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Imam Mahdi is in the secular world among us! Sensational investigation and evidence

  • 17.09.2015
  • 412
  • 599865

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...  

Appeal to Muslims all over the world! A sensational investigation and comparisonof Islamic traditions containing the signs of Messiah Imam Mahdi’s advent with the present-day reality!

Three public interviews with Igor Danilov (Rigden Djappo) (A Frank Dialogue about the Most ImportantThe Meaning of Life: Immortalityand Unity) posted on YouTube urged us, a team of independent analysts, to search supplementary materials and seek answer to the main question: how important is for us, the humanity, such event as public appearance of and open appeal to people by the Spiritual Being called Bodhisattva in the Orient? In our opinion, the advent of such a notable historical figure could not be disregarded in legends and predictions of various religions of the world. We directed our attention to Islam, and what we immediately found really staggered us. Muslim traditions called the Hadith are permeated with predictions that are coming true nowadays, and we will endeavour to give truly sensational evidence in the very article.

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Who is described in thousands of prophecies? Advent of the great spiritual leader!

  • 21.09.2015
  • 318
  • 194724

    From time immemorial, by word of mouth the humanity has been passing words of legendary seers about the advent of the last times, the End of the World, the Judgement Day, when people will forget the sense of their existence and face the final choice. Looking at what is happening around it can be assumed almost with certainly that such times are indeed setting in. Even today’s official science admits the human civilization has reached a deadlock and stands on the brink of ruin. In our studies, to the extent possible we shall endeavour to remain religiously impartial, although the assumption that Messiah is already among us on the earth will run through our entire project. Actually, we are searching for a confirmation or disproof of this unprecedented fact.

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Who is Rigden Djappo? References in Nicholas Roerich's works.

  • 21.09.2015
  • 464
  • 532244

Searching for references to enigmatic Rigden Djappo, we have found information on the internet regarding famous artist and mystic Nicholas Roerich. So, who is Rigden Djappo? This mysterious and powerful character is not fully disclosed until today, whereas stories about the Red Horseman are available as legends and myths of ancient peoples. Publicly accessible information is given below.

After the search for the sake of gaining a general understanding, we have run against a strange, but irrefutable fact: there are very few records of Rigden Djappo remaining. Understanding of the available records without a relevant spiritual basis provokes well-grounded doubts, whereas people who are totally unfamiliar with the subject regard such records as fantastic and illusive at all. We have established that the most direct and unmasked references are present in literary works and paintings by Nikolai Konstantinovich (Nicholas) Roerich (09.10.1874 – 13.12.1947), Russian artist, philosopher, writer, traveller, archaeologist, public figure, and founder of international cultural movements such as “Peace through Culture” and “The Banner of Peace”.

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The advent of Maitreya

  • 24.09.2015
  • 319
  • 481746

Ancient prophecies of many peoples tell about the Golden Age advent, which is connected with the coming of Messiah, the Saviour who, possessing the Knowledge of Divine Laws, will educate people and restore lost justice on the Earth. The world knows the future Saviour by various names: he is called Kalki Avatar in India, Milèin China, Miroku in Japan, Maydar in Lamaist myths, but most often the name Maitreya is mentioned.

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The advent of Messiah in Judaism

  • 24.09.2015
  • 80
  • 23210

    In Judaism He is called Messiah (Mashiach). Messiah (מָשִׁיחַ, literally the anointed in Hebrew») is a perfect king, a saviour who will bring “deliverance to the people of Israel” and carry out “salvation of humanity”. Representation of Jesus in Christianity and Isa in Islam originate from Jewish representation of Messiah. As prophets predicted, Messiah will restore the Israeli kingdom and bring deliverance to all peoples and countries. And once again we see a plotline basically identical to that of other religions: “the Messiah will come and save the world, having given back the lost knowledge, purity and justice to people”.

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Kalki Avatar: the one who will clean grime from the face of the Earth

  • 24.09.2015
  • 316
  • 491948

    When the nobleness of Dharma (meaning morality, decency, honesty) disappears in the world, Vishnu gets incarnated and propagates the universal and omnipotent value of saintly life, restoring Dharma.


    Continuing the subject of prophecies given in all world religions, we should certainly refer to such religion as Hinduism. According to Wikipedia, this religion is the third one in terms of the number of followers, making up around 1 billion people. In Hinduism, just like in Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, there are prophecies of the future and the advent of the Saviour, Messiah. Hinduism contains numerous holy scriptures, the most important of which are Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, and Agamas.

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The Meaning of Life: Immortality (interview No. 2, 07.09.2015)

  • 30.09.2015
  • 371
  • 38642

How is human spiritual development taking place? How does a person move along the spiritual path in his/her everyday life? Which obstacles are imposed by the system and faced by a person within his/her inner world via thoughts? What does the power of attention mean for Personality, and how can it be used for spiritual development? How can one GET IN TOUCH AND MERGE WITH HIS/HER SOUL AND THE SPIRITUAL WORLD IN PRACTICE? How can one deepen the spiritual world perception and permanently live in such state?

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Why didn’t the Pharisees recognise Jesus Christ?

  • 02.10.2015
  • 173
  • 36726

Today many people use the internet to collect information of their interest, and we are no exception. Recently I have found a list of questions relating to our subject, where somebody asks a consultant on the Christian portal why Israelis did not recognise Jesus Christ despite all the “hints” they had. The consultant’s answer has seemed convincing and trustworthy to me. The answer well correlates with the present-day reality where for some reason we got the first critical and negative reviews on our publications from contemporary clergymen (see an example), and such opinions are very similar to those of Judaic Pharisees and lawyers who lived two millennia ago. Well, we are not going to draw any accusatory parallels, for our task is totally different.

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The 50th degree of spiritual Freedom! Nostradamus predictions

  • 03.10.2015
  • 271
  • 41195

    While searching for information about the Messiah advent in various prophetic sources, I carefully read predictions by Michel Nostradamus regarding our times and noted a very interesting point which we already mentioned in the article Who is described in thousands of prophecies?, and which was originally contained in the Epistle to Henry:

    …the one will come from the fiftieth degree, who will renew the entire Christian Church, who will liberate people of the world from meek and voluntary slavery, who has given himself for protection against the War and deprived Jupiter (symbol of the supreme god) of all his merits and titles...


    The fiftieth degree? Let’s examine what the 50th degree really is, from where the One capable of liberating the entire mankind from slavery will come. I guess no one will argue slavery here is meant as the social lifestyle, in which we all are bogged down in, following the way of consumer relations.

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Turkic messiah Geser Khan, Burkhan Bator, or God’s Warrior

  • 17.10.2015
  • 108
  • 29578

    In this article we suggest to supplement the integrated and versatile outline of the Essence of the image of Messiah, Rigden Djappo, Archangel Gabriel, Imam Mahdi, Kalki Avatar, Maitreya, etc. who is mentioned in nearly all religions, traditions, and legends. We still persist in our daring opinion that all the aforesaid names belong to the Single One – the Holy Spirit. Who is he? What is his role in humanity’s destiny? And at which times does he come? Here we will speak about epos and legends of Turkic peoples: Buryats, Mongols, Kazakhs, Altaians, and Tibetans, and about the grains of knowledge those peoples managed to preserve over ages. We will speak of Geser Khan, Abai Geser, or Burkhan Bator. And the major source of information about this mysterious personality is the heroic Epic of King Geser (Gesar).

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Little and big signs of the Doomsday in Islam

  • 17.10.2015
  • 323
  • 470310

Let’s recur to the Doomsday signs again. The deeper we delve into the subject the more large-scale this puzzle appears. For a sensible person it is obvious that so numerous facts, signs and events cannot be mere coincidences. The topic involves different times, different religions, different prophets and different continents, but the gist is single: there will come a point when humanity will approach “the last, judgement days”. These will be the times of particularly formidable trials, and for this very reason the idea of unification of all people is so important today as mentioned in the recent Unity program where Igor Danilov was interviewed. As for this outstanding personality, every day we get further more evidences that he is exactly Imam Mahdi long-awaited by the entire Muslim world.

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The future Saviour Astvat-Ereta – the Implementer of the Truth. Zoroastrianism

  • 19.10.2015
  • 342
  • 441154

We kindly offer everyone to turn our eyes again to the East which from time immemorial has been considered the cradle of Wisdom and Knowledge. Let’s speak of Zoroastrianism and the predictions left by Zarathustra and reflected in the Avesta.

Zoroastrianism (Mazdayasna, Mazdaism) is a very old religion that was formed on the basis of the teaching of Prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster). The teaching is based on the concept of spiritual and moral freedom of every human being as embodied in good thoughts, good words and good deeds. This religion emerged in the territory of Greater Iran (Persia). The main sacred book of Zoroastrianism is the Avesta (Zend-Avesta) which supposedly consists of 21 texts that have not been preserved in full. Two of those were discovered and translated only in the 18th century. Researchers believe the information now contained in the Avesta was considerably distorted and modified in the Middle Ages. No wonder, for on the basis of the initial Knowledge the religion was established with its strict rules, ethical provisions, rituals, feasts, and other mandatory attributes. According to Zoroastrianism, the name of Messiah is Saoshyant, which in translation from the Avestan language means “the Future Saviour”.

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“Shambhala: Oasis of Light” by Andrew Tomas. About the advent of Maitreya

  • 19.10.2015
  • 176
  • 9799

Once on the web we found a book Shambhala: Oasis of Light by Andrew Tomas, containing very interesting lines regarding the advent of Messiah Maitreya. Who is Andrew Tomas? This man (1906-2001) was initially named Andrey Tomashevskiy. Before the age of 20 he lived in Manchuria where his parents had emigrated due to the revolution in Russia. Later on, for many years he stayed in China, Japan and India, learning from Taoists, Buddhists and Brahmans. Moreover, he could safely be called a disciple of Nicholas Roerich and had first-hand knowledge of Europe, America and Australia. During the last decades of his life Andrew Tomas was formally an Australian citizen, but he said his home was the entire globe.

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What ancient Teaching did Vanga foresee? Bulgarian clairvoyant’s predictions

  • 21.10.2015
  • 119
  • 37428

    Once again we’ve discovered that Vanga, one of the most authoritative visionaries of our times, directly indicated the advent of some Anointed Sovereign and an ancient Teaching to the earth. Circumstances emerge in an amazing way, and every day new facts appear as if out of thin air, for us to collect them into a general set of evidence necessary for those who need a well-reasoned confirmation of our seemingly improbable hypothesis. We should admit the website creation was associated with a bright emotional impulse, while today such impulse is replaced with a sober exploratory consideration. We continue looking for and analysing information and welcome you, our dear not indifferent reader, to join our captivating search. 

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Chemi Shalev: “FYI: Putin = Gog, Crimea = Magog, the Apocalypse is here and the Messiah is coming”

  • 18.11.2015
  • 59
  • 7623

    Israeli newspaper observer Chemi Shalev discovered parallels between the Ukrainian events and the Bible doomsday prophecies.


    The Second coming of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the end of the world are not too far off, since Crimea seizure by the Russian army is very similar to biblical prophecies of the Apocalypse. In Israeli edition Haaretz Chemi Shalev writes about the likeness of the recent events in Ukraine with the biblical doomsday episodes. In particular, the author refers to the story of Gog and Magog peoples whose invasion’s to shake the world before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Antique historian Josephus Flavius considered that Scythian lands, i.e. the territory of contemporary Ukraine including Crimea, represented Magog. The observer also refers to the Book of Ezekiel, where Gog is mentioned. According to traditional translations of the Bible, Gog is the “chief prince of Meshech and Tuval”, ancient kingdoms near the Black Sea. But the term used for “chief prince” in Hebrew is nesi rosh which could also mean the “ruler,” “president” or “prince” of kingdom Rosh. "So Gog is the prince of Rosh, or the President of Rosh, or, with a little bit of help, the President of Russia,” the article author suggests.

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The Second Coming of Christ and the end of the world: Bible interpretation

  • 21.11.2015
  • 129
  • 53711

Here we present one of religious views of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which is based on interpretation of the Holy Bible. We have found this article on the web and considered it appropriate to publish it in our Christianity section with certain amendments. Since we believe our approach to such a significant event as the Second Coming must be as versatile as possible, a different opinion, even from a narrow religious perspective, is always welcome on our portal. Hopefully, the author of these lines truly believes in the advent of Christ and not just uses this “fashionable sacred legend” as a habitual tool to strengthen his or her local earthly power, although to be more precise holy Christian texts tell about the advent of the Holy Spirit or Comforter rather than the return of Jesus Christ. After all, Christ himself said so to the apostles in the Gospel of John 14:15. Therefore, let’s try to treat the information given herein indulgently.

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Worship of the Mother of God in Christianity. Who’s really portrayed on icons?

  • 15.12.2015
  • 158
  • 24660

    Persistently threading our way through the thickets of various historical archives and records in search of mentions of Jesus Christ’s Beloved Disciple Mary Magdalene, we could not disregard a stunning resemblance between the Mother of God as a figure most worshiped by contemporary Christians and most often depicted on icons with a baby in her arms, and very similar pre-Christian prototypes of her. Despite the obvious malicious intent of certain invisible forces that obliterated historical records, extant artefacts do exist and can be an eloquent evidence of the outright plagiarism and striking manipulation of mass consciousness, which manipulation is unprecedented by its scale and timeframe.

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Extraordinary New Year’s Appeal to All Inhabitants of the World

  • 31.12.2015
  • 534
  • 132597

An extraordinary New Year’s appeal from the Point of View analyst team, on the eve of 2016:

- to Presidents and political leaders of all countries of the globe;
- to religious and public figures;
- to those who believe in God, regardless of religions or confessions;
- to all ordinary people of all nationalities, without any exception…

Dear friends, we hurry to wish you a happy New Year. The year 2016 has arrived, and this is the right time to make the following statement.

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The time of the Mashiach’s advent

  • 11.08.2016
  • 83
  • 5546

Jews make guesses about the exact dates of the advent of Messiah (Mashiach), and it is fun to observe how consciousness distorts facts, produces secrets and various interpretations, disputing and contradicting. Let me cite several extracts from the book Mashiach by Rabbi Emmanuel Shohet, where among other things it is said that Kabbalah teachers admit realization of the predicted term of the emergence of the Mashiach (Judaic Messiah) in the spiritual aspect, but fail to see him in reality. Well, indeed, who can understand today what true spirituality is? Hence, the Mashiach has already come, but Jews don’t see him, unfortunately.

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Shambala calls

  • 23.10.2016
  • 378
  • 18488

The article is composed of Nicholas Roerich’s quotes, and the article compilers added no word of their own, so everything stated below may be put in quotation marks. Only illustrations are inserted for more vivid perception.


“Verily, the old prophecies are being fulfilled. The time of Shambhala has come. For centuries and centuries, it has been predicted that before the time of Shambhala, many wonderful events would occur, many terrible wars would take place, and Panchen Rinpoche would leave his abode in Tashi-Lhunpo in Tibet. Verily, the time of Shambhala has come. The Great War has devastated countries, many thrones have perished, earthquakes have destroyed the old temples of Japan and now our revered Ruler has left his country.

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Lobsang Rampa about the advent of the Spiritual Leader of the world

  • 25.06.2017
  • 137
  • 14946

We have received extracts from the books by T. Lobsang Rampa, the Buddhist monk and doctor of medicine who became one of the most famous writers in the genre of “20th century esotericism” since the release of his first book The Third Eye in 1956. The extracts relate to the Preamble of our online project dedicated to the advent of the Spiritual Leader of the world. Once a long time ago, when esoteric literature appeared in our country, I read his books, and today I will comment neither the doubtful story of “the Himalayan shaman who worked as a plumber in South West England” nor Rampa’s writings; neither will I give any assessment of him from the Primordial Knowledge perspective. We have the Source freely available, so it is unnecessary to draw parallels or say something at all. At that, I believe we should add a new page to our Prophecies and Predictions section, for after all our project is a research one.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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