A couple days ago I “accidentally” came upon a very interesting online article by Alexander Kazakevich, entitled There Is No Intelligent Matter! The title intrigued me, and once I read the article a desire emerged to share with you the marvellous information about last century’s scientific researches of the soul, the nature of thoughs and the location of consciousness in human brain, or rather its absence there. It’s particularly nice to find out that some globally recognized scientists, despite the general materialistic vector of science development, have nonetheless closely approached the truth which recently became available for the broad audience of those who seek answers to the eternal questions: “Who is a human being?”, “Why are we here?”, “How is everything structured in the universe?”, etc. The truth that came owing to the Primordial Knowledge brought to our world by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo in the extraordinary, unique AllatRa book.
I will no longer keep you in suspense and post the aforementioned article right away.
If we ask an atheist what the soul is, he or she will most probably say it’s “an internal, psychic world of a human being, the human consciousness” (Ozhegov Explanatory Dictionary). Now, let’s compare such definition with the opinion of a faithful believer (let’s open Dal Dictionary for that): “Soul is an immortal spiritual being endowed with mind and will”. According to the former, soul is consciousness which by default is a product of the human brain operation. According to the latter, soul is not a human brain derivative, but it’s a “brain”, mind by itself, much more powerful and even immortal. So, which of the two parties is right?
To answer the question, let’s use facts and sensible logic only, for this is what people of materialistic views rely on.
We will start with a question whether soul is a product of brain activity. According to official science, brain is the centre of control of a human being: it receives and processes information coming from the world around, and it decides how a person should act in one or another situation. Everything else, including arms, legs, head, ears, stomach, heart, etc., for the brain represents a sort of a suit ensuring the central nervous system operation. Switch off a person’s brain, and such person will cease to exist. A creature with a brain switched off can rather be called a vegetable than a human being, since brain means consciousness (and all psychic processes), while consciousness is a screen through which a person explores oneself and the world around. Switch off the screen, and what will you see? Nothing, but the dark. At that, there are facts which refute such theory.
In 1940, Dr. Augustíne Iturricha made a sensational statement in the Anthropological Society in Sucre (Bolivia): he said he had witnessed that man could preserve all features of consciousness and sanity without brain, i.e. the organ directly responsible for relevant functions.
Iturricha and Dr. Ortiz long studied the medical history of the 14-year-old boy, a patient of the clinic of Dr. Ortiz. The teenager complained of headaches. Doctors revealed no aberrations in either his test results or his behaviour, and so the source of headaches was not identified until the boy’s very end. When mortem examination was done after his death, the doctors were amazed: the whole mass of his brain was completely separated from the internal cavity of the skull! That is, the boy’s brain was totally disconnected from his nervous system and “lived” on its own. A question arises: how the deceased was thinking, if his brain was, so to say, “on an indefinite leave”?
Another famous scientist Prof. Hufeland (Germany) tells about an unusual case in his practice. Once he performed postmortem examination of the cranium of a patient who had become paralized not long before his death. Up to the end the patient preserved all mental and physical abilities. The examination outcome put the doctor out of countenance, since instead of the brain the cranium contained… about 300 grams of water!
A similar story took place in 1976 in the Netherlands. Having dissected the cranium of 55-year-old Dutchman Jan Herling, pathoanatomists discovered a small amount of a whitish liquid instead of the brain. When they told the man’s relatives about that, those became seriously outraged and even went to court, considering the doctors’ “joke” to be not just stupid, but insulting, because Jan Herling had been one of the best watchmakers in the country! To avoid litigation, physicians had to present the evidence of their innocence to the relatives which set them at ease. However, the story got to the press and was a major discussion topic for almost a month.
The fact that consciousness may exist independently of the brain was confirmed by Dutch physiologists. In December 2001 Dr. Pim van Lommel and two of his colleagues carried out a large-scale examination of people who had survived clinical death. The results of their experiments were published in the prestigious British journal The Lancet. Namely, in the article entitled Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands van Lommel tells about an extraordinary case recorded by one of his colleagues:
“During a night shift an ambulance brings in a 44-year-old cyanotic, comatose man into the coronary care unit. He had been found about an hour before in a meadow by passers-by. After admission, he receives artificial respiration without intubation, while heart massage and defibrillation was also applied. When we want to intubate the patient, he turns out to have dentures in his mouth. I remove these upper dentures and put them onto the “crash car”. Meanwhile, we continue extensive CPR. After about an hour and a half the patient has sufficient heart rhythm and blood pressure, but he is still ventilated and intubated, and he is still comatose. He is transferred to the intensive care unit to continue the necessary artificial respiration. Only after more than a week do I meet again with the patient, who is by now back on the cardiac ward. I distribute his medication. The moment he sees me he says: “Oh, that nurse knows where my dentures are”. I am very surprised. Then he elucidates: “Yes, you were there when I was brought into hospital and you took my dentures out of my mouth and put them onto that car, it had all these bottles on it and there was this sliding drawer underneath and there you out my teeth.” I was especially amazed because I remembered this happening while the man was in deep coma and in the process of CPR. When I asked further, it appeared the man had seen himself lying in bed, that he had perceived from above how nurses and doctors had been busy with CPR. He was also able to describe correctly and in detail the small room in which he had been resuscitated as well as the appearance of those present like myself. At the time that he observed the situation he had been very much afraid that we would stop CPR and that he would die. And it is true that we had been very negative about the patient’s prognosis due to his very poor medical condition when admitted. The patient tells me that he desperately and unsuccessfully tried to make it clear to us that he was still alive…”
To avoid any reproaches of the research insufficient purity, the scientists thoroughly studied all factors that could affect patient stories. They excluded all cases of so-called false memories (situations when a person, having heard about near-death experiences (NDE) from other people, suddenly “recalls” what he or she has never experienced), religious fanaticism and other similar cases. Having summarized some 509 clinical death cases, the scientists came to the following conclusions:
1. All patients proved to be mentally healthy. They were men and women of 26 to 92 years old, of different educational backgrounds, believers and non-believers. Some of them heard about NDEs before, others did not.
2. All patients had NDEs when their brain function was suspended.
3. NDEs may not be explained by exygen deficit in the central nervous system cells.
4. Patient’s sex and age sigfinicantly influence the depth of NDE. Women usually have deeper experiences than men.
5. NDEs of patients who are blind from birth do not differ from NDEs of sighted patients.
In the conclusive part of the article Dr. Pim van Lommel makes totally sensational statements. He says that “consciousness exists even when the brain no longer functions” and that “brain is not an intelligent matter, but a mere physical organ with strictly determined functions”. “Quite probably,” the scientist mentions, “there is no intelligent matter as such.”
Similar conclusions have been drawn by the British researchers Peter Fenwick of London Institute of Psychiatry and Sam Parnia of the Central Clinic of Southampton. The scientists have examined patients who survived clinical death.
As it is known, after a cardiac arrest, due to termination of blood circulation and supply of oxygen and nutrients, a person’s brain “switches off”, and since the brain no longer functions consciousness is supposed to disappear as well. However, nothing like this happens. Why? Perhaps, a certain part of the brain continues functioning despite the fact sensitive equipment records no signals. But at the moment of clinical death many people feel how they “fly out” of their body and hover above it. Hovering in about a half a metre above the body, they clearly see and hear what doctors present in the room are doing and saying. How this could be explained?
Let’s assume this may be explained by “non-coordination between nerve centres that control visual and tactile sensations, as well as the feeling of balance”; or to make it clearer – brain hallucinations, when brain is in acute deficit of oxygen and thus produces such “tricks”. Yet, according to the British researchers, some clinical death survivors after regaining consciousness could precisely tell what medical personnel had talked about during resuscitation. Moreover, some of them described in detail what took place at the same time in adjacent rooms where brain’s “fantasy” and hallucinations could hardly reach! Or, maybe, the irresponsible “uncoordinated nerve centres that control visual and tactile sensations”, having temporarily stayed uncontrolled, decided to walk around hospital corridors and wards?
Explaining the reason why patients who survived clinical death could know, hear and see what happened in the other part of the hospital, Dr. Sam Parnia says: “Brain, just like any other organ of the human body, consists of cells and is unable to think. However it can work as a device that displays thoughts. During clinical death consciousness which functions regardless of the brain uses the latter as a screen, as a TV set that first receives incoming waves and then converts them into sounds and images.” His colleague Dr. Peter Fenwick makes even a bolder conclusion: “Consciousness may very well exist after the physical body death.”
Please, note the two important points: “brain is unable to think” and “consciousness may very well exist after the physical body death”. If this was said by a philosopher or poet, this would be understandable: such person is far from the world of exact sciences! But these words were said by respected European researchers. And their voices are not solitary.
John Eccles, widely recognized contemporary neurophysiologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, also believed that psyche was not a brain’s function. Together with his colleague neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield who conducted more than 10,000 brain surgeries Eccles wrote a book entitled The Human Mystery. In this work the authors in no uncertain terms state they “have no doubts that a human being is controlled by SOMETHING from beyond the body.” Prof. Eccles mentions: “I can experimentally confirm that the work of mind cannot be explained by brain functioning. Mind exists independently outside the brain.” In his opinion, “mind cannot be a subject of research… The mind emergence, just like the emergence of life, is the greatest religious mystery.”
The book co-author Wilder Penfield shares Eccles’s opinion and adds after his long-standing studies of the brain he arrived at a conviction that “the energy of mind differs from the energy of cerebral nerve impulses.”
Two other Noble Prize winners, neurophysiologists David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel, in their speeches and scientific works repeatedly mentioned that “in order to ascertain a link between brain and mind it should be understood what reads and decodes information coming from sense organs.” However, according to the researchers, “it cannot be done”.
“I performed numerous brain surgeries and, while dissecting crania, never saw mind there. Neither ever I found conscience there...”
Alexander Vvedensky, psychologist and philosopher, professor of St. Petersburg University, in his work Psychology with No Metaphysics (1914) wrote that “the role of psyche in the system of material processes of behaviour regulation is absolutely imperceptible, and there is no conceivable bridge between brain functioning and the sphere of psychic or mental phenomena, including consciousness.”
Nikolai Kobozev (1903-1974), prominent Soviet chemist and Moscow University professor, in his monograph Time wrote statements totally seditious for his purely atheistic time. For instance: “Neither cells nor molecules nor even atoms may be responsible for thinking and memory processes,” “Human mind cannot be a result of evolutionary transformation of information functions into a thinking function. The latter ability must be given to us, but not acquired in the course of evolution.” “The act of death is detachment of personality’s temporary “bundle” from the flow of time. Such bundle is potentially immortal…”
Another authoritative and respected name is Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky (1877-1961). He was a prominent surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, spiritual writer and archbishop. In 1921 in Tashkent, where Voino-Yasenetsky worked as the surgeon and simultaneously was a priest, the Local Extraordinary Committee initiated a Doctors’ Case. One of the surgeon’s colleagues Prof. S.A. Masumov thus recalled the court hearing:
“At that time Lett Ya.H. Peters who was at the head of Tashkent Extraordinary Committee decided to turn the case into a show trial. An excellently planned and directed performance came to nothing, when the chairman called Voino-Yasenetsky to the court as an expert:
“Priest and Professor Voino-Yasenetsky, how can you pray at night and cut people in the daytime?”
As a matter of fact, Patriarch Tikhon, having found out that Voino-Yasenetsky took holy orders, blessed him to go on with surgery. Father Valentin explained nothing to Peters, but only said:
“I cut people for the sake of their salvation, and what do you cut people for, Sir the Public Prosecutor?”
The audience responded to the witty answer with loud laughter and applause. All sympathies were now with the priest-surgeon. Both workers and doctors applauded him. Peters expected that the next question should change the mood of the worker audience:
“How can you believe in God, Priest and Professor Voino-Yasenetsky? Have you ever seen him, your God?”
“Well, I haven’t seen God indeed, Sir the Public Prosecutor. But I performed numerous brain surgeries and, while dissecting crania, never saw mind there either. Neither ever I found conscience there.”
The chairman’s handbell could not oversound the prolonged laughter of the entire audience. The Doctors’ Case came a cropper.”
Father Valentin knew what he talked about. Several tens of thousands of surgeries he performed, including brain surgeries, convinced him that brain’s not a receptacle of human mind or conscience. For the first time he came up with such idea in his young age, when he was… observing ants.
It is known ants have no brain, but nobody can say they lack mind. Ants solve complex engineering and social tasks: anthill construction, building of a multilevel social hierarchy, education of young ants, food conservation, territory protection, etc. “In wars between ants who have no brain there is always a clear intention, and therefore rationality which does not differ from that of humans,” Voino-Yasenetsky noted. Does this mean one needs no brain to be aware of oneself and act rationally?
Later on, having gained a long-standing experience in surgery, Father Valentin observed plenty of evidence to his guesses. In one of his books he tells about a case: “I dissected a huge abscess (about 50 cm³ of pus) in a young wounded guy. The abscess surely ruined his entire left frontal lobe, but I observed no mental defects after the surgery at all. I can say the same thing about another patient operated due to a huge cyst of cerebral shells. When I dissected his skull, to my great surprise I discovered that the entire right half of it was empty, while the left cerebral hemisphere was squeezed almost to unrecognizability.”
In his last autobiographic work entitled I Have Come to Love Suffering… (1957) which Father Valentin did not write, but dictated to another person (in 1955 he totally lost his eyesight), there are no more assumptions of a young researcher, but convictions of an experienced and wise scientist: 1. “Brain is not an organ of thoughts or feelings”, and 2. “Spirit resides beyond the brain, determining its activity and our entire existence, while the brain functions as a transmitter, receiving signals and transmitting them to body organs.”
“There is something in the human organism that can separate from it and even outlive the human being.”
Now, let’s refer to the opinion of a person directly engaged in brain science. It’s neurophysiologist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Research Institute of Human Brain Natalia Bekhtereva:
“The first person from whom I heard the hypothesis that human brain perceived thoughts from outside was the Noble Prize winner Dr. John Eccles. At that time it certainly seemed absurd to me. However, later on the studies performed in our Research Institute of Human Brain in St. Petersburg evidenced that we could not explain the creative process mechanism. Brain can generate only the simplest thoughts, e.g. how to turn pages in a book we are reading or stir sugar in a cup; whereas the creative process is a manifestation of a totally new quality. Being a believer, I admit the Lord’s involvement in the thinking process management.”
When Mrs. Natalia was asked whether based on her long-standing studies in the Institute of Human Brain she could admit the soul existence, despite the fact she used to be Communist, as a true scientist she totally sincerely answered:
“I cannot disbelieve what I’ve heard and seen myself. A scientist has no right to reject facts only because they do not fit into a dogma or world outlook… I’ve been studying the living human brain throughout my life. And just like everyone else, including people from other fields, I inevitably faced “strange phenomena”... Much can be explained now. But not everything... I don’t want to pretend such phenomena don’t exist… The summary of our materials is as follows: a certain part of people continue existing in another form as something separating from the body, and I wouldn’t like to call it other than the “soul”. Indeed, there is something in the human organism that can separate from it and even outlive the human being.”
And here’s another authoritative opinion. Academician Peter Anokhin, prominent physiologist of the 20th century, author of 6 monographs and 250 research papers, writes in one of his works: “None of the “thinking” operations attributed to “mind” may still be directly linked with a certain brain region. If we can’t understand in principle how exactly psychic processes emerge as a result of brain functioning, wouldn’t it be more logical to think that psyche is not a brain function as such and represents a manifestation of some other – non-material, spiritual powers?”
“Human brain is a TV set, while the soul is a TV station.”
So, the scientific community further more often says the words miraculously coinciding with major postulates of Christianity, Buddhism and other mass religions of the world. Slowly and carefully, yet continuously science comes to a conclusion that brain is not the source of thoughts and consciousness, but only serves as a retransmitter of those. At that, the only genuine source of our Self, our thoughts and consciousness may be (further we repeat Natalia Bekhtereva’s statement) “something that can separate from the body and even outlive the human being.” That “something”, if we put it straightforwardly, is nothing, but the human soul.
In the early 1980s, at an international research conference of famous American psychiatrist Stanislav Grof, a Soviet academician approached Grof after one of his speeches and started proving that all human psychic miracles “discovered” by Grof and other Western researchers were hidden in one or another brain region. In a word, there’s no need to invent any supernatural reasons or explanations, since all the reasons were in one place – under one’s cranium. The academician loudly and with meaning knocked on his forehead with his finger. Professor Grof thought for a little while and said:
“Tell me, dear colleague, do you have a TV set at home? Imagine that it broke down, and you called a TV serviceman. The serviceman arrived, got inside the TV set, played with some switches there and tuned it. Would that really make you think all TV stations are sitting inside that box?”
Our academician found nothing to respond to the Professor. Their conversation finished almost right away.
Full clarity and integral understanding of the results of relevant researches and studies are provided by the Primordial Knowledge of the complex multidimensional human energy structure, as expounded in the AllatRa book, worth reading by every inhabitant of the planet Earth. In the articles:
published on our website earlier, you can find a more detailed review of information relating to Personality, Soul, consciousness, brain, thoughts, emotions, their nature and functioning.
The fact that human brain is a receiver, whereas TV stations that transmit signals received by the brain are located outside the brain’s physical location, was known to many ancient civilizations thousands of years ago. Our ancestors who lived on different continents in different ages were well aware of such knowledge which significantly surpassed understanding of contemporary scientists. This knowledge was imprinted in stone by the ancients for us, negligent progenies who have lost all the vitally important information in the dust of time. This knowledge was in fact kept for everyone, since the meaning of all people’s life is single – to become a spiritual and immortal being.
Prepared by Julia Matveyeva (Russia)
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