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Keeper of Genesis. Part III. The First Time. The Last Time

  • 20.11.2016
  • 214
  • 13869

‘Underlying all Egyptian speculation’, as R. T. Rundle Clark has observed, ‘is the belief that time is composed of recurrent cycles which are divinely appointed ...’ There is furthermore a governing moment amongst all these cycles and epochs – the ‘genesis event’ that the Egyptians called Zep Tepi, the ‘First Time’. (Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval. THE MESSAGE OF THE SPHINX, or KEEPER OF GENESIS)

‘Many believe the Pyramid Age is the time when Giza pyramids were created, the time of a single special dynasty or group of pharaohs. However, the plan was much more grandiose and was not limited to the Fourth Dynasty’s creations. There are plenty of evidence leading to conclusion that there was a single great plan ‘to freeze the time’ in stone or in other words to make stones ‘tell’ about the ‘First Time’.’ (Robert Bauval. The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids)

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“The Sun will rise from the west”: an Islamic prophecy

  • 21.11.2016
  • 155
  • 24459

Probably, many people heard that in Islamic predictions of the approach of the Doomsday, Judgement Day or End Times (read more on our website) there is a strange phrase: “When the Sun will rise from the west.” How should this be understood? Is such a disaster on Earth really possible when the east and the west will interchange? Or is something else meant? In the closing part of one of our earlier articles Keeper of Genesis, Part III. The First Time. The Last Time we encounter an unexpected interpretation of this incomprehensible phenomenon.

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Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Fatima

  • 15.05.2017
  • 188
  • 8073

“Where the Virgin creates in a holy way, there is always the Holy Spirit with Her…”

We have written about the apparitions of Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, on this website before (here and here), whereas this article contains a somewhat unusual approach to those events that took place a century ago. I’ve decided to digress from the religious context which has been already elucidated, and to simply look at the Fatima sky. At that, let’s first refer once again to the description of the 100-year-old events.

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The story and destruction of planet Phaeton

  • 07.06.2017
  • 327
  • 27695

“Such possibility certainly exists. Throughout the existence of this civilization the adapted formula of the Initial Sound was given to people six times, and thank God no one globally used it in a negative way as it had happened on Phaeton. Otherwise it would mean overturning of the monad, i.e. total annihilation of humanity, perhaps even together with annihilation of the planet.”

“Is that all so serious?” Nikolai Andreevich asked thoughtfully.

“More than you think.”

“Yet, what happened on Phaeton?” Kostya asked with interest.

“A stupid thing…” Sensei replied with bitterness. “If you add forty-three (43) days to this day, exactly five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago destruction of one of the beautiful planets of our galaxy – Phaeton – took place.”

For some reason, our Philosopher hastily started to calculate, moreover he did it aloud.

“So, today we have the twenty eightieth of June, nineteen ninety one (28.06.1991), plus forty-three (43) days and minus five thousand one hundred and five (5105) years ago. It will be… It was…” (Sensei of Shambala – Book IV)

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Emergence of the first star. Heliacal risings / settings of celestial bodies

  • 18.11.2017
  • 141
  • 22705

Perhaps, many have heard an expression “with the first (or last) star”, but very few people know whether this expression has any deeper meaning. To be more precise, the very fact of emergence or disappearance of celestial bodies, stars or constellations from the field of vision in the evening or morning sky represents no riddle. By the laws of celestial mechanics, everything is in perpetual motion and appears before our eyes as an indisputably cyclic change of stellar sceneries. However, in this article I will present several arguments evidencing that in ancient times this implied something more serious, and it related to neither superstitions nor religious traditions, but to something totally different.

The first argument is the article Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Fatima which told about the heliacal setting of the three stars of Orion’s belt. At that point not many readers grasped what was actually discussed. I have to admit even today I have only a hazy notion of the importance of such events, although nothing prevents me from expanding my mental outlook and knowledge in this field.

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“They knew what they were doing…” A conversation between G. Hancock and R. Bauval at the Pyramids of Giza

  • 27.11.2017
  • 112
  • 9216

Attention! The text below contains complete quotes that are in no way distorted by the article author. Everyone understands the quotes according to his or her spiritual, moral and intellectual development! 


A conversation between Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval as cited in Fingerprints of the Gods



I found the implications of the Orion correlation complicated and eerie.

On the one hand, the Great Pyramid’s southern shafts ‘precessionally anchored’ the monument to Al Nitak and Sirius in 2475-2400 BC, dates which coincided comfortably with the epoch when Egyptologists said the monument had been built.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Interesting headings