Search by tag •Angkor Wat•

Found items - 7

The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco. Apocalypse now?

  • 03.02.2016
  • 618
  • 68273

    Familiarizing myself with information about Angkor Wat on the web, I discovered almost same things written everywhere; simply speaking, the information was taken from a single source, though many do not refer to that source, as if they wrote it themselves. I will use the same source, but will also indicate the primary source not mentioned by many. The primary source is the book Heaven’s Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock and Santha Faiia. A connection between Angkor and the sky was ascertained by John Grigsby who cooperated with Hancock in 1996. I refer to the primary source, so that everyone who desires could get to know more detailed information on the subject, while I shall only cite extracts and give some comments.

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Angkor Wat. Architecture, frescoes and sacral numbers 7 and 72

  • 29.03.2016
  • 213
  • 20393

    I’ve decided to carry out a deeper analysis of information relating to secrets and mysteries of the sacred city of Angkor Wat in Cambodia after reading the article The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco. Apocalypse now?, recently published on this website. While preparing this material I discovered plenty of interesting data that I intend to share herein. Thus, Angkor Wat is a giant temple complex and the largest religious monument in the world. The complex is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Angkor occupies the area of about 200 square kilometres, whereas recent studies indicate its area could be around 3,000 square kilometres with a population of some half a million people, making it the largest settlement of its time. The temple complex was constructed as three concentric right-angled buildings, the height of which increases towards the centre. The temple is surrounded by a wall of 1.5×1.3 km and an artificial moat filled with water, 3.6 km long and 190 m wide. The internal building consists of five towers and resembles a lotus flower. The central building rises 65 m above the ground.

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Angkor Wat. New unique photographs!

  • 29.03.2016
  • 126
  • 10443

    And the great Angkor again! After publication of the sensational article The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Dragon we continued the subject in Angkor Wat. Architecture, frescoes and sacral numbers 7 and 72, while in this new article we present a unique opportunity for our readers to look into the mysterious and marvellous world of Angkor Wat ancient architecture, to peer at mythology images and intricate scenes depicted on frescoes and bas-relief friezes of the truly unique and one of the largest ever created temple complexes, the construction of which was taking place for over three hundred years. Those people who have already familiarized themselves with the Primordial Knowledge brought to the world by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo will certainly have an advantage over ordinary viewers, since, looking at the images in the light of the Knowledge, they will be able to “read” and decipher certain sacral motives and symbols graven in stone for ages. We’ve especially numbered the images for those who will wish to share their opinions and interpretations in the comment section. For such people the matchless scope of the Angkor Wat idea is, first and foremost, an indicator of the very high level of Khmer people’s spiritual culture and proximity to God. And for all the rest it will be apparently a mere exotic rarity and implementation of somebody’s megalomania. Well, everyone errs to the extent of their ignorance.

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A new look at an old design. Jim Alison's lines: Star. The Golden Ratio – Part 5

  • 21.06.2016
  • 297
  • 26333

This is the final part of the Star. The Golden Ratio series. Here I will consider the works by Jim Alison on the patterns of cult sites placement on our planet. “A new look at an old design”: this is, so to say, an updated view of the ley line theory initially developed by Alfred Watkins, which I wrote about in Part 3. However, taking into account which exactly cult sites Alison considers, this is indeed another look at a very old design that, I believe, relates to the “Star Map”. I shall endeavour to simplify the material a little bit by abridging the contents, excluding tables and some calculations. Visual materials that remain are quite easy to understand. As for those who’d like to familiarize themselves with Alison’s works at great length, the original information in English may be found on the official website of Graham Hancock – the author whom you already know very well from my earlier articles The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco. Apocalypse now? and New evidence of the probable global disaster.

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The great migration is coming. Are people prepared?

  • 30.06.2016
  • 298
  • 15042

This analytical article only hints at possible global all-human shocks to take place in the nearest future due to the beginning of planetary natural cataclysms and the great migration of peoples. Today, there are both supporters and opponents of troubled warnings: the former monitor the aggravating climatic situation in the world, draw conclusions and attempt to sound the alarm, whereas the latter are persistently unwilling to notice anything and turn their backs on the problem, suspecting somebody of “having dividends” on the panic. As for me, since I am the editor of and regularly let enormous strata of relevant information through my consciousness, I surely belong to the former. And this is exactly the reason why I’m preparing this new material.

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Five points of the Star. Hypotheses in addition to Star. The Golden Ratio series

  • 19.07.2016
  • 219
  • 19682

It seems to us the veil has been lifted from many secrets owing to the recently published series of resonant articles Star. The Golden Ratio. We started to search for clues to puzzles and decided to follow a natural and gradual way, not jumping over steps, but going like a child: step one, step two, step three... collecting and referring to interesting facts and building hypotheses. Today we shall make our first step on which we’ll elucidate information about the five points of the Star “drawn” (see map below) in the final article of the aforesaid series, entitled A new look at an old design. Jim Alison’s lines, and this is from where we will depart. This is our first hypothesis-drawing attempt, and nobody knows what we’ll eventually arrive at. We kindly invite everyone to join discussions and share opinions. Perhaps, our joint efforts will take us somewhere. As a matter of fact, joint efforts is our great advantage, so let’s delve into the subject together in order to prevent any possible attempts to claim ownership of information and hypotheses presented herein.

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Angkor: Land of the Gods. Documentary

  • 09.04.2017
  • 113
  • 8434

Let me bring to your attention an interesting documentary series Angkor: Land of the Gods, consisting of two parts: Throne of Power and Empire Rising. This is a good addition to our common collection for future discussions.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


We support Creative Society

Project Aim

Interesting headings