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The Archons: tools of power

  • 09.03.2016
  • 203
  • 18400

In the earlier article The Archons: the history of emergence we discussed the origin of such phenomenon as the Archons (translated from Greek as “the rulers of the world”) or, to put it more understandably, the secret masters of money. In the same article we considered the Archons’ goals and sense of existence, the facts evidencing their violent activities, and some obvious results of those activities for our entire civilization. Our next article represents an attempt to substantially look into the Archons’ tools of power, by means of which they endeavour to implement their world supremacy plans, i.e. to enslave us, dear readers, once and for all.

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Consequences of the Primordial Knowledge distortion. An example from the past. The Aztecs

  • 24.08.2016
  • 150
  • 11213

In view of the recently published precedents of the Primordial Knowledge distortions (link) in the works of our contemporaries, we thought it would be interesting and edifying to give an example from a not-so-remote past in the history of a no longer existing nation that became globally notorious for their deeds. Let’s talk about the Aztecs.

In the very beginning of Heaven’s Mirror Graham Hancock gives an excellent description of the outcome achieved by the Aztecs some 500 years ago as a result of distortion and misinterpretation of the Knowledge which all of us, the contemporary humanity, are given in the AllatRa book. I am sure there are many more of such examples in the history of bipeds living on this beautiful planet, calling themselves humans, yet surpassing any wild beast by their cruelty.

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Kiev is a point from where a new age will unfold (from The Third Opening of Power by A. Sidersky)

  • 07.12.2016
  • 317
  • 11411

Here we continue our prophecy search that is very important both for the sake of compliance with our initial goal stated in the Preamble and due to awareness that many people come to the Primordial Knowledge “through consciousness”. In this context, let me draw your attention to the book entitled The Third Opening of Power by the Ukrainian author Andrew Sidersky. The book is very popular among those who actively practise yoga and has undergone as many as nine editions. We won’t dwell neither on philosophy and world views expressed by the main characters in their dialogues, nor on peculiarities of training and psycho-energy techniques discussed. Though the author positions his book as fiction, anyone who has certain knowledge in this field can still figure out not all the information there is fictional, but rather represents “interpretations” of what the author heard, pondered over, experienced, and realized himself (by the way, this is indicated in one of prefaces). 

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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