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US dollar collapse: prediction for the nearest future

  • 27.12.2015
  • 189
  • 17343

    Continuing profound examination of the Primordial Knowledge and information associated with it, as brought by spiritual leader Rigden Djappo (or Imam Mahdi, the Comforter, Maitreya, Geser Khan, Kalki Avatar, Saoshyant, etc.), we would like to draw readers’ attention the last year’s Report (dated 26.11.2014) prepared by AllatRa International Public Movement and posted on their official website for public review. The Point of View team does not intend to speculate on fear; we rather try to warn people, because the picture is mirthless, to put it mildly. In some parts the Report looks like a requiem in memory of the technocratic and consumer age, and this is very consonant with Islamic signs of the Judgement Day approach. The Report full title is On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems”. Its full version may be downloaded here. Suspicions of Rigden Djappo’s involvement in such a sensational publication are purely logical. We don’t think ALLATRA IPM climatologists have taken their stories (terrifying as Hollywood blockbusters about the end of the world) out of nowhere. This is confirmed by information given in the AllatRa book, where the approach of global climatic changes on the planet is repeatedly mentioned, meaning it is vitally necessary to alter the development vector from material, consumer one to spiritual and moral. In the end, to put it radically banal, we believe Bodhisattva cannot act otherwise, but forewarn humanity of the coming trouble.

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There is no America! Vanga’s old prediction first voiced

  • 04.01.2016
  • 285
  • 19078

    The next discovery valuable for our Prophecies section is the 2016 New Year’s programme on NTV channel, telling about the unknown revelations of Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga whom we’ve earlier written about in detail on our website.

Exactly from Russia a man will come soon, and he will save us...

    These words by her are distinctly heard on the video, although the phrase may be interpreted in different ways, therefore to ensure objectivity we won’t assert so far that she meant Rigden Djappo (Imam Mahdi). However, there is another quite interesting episode in the programme, which relates to America’s fate (the episode starts from minute 39:30), where Sergey Kostornoy, journalist and Vanga’s good friend, for the first time voices a prediction given by the clairvoyant in a narrow circle of close friends, which she asked them not to disclose publicly until a certain time

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Denver Airport (Colorado, USA): international hub or ark for the “elite”?

  • 25.01.2016
  • 265
  • 94708

In February 1995 the construction of Denver International Airport (DIA) was completed, which became the largest airport in the USA and second largest in the world (!). Its official cost made up 4.8 billion US dollars! What is known today about this interesting and very “unusual” facility? So, it’s the largest airport in the USA by the occupied area (140 km²). It was constructed in the same district as StapletonInternationalAirport (now defunct), which is quite strange, for one big airport was totally enough for this district. It turns out that the largest US airport was built in ColoradoState that is the 8th largest state by area, 22nd by population and 11th by the GDP. Moreover, let’s mention once again the construction was initiated despite the existence and normal operation of Stapleton!

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Seismographs that record the Yellowstone activity are no more open for the public

  • 09.04.2016
  • 141
  • 8448

    Online seismographs that recorded seismic activity in the Yellowstone supervolcano area and used to be available for the public have been shut, thus the world can no longer observe what’s happening there. Quite staggering news, isn’t it?

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New evidence of the probable global disaster

  • 10.04.2016
  • 476
  • 27975

In this article we continue with the topic discussed in The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco. Apocalypse now? Last time I considered only one source – books by Graham Hancock, while in this material I will consider works by various authors where the cataclysm theory and past climate changes are mentioned. At that, let me start with perhaps the most interesting source – Sensei of Shambala (Book IV) by Anastasia Novykh.

 "Twenty thousand years ago, when a larger part of Europe was covered with ice shelves, North Africa was a rather flourishing earthly paradise. Once the ice went away and climate turned drier, periods of droughts set in. But we won’t talk about that now. If we look from the outer space at the geographical region of the northeast African continent, we can see a beautiful blossoming out flower of a blue lotus amidst the desert sands, which is shaped by the Nile river (by the way, if someone doesn’t know yet, it’s the longest river in the world today). Due to its broad triangle and bowl-shaped delta flowing into the Mediterranean Sea, petal-shaped veins of rivers in the region of the delta itself as well as the long serpentine band of the river, the Nile resembles a blossoming out flower of lotus on a long stalk. Whereas twelve and a half thousand years ago, owing to the coastal line of this delta, the resemblance with petals of the lotus flower was perfect. At that time Shambala or, to be more precise, the Shambala Threshold was situated almost at the “flower base”. Its previous location was on the side of a magnificent lake in the place where the Black Sea waters lap nowadays; and the next location was already in the mountains of Belovodye where the Shambala Threshold is situated to this day."

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Who owns the US dollar?

  • 12.08.2016
  • 255
  • 455452

In the history of contemporary world there is a staggering episode which everyone seems to be aware of, though hardly anyone seriously treats it. The highlight of our new program is the US dollar that has turned into a global currency over the last decades and is recognized in the absolute majority of countries. We can say the entire world economy is linked with USD, and people today literally idolize those green notes which for many have become a true deity and often drive them to crime. However, the purpose of this article is not to moralize, for no one actually needs morality on the planet where about seven billion people live for the sake of making money, and where the US dollar is one of the first fiddles in this minor symphony of the material world. Earn, save, grow rich...

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The planet is getting warmer! Climate change: visualisation, 1850 through 2016

  • 08.09.2016
  • 123
  • 5353

It is difficult for many of us to realize the reality of the accelerating global climate change on the planet, and alarming notices seem especially unlikely when there is nice September weather outside. At the same time, I totally understand plenty of messages are spread nowadays in order to frighten people, and whichever way we look there are warnings: attention, beware, danger! – of which we are already so tired. While preparing this material, I would not like to become similar to unconscious conductors of the Animal Mind System who intimidate the population by approaching terrible cataclysms, however, unfortunately, it’s very unwise to underestimate the situation as well.

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The ruin of the Clovis culture and the riddle of the Younger Dryas

  • 14.03.2017
  • 328
  • 452988

Recently many editions have published articles with such headings as New Evidence of Disastrous Extinction of Ancient People Found, Ancient Inhabitants of America Were Killed by a Meteorite Shower, A Meteorite is Said to Be a Cause of the Ruin of Ancient Americans, Ancient Inhabitants of the Americas Could Have Been Obliterated by a Meteorite, The First Americans Were Killed by an Asteroid, etc.

The primary source is an article published on 9 March 2017 in Scientific Reports:

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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Project Aim

Interesting headings