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Can those be mere coincidences?

  • 24.11.2015
  • 186
  • 10585

    Today we can observe a cheerless picture of the chaos taking place in the world. All signs indicate the time has come which is mentioned in all prophecies and predictions. However, even such circumstance was so widely promoted for turning masses into zombies that people already refuse to believe in all this, regarding predictions as invented intimidating stories.

    Even the general information available on this website is an incontrovertible evidence of the presence of Mahdi (Islam), the Comforter (Christianity), Maitreya (Buddhism), etc. in the world. But, unfortunately, contemporary people have forgotten how to perform systematic and analytical work. If they seriously reflected, they would sift through this website and verified the entire material contained on it, right after reading one article. However, the point is that most people are mere consumers. They have been trained to clip thinking. You can find out for yourselves what clip thinking is, while I would only like to emphasize an aspect of all this, which is the most important, in my opinion.

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The udumbara flower has blossomed, foreshadowing advent of the great man of wisdom!

  • 27.11.2015
  • 135
  • 33012

     Another unexpected and significant event has taken place! The udumbara flower has blossomed on the earth. According to a Buddhist legend, it blossoms once in 3,000 years. They say the last time it blossomed before Gautama Buddha’s birth, while during the last 20 years its flowering has been observed all over the globe. It is also said the udumbara blossoming foreshadows the advent of a great man of wisdom or enlightened sage.

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The AllatRa sign. A circle and a crescent. Analytical research

  • 19.04.2016
  • 535
  • 499498

In view of the recent events relating to some people’s concern about the emergence of a peculiar sign – a circle and a crescent (under the circle) – in the streets of Slavic cities (though for justice’ sake let’s note the sign first appeared on city billboards a couple of years ago and has always been there since that time as this post vividly demonstrates), we would still like to carry out an impartial analytical research of the nature of this phenomenal image, its origin, meaning and informational content. By the way, our intention to look into the issue in more detail appeared quite a while ago, but we have been postponing this work due to its complexity, because any more or less serious research first and foremost presupposes collection and analysis of a considerable stratum of information, which takes a lot of time and effort. Yet, now such material has become very topical, and so I’ll do my best to put down certain interesting points.

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Borobudur. The Buddhist stupa

  • 09.02.2017
  • 130
  • 14468

Borobudur is the oldest Buddhist temple in the world and one of the most majestic ones. It is situated on Java Island, Indonesia. The period of construction: 750-850 AD. Its name is translated as “the Buddhist temple on the mountain”. It is the second largest Buddhist temple in the world after Angkor Wat. Constructors erected this monument in the shape of a mandala and an opening Lotus flower on a square base (118 x 118 m) that smoothly turns into a circle.

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The Maldives from an archaeological perspective

  • 21.02.2017
  • 118
  • 9292

I would like to tell you about a wonderful place on our planet – the Maldives, but not in terms of tourist attractions. Let us look at this paradisiacal corner of the world from an archaeological perspective, certainly with due regard for the Primordial Knowledge.

Wikipedia note: The Republic of Maldives is located in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean, approximately 700 km to the southwest of Sri Lanka. It’s a chain of 20 atolls consisting of 1,192 coral islands. The country population is 402,071 people, including 338,434 citizens and 63,637 non-citizens (results of the population census of 20 September 2014). The major religion is Islam.

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Imperishable Khambo Lama Itigilov

  • 25.04.2017
  • 213
  • 66170

Who is this man?

Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov is Pandido Khambo Lama XII, the head of Buddhists of Buryatia. Pandido Khambo Lama is a Buddhist title roughly translated from Sanskrit as “the most learned lama”, where pandid means “learned”.

Historical and modern sources as well as archive documents contain various spellings of the surname of Pandido Khambo Lama XII: Etigiley, Etigelov, Itigilov, etc. The Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia has adopted the spelling of his surname in accordance with the lama’s own signature in Russian.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Interesting headings