In observation of consciousness it has been noticed that it uses only several tools to seize power over a human Personality. I am happy to state such tools are not numerous, and they are as follows: thoughts (voice in one’s head), pictures (images), and emotions.
In this article let’s review the work of one of such tools – consciousness or a “voice” in one’s head (thoughts that one hears or views mentally). Relevant experiences have been acquired in the course of observation of themselves by different people in everyday life, in particular observation of thoughts that came to their head. Very many people participate in this experiment, thus many stories will be recounted from the third person. The research has several trends one of which is the work of individual consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a separate individual) and collective consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a group of people). These trends are quite interesting and closely interrelated. The only thing to be mentioned regarding the work in a group is that different people can receive similar thoughts at the same time: this is a sort of spam mailing, to say in the modern language. However we shall refer to such experiments a little later – in relevant articles dedicated to the trend.
To perform such kind of experiments we need a notebook, a pen and honesty towards ourselves. Why honesty? Because, for as long as a person considers thoughts heard in his / her head to be his or her own, the person is often ashamed to voice them. As a matter of fact, it’s quite difficult for most people to tell about what happens inside them at the level of thoughts and feelings, and this causes what the Animal Mind System (AMS) strives for, i.e. disunity between people, since everyone believes such thoughts come only to them and to nobody else! This is exactly the reason why most people keep silent, being afraid of censure on the part of others who are just as afraid. Yet, practice shows there are already darers who work on self-improvement and endeavour to overcome their vile (animal) nature. Observing themselves, such individuals have come to understand what real freedom is and how it is achieved.
Today we can already say with certainty that thoughts heard in our heads are not ours, and this is confirmed by many contemporary neurophysiologists who are themselves terrified and totally unaware of what to do about it! Thoughts are imposed on us by our consciousness which is an integral part of the universal Animal Mind System. We will speak of the System goals, tasks and operation principles a little later.
With those readers who would like to conduct an experiment and observe manifold manifestations of their consciousness, I will share one of methods used to facilitate perception. We take a notebook or a cell phone and, as soon as any thought is heard in our head, promptly record it word by word (which is extremely important), record the time at which the thought has come and write down the following: “consciousness says: ...” or “the animal nature (AN) says: ...”, citing the actual thought. For instance:
When we reread notes in our notebook later on, the information is perceived easier, for we already know that all thoughts are the products of consciousness, but not ourselves the human beings. Sometimes thoughts may be frankly wild and horrifying, e.g. expressing a desire of death for one’s parents, which makes many people fall into a stupor, yet revealing a clear alien nature of thoughts, since no one actually wants their parents to die.
Well, let’s examine a concrete example. In the course of the experiment certain manipulation techniques and patterns have been identified by which consciousness gains power over the human Personality and makes one serve the forces of evil.
An incident took place when a girl was performing the Lotus Flower spiritual practice in a group. In particular, she heard a voice in her head:
I make no progress in spiritual practices. I am a scumbag, I have no talent. Look, everyone is “flying”, while you are untalented. All of them are talented, they can perceive the invisible world, and you don’t. Oh, shit, after meditation they the happy will brag about their feelings, while you will say as usual: “Nothing special took place, I don’t know what you’re talking about at all”.
Let’s thoroughly analyse the above text and try to explain what the voice in the girl’s head really meant while formulating such phrases, and what it actually intended to achieve.
For better understanding let me remind that Personality can neither speak nor think; Personality is unable to evaluate, envy, hate or be greedy; he / she never has doubts, but knows what happens in actual reality; he / she can only feel (perceive feelings coming from the Soul), observe thoughts generated by consciousness and choose what thought to give the power of attention to. Consciousness is what considerably limits Personality’s capabilities.
So, there is a phrase:
I make no progress in spiritual practices. I am a scumbag, I have no talent…
Many people hear similar things in their heads and, most terribly, believe what consciousness says, though consciousness thus speaks of itself, attracting Personality’s attention and distorting the situation in such a way as if the words relate to Personality. In actual fact, if we look into the situation as it really is, we have the following words said by consciousness to itself: “I make no progress in spiritual practices. I am a scumbag, I have no talent…” The funniest thing is that consciousness thus tells the truth about its own inability to make progress in spiritual practices! And indeed consciousness will never have progress in them, because any spiritual practice is performed by Personality oneself. The name spiritual practice exactly indicates it is performed by the Spirit (Personality). So, here we have determined an important pattern: consciousness tells the truth about itself and lies about Personality (in fact, it always lies to Personality, and we will consider this below while describing how consciousness says “you” to personality). Therefore, the purpose of the above phrase that rang in the girl’s head was to make Personality invest the power of attention into the words and thus block her ability to perform the practice. Having believed her consciousness, ironically enough the Personality blocked herself with her own power. For this very reason since ancient times masters paid a particular attention to control of thoughts both in spiritual practices and one’s everyday life.
Then consciousness says that “it is a scumbag, it has no talent”, and I totally agree with what it says, not even intending to argue.
Personality starts having problems once consciousness convinces him (her) that he (she) IS consciousness. In such case Personality will seriously take consciousness’s phrases like the one above, for this will mean Personality as if speaks of oneself, and this will inevitably cause an emotion. At that, it is known that emotions are conductors of the Animal Mind forces. In an emotional environment Personality loses precious energy and gets under the consciousness’s dictatorship, losing inner love, feeling of boundless happiness and the internal freedom, which causes various negative inner states.
Which important conclusion can we draw? When we hear first-person thoughts or the pronoun I in our head, this means consciousness is now speaking about itself, and (most importantly!) it tells the truth, but it wants Personality to believe that the Personality is thinking of oneself.
Let’s say such phrases as: “I won’t make it, I’m a nonentity” or vice versa “I am cool, I’m the best” represent extremes characteristic for the consciousness’s EGO or pride. Consciousness never has a golden mean, but only extremes: “I am either the worst or the best”. A person, who is controlled by consciousness, listens to and trusts thoughts in one’s head, permanently evaluates and compares oneself with other people and others with oneself. By the way, this is exactly the most terrible sin mentioned in all religions and spiritual teachings: pride. In order to get rid of pride, it is important to stop evaluating oneself and others. During our experiment, we never recorded a phrase like: "I am an average person” or "I am like everybody", but there were always extremes.
Here we won’t discuss how human Personality has transformed from a free being or rather a free Spirit into a slave of consciousness, for this is described in detail in the AllatRa book. At that, we will do our best to uncover practical aspects of the subject in our further articles.
Let’s look at the rest of the phrase:
Look, everyone is “flying”, while you are untalented. All of them are talented, they can perceive the invisible world, and you don’t. Oh, shit, after meditation they the happy will brag about their feelings, while you will say as usual: “Nothing special took place, I don’t know what you’re talking about at all”.
Well, everything is quite obvious here. Consciousness loves to make assumptions without having any facts. If there are no facts, consciousness permanently tries to draw indirect facts which often evidence nothing at all and might be totally unrelated to a given issue. This is done to maintain a ground for reasoning and force Personality to believe in it. Doesn’t this remind you of anything? How can consciousness know who is having what progress in a spiritual practice? It surely cannot! Yet, it builds assumptions based on pride and envy. This indicates the importance of Personality’s self-improvement work, for consciousness uses such tool only because the person oneself has a bent for vanity. In fact, the rest of the phrase is based on the same. Here we see how consciousness enters a dialogue with the Personality, pressing on her weak points.
Look, everyone is “flying”…
As a matter of fact, it starts to thou (say “you” to) Personality. This is similar to a situation when a foe would come to you and, endeavouring to upset or put you against your friends, would start convincing with such phrases: “Look, think! You see how they are…, while you are here alone…” Here we see how disunity is inspired: if Personality trusts such words, he or she sets up on one's own according to the “I – they” formula. A tacit differentiation is thus established: “they are better, I am worse”. And then the situation further aggravates. In addition, we can see the stage of Personality programming by consciousness by way of a direct instruction:
and you will say as usual: “Nothing special took place, I don’t know what you’re talking about at all”.
The practice has not ended yet, but consciousness is already imposing what Personality should exactly say later on when the practice results will be discussed.
The case described above demonstrates the following peculiarities of how consciousness works:
Example: “I will never learn to perform spiritual practices."
Meaning: Consciousness says about itself that it won’t learn to perform spiritual practices. It’s the truth: consciousness will never be able to perform them. At the same time it lies, attributing such inability to Personality, for Personality’s natural feature is to be plunged in the Spiritual World. Imagine a fish that is afraid of water because an ant from a nearby anthill tells it about the horror of swimming in the water and the probability of drowning. This would be true for the ant, while for the fish the ocean is its native home and the sandy shore is death.
Example: It’s your fault that… (accusation)
Example: You’ve done it well (flattery, megalomania, swelled head)
Example: You couldn’t do otherwise, because you had a serious reason… (excuse by consciousness)
Accusation is the most widespread manipulation tool forcing the “defendant” to justify oneself or feel ill at ease. At the internal level this means Personality will make excuses to consciousness. This is certainly a ridiculous situation. Imagine that you’ve come home and make excuses to your laptop or calculator that you are a human being. A simple question arises right away: who is the master, and who is the subordinate? Well, consciousness for a human being is exactly nothing, but a calculator, a tool which should be used by Personality, and not vice versa. Unfortunately, in the modern world everything’s vice versa: a slave drives its master. There is a rule: who accuses you is the one who controls you.
Such situation does not suit me as Personality. Moreover, I have got nothing from my consciousness, except problems. In actual fact, consciousness is Personality’s enemy that desires Personality’s death and does everything possible to achieve such death by means of Personality oneself. To overcome this enemy one should thoroughly study it, since entering a fight with an enemy whom you don’t know means losing right away. In this article we have considered just a short period of human life and the work of consciousness in it, but we permanently hear the voice in our head which rules our life and decides what we like and what we don’t like and how we are supposed to live. The problem is solvable, the main thing is to distinguish who is who: "who Personality is” and “what consciousness is relative to Personality”.
If you have a desire to share observations over your consciousness, send your messages to:
Prepared by Andrew (Kiev, Ukraine)
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