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UNITY (interview No. 3, 27.09.2015)

  • 01.10.2015
  • 427
  • 29830

The Truth is one for everybody!

Ancient key knowledge about UNITY and RECONCILIATION between all people. 

What is the single source of all religions of the mankind? What unites all spiritual knowledge in its essence? Practical experience of perception of and personal touch with THE ONE WHO GIVES LIFE.

  • Unique primordial information about the Holy Spirit and His crucial role in spiritual development of separate individuals and humanity as a whole
  • What does the system conceal from you, and how can you overcome the system?
  • How can RECONCILIATION within oneself, between people and God, and between people themselves be achieved?
  • Islam, Christianity, Buddhism: which Truth unites all world religions and all faithful believers?
  • How can the LIVING GOD be gained? How can the Holy Spirit be gained within oneself? How to separate the Dead from the Living in oneself? How to gain the REAL in oneself?!
  • Unique self-awareness and deep inner feelings while touching the spiritual world
  • The epoch-making programme that changes the destiny of people, nations, and the entire humanity

This is the third interview with Igor Danilov. The two previous programmes may be viewed on our website here: A Frank Dialogue about the Most Important and The Meaning of Life: Immortality.

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The secret of latitudes 48° and 50° north! Nostradamus predictions

  • 07.10.2015
  • 292
  • 472395

    The ball comes to the player, as they say! The team of independent analysts sincerely thanks everyone who has joined investigation of the issue so important for the entire humanity! Incredible coincidences between present-day facts and predictions by Michel Nostradamus within the framework of our investigation, as described in the article The 50th degree of spiritual Freedom, surprised many people who are in search of the truth. As a supplement to the published material, our readers have sent us two more extracts that we can’t neglect. Here is the first one:


At the beginning of the third millennium, ancient faith will be revived to the north of latitude 48° and unite the nation. These northerners are powerful by their nature, and only alien religion separated them.

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What ancient Teaching did Vanga foresee? Bulgarian clairvoyant’s predictions

  • 21.10.2015
  • 119
  • 37428

    Once again we’ve discovered that Vanga, one of the most authoritative visionaries of our times, directly indicated the advent of some Anointed Sovereign and an ancient Teaching to the earth. Circumstances emerge in an amazing way, and every day new facts appear as if out of thin air, for us to collect them into a general set of evidence necessary for those who need a well-reasoned confirmation of our seemingly improbable hypothesis. We should admit the website creation was associated with a bright emotional impulse, while today such impulse is replaced with a sober exploratory consideration. We continue looking for and analysing information and welcome you, our dear not indifferent reader, to join our captivating search. 

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Can those be mere coincidences?

  • 24.11.2015
  • 186
  • 10585

    Today we can observe a cheerless picture of the chaos taking place in the world. All signs indicate the time has come which is mentioned in all prophecies and predictions. However, even such circumstance was so widely promoted for turning masses into zombies that people already refuse to believe in all this, regarding predictions as invented intimidating stories.

    Even the general information available on this website is an incontrovertible evidence of the presence of Mahdi (Islam), the Comforter (Christianity), Maitreya (Buddhism), etc. in the world. But, unfortunately, contemporary people have forgotten how to perform systematic and analytical work. If they seriously reflected, they would sift through this website and verified the entire material contained on it, right after reading one article. However, the point is that most people are mere consumers. They have been trained to clip thinking. You can find out for yourselves what clip thinking is, while I would only like to emphasize an aspect of all this, which is the most important, in my opinion.

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Worship of the Mother of God in Christianity. Who’s really portrayed on icons?

  • 15.12.2015
  • 158
  • 24660

    Persistently threading our way through the thickets of various historical archives and records in search of mentions of Jesus Christ’s Beloved Disciple Mary Magdalene, we could not disregard a stunning resemblance between the Mother of God as a figure most worshiped by contemporary Christians and most often depicted on icons with a baby in her arms, and very similar pre-Christian prototypes of her. Despite the obvious malicious intent of certain invisible forces that obliterated historical records, extant artefacts do exist and can be an eloquent evidence of the outright plagiarism and striking manipulation of mass consciousness, which manipulation is unprecedented by its scale and timeframe.

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Extraordinary New Year’s Appeal to All Inhabitants of the World

  • 31.12.2015
  • 534
  • 132597

An extraordinary New Year’s appeal from the Point of View analyst team, on the eve of 2016:

- to Presidents and political leaders of all countries of the globe;
- to religious and public figures;
- to those who believe in God, regardless of religions or confessions;
- to all ordinary people of all nationalities, without any exception…

Dear friends, we hurry to wish you a happy New Year. The year 2016 has arrived, and this is the right time to make the following statement.

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Prophecies about the Comforter fulfilled today

  • 26.02.2016
  • 266
  • 31780

    This video is comforting for everyone who’s in spiritual search. It is the present-day reality for entire humanity. It is Love penetrating the depth of one’s soul. It’s the Truth of the Last Time with timer counting down, the Truth about the advent of the Comforter in the last times, about an opportunity for every person to deeply feel the Holy Spirit gift, and a chance to experience genuine Freedom and Love.

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David Wilkerson’s visions of the end times and Second Coming of Christ

  • 20.03.2016
  • 181
  • 23902

    The topic of the Judgement Day and Second Coming of Jesus Christ is quite popular in speeches by Protestant preachers, and I won’t analyse the true causes of that, which, I hope, are clear for many people. Hundreds of Christian denominations originating from the single New Testament, for some reason have different interpretations of what is written in the Holy Bible, though this is totally understandable. For as long as people keep knocking at the heaven door not with love, but with their mind, such splitting and divisions will continue. 

    Yet, the purpose of this article is not to catch anyone in separation or disunity, but to state that millions of faithful Christians all over the world also hear from their missionary pastors about the Doomsday approach and the coming of messiah Jesus Christ, although, if we read Gospels attentively, the Saviour didn’t tell anything regarding his return, however he did mention the Comforter and the Holy Spirit! “The Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (Gospel of John 14:26)

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Virgin Mary: the greatest personality in history.

  • 07.04.2016
  • 402
  • 57245

    Despite the fact that the Christan holy scripture – the Bible (New Testament) contains very few records of Virgin Mary’s words and deeds, her marvellous image and particular respect for her are found all over the world, to this day with inexplicable power attracting believers and atheists in different parts of the globe. We are returning to this wonderful luminous topic again, since we consider it to be one of the most worthy subjects to address and pay attention to. It deserves attention of all people for them to expand their limited understanding of the essence of hidden processes in the universe. Though many people are so far engrossed in earthly and transient things and fail the accept what they don’t physically see, though talks about spirituality and deep inner feelings provoke distrust and detachment, any opinion, even the most deep-rooted one, may be changed, while extinct interest may be inflamed with interesting and obvious facts, for facts are stubborn things.

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Earth was on the verge of cataclysms

  • 24.08.2016
  • 343
  • 6342


Once upon a time, in the age which is nowadays called “the Age of Iron and Blood” or “the Era of Great Sorrow”, our planet was on the verge of total destruction. People who inhabited Earth at that time were mostly illiterate, cruel, greedy and carefree. Their unrestrained passion for hoarding and grabbing forced the Earth inhabitants to extort planet’s resources ungodly and outrageously. Violence against the Earth became so widespread and general that the Earth fell seriously ill. Its disease was so deep that it turned out to be incurable. Wounds and sores were all over the Earth’s body, its blood was pouring forth; it was totally fevering and shaking. Mountains were trembling and oceans were raging, and all those were symptoms of a fatal disease. However, that was not all. People turned so intolerant and hostile towards each other that they waged permanent wars which aggravated the Earth’s sufferings beyond any measure. Being ruled by brutal and covetous leaders, befuddled and fooled by insidious and avid priests, people killed each other in senseless wars with unbelievable cruelty and spite, as if wild animals.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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