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The Meaning of Life: Immortality (interview No. 2, 07.09.2015)

  • 30.09.2015
  • 371
  • 38641

How is human spiritual development taking place? How does a person move along the spiritual path in his/her everyday life? Which obstacles are imposed by the system and faced by a person within his/her inner world via thoughts? What does the power of attention mean for Personality, and how can it be used for spiritual development? How can one GET IN TOUCH AND MERGE WITH HIS/HER SOUL AND THE SPIRITUAL WORLD IN PRACTICE? How can one deepen the spiritual world perception and permanently live in such state?

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UNITY (interview No. 3, 27.09.2015)

  • 01.10.2015
  • 427
  • 29830

The Truth is one for everybody!

Ancient key knowledge about UNITY and RECONCILIATION between all people. 

What is the single source of all religions of the mankind? What unites all spiritual knowledge in its essence? Practical experience of perception of and personal touch with THE ONE WHO GIVES LIFE.

  • Unique primordial information about the Holy Spirit and His crucial role in spiritual development of separate individuals and humanity as a whole
  • What does the system conceal from you, and how can you overcome the system?
  • How can RECONCILIATION within oneself, between people and God, and between people themselves be achieved?
  • Islam, Christianity, Buddhism: which Truth unites all world religions and all faithful believers?
  • How can the LIVING GOD be gained? How can the Holy Spirit be gained within oneself? How to separate the Dead from the Living in oneself? How to gain the REAL in oneself?!
  • Unique self-awareness and deep inner feelings while touching the spiritual world
  • The epoch-making programme that changes the destiny of people, nations, and the entire humanity

This is the third interview with Igor Danilov. The two previous programmes may be viewed on our website here: A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important and The Meaning of Life: Immortality.

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XXX: Program about Geliars. 4-hour interview contents (June 2014)

  • 03.12.2015
  • 111
  • 12407

Herein we present detailed contents of the epoch-making interview XXX: Program about Geliars that was released on Youtube in June 2014. In this video Igor Danilov (Rigden Djappo) was behind the scenes. It was the first “mediate meeting” with the Bodhisattva’s living voice which anyone who desires can now hear in the above video. Right after its release the interview was taken to quotes, cut into short videos and used for innumerable banners. It is indeed very interesting, in our opinion. Established social and religious norms unexpectedly appear to us in a totally different light. In the interview nearly all the essential questions of the meaning and purpose of human life are addressed, to which a person would like to get answers one way or another.

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Personality and Consciousness. Life-worth understanding

  • 07.01.2016
  • 201
  • 6342

In the epoch-making programs No.2 and No.3 of The Silver Thread series, Bodhisattva himself says several times that human Personality and Consciousness are not the same things. That is, I the personality and my consciousness are different things, and my entire life depends on this basic understanding, without exaggeration. I mean my true Life which does not end with the death of my body-shell. Besides, in the programs we find out that Personality is in fact a part of the Holy Spirit. However, he or she can either be enslaved by consciousness or consciously control and use it for his or her purposes, say, like a summer resident in the country uses a shovel to dig up potatoes. This statement makes me ponder over many things.

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Human energy structure. Truncated pyramid with a detached top

  • 21.01.2016
  • 352
  • 58250

    Studying information given in the AllatRa book by Anastasia Novykh, we couldn’t disregard new data on the human energy structure which is invisible to our ordinary vision organs. The information contained in the book is indeed extraordinary. It can give many people a totally new understanding of what a human being is, help find answers to numerous unsolved problems in psychology, psychotherapy, interpersonal relations, and will surely be helpful in physiology, anatomy, and even traditional medicine that deals with various body diseases, often having no idea of the initial cause of those.

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Poem of the Sufi Way by Umar Ibn al-Farid

  • 26.01.2016
  • 397
  • 536474

    Recently we have discovered a marvellous illustration to the topics touched upon in the epoch-making program The Meaning of Life: Immortality, where Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo participated. It’s the ancient literature masterpiece dating back almost 1,000 years – the brilliant Poem of the Sufi Way (Naẓm al-Sulūk) by ancient Arab Sufi mystic and scholar Umar ibn `Alī ibn al-Fārid who lived in 1181-1235. This work, also having such titles as the Great Qasida (Ode), Great Mystery, Poem of the Way, Poem of Progress, or the Way of the Pious, is a unique phenomenon in the world poetry, psychology and spiritual literature. The author poetically communicates experience of a man who is becoming saint, describing in human language what is almost impossible to describe, i.e. the process taking place in the other world, the spiritual world, at the junction of the 6th and 7th dimensions. It’s exactly the process of the Personality fusion with the Soul and the birth of a new spiritual being – an Angel!

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Conversations with Imam. First one:” The spirituality about which we, for some reason, do not know”.

  • 27.02.2016
  • 635
  • 39059

    We start the series of articles "Conversations with Imam," and in order to avoid speculations we will immediately make a reservation, a person who gives an interview is not Mahdi! In our opinion, strictly speaking, it does not really matter who he is and what is much more important is the essence of the information provided, but it is, just believe me, is worthy of attention of every searching, spiritually cognizing and reasonable person. Even the first of the planned meetings has brought us a lot of unexpected revelations and awareness in the issues concerning the real spirituality. But not the one which is well-known to all of us through the orthodox religion, theosophy, esoteric, and new-fangled "New Age", based on stereotypes of consciousness, magical ritualism, sacred and book dogmatics, for which, unfortunately, very few people are able to discern the true plan of the Almighty and the right course in motion to Him.  Finally, despite the fact that the misconception about the relationship between " a man and God" has been inculcated and kept up in the society for ages, which is confirmed by the full of tragic lines a chronicle of civilization, we humbly and consistently will try to consider and express that new, or rather well-forgotten old introduced Primordial Knowledge. Due to this Knowledge, everyone, without exception, can understand the essence of what is happening around and save the most valuable, which is one's Soul.
We hope that all the readers will find in these conversations a lot of cognitive information

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Brain having neither mind nor conscience

  • 21.03.2016
  • 222
  • 13182

A couple days ago I “accidentally” came upon a very interesting online article by Alexander Kazakevich, entitled There Is No Intelligent Matter! The title intrigued me, and once I read the article a desire emerged to share with you the marvellous information about last century’s scientific researches of the soul, the nature of thoughs and the location of consciousness in human brain, or rather its absence there. It’s particularly nice to find out that some globally recognized scientists, despite the general materialistic vector of science development, have nonetheless closely approached the truth which recently became available for the broad audience of those who seek answers to the eternal questions: “Who is a human being?”, “Why are we here?”, “How is everything structured in the universe?”, etc. The truth that came owing to the Primordial Knowledge brought to our world by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo in the extraordinary, unique AllatRa book.

I will no longer keep you in suspense and post the aforementioned article right away.

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Conversations with Imam. Conversation No.3: ”The salvation of the Soul”

  • 08.05.2016
  • 614
  • 31726

Here is the long-awaited third conversation with Imam on the salvation of the Soul, many probably tired of waiting for it, we are sorry, but it turns out that the most important spiritually valuable things meet on the way of their implementation with some obstacles. On the one hand, we are a little used to it and somewhere put up with it, but on the other hand, time slips through fingers like sand and someone invisible urges forward, reminding us of the calendar dates, pointing to the necessity of being in a hurry. And he is probably right, we will try to do it faster...

The first conversation: "Spirituality about which we, for some reason, do not know."

The second conversation: "The doomsday approach. The importance of human unity"

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Conversations with Imam. Conversation No.4: ”Spirituality and family relationships”

  • 20.06.2016
  • 551
  • 24903

The state of affairs today is such, that among personalities striving for the spiritual, the issues of family relationships, and proper upbringing of children (and the expediency of having them), as well as the main issue - sex- still remain topical. Announcing this conversation, we offered readers to express their opinion, to ask the questions of concern, without knowing in advance whether they will be considered or not and if not, for what reason.   By the way, you can run an eye over them here. During the preliminary discussion of a new conversation with Imam, it was found that this subject matter according to particularly delicate and poignant moments is closed due to a number of serious causes, and we hope that readers will understand them.

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Animal Nature Trick Dictionary

  • 11.07.2016
  • 306
  • 9405

We have received a very interesting letter with a proposal to compile a sort of an Animal Nature Trick Dictionary on our website, which would further be developed and supplemented by virtue of practical experiences of our readers. This is a wonderful idea, owing to which we hereby start a new section devoted to the Animal Mind System study and entitled Sharing experience... studying the System (see the above Menu). This new section will somewhat coincide with the Catharsis section. Why? In order to analyse and possibly systematize the collected and reviewed material.

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Voice in one’s head. Practical experience. Review

  • 03.08.2016
  • 364
  • 12873

In observation of consciousness it has been noticed that it uses only several tools to seize power over a human Personality. I am happy to state such tools are not numerous, and they are as follows: thoughts (voice in one’s head), pictures (images), and emotions.

In this article let’s review the work of one of such tools – consciousness or a “voice” in one’s head (thoughts that one hears or views mentally). Relevant experiences have been acquired in the course of observation of themselves by different people in everyday life, in particular observation of thoughts that came to their head. Very many people participate in this experiment, thus many stories will be recounted from the third person. The research has several trends one of which is the work of individual consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a separate individual) and collective consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a group of people). These trends are quite interesting and closely interrelated. The only thing to be mentioned regarding the work in a group is that different people can receive similar thoughts at the same time: this is a sort of spam mailing, to say in the modern language. However we shall refer to such experiments a little later – in relevant articles dedicated to the trend.

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Consciousness Academy. Gluttony Department

  • 22.08.2016
  • 321
  • 7512

“Good morning, future demons!”

“Good morning, Professor!”

“You have already made your choice and decided that your ultimate goal is to merge with consciousness. The way of gluttony by which you want to achieve success is a very difficult one. If you want to become a professional glutton, forget everything you were taught at school. People are in captivity of an illusion that it’s easy to master gluttony, while it’s a hard daily work. For this you need strong health, time, effort, money, and a number of practical skills supported with experience.”

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“Sometimes, my dear, I reveal myself to people, especially to those who are in trouble.”

  • 10.02.2017
  • 285
  • 7851

The article Virgin Mary’s sites in Italy mentions Mary’s apparition that occurred on 26 May 1432 near the town of Caravaggio. That was a true miracle. However, nobody gives information on Mary Magdalene’s apparition in our days, although such event did take place and is recorded in Vladimir Lermontov’s book Delphania.

Summary of the book: Bad occurrences were faced by Maria and Constantine, when they went on a tour to the New Athos caves. Their son disappeared without a trace, and they failed to find him. Constantine sent Maria back home to Kazakhstan on a train to get prepared for their second child birth, while he himself stayed to continue searching for the son. He was advised to find a sagacious elder and hermit named Nectarios in the Caucasus, who might tell where his son was. He spent six months looking for the hermit and finally found him.

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The Cucuteni-Trypillian civilization: anthropomorphic plastic art and its sacral meaning

  • 07.03.2017
  • 201
  • 55297

This article contains brief review and analysis of Trypillian anthropomorphic plastic art (hereinafter referred to as TAPA) or, in other words, anthropomorphic items made of burnt clay and associated with Cucuteni-Trypillian archaeological culture. The term anthropomorphic originates from the Greek word anthropomorphos and means “having a human or humanoid image”.

The purpose of this work is to familiarize readers with the aforesaid original culture, as well as to thoroughly extend knowledge of such a unique cultural phenomenon as TAPA. For this we shall analyse it not only from the viewpoint of mainstream science, but also from the perspective of sacral knowledge about the human nature as presented in the books by Anastasia Novykh.

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Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive

  • 04.08.2017
  • 444
  • 453307

A new priceless gift for all of us has been the truly live conversation with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov, which lasted for 11 hours 56 minutes...

By the way, there is the following information in Sensei of Shambala – Book IV (apparently, there is a certain correlation):


Allat has multiple manifestations. In scientific understanding allat is a single unit of time, which has a great importance for entire matter. If we take modern earth time values, an allat makes up 12 minutes, or more precisely 11 minutes 56.74 seconds. When scientists get to the notion of this important unit of foundation, so to say, the main building block of the Universe, there will be not just a grand revolution in science, but an evolutionary leap. Then scientists will understand what is hidden under the secret of time and, having realized that, they will reveal the true process of matter formation in the Universe. If people get to know the essence of Allat, they will gain enormous opportunities.

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Seven years in magic, or How the animal mind system deceives humanity

  • 16.10.2017
  • 195
  • 6601

I would like to share my experience of learning the so-called “magic tradition”. This should be especially interesting for those familiar with such terms as the assemblage point, the awareness centre, lucid dreams, karmic knots, the Sephirot Tree, arcana, conduct of energies, varnas, chakras, fireballs, stalking, personal history, places of power, and so on. To give readers at least a general view of this “tradition”, I will have to describe certain major points and subtleties.

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What were pyramids needed for? The PYRAMID supernatural experiment

  • 14.11.2017
  • 184
  • 8572

Recently, a unique experiment has been carried out with application of an experimental state-of-the-art machine with a pyramidal frame, which has no analogues in the world. The PYRAMID scientific and experimental machine opens up tremendous opportunities to study the phenomena of consciousness and Personality (as an out-of-body observer) as well as to produce a potential that provokes human supernatural abilities.

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Primary and secondary consciousness: a comparative table

  • 11.12.2017
  • 387
  • 18681

Let us present to your attention a comparative table for studying consciousness, composed based on the information given in the program Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive.

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Soul, Personality, primary and secondary Consciousness: a scheme

  • 15.01.2018
  • 254
  • 11100

We have come to know so much over the last several years thanks to the knowledge brought into the world by Rigden Djappo. Books, TV programs, live conversations, talks in the circle of like-minded people, personal insights and spiritual experiences... As a result, today we already have an opportunity to look into the knowledge, verify it, and most importantly get convinced of what we are as human beings. Now we understand there are SoulPersonalityprimary and secondary Consciousnessthe four Aspects (Essences), and we understand the difference between them, although some five years ago, let’s recall, we had no idea even of the Aspects.

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Autogenic Training, Meditation, Prayer, Spiritual Practice

  • 07.02.2018
  • 197
  • 10842

Source: Live conversation with Igor Mikhaylovich Danilov Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive – pages 120-131: Several tools are being given, which will help at initial stages of self-exploration and restoration of one’s spiritual personality through good thoughts, words, and deeds.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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