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Striking resemblance in appearances of Saint Agapit of Pechersk and Igor Danilov!

  • 17.09.2015
  • 46
  • 5572

    Recently on the internet, an issue of resemblance between the two personalities who have been living on the earth with some 1,000-year difference has been actively discussed. We mean here the first doctor of Kievan Rus, Unmercenary Physician Saint Agapit of Pechersk, and Professor, Academician, author of vertebral revitalization method Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov.

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Popularity of Saint Agapit of Pechersk among people. Why does the Church remain silent?

  • 25.02.2016
  • 472
  • 52727

Agapit of Pechersk, the Unmercenary Physician. Interest to this historical personality is growing as the years go by, and his image is accumulating secrets and miracles, tidings about which are spreading all over the globe. Who was he? A doctor? There have been many doctors at all times, including nowadays and the times of Reverend Agapit’s life. A saint? There have been plenty of saints in all parts of the world. A monk? Monks have never been a rarity in our land. At that, a crowd of pilgrims comes exactly to the shrine with Reverend Agapit’s relics, and there are millions of people in that crowd every year. It’s difficult not to notice this. Thus, our desire to get at the heart of the matter is totally logical.

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‘Agapit of Pechersk’ painting: a secret behind the seven seals

  • 22.09.2015
  • 193
  • 16668

To continue with the studies of phenomena that took place during The Meaning of Life: Immortality program, the painting in the background (marked with an arrow in the image above) deserves special attention. Our search has shown that it’s a mysterious painting by Anastasia Novykh (or its copy), which depicts the genuine appearance of Reverend Agapit of Pechersk, the Unmercenary Physician – the first doctor-monk who lived in Kievan Rus in the 11th century AD. The true appearance of this Saint was restored in 1986 by a Moscow criminology expert Sergey Nikitin, according to the method of Mikhail Gerasimov, based on anthropological examination of Agapit’s relics that are currently kept in the Near Caves of Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

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Predictions by monk Ragno Nero in the 14th century A.D.

  • 19.11.2015
  • 76
  • 16891

    14th century Franciscan monk Ragno Nero, “the Black Spider”, predictor… The monk’s name became famous only in the late 20th century, when workers found the ancient Oracle book (or the Eternal Book) in the old monastery masonry. The Black Spider precisely predicted dozens of important future events: he foreknew wars and disasters, described destinies of rulers and whole nations. “I’m a mere chronicler”, Nero wrote, “entrusted with great mysteries of mankind.”

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XXX: Program about Geliars. 4-hour interview contents (June 2014)

  • 03.12.2015
  • 111
  • 12407

Herein we present detailed contents of the epoch-making interview XXX: Program about Geliars that was released on Youtube in June 2014. In this video Igor Danilov (Rigden Djappo) was behind the scenes. It was the first “mediate meeting” with the Bodhisattva’s living voice which anyone who desires can now hear in the above video. Right after its release the interview was taken to quotes, cut into short videos and used for innumerable banners. It is indeed very interesting, in our opinion. Established social and religious norms unexpectedly appear to us in a totally different light. In the interview nearly all the essential questions of the meaning and purpose of human life are addressed, to which a person would like to get answers one way or another.

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From Jesus’ Prayer to the Lotus Flower spiritual practice

  • 10.12.2015
  • 275
  • 15273

Some ten years ago, after reading the book Jesus Prayer: the Experience of Two Millennia, I got impressed and decided to take up this practice seriously. At that time I was interested in Orthodox Christianity only, and I considered no other trends of spiritual development, whether it was occult literature coming into fashion or diverse meditations. As I remember, I took a free day, walked from morning to evening with a wooden rosary in my hand, and muttered under my breath, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner... Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner...” Little by little, the prayer ceased to be mind-performed and descended deep inside my solar plexus area where it turned further quieter and eventually started sounding as some mysterious, subtle, musical purl from the voluminous heartfelt depth.

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The Archons: the history of emergence

  • 08.02.2016
  • 207
  • 18861

Who am I, and what do I live for? What does our world represent? Where did human beings appear on planet Earth from? What is the sense of my existence? Why does every human generation strive for happiness, while the world becomes further crueller and more inhuman? I believe every reader has asked oneself such questions at least once in the lifetime, whereas many truth seekers are concerned with them still today. So, what is wrong? Why is it so difficult in our world to find answers to these questions, so simple and natural for a rational person?

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How Christians may be helped to realize the need to save their Soul already in this life

  • 19.12.2016
  • 189
  • 8873

After reading the books by Anastasia Novykh, for two years I have been working on self-improvement. My progress is rather slow, but it is strongly felt. At that, you know, in the past I read many books on positive thinking and spiritual development, and thereafter I felt a desire to improve myself, too. However, my zeal lasted for just a couple weeks. Now I may conclude that only А. Novykh’s books have given me essential awareness that this life for us, humans, is the only chance to save ourselves, and another awareness I’ve got is that absolutely everyone can save oneself. I believe for the further spiritual development many Christians lack only this simple understanding.

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“Sometimes, my dear, I reveal myself to people, especially to those who are in trouble.”

  • 10.02.2017
  • 285
  • 7851

The article Virgin Mary’s sites in Italy mentions Mary’s apparition that occurred on 26 May 1432 near the town of Caravaggio. That was a true miracle. However, nobody gives information on Mary Magdalene’s apparition in our days, although such event did take place and is recorded in Vladimir Lermontov’s book Delphania.

Summary of the book: Bad occurrences were faced by Maria and Constantine, when they went on a tour to the New Athos caves. Their son disappeared without a trace, and they failed to find him. Constantine sent Maria back home to Kazakhstan on a train to get prepared for their second child birth, while he himself stayed to continue searching for the son. He was advised to find a sagacious elder and hermit named Nectarios in the Caucasus, who might tell where his son was. He spent six months looking for the hermit and finally found him.

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Silouan’s Dream. Part III

  • 13.02.2017
  • 377
  • 11102

This is a closing part of the little series dedicated to the help rendered by Mary to all of us. As you have probably understood by the article title, we will talk about Reverend Silouan the Athonite. Recently on our website we touched upon the subject of Ezoosmos – the inner impulse. I believe it would be absolutely fair to attribute the concept of Ezoosmos to the personality’s spiritual path as well, that is in this context such impulse would be an event, e.g. a dream, a vision, or a conversation with someone. Owing to such an event, a person comes to understand he or she is not just a piece of matter, a part of this material world, but something greater…

Such event serves as a sort of an impetus that forces a person to step on the spiritual path, start improving oneself for the better in every day of one’s life, and gradually move in the right direction where he or she has been “pushed”.

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Imperishable Khambo Lama Itigilov

  • 25.04.2017
  • 213
  • 66170

Who is this man?

Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov is Pandido Khambo Lama XII, the head of Buddhists of Buryatia. Pandido Khambo Lama is a Buddhist title roughly translated from Sanskrit as “the most learned lama”, where pandid means “learned”.

Historical and modern sources as well as archive documents contain various spellings of the surname of Pandido Khambo Lama XII: Etigiley, Etigelov, Itigilov, etc. The Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia has adopted the spelling of his surname in accordance with the lama’s own signature in Russian.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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