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  • 02.10.2015
  • 173
  • 36725


Follow the link "Submit material" and fill out the form. Contents of the material should include not only facts, but attempts to carry out independent analysis. The material you send will, of course, pass moderation, and not all materials are published, so below we present the terms and conditions of guaranteed publication:

  • The narrative style, as far as possible (articles will be further edited);
  • Not trivial reporting of an issue, but the presence of attempts to analyze the situation;
  • An attempt to identify and describe the Animal Nature stereotypes and patterns;
  • Personal conclusions of the author (mandatory).

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Four human Aspects. Why do contemporaries know nothing about those?

  • 02.02.2016
  • 251
  • 91472

    Continuing examination of the human energy structure (see our first article on the subject), for general understanding and integrated perception let’s go into details regarding the four human Aspects as the invisible integral components of a human being. It is very strange that contemporary people, having progressed in scientific and technical achievements over the last century, and having boundlessly expanded the field of informational exchange on the planet Earth owing to television and internet, currently have no idea of the four aspects present in the human structure. In this article we shall analyse the discovered information, particularly artefacts, and prove that our ancestors possessed a tremendous store of spiritual knowledge, being well aware of the pyramidal human structure on the sides of which there are rational energy and information structures called the Aspects.

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The Archons: tools of power

  • 09.03.2016
  • 203
  • 18402

In the earlier article The Archons: the history of emergence we discussed the origin of such phenomenon as the Archons (translated from Greek as “the rulers of the world”) or, to put it more understandably, the secret masters of money. In the same article we considered the Archons’ goals and sense of existence, the facts evidencing their violent activities, and some obvious results of those activities for our entire civilization. Our next article represents an attempt to substantially look into the Archons’ tools of power, by means of which they endeavour to implement their world supremacy plans, i.e. to enslave us, dear readers, once and for all.

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Catharsis. A new section announced

  • 11.03.2016
  • 166
  • 8587

    We hurry to share interesting news: the Point of View analyst team has decided to create a section entitled Catharsis on our website Why do we do this, and what is this?

    Catharsis (ancient Greek κάθαρσις – elevation, purification, improvement): this term means the process and outcome of a relieving, purifying and improving influence of various factors on a person. In our case, it’s a frank exposure of erroneous steps and wrong decisions which originate from our weaknesses and vices, or in other words exposure of the Animal Nature manifestations; description and detailed analysis of concrete situations and issues with relevant conclusions and an opportunity through the system of commenting to find an appropriate solution and get rid of certain stereotypes and patterns of behaviour that complicate our life and lead us along a wrong way.

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Brain having neither mind nor conscience

  • 21.03.2016
  • 222
  • 13183

A couple days ago I “accidentally” came upon a very interesting online article by Alexander Kazakevich, entitled There Is No Intelligent Matter! The title intrigued me, and once I read the article a desire emerged to share with you the marvellous information about last century’s scientific researches of the soul, the nature of thoughs and the location of consciousness in human brain, or rather its absence there. It’s particularly nice to find out that some globally recognized scientists, despite the general materialistic vector of science development, have nonetheless closely approached the truth which recently became available for the broad audience of those who seek answers to the eternal questions: “Who is a human being?”, “Why are we here?”, “How is everything structured in the universe?”, etc. The truth that came owing to the Primordial Knowledge brought to our world by Bodhisattva Rigden Djappo in the extraordinary, unique AllatRa book.

I will no longer keep you in suspense and post the aforementioned article right away.

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Animal Nature Trick Dictionary

  • 11.07.2016
  • 306
  • 9405

We have received a very interesting letter with a proposal to compile a sort of an Animal Nature Trick Dictionary on our website, which would further be developed and supplemented by virtue of practical experiences of our readers. This is a wonderful idea, owing to which we hereby start a new section devoted to the Animal Mind System study and entitled Sharing experience... studying the System (see the above Menu). This new section will somewhat coincide with the Catharsis section. Why? In order to analyse and possibly systematize the collected and reviewed material.

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Voice in one’s head. Practical experience. Review

  • 03.08.2016
  • 364
  • 12874

In observation of consciousness it has been noticed that it uses only several tools to seize power over a human Personality. I am happy to state such tools are not numerous, and they are as follows: thoughts (voice in one’s head), pictures (images), and emotions.

In this article let’s review the work of one of such tools – consciousness or a “voice” in one’s head (thoughts that one hears or views mentally). Relevant experiences have been acquired in the course of observation of themselves by different people in everyday life, in particular observation of thoughts that came to their head. Very many people participate in this experiment, thus many stories will be recounted from the third person. The research has several trends one of which is the work of individual consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a separate individual) and collective consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a group of people). These trends are quite interesting and closely interrelated. The only thing to be mentioned regarding the work in a group is that different people can receive similar thoughts at the same time: this is a sort of spam mailing, to say in the modern language. However we shall refer to such experiments a little later – in relevant articles dedicated to the trend.

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Who needs this scribble? Appeal to the website readers

  • 29.08.2016
  • 170
  • 5694

Extract from the article I know better:

“Who really needs your scribble? This was told so many times before! This information is available everywhere. You think you have made a discovery! Don’t even think of sending it – they will shelve it at best.”




Dear Anna, let me express my sincere gratitude and assure you that your scribble is really, really needed, at least I do need it, and this already indicates its usefulness. You’ve noticed some points and shared them, and now not just yourself, but WE together with you know it, and this means we all have become spiritually richer. To me, this is what exactly means sharing knowledge with others. In my opinion, in such an unsophisticated and non-heroic way human society transformation is taking place: when a person, becoming honest with oneself, uncovers mechanisms of the System operation in order to share such information with other people. Although the phrase was being written in a totally different context, I fully understand, for the voice in my head whispers similar things to me as well: “Oh, give up all these unnecessary and endless writings. You haven’t even bathed in the sun this year. Go to the seaside”… Nonetheless, your article has prompted me to act, and this is what I am doing right now.

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How Christians may be helped to realize the need to save their Soul already in this life

  • 19.12.2016
  • 189
  • 8874

After reading the books by Anastasia Novykh, for two years I have been working on self-improvement. My progress is rather slow, but it is strongly felt. At that, you know, in the past I read many books on positive thinking and spiritual development, and thereafter I felt a desire to improve myself, too. However, my zeal lasted for just a couple weeks. Now I may conclude that only А. Novykh’s books have given me essential awareness that this life for us, humans, is the only chance to save ourselves, and another awareness I’ve got is that absolutely everyone can save oneself. I believe for the further spiritual development many Christians lack only this simple understanding.

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Dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna: “Verily, all who share this life-giving wisdom...”

  • 21.03.2017
  • 278
  • 12794

Sometimes it may be very useful to read comments to articles. Thus, once in the commentary section I came across a chapter of Bhagavad Gita, which once again pointed to the single grain of truth repeatedly given to humanity.

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Seven years in magic, or How the animal mind system deceives humanity

  • 16.10.2017
  • 195
  • 6601

I would like to share my experience of learning the so-called “magic tradition”. This should be especially interesting for those familiar with such terms as the assemblage point, the awareness centre, lucid dreams, karmic knots, the Sephirot Tree, arcana, conduct of energies, varnas, chakras, fireballs, stalking, personal history, places of power, and so on. To give readers at least a general view of this “tradition”, I will have to describe certain major points and subtleties.

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Primary and secondary consciousness: a comparative table

  • 11.12.2017
  • 387
  • 18682

Let us present to your attention a comparative table for studying consciousness, composed based on the information given in the program Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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