continuously updated!

Shambala is an alluring word that is covered with myths, legends and obscure ideas. It’s a mysterious place where the teachers of humanity dwell and where it’s extremely difficult to get. Some spiritual seekers dedicated their whole lives to searching it, whereas in the today’s age of active transmission and spread of information (judging by internet publications) we have failed to find even a slight intelligible evidence of it. The respected search engine Google offers only bracelets, necklaces or amusements with such name, leading away to material stuff and clearing up no essence at all. Evaluating the level of consumer priorities of the contemporary world community, one comes to conclusion that people take the Shambala myth sceptically, as a fairy tale or legend. Yet, why? As a matter of fact, people who dedicated effort, years and even lives to the search of Shambala were not stupid or worst in their times, quite the contrary. An impression arises that a certain influential earthly force has put an impenetrable information wall in this field as well. In order to bring down the wall at least a little bit and clarify the situation with the “myth”, in this article we shall try to collect and refresh information about the mysterious abode of Bodhisattvas. Hopefully, the information will be useful for many people.

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Kukulkan! A closer look

  • 08.04.2016
  • 288
  • 461487

Once again we recur to the topic of ancient architecture such as temple buildings and pyramids, because for us it is obvious they were built by rather highly spiritual beings, in special places, in compliance with geometrical proportions and, most importantly, for a determined purpose. By no means, such objects were constructed by savages or wild indigenes for any terrible sacrificial offerings, as official historians endeavour to impose on us. Let us again state the historians’ opinion in this case dances to somebody’s tune which sounds as follows: “Don’t ask any additional questions, for everything is totally clear.” But it’s not quite clear either to everyone or to us. Therefore, in our publications we will continue examining strange, mysterious buildings with a surely sacral meaning that are located nearly on all continents of the globe. At that, unlike many other seekers of the truth, we shall rely on the Primordial Knowledge brought to the world by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo. We are confident that either we ourselves or our followers will once manage to unravel these age-old mysteries. In the meantime, let’s take a closer look at the Temple of Kukulkan.

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Uluru: an ancient reference point on the Dreaming Path

  • 02.08.2016
  • 146
  • 55328

This research is dedicated to the mysterious mountain of Uluru (Ayers Rock) in Australia. Besides the remarkable beauty, this place is full of unsolved riddles. The sacred mountain Uluru is a unique sandstone rock formation the origin of which is still disputable, a huge monolith lonely dominating the desert for tens of kilometres. Manifestly standing out against the background of the surrounding scenery, it is visible not only from the ground, but from space as well. Moreover, it is not a mere rock, but a summit of a giant stone “iceberg” going deep down into the earth. It can outlast any cataclysms, and even a direct fall of a large asteroid cannot move it from its place.

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The Dogon people. Nommo spacemen from Canis Major

  • 04.10.2016
  • 453
  • 459024

An interesting article was shared with us in the commentary section to th century. Indian tribes, Cahokia and Fort Ancient, of the In quest of… series. The shared article substantially expands information about such a mysterious and extraordinary African tribe as the Dogon. It turns out these people are extraordinary not only because they still preserve certain astronomical and cosmological knowledge, which according to official history cannot be possessed by such savages, but also because of the emergence itself of these people on the planet Earth. Many of our readers have probably overlooked a link to this remarkable article in the commentary section, therefore we have decided to publish it as a separate material, having supplemented it with illustrations and information available in the AllatRa book about the Dogon and Bambara peoples.

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The World Tree in legends and myths of peoples of the world

  • 23.11.2016
  • 248
  • 536222

Like the wind plays with leafage, feelings flow from leaf to leaf, from branch to branch – burning like fire, shining and sounding as an inexpressible heartfelt song, the Song of God! Plunging deeper and deeper into the boundless well of feelings! Guards of the Animal Nature are on the alert, endeavouring to steal HUMAN attention, but if you are consistent and have made your choice, you will certainly be rewarded with DIVINE HAPPINESS signifying LIFE.

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The World Mountain – Mount Meru in myths and legends of peoples of the world

  • 27.11.2016
  • 180
  • 35285

The cosmic or World Mountain as axis mundi is mentioned in world mythology just as frequently as the World Tree. As a rule, these two images peacefully coexist, not excluding, but rather being superimposed on each other. The World Tree stretching to the heaven is often placed on top of a giant mountain in the middle of the universe. Both concepts serve as embodiments of the sacred axis in the world structure.

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An Australian legend about the creation of the world and the Mother Goddess

  • 04.04.2017
  • 96
  • 8310

Creation of all things in existence in this world takes place owing to the Feminine Principle. I got convinced of this over again when I accidentally encountered the book Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines by W. Ramsay Smith. To be more precise, an assistant in a book shop offered me this book, assuring me it was indeed an interesting source worth reading.

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Angkor: Land of the Gods. Documentary

  • 09.04.2017
  • 113
  • 8436

Let me bring to your attention an interesting documentary series Angkor: Land of the Gods, consisting of two parts: Throne of Power and Empire Rising. This is a good addition to our common collection for future discussions.

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People who lived happily. The Incas’ way of living

  • 11.04.2017
  • 168
  • 9429

Occasionally talking to different people, I often hear a deep-rooted opinion that humanity has always lived as we are now living – in incessant conflicts, competition and injustice; that such a way of life is natural, and it has never been otherwise. However, from the AllatRa book we know that destruction of numerous examples of peaceful, prosperous and culturally rich coexistence of various peoples in different times has been methodically carried out by henchmen of the Archons, and the terrible results of this we observe nowadays.

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Graham Hancock: “We have so much to learn from the ancients.”

  • 18.04.2017
  • 204
  • 8717

I would like to start this little article with the words that are understandable and familiar to many people. I believe many readers of our website would say roughly the same.

These days I find it difficult to listen to television. I find it difficult to listen to 24-hour rolling misery which is what the rolling news is, to convince us that the world is just filled with hatred and fear and suspicion. What we need to do is to emphasize the human capacity for Love, for courage, for strength, for decency, for goodness. We need to hear about THAT every day because there is many more examples of THAT than there is of the stuff that the media welter in at the moment! (Graham Hancock)

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What is ALLAT? Part 2: Sensei of Shambala – Book IV. Selected quotes from Anastasia Novykh’s books

  • 29.05.2017
  • 97
  • 11991

Great God conceived to create another world different from His own and manifested His desire. This world appeared from God’s desire. In the beginning it was insignificant and was in chaos. The further intention of God as to ordering of this world was embodied by Allat – the generative power of the feminine principle which came from the world of God. Allat manifests itself as God’s will, God’s force, God’s part, and God’s protection.

It was Allat as manifestation of God’s thought that created the visible world from the invisible, transformed chaos into order, generated space, time, motion, creatures, and established harmony in the world according to God’s plan. In such a way this world appeared. This is what is said in the primordial legend of the creation of the world, which came to the Earth from the advanced civilization of planet Phaethon, and previously to Phaethon from Sirius; and to Sirius it had been brought by more advanced civilizations. In its essence, allat means a common unit – a precursor of time. (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV)

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The Great Dragon

  • 22.06.2017
  • 88
  • 6697

Perhaps, there is no corner on the Earth where there are no dragon legends and myths. These mysterious creatures have been capturing people’s minds since ancient times, gradually changing and gaining further new features and forms that contradict each other at first sight, for just as god Shiva a dragon embodies both the power of life and the power of destruction.

“A dragon is the spirit of transformation and thus the spirit of life itself.” Like the sphinx, a dragon is a symbol of unity of the four elements. In the Orient, a winding dragon symbolised creative rhythms and cycles of nature, while a pearl in its mouth meant the power of undertaking.

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Twin myths and Twin symbolism

  • 06.07.2017
  • 285
  • 458690

A very interesting point repeatedly found in books by Anastasia Novykh is the mythological image of Divine Twins. Twins are mentioned in the books in connection with myths of the universe creation, and also as bearers of the power of the Grail.

For a start, in order to understand this symbolic image and before we refer to relevant quotes from A. Novykh’s books and attempt to draw conclusions on this concept, let us briefly go over twin mythology and see how the said image was presented in various religions…

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What did Gods carry in their “handbags”?

  • 17.07.2017
  • 218
  • 147922

In earlier publications on our website you could have seen numerous images of mythological divine beings carrying peculiar “handbags” in their hands. Unfortunately, neither legends nor myths contain specific information about them, although we did manage to find some. There were surely relevant explanations in the past, but humanity has lost understanding, so today we are hardly able to answer the following question with confidence: “What do Gods carry in “handbags?” Why were there so many identical or very similar symbolic elements in various historical epochs on different continents? Well, many people might ask whether such riddles should be solved at all when everything rises in price, when climatic conditions deteriorate and the world approaches a brink of the third global war. As for me, I believe they should be.

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“They knew what they were doing…” A conversation between G. Hancock and R. Bauval at the Pyramids of Giza

  • 27.11.2017
  • 112
  • 9216

Attention! The text below contains complete quotes that are in no way distorted by the article author. Everyone understands the quotes according to his or her spiritual, moral and intellectual development! 


A conversation between Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval as cited in Fingerprints of the Gods



I found the implications of the Orion correlation complicated and eerie.

On the one hand, the Great Pyramid’s southern shafts ‘precessionally anchored’ the monument to Al Nitak and Sirius in 2475-2400 BC, dates which coincided comfortably with the epoch when Egyptologists said the monument had been built.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Interesting headings