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Found items - 3

Gudea’s Goblet

  • 02.03.2016
  • 273
  • 23702

While reading myths, Vedic sources, studying signs and symbols, and based on the Primordial Knowledge given in the books by Anastasia Novykh, I have noticed that some images frequently used in all these sources (despite the fact they are depicted and called differently) symbolize one and the same concept – the one that may be figuratively referred to as the Bridge. I wrote on this subject in my earlier article Chinvat. The Bridge over the Abyss, but for those who haven’t read it I should briefly explain: what is meant here is the symbolic Bridge-Passageway signifying the spiritual Knowledge that helps human personality pass from the material world into the spiritual world – the world of God. It may otherwise be said that “the Bridge is what helps human personality merge with the Soul”.

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Symbolic drawings by Anastasia Novykh

  • 03.03.2017
  • 224
  • 14233

Black-and-white drawings by Anastasia Novykh… After the  prologues and prefaces to the marvellous books by the Author it would be logical to present on our website her meaningful drawings used in the context of narration. Scrutinizing some of them, I catch myself at thinking that I have no idea of the enigmatic symbolism of these images. My “old friends” Google and Yandex cannot help me with this either, and there are neither explanations nor discussions by the readers of these strange drawings, which sometimes appear quite tough. I guess they can definitely bear some hidden information. Yet, what is this information, and whom is it intended for?

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Serpent symbolism

  • 12.06.2017
  • 331
  • 500965

In many of our articles, information in one or another way relating to the serpent or dragon symbol arises quite often. Mentions of snakes and serpent / snake images are found everywhere, beginning with mythology, arts and architecture of nearly every nation and up to constellations reproduced in grandiose temple complexes on the Earth. Serpent symbolism was partially covered in the articles Gudea’s  Goblet and The serpent biting its own tail as a symbol of the Universe. The subject has proved to be so extensive and interesting that we’ve decided to dedicate several more publications to it. 

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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