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Found items - 6

Pyramids in China. Secrets of the Sons of Heaven

  • 06.07.2016
  • 329
  • 464704

While gathering information in order to continue the initial article Pyramids: the mystery that may be finally unravelled, we could not omit the mysterious pyramids of China, which are still poorly studied though being very interesting for many researchers. It is assumed they are underexplored because Chinese authorities are unwilling to let researchers there. Moreover, many archaeologists and scientists of other fields have a too one-sided, politically determined attitude to ancient artefacts. Well, according to the AllatRa book: “In the creaking cart of purely materialistic worldview, one cannot go far in real science. Still, sooner or later a real scientist will get to such scientific horizons where it will not be possible to use the existing props on which the entire chain of human reasoning rests.”

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In quest of... North America of the 11th century... Indian tribes, Cahokia and Fort Ancient. Part Two

  • 26.08.2016
  • 163
  • 13309

This material was not planned, but emerged unexpectedly as an addition to the article dedicated to Quetzalcoatl (Part One of the In quest of… series), who reached the shore of Yucatán Peninsula in the 10-11th century and gave spiritual knowledge, culture and flourishing to Toltec tribes. As you remember, in the said article I endeavoured to find traces of the Primordial Knowledge on the ruins of extinct Native American civilizations, and I intend to continue this work herein.

To avoid unnecessary long prefaces, let me proceed to the main point and say that several days after the previous publication I got a short e-mail message referring to North American Iroquois tribes, which have been living for a long time and still live in a cultivated environment in the current US territory. Several images were attached to the message.

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Newgrange: the heritage of Druids

  • 19.02.2017
  • 206
  • 15041

Even today the purpose of megaliths – huge cult structures of antiquity, erected in all parts of the globe – remains a riddle for contemporary science. Such grandiose buildings still amaze researchers and ordinary people by the new facts indicating that millennia ago humanity was much more educated than we are in our age of “high” technology.

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Pyramids of the world: Part 2. Crimea

  • 08.06.2017
  • 116
  • 29403

In 1926, Felix Dzerzhinsky issued an order to carry out the second expedition of such kind, aimed at unravelling the secrets of Crimea. The expedition was entrusted to Alexander Barchenko and the Neuroenergy Laboratory he headed. Some extant data reveal the place of studies to us – it is the South Coast of the Crimean Peninsula, the area of Bakhchysarai, where very old “underground cities” have remained, whereas the expedition goal was to examine remains of ancient civilisations, as well as the knowledge left by those civilisations on control and management of energy and human consciousness.

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Dolmens. Part 1: general description, classification, history of studies

  • 11.06.2017
  • 281
  • 479432

For the first time I heard about dolmens four years ago when a friend of mine came back from Anapa, where he had spent vacation at his parents’ house, and brought me a little souvenir – a box made of flat pebbles with a round aperture on one side. After his brief story I got an impression that in the past such structures had been used in a totally different way than people think nowadays (at that time I was not yet familiar with the wonderful books by Anastasia Novykh). Time went by, and my second “meeting” with dolmens took place when I was reading Ezoosmos. Visually I could already imagine how dolmens looked. I wanted to study the issue at length, but thousands of reasons interfered as usual and prevented me from looking into it. Hopefully, now by common efforts we will be able to maintain a more or less appropriate introductory material.

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Serpent symbolism

  • 12.06.2017
  • 331
  • 500967

In many of our articles, information in one or another way relating to the serpent or dragon symbol arises quite often. Mentions of snakes and serpent / snake images are found everywhere, beginning with mythology, arts and architecture of nearly every nation and up to constellations reproduced in grandiose temple complexes on the Earth. Serpent symbolism was partially covered in the articles Gudea’s  Goblet and The serpent biting its own tail as a symbol of the Universe. The subject has proved to be so extensive and interesting that we’ve decided to dedicate several more publications to it. 

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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