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Predictions from Zarathustra’s book. “Oh, best friend, Ahura Mazda!”

  • 13.11.2015
  • 155
  • 18994

    Here we publish a prediction from Zarathustra’s book, relating to nowadays events. The poetic form of a relevant extract and introduction thereto are taken from The Crossroads book (later on we shall perform the book analysis).

    “Well, let’s take another section of Shambala library: Egypt, the second half of the first millennium B.C. The section of the Great Library of Alexandria … A part of the Library was burned down in 47 B.C. Thanks God, Mezhanins quickly reacted to such usual human stupidity in Al Iscandria, and the most valuable items were saved. So, this section contains quite a rare book of prophecies written by Zarathustra who lived in Bactria in the times of king Vishtaspu…

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Human energy structure. Truncated pyramid with a detached top

  • 21.01.2016
  • 352
  • 58256

    Studying information given in the AllatRa book by Anastasia Novykh, we couldn’t disregard new data on the human energy structure which is invisible to our ordinary vision organs. The information contained in the book is indeed extraordinary. It can give many people a totally new understanding of what a human being is, help find answers to numerous unsolved problems in psychology, psychotherapy, interpersonal relations, and will surely be helpful in physiology, anatomy, and even traditional medicine that deals with various body diseases, often having no idea of the initial cause of those.

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Four human Aspects. Why do contemporaries know nothing about those?

  • 02.02.2016
  • 251
  • 91475

    Continuing examination of the human energy structure (see our first article on the subject), for general understanding and integrated perception let’s go into details regarding the four human Aspects as the invisible integral components of a human being. It is very strange that contemporary people, having progressed in scientific and technical achievements over the last century, and having boundlessly expanded the field of informational exchange on the planet Earth owing to television and internet, currently have no idea of the four aspects present in the human structure. In this article we shall analyse the discovered information, particularly artefacts, and prove that our ancestors possessed a tremendous store of spiritual knowledge, being well aware of the pyramidal human structure on the sides of which there are rational energy and information structures called the Aspects.

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The reason why emotions emerge in a human is discovered! Aspects – amygdalae – emotions

  • 29.02.2016
  • 311
  • 18335

    We continue building the evidentiary base to prove existence of the four aspects in the human subtle energy structure which are invisible, but exert enormous influence on human life and mental health, so as to convince contemporary scientists and leading society thinkers of the fact that this sensational discovery can help find answers to innumerable questions and cope with numerous so far unsolvable tasks. In our earlier articles titled Human energy structure. Truncated pyramid with a detached top and Four human Aspects. Why do contemporaries know nothing about those? we started considering the “well forgotten” theory described in the AllatRa book regarding the presence of rational energy and information structures in a human being, which presence is confirmed by numerous historical artefacts, and today we will endeavour to link certain scientific achievements in brain studies with the Primordial Knowledge brought by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo to the world. We neither particularly expect that academic science, being stuck in materialism, will immediately react and display due interest to this research, nor care that science makes no headway. Our goal is to provide those who have reached a deadlock with an opportunity to come out of it, to find and link facts of recent scientific discoveries with the deepest knowledge about the human nature currently available. We want just to give a hint, to urge and to guide... and those who get interested will elaborate the topic.

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What destroyed Mohenjo Daro?

  • 06.03.2016
  • 276
  • 49093

Mohenjo Daro (literally the Mound of the Dead Men) was a city in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization that emerged around 2600 BC. A relevant archaeological site is located in the current province of Sindh, Pakistan. It’s the largest ancient city of the Indus Valley Civilization, and one of the world’s earliest urban settlements in the history of South Asia, contemporaneous to the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Archaeologists first attended Mohenjo Daro in 1911. Regular excavations were carried out between 1922 and 1931. John Marshall who was in charge of the British expedition noted the “identity” of Mohenjo Daro finds with those from Harappa discovered 400 km upstream the Indus River. Later major series of excavations were conducted in 1950 and 1964, but the American expedition activity in 1964-1965 was terminated due to weathering damage to the exposed structures. In 1980 Mohenjo Daro was designated an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mohenjo Daro perimeter reaches five kilometres. The city area is divided into blocks (“islands”) of the same size (384 metres from the north to the south and 228 metres from the west to the east). Each block is in turn “cut” by straight or curved streets.

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Which secrets are hidden on Easter Island?

  • 11.05.2016
  • 250
  • 28665

The uniqueness of Easter Island shows in diverse opinions of it. That is, on one hand, people know everything about this place, but on the other hand they know nothing. Its enigmatic stone statues keep being silent witnesses of the ancient and unknown culture. Yet, who could create these monumental sculptures out of rocks?

A little bit of geography. In the south-eastern part of the Pacific Ocean, between Chile and Tahiti there is Easter Island (see Figure 1). Local natives call it Rapa Nui. Easter Island is one of the remotest islands on the planet. The distance to the closest dry land is 2,092 kilometres in the west and 2,971 kilometres in the east. The island has a triangular shape with extinct volcanoes on each of its edges.

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Lake Seydozero. Traces of an ancient civilization

  • 09.07.2016
  • 157
  • 41991

Here we would like to talk about such place as Lake Seydozero, which is very interesting due to numerous local mysterious phenomena, myths and stories. Frequent UFO and yeti sightings, anomalous natural phenomena, traces of ancient civilization activities, and the inimitable beauty of local nature – all these attract researchers, travellers, psychics, and mystery fans. At that, various studies of this place produce more questions than answers.

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Chetverik meditation: performance technique and practical experience

  • 17.07.2016
  • 200
  • 20805

Herein we continue to collect evidence of the existence of the four human Aspects in the invisible energy and information structure of a human being. It is time to consider the Aspects from a purely practical perspective, therefore let’s refer to relevant description of the Chetverik meditation as given in the AllaRa book. According to the following paragraph, this meditation represents the first step to a conscious acquaintance with the Aspects, and on my part I can only add anyone can get acquainted with his or her Aspects through this meditation and accumulation of personal experience.

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Three-faced and four-faced images... New evidence of existence of the four Aspects?

  • 20.07.2016
  • 156
  • 16576

Let me go back to the quest of new evidence of existence of the four human Aspects, the knowledge of which were lost by humanity many centuries ago. You might ask why I am doing this, given that the subject has been addressed on this website numerous times before. Firstly, the quest provokes a genuine interest in me. Secondly, it is so striking how everything is uniform, irrespective of cultures and continents. Well, thirdly, I do this to ensure that once a bright day will come when only a minor handful of uneducated fools will continue brushing obvious facts aside, while the reasonable majority will follow the wise recommendation of the ancients: “Know yourself!”, and the entire mankind will eventually be transfigured.

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In quest of... Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, the Feathered Serpent... Part One

  • 21.08.2016
  • 204
  • 40991

The 11th century AD, the remote time which nobody has particularly noted and which seems to be deservedly consigned to oblivion in history. What could be so interesting in such a distant past for contemporary humanity? Questionable events or inaccurate chronology? As a matter of fact why would anyone delve into what has vanished long ago? It’s hard to dispute with such arguments, especially today when there is a clear understanding of the value of the here-and-now point in human life. Nonetheless, there is a big BUT about this, and our inquisitive mind armed with the Primordial Knowledge endeavours to stand us in good stead and find interesting elements in historical records which, if linked together, unexpectedly reveal a striking picture for us. So, what are we actually talking about? In our subsequent publications we will tell you about the wave or even a whole tsunami of spiritual renascence that rolled around the planet in a marvellous and incomprehensible way. Although our finds represent just a weak hypothesis so far and we don’t claim them to be anything more significant, this is still a very exciting journey that for many people will hopefully become a pleasant surprise capable of inspiring, reassuring, and strengthening them on the spiritual path.

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In quest of... The 11th century. Sican and Inca civilizations. Part Three

  • 02.09.2016
  • 133
  • 9676

We kindly recommend you to familiarize yourselves with the previous articles of the series In quest of… A journey to the remote 11th century:


This is neither a book nor a science work intended to impress readers, gain public recognition or obtain other benefits, so let me get straight to the point. As we remember, the great civilizer Quetzalcoatl left the Toltecs around the 11th century. Legends say he sailed away to the east in the same direction he had arrived from over the eastern sea. Let’s imagine for a moment that the god-king of the ancient Mexicans was Bodhisattva – the teacher of humanity. In such case, what was the sense for him to abandon North America and go back to Eurasia, when South America was right across a little isthmus (the contemporary Panama Canal), which was very close by the planetary scale? You should agree it would have been quite logical for him to leave sprouts of spiritual knowledge on the vast South American continent, where the Andes and the Amazon rainforest stretch for thousands of kilometres, before his ultimate departure from that part of the world.

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Three pillars of spiritual practice

  • 01.10.2016
  • 377
  • 9411

It happens so that I may be reckoned among those who at the initial stage of self-development make no headway for a long time, vainly trying to enter the Spiritual World by means of consciousness. To make it as clear as possible (hopefully, regular visitors of this website have already learnt to distinguish a real pear of that made of papier-mâché) I was trying to force my way into the Spiritual World by means of mind or Devil, just like the absolute majority of believers on the planet. Yes! I was making my way to God with Devil’s help! Probably, it’s the most shocking paradox by which our civilization has punished itself, having lost the Primordial Knowledge and plunged into the swamp of lifeless mental dogmata and distortions.

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The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part I: The lateral animal Aspects in a human being

  • 19.10.2016
  • 98
  • 13827

The Permian Animal Style includes shaman images, Chud amulets and cult casts – bronze artworks of the 7th century BC – 12th century AD, discovered in the forest and tundra area of Northeast Europe and West Siberia, from the Kama-Vyatka river basin to the Yenisei-Ob watershed. The found animal-style items created by the ancients are now kept in numerous private collections, antique shops, art galleries, and state history museums including the HermitageMuseum in St. Petersburg.

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The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part II: Victory over the animal nature

  • 21.10.2016
  • 53
  • 7493

Continuing the first article entitled The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part I: The lateral animal Aspects, and considering archaeological exhibits kept in private collections and history museums and dating back to the ancient mysterious Perm culture, I would like to draw readers’ attention to the motif that we are already familiar with, i.e. the “standing on the beast” or “trampling on the beast” motif, which according to the Primordial Knowledge is interpreted as a person’s victory over his or her animal nature. This is new incontrovertible evidence that spiritually advanced people once lived in that region. Official history is unwilling to tell, or rather passes over in silence, when those people lived and what became of them.

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The secret of the Permian Animal Style has been uncovered. Part III: Comparative analysis and conclusions

  • 27.10.2016
  • 90
  • 12419

We are going on with publication of the Permian Animal Style artefacts, having sorted them by categories we are interested in and having added corresponding explanations to shed light upon the mystery of strange motifs in shaman images, Chud amulets and bronze cult casts. Let me remind of the links to the previous articles of the series:

In the final material dedicated to the Permian Animal Style I will first spilt the image collection into three sections: Three-Faced Beings, Birdman, and Hands on the Belly, then I’ll add several images of “sacred bugs”, and in the end there will be a brief comparative analysis based on photos of artefacts from other ancient cultures, published on our website earlier.

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Signs all over the world. Museums of Siberia and the Far East

  • 28.10.2016
  • 105
  • 7354

Recently my friends and I, inspired by the knowledge given in the AllatRa book, decided to go on a museum tour across our region in order to receive evidence that the signs and symbols indicated in ALLATRA and other books by Anastasia Novykh are indeed present all over the world.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Project Aim

Interesting headings