The Dogon people. Nommo spacemen from Canis Major

An interesting article was shared with us in the commentary section to th century. Indian tribes, Cahokia and Fort Ancient, of the In quest of… series. The shared article substantially expands information about such a mysterious and extraordinary African tribe as the Dogon. It turns out these people are extraordinary not only because they still preserve certain astronomical and cosmological knowledge, which according to official history cannot be possessed by such savages, but also because of the emergence itself of these people on the planet Earth. Many of our readers have probably overlooked a link to this remarkable article in the commentary section, therefore we have decided to publish it as a separate material, having supplemented it with illustrations and information available in the AllatRa book about the Dogon and Bambara peoples.

дикие племена догонов в Африке

дикие племена догонов в Африке

племена догоны, Африка

племена догоны, Африка

So, let us start with Valery Kratokhvil’s article Nommo Spaceship from Canis Major.


Since 1931, a team of French anthropologists led by Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen were studying customs and beliefs of the African people called Dogon, living in the territory of Western Sudan (the present-day Republic of Mali). Their thirty-year work resulted in The Pale Fox monograph dedicated to Dogon mythology, the first volume of which was published in Paris in 1965. Three years later, the famous British astronomer W.R. Drake noted the Dogon people’s precise knowledge of the star Sirius parameters.

Not having even their own written language, in their cosmogonic myths the Dogon distinguish such different kinds of celestial bodies as planets, stars, and satellites. Stars are referred to as tolo, planets are called tolo gonoze (“stars that move across”), and satellites are called tolo tonaze (“stars that make circles”). The accuracy of these ideas is amazing, especially if we take into account the people’s primitive lifestyle. Among the Dogon, only Olubaru priests are allowed to study ancient myths. They are members of the secret “society of masks”, who know the special language Sigi so (“the language of Sirius”)... In everyday communication the Dogon speak the Dogo so language.

дикие племена догонов в Африке

дикие племена догонов в Африке




The Dogon believe Sirius is a triple star consisting of the main star Sigi Tolo and the stars Po Tolo and Emme Ya Tolo. They remarkably precisely indicate the period of rotation of the two smaller stars around the main one – 50 earthly years (modern data: 49.9 years). Moreover, their ancient myths contain information that Po Tolo has a minor size along with enormous mass and density.

“It is the smallest and heaviest of all the stars, and consists of a metal called sagolu, which is more brilliant than iron and so heavy that all terrestrial beings together would not be able to lift even its particle...” Another part of the myth specifies: “the sagolu particle has a size of a millet seed and a weight of 480 donkey load packs” (i.e. about 35 tons).

Methods of modern science have ascertained that Sirius is a binary star, and its second component is the white dwarf Sirius B, the density of which may reach 50 tons per cubic centimetre...

Astronomers in different countries today debate whether the third component – Sirius C star – exists in this stellar system. Several astronomers even asserted “it had been observed a telescope”... Although such observations have neither been repeated nor confirmed, a number of experts believe the irregularity of Sirius A trajectory is due to the third star effect.

звезда Сириус, орбита

An interesting observation on the matter was made by V.V. Rubtsov, a Kharkov researcher of Dogon myths. He noted that the name of god Tishtrya who embodied Sirius in ancient Iranian beliefs originated from the Indo-European term meaning “three stars”...

According to Dogon myths, when the star Po Tolo (Sirius В) that in the Dogon priests’ opinion has an elongated orbit approaches the star Sigi Tolo (Sirius А), the latter starts shining brighter. In order to verify this statement, several years ago astronomer A.V. Arkhipov compared the measurements of the star brightness over 1.5 centuries. The researcher came to the conclusion that Sirius brightness indeed fluctuated with a period of 50 years, i.e. the period of Sirius B rotation around Sirius A. Moreover, when such fluctuations were compared with changes of the distance between the stars, it turned out the Dogon were absolutely right: the closer the satellite was to the main star, the brighter the star became!

The Dogon people also know that Saturn is encircled by a “regular ring”, while Jupiter has four large satellites that were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610 by means of a telescope. The Dogon priests – keepers of the sacred “language of Sirius” (Sigi go) – explain their astronomy awareness by the fact that in the time immemorial their forefathers were relocated to this planet from Po Tolo, i.e. from Sirius B.


The Dogon relocation myth contains a statement that “during the first year of the people’s residence on the Earth the star Po flashed out brightly, having exploded, and then it was slowly going out for 240 years”. Such statement makes it possible to assume that the interstellar migration of Sirius B population was caused by a threat of the star explosion that took place after the Dogon had already arrived at the new planet...

Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman sources indicate that in ancient times Sirius – the bright blue-white star in the constellation of Canis Major (the Great Dog) – looked differently than nowadays. Thus, in Babylon it was called Shukkudu – the “red-hot copper”, Ptolemy in his Almagest (the 2nd century AD) included Sirius in the list of red stars, while the Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca noted about two thousand years ago: “The redness of the Dog Star (Sirius) is deeper, the redness of Mars is softer, and Jupiter has no redness at all…” However, in the 10th century AD the Persian astronomer Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi described Sirius as blue and white, as we see it today.

Contemporary scientists do recognize the possibility of such changes with Sirius within 700-800 years, which is a negligibly small period of time in cosmic terms… Having considered possible mechanisms of the changes, astronomer D. Martynov has come to the conclusion that in one of the first centuries AD a supernova (massive explosion) of Sirius B took place. The researcher believes, before the explosion Sirius B was a red giant, which determined the colour of the whole Sirius system, whereas after the explosion it turned into a white dwarf – an extremely dense star of the Earth size… If we add that the explosion of Sirius occurred “during the first year of the people’s residence on the Earth”, we can date the Dogon relocation from Po Tolo to sometime between the 2nd and 10th centuries AD…

One of the Dogon astronomical drawings depicts the Sun and Sirius connected by a curve that twists around each of the stars. At that, the diameter of Sirius exceeds the diameter of the Sun.

сравнение звезд Сириус и Солнце

In 1975, astronomer from Marseille Eric Guerrier published a book An Essay on the Dogon Cosmogony: the Nommo Ark, where he assumed that “this curve represents an interstellar flight trajectory”...




It should be noted that Dogon myths about deep space are very much in line with modern scientific views. For example, the Dogon know that our galaxy visible from the Earth as the Milky Way is a “spiral stellar world”. They believe there is an infinite number of such “spiral stellar worlds” in the universe, while the latter is “infinite, though measurable”.

According to the Dogon, the universe is populated by a variety of living creatures, and plants were the first ones to appear in it. For instance, pumpkin and sorrel seeds “lay on the edge of the Milky Way before they got on the Earth and germinated in all the worlds of the universe.” The Dogon are also convinced that “on other earths there are horned, tailed, winged, and crawling humans…”

Strictly speaking, Dogon myths mention not just one, but several “space journeys”. The initial journeys were undertaken by a person named Ogo. Upon his third trip he got to the planet Earth where he turned into the Pale Fox – Yurugu.

маски догонов

Furthermore, in ancient Dogon myths and drawings the space NommoArk is described, in which ancestors of the Dogon descended from Sigi Tolo, having brought with them everything necessary for living on the Earth. Olubaru priests depict the Nommo Ark as a basket (tazu) resembling a truncated cone in which the upper plane represents a square and the lower plane represents a circle. On the cone sides there are ladders on which people, animals, plants, etc. were holding while descending to the Earth.

While descending to the Earth, the Ark was rotating, and its movement was supported through a nozzle. The myth says, “the nozzle inlet is a big road of breath of the ancestors who descended from the height. Their breath helped rotating in order to move and descend...”

The Nommo Ark landed after eight years of “swinging” in the sky, “having raised a cloud of dust by an air vortex”. Nommo was the first one to go out of the Ark, and other creatures followed him.

The Dogon priests indicate LakeDebo in Western Sudan as the place of landing. The lake is filled with water when Niger River overflows. On one of the lake islands there is a stone image of the Nommo Ark flying among the stars.




Creation myths of the Dogon are particularly interesting… “In the beginning there was Amma – the god who looked like a round egg and reposed on nothing... And there was nothing more...”

According to the Dogon, the principal element of the world is the Po particle that has a shape of a tiny millet seed (Amma had the same shape). The Po seed was “whirling and radiating particles of matter in a sonic and light action, though remaining invisible and inaudible”. In the Po seed Amma built the entire universe, but in order to “release the world outside” he started revolving on his axis... The Dogon say: “Revolving and dancing, Amma created all spiral stellar worlds of the universe.” Eric Guerrier notes that the image of “the spinning spiral vortex of Amma” may be applied both to an atom with its electron cloud revolving around the nucleus and to spiral galaxy...

Strangely enough, the further we interpret Dogon myths in the language of modern physics the more we support Guerrier’s hypothesis that the Dogon people have been worshiping energy since ancient times! Here it would be appropriate to refer to the innermost secret of the Dogon:

Po twisted around itself preserves the word until the moment when Amma orders to release this word in order to transfer it to all creatures. Po can turn into a terribly strong wind, but this may not be talked about...

Guerrier believes this part of the myth points directly at the possibility of transformation of matter into energy, which is calculated via the E=мс2 formula discovered by A. Einstein in the early 20th century. Such opinion is supported by myths that describe “space odysseys of the Dogon”, namely the journey of a being named Ogo and later on of the Nommo Ark from Sirius to the Earth. Quite interestingly, the myths say that during their space journeys the Dogon spaceships were driven by the wind contained in the Po seeds...

It is also interesting that in the opinion of Olubaru priests the rational inhabitants of Yalu Ulo – the “spiral stellar world” of the galaxy – interfere in the life of humanity of the planet Earth far less actively than the inhabitants of the constellations of Orion and Pleiades, who “directly participate in human life and development on the Earth...”

наскальные рисунки догонов

племена догоны, Африка

Dogon rock paintings

племена догоны, Африка

наскальные рисунки догонов

наскальные рисунки догонов

Dogon rock paintings (Note by the article author: we see many familiar symbols and signs, don’t we?)

догоны, маски и символы




Impressive, isn’t it? Yet, it was the AllatRa book from where I initially learned about the Dogon people, as well as about another African tribe Bambara who have also preserved wisdom and knowledge of their ancestors. Let me refer to information from this desk book and priceless source of Primordial Knowledge (pages 67-72 on


Rigden: The problem of modern humanity is that egoism has shattered the knowledge so thoroughly that the single meaning, the purpose of this knowledge has been lost. That is why nowadays astrophysicists, for instance, prefer to look only up at the stars, developing incredible theories, such as those of the black holes, while archaeologists and ethnologists prefer to look only down, plunging into antiquity and voicing their guesses about the past…

Anastasia: Generally speaking, there is no unity in versatile exploration of the single; there is neither broadening of the horizons nor the most important thing – man’s knowledge about himself and his true Essence.

Rigden: Unfortunately, this is so. Let me give another interesting example in this regard. As I have already mentioned, there are the Dogon people in West Africa. At the end of the 19th century, when leading European countries started dividing Africa into their colonies, the territory where this tribe lived, just like their neighbours, got under the dominion of France. At that time, active slave trade from the African continent was developed. Nevertheless, the Dogon were not affected because they lived in inaccessible areas. So, the first person to learn about their existence was an official of the colonial troops who was making a list of “savage” tribes. His attitude towards these people corresponded to the stereotype created by politicians of his country, in other words, that “savages are not even human beings”. At that, the culture of these people was discovered (though just for a narrow circle of specialists in Europe) by the French ethnographer and Africanist Marcel Griaule. First and foremost, he was interested in the spiritual side of the Dogon life, and that is why the priests of this people eventually revealed their greatest secrets to him.    

Anastasia: “The secret Knowledge is revealed to a person with a good heart and pure thoughts...”

Rigden: Perfectly true... However, the world learned about the cosmological system of the Dogon not from works of this ethnographer, but from works of an astronomer who was also keen on archaeology and ethnography and managed to compare all this knowledge. Thus, the Dogon and the kindred Bambara people are among few peoples who have preserved the original information practically with minimal distortions, often without even understanding the meaning of this information, while the latter is such that it is far ahead of all the modern scientific achievements.

Anastasia: That’s interesting...

Rigden: In the Dogon and Bambara cosmology there is information about the significant primary role of vibration and spiral movement in the creation of the Universe.

Anastasia: The Dogon possess knowledge about the spiral movement of the Universe?!

Rigden: They do. In the Dogon mythology there is a supreme deity – god-creator named Amma. One of the Dogon myths says the world originated from the word Amma.

Anastasia: It is quite interesting that the Dogon in Africa have Amma, while according to Hindu legends the Universe arose from vibration of the sacred sound Om. In the Vedas, this sound is regarded as a symbol of the Soul approaching the world of God, and is denoted by a special sign...

Rigden: Certainly, all these legends once had one and the same basis – the Knowledge. So, according to the Dogon mythology, the world arose from the word Amma. There was nothing but this word. The first word gave rise to an infinitely small basic element of the world, which the Dogon call kize-uzi (also referred to as the millet seed Po). By means of internal vibration, kize-uzi turned into “the world egg”. In Dogon myths Amma has the epithet of a “spinning vortex”, and it is noted that its motion is spiral. Furthermore, the creations of Amma are described, and also seven worlds, the Sun, and the Moon are mentioned. In particular, that the Sun is surrounded with a spiral of eight coils of red copper, while the Moon is surrounded with the same spiral, but of white copper. Surprisingly, modern physics has not yet reached the level of scientific understanding of these issues. Yet, that is not the most interesting thing. Going back to the creation of the world… After the Po seed had been created and the spiral motion had started, the “invisible Amma” began to create signs, which determine everything in this world: the two “guiding signs” belonging to Amma, and the eight “main” signs…

Anastasia: Signs? Given that Shambala also communicates and creates events via signs... Signs are essentially a special topic. In regard to the above-mentioned legend, readers might ask a question: what do the “guiding and main signs” mean?

Rigden: Well, first of all, the very fact that the Dogon possessed such knowledge testifies to the fact that their ancestors received it through paleocontact. The two “guiding signs” are the signs which can be used only by the one whom they call Amma in their myths. The eight “main signs” are the creating signs which, when you apply certain power to them, figuratively speaking, like a key to a lock, open certain possibilities of managing the processes of both creation and destruction. It is very rare, but it happens so that the “main signs” become available to a human being.

Anastasia: It is very rare, but they become available to a human being… This is the Grail! I recorded this knowledge in Sensei of Shambala, Book IV. Once you mentioned the Grail consisted of twelve signs, and the Dogon mythology mentions eight signs excluding those two which are unavailable for people in principle, as far as I understand. Hence, the Dogon either had incomplete information, or it was partially lost with time, or concealed from the European researchers who wrote down their myths. But the fact that the Grail consists of the “main signs” with which the world may be designed and adjusted as one desires is indirectly mentioned in many legends of various peoples.

Rigden: Absolutely correct... Such knowledge, being “sacred” for one or another people, is almost never fully revealed by the tribe’s priests, particularly to random people. As for the Grail, one should remember that when it was hidden, it was not coincidental that the 12 signs were split into four parts, three signs in each. This significantly complicated the process of arranging the signs and activating the Grail with sound. The signs of the Grail in a certain sequence are like a form, like a key to a lock which, when a certain power is applied (the sound formula of the Primordial Sound), opens otherworldly possibilities to a person.

Anastasia: Four parts, three signs in each...

Rigden: Incidentally, these ancient peoples have preserved records that number four embodies the feminine principle, number three embodies the masculine principle, and their sum equals to seven, which is the basis of the human Being (the principle of eternal life) and perfection.

Anastasia: Four embodies the feminine principle… Hence, since the Grail was composed of four parts, this indirectly points at the connection with the creating divine power of the feminine principle – Allat.

Rigden (grinned): Why indirectly? … By the way, speaking of Allat, in the cosmogonic myths of the Bambara people, which tell about the timeless initial stage of the creation of the world, it is mentioned that the world originated from the void endowed with motion – Gla. Gla in turn gave birth to a sounding twin. As a result, a pair appeared – Gla Gla. In general, after a number of conversions and transformations, owing to vibration, there appeared “signs” intended to be placed on objects that were not yet created in order to mark them. During the act of creation, the spirit Yo appeared (from whom the first powerful forces Pemba and Faro descended, which took part in the creation of the world), as well as 22 basic elements and 22 spiral coils. It is further mentioned that when these spiral coils “stirred” Yo it resulted in emergence of light, sound, all actions, all creatures, and all feelings… The myths mention that Pemba moved in space in a vortex and that he threw upwards that which was later called Faro. Faro in turn created seven heavens and the spirit of the air, and he spilt life on earth in the form of water. He is omnipresent and visits all waters. In actual fact, Faro continued to create the world; he put the Universe in order, classified all elements of the Universe, created people, and taught them the Word.

Anastasia: Faro put the Universe in order. Yet, these are the functions of the creating power of Allat!

Rigden: That is what I am talking about. By the way, regarding speech… In the Dogon mythology, the deities of water (the divine twins) shaped as half-humans and half-snakes were called Nommо. Legends remain that, when they saw from the sky the mother earth naked and devoid of speech, they made for her a skirt of ten wisps of filaments of heavenly plants. It is precisely the moist filaments twisted in a spiral, which comprised the word and were full essences of Nommo, that communicated speech to the earth – the first language of the world. So, some people should not have called the Dogon and Bambara peoples “barbarians”. Those “barbarians” have preserved by far more information for future generations than “civilised people” have. Certainly, not without their elements of distortion, but still this is much better than nothing.

Anastasia: Well, after all that you have just said, a desire arises to give everything up and leave for Africa, since such knowledge is available there.

Rigden (burst out laughing): There is nothing to do there, in that Africa. It would be the same thing as going to Tibet. You will immediately find many people willing to show you the “right way”… to Ariman, and on top of that with your own money… In reality, everything is much closer than one can imagine. It is all a matter of the vein of Knowledge and the prevailing worldview. Look, you have come to see the world in a different vein of Knowledge, from the perspective of the spiritual worldview… (the AllatRa book, pages 67-72 –


Here are the “savages”! I am truly interested why teachers did not give us such information at school. The question is far from being rhetorical, although now that I have read Anastasia Novykh’s books I do know the answer. I think most of secondary school teachers and college professors of history themselves hardly know anything neither about the Dogon, nor about the actual events that took place in the remote and recent past of our civilization of humans who naïvely consider themselves rational. This is mostly the result of activities of the small group of people called Archons who are very interested in depriving all of us of an opportunity to know the Truth about our past, present, and nearest future. Well, it is also the result of efforts of a much greater number of individuals who represent the Archons’ executive machine, in particular scientists, politicians, and priests who year after year shape consciousness and views of billions of people on this planet, maintaining rigid materialism and money rule. A striking example is shown in the article by the traveller and photographer Vladimir Alekseev, recently published on our website and entitled A real story of how discovered artefacts are replaced. Excavations in San Bartolo, Guatemala, not to mention that even MS Word marks the names of the aforesaid African tribes in red as non-existing in English.

Nevertheless, it doesn't befit us to give up, especially in the times when the entire Spiritual World is helping those who sincerely desire to discover and know the Truth and to share such knowledge with everyone craving for the real Life. Therefore, dear friends, we kindly ask you to send us interesting finds, information, articles, photographs, and everything that in one way or another relates to the Primordial Knowledge contained in the cultural heritage of mankind.


In the end, please view several more photographs.

племена догоны, Африка

племена догоны, Африка

племена догоны, Африка

племена догоны, Африка

племена догоны, Африка

племена догоны, Африка

племена догоны, Африка


Prepared by Julia Matveyeva (Russia)

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The Dogon people. Nommo spacemen from Canis Major The Dogon people. Nommo spacemen from Canis Major - Topic rating: 5.00 out of 5.00 votes: 453
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