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Keeper of Genesis. Part III. The First Time. The Last Time

  • 20.11.2016
  • 214
  • 13869

‘Underlying all Egyptian speculation’, as R. T. Rundle Clark has observed, ‘is the belief that time is composed of recurrent cycles which are divinely appointed ...’ There is furthermore a governing moment amongst all these cycles and epochs – the ‘genesis event’ that the Egyptians called Zep Tepi, the ‘First Time’. (Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval. THE MESSAGE OF THE SPHINX, or KEEPER OF GENESIS)

‘Many believe the Pyramid Age is the time when Giza pyramids were created, the time of a single special dynasty or group of pharaohs. However, the plan was much more grandiose and was not limited to the Fourth Dynasty’s creations. There are plenty of evidence leading to conclusion that there was a single great plan ‘to freeze the time’ in stone or in other words to make stones ‘tell’ about the ‘First Time’.’ (Robert Bauval. The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids)

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“The Sun will rise from the west”: an Islamic prophecy

  • 21.11.2016
  • 155
  • 24459

Probably, many people heard that in Islamic predictions of the approach of the Doomsday, Judgement Day or End Times (read more on our website) there is a strange phrase: “When the Sun will rise from the west.” How should this be understood? Is such a disaster on Earth really possible when the east and the west will interchange? Or is something else meant? In the closing part of one of our earlier articles Keeper of Genesis, Part III. The First Time. The Last Time we encounter an unexpected interpretation of this incomprehensible phenomenon.

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“There might come once more some kind of Renaissance out of the hopelessly condemned and trampled past...” Graham Hancock

  • 17.02.2017
  • 204
  • 7885

It would be absolutely unwise to leave out Graham Hancock’s works and not to include in our Prophecies section the truly unique information he has collected over the years of his research activities. In his books the researcher one way or another touches upon the riddles of spiritually advanced ancient cultures and civilizations, as well as the single knowledge of immortality, traces of which have been miraculously preserved in ancient monuments and artefacts that are persistently ignored by mainstream science and conspiratorially suppressed in our age of general degradation and decadence.

Let me continue stringing priceless beads on the necklace of our initial preamble and present three final chapters of Graham Hancock’s sensational book Heaven’s Mirror, where the first bold attempt is made to bring together numerous facts relating to the global cosmological cyclicality and to the corresponding pattern of the new great Renaissance to come.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


We support Creative Society

Project Aim

Interesting headings