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Decryption of I, Pet Goat II prophetic animated video

  • 25.09.2015
  • 387
  • 613860

    Once again we draw your attention to the sensational animated short film I, Pet Goat II that caused such a stir and contains numerous signs and symbols in its fleeting shots, definitely needing decryption. This momentous animation was obviously created with a hidden purpose. We’ve decided to post one of versions of this prophetical puzzle decryption on our website, since the basic subject of the video is what we are mostly interested in: the advent of Messiah and destruction of the old world foundations.


Explanation by the video creator:

First of all, I’d like to say the film came to me in a visual form, like to an artist who sees colours and shapes with his mind’s eye. And I endeavoured to reflect what I saw accurately, not always understanding the meaning. Some symbols were quite evident. To decode others I had to rack my brain over them pretty much. I don’t claim to be an expert in symbolism. I’m just advancing in studying symbols little by little. I don’t claim to know the truth. As I understand, the language of archetypes is filled with much deeper meaning than the language of words. Thus, archetypes may be interpreted in a simplified way only. It’s same as trying to explain a poem.

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The clock tower and tunnels in Mecca. Signs of Imam Mahdi emergence

  • 20.11.2015
  • 49
  • 16471

Translation of the text voiced in the video:

The clock tower and tunnels in Mecca are the signs of Imam Mahdi emergence.

On our screens we now see the city of Mecca and the world’s tallest tower with a clock on it. This is something unusual. Later on you will find out the incredible truth.

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The Archons: tools of power

  • 09.03.2016
  • 203
  • 18400

In the earlier article The Archons: the history of emergence we discussed the origin of such phenomenon as the Archons (translated from Greek as “the rulers of the world”) or, to put it more understandably, the secret masters of money. In the same article we considered the Archons’ goals and sense of existence, the facts evidencing their violent activities, and some obvious results of those activities for our entire civilization. Our next article represents an attempt to substantially look into the Archons’ tools of power, by means of which they endeavour to implement their world supremacy plans, i.e. to enslave us, dear readers, once and for all.

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The Truth is One for Everyone. Conversation with Igor Danilov

  • 14.07.2016
  • 319
  • 44752

    It’s a unique conversation with Igor Danilov, where the following subjects are discussed: the importance of unification between people prior to the forthcoming events, particularities of relations between people in society and in family, causes and solution of conflicts. And furthermore:

  • Freedom of choice and mutual respect.
  • Exploration of oneself and observation of illusionary games of consciousness. Why is it impossible to perceive the Spiritual World through consciousness?
  • What is spiritual egoism?
  • What is true Love?
  • What does the paradox of life consist in?
  • Particularities of human spiritual emergence. How to focus attention on and live in the Spiritual World.

These and many other topics are addressed in The Truth is One for Everyone program.

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A circle with a star and a crescent inside appeared in the field near Stonehenge

  • 17.07.2016
  • 167
  • 8515

Every day new interesting events take place as hints or indicators. They are open to everybody’s eyes, but what a person sees depends solely on such person and the contents of his or her inner world and aspiration to explore oneself and the world where he or she resides. A new extraordinary pattern appeared on 8 July 2016 in a wheat field in immediate proximity to the ancient megalithic site of Stonehenge in Wiltshire County, England. We won’t make any assumptions on how such crop circles emerge, since there are already plenty of relevant hypotheses available to anyone who wishes to know more about the subject. Let us only draw your attention to the pattern itself, taking into account there is an opinion every crop circle is a sort of a message, prediction or warning.

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Dolmens. Part 2. How and for which purpose were they built? Hypotheses

  • 26.06.2017
  • 272
  • 461624

Continued from Part 1 (read here)

How dolmens were built


As usual, there are numerous hypotheses, beginning with extraterrestrial and up to simple ones.

- The most widespread way to build dolmens was probably the following. An artificial mound was made, into which they dug vertical stones (one or several). Then they dragged another stone up the mound slope and placed it on stone pillars, and such stone served as a vertical partition. Thereafter they gradually demolished the mound, and the finished dolmen remained.

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What did Gods carry in their “handbags”?

  • 17.07.2017
  • 218
  • 147919

In earlier publications on our website you could have seen numerous images of mythological divine beings carrying peculiar “handbags” in their hands. Unfortunately, neither legends nor myths contain specific information about them, although we did manage to find some. There were surely relevant explanations in the past, but humanity has lost understanding, so today we are hardly able to answer the following question with confidence: “What do Gods carry in “handbags?” Why were there so many identical or very similar symbolic elements in various historical epochs on different continents? Well, many people might ask whether such riddles should be solved at all when everything rises in price, when climatic conditions deteriorate and the world approaches a brink of the third global war. As for me, I believe they should be.

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Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive

  • 04.08.2017
  • 444
  • 453309

A new priceless gift for all of us has been the truly live conversation with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov, which lasted for 11 hours 56 minutes...

By the way, there is the following information in Sensei of Shambala – Book IV (apparently, there is a certain correlation):


Allat has multiple manifestations. In scientific understanding allat is a single unit of time, which has a great importance for entire matter. If we take modern earth time values, an allat makes up 12 minutes, or more precisely 11 minutes 56.74 seconds. When scientists get to the notion of this important unit of foundation, so to say, the main building block of the Universe, there will be not just a grand revolution in science, but an evolutionary leap. Then scientists will understand what is hidden under the secret of time and, having realized that, they will reveal the true process of matter formation in the Universe. If people get to know the essence of Allat, they will gain enormous opportunities.

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What were pyramids needed for? The PYRAMID supernatural experiment

  • 14.11.2017
  • 184
  • 8574

Recently, a unique experiment has been carried out with application of an experimental state-of-the-art machine with a pyramidal frame, which has no analogues in the world. The PYRAMID scientific and experimental machine opens up tremendous opportunities to study the phenomena of consciousness and Personality (as an out-of-body observer) as well as to produce a potential that provokes human supernatural abilities.

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Breaking the laws of physics: the PYRAMID open experiment. The impossible is possible

  • 06.12.2017
  • 165
  • 8719

An explanation to the above video from the official source:

“The series of unique practical experiments with application of the PYRAMID machine that has no analogues in the world is continuing. This time, everyone who desires, regardless of distance and time, may personally participate in an unusual experiment – being unprejudiced, to feel at a distance the work of an Operator sitting inside the PYRAMID as well as the operation of the machine itself.

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  • 30.01.2018
  • 156
  • 77532

Participants of the program: Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, Igor Vladimirovich Naumets, Anna Dubrovskaya, and Andrei Kovtunov. The inevitability of the approaching serious climate changes, the global and large-scale character of which may today be observed all over the planet, places each human being on the verge of personal choice.

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When the “boot” will creak... Will people hear? Prediction about Italy

  • 03.02.2018
  • 339
  • 32963

Let’s refer to prehistory, so that the subject would be clearer. The well-known climate report prepared by an international group of researchers of AllatRa IPM, which warns about the approaching period of global climate changes on the planet, was issued in 2014. Some people have read it, others cast a cursory glance at relevant online notices, while still others have disregarded it. At that, since the condition of society and the political situation in the world keep aggravating, a conclusion arises that most of humanity have not treated the aforesaid report seriously. “Show us a miracle, then we will trust you,” a quote from the Consciousness and Personality program automatically comes to mind, denoting the words with which people have being meeting prophets throughout the history of mankind. Well, unfortunately, history is repeating itself again.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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