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Found items - 11

There is no America! Vanga’s old prediction first voiced

  • 04.01.2016
  • 285
  • 19078

    The next discovery valuable for our Prophecies section is the 2016 New Year’s programme on NTV channel, telling about the unknown revelations of Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga whom we’ve earlier written about in detail on our website.

Exactly from Russia a man will come soon, and he will save us...

    These words by her are distinctly heard on the video, although the phrase may be interpreted in different ways, therefore to ensure objectivity we won’t assert so far that she meant Rigden Djappo (Imam Mahdi). However, there is another quite interesting episode in the programme, which relates to America’s fate (the episode starts from minute 39:30), where Sergey Kostornoy, journalist and Vanga’s good friend, for the first time voices a prediction given by the clairvoyant in a narrow circle of close friends, which she asked them not to disclose publicly until a certain time

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Animal Nature Trick Dictionary

  • 11.07.2016
  • 306
  • 9405

We have received a very interesting letter with a proposal to compile a sort of an Animal Nature Trick Dictionary on our website, which would further be developed and supplemented by virtue of practical experiences of our readers. This is a wonderful idea, owing to which we hereby start a new section devoted to the Animal Mind System study and entitled Sharing experience... studying the System (see the above Menu). This new section will somewhat coincide with the Catharsis section. Why? In order to analyse and possibly systematize the collected and reviewed material.

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Voice in one’s head. Practical experience. Review

  • 03.08.2016
  • 364
  • 12874

In observation of consciousness it has been noticed that it uses only several tools to seize power over a human Personality. I am happy to state such tools are not numerous, and they are as follows: thoughts (voice in one’s head), pictures (images), and emotions.

In this article let’s review the work of one of such tools – consciousness or a “voice” in one’s head (thoughts that one hears or views mentally). Relevant experiences have been acquired in the course of observation of themselves by different people in everyday life, in particular observation of thoughts that came to their head. Very many people participate in this experiment, thus many stories will be recounted from the third person. The research has several trends one of which is the work of individual consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a separate individual) and collective consciousness (manifestations of consciousness in a group of people). These trends are quite interesting and closely interrelated. The only thing to be mentioned regarding the work in a group is that different people can receive similar thoughts at the same time: this is a sort of spam mailing, to say in the modern language. However we shall refer to such experiments a little later – in relevant articles dedicated to the trend.

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“I know better”. A voice in my head

  • 27.08.2016
  • 283
  • 6536

I am sitting, knitting and not disturbing anyone, while a voice keeps talking in my head:

“I am so nice and smart. Why am I still unable to overcome my own thoughts? A negative stream still bursts through sooner or later, and before I know it I find myself amidst a swamp of sewage carefully drawn by industrious consciousness…

I’ve read all books by Anastasia Novykh many times, I have loads of supplementary literature, and I attend various meditation groups, but I still can’t get rid of all the disgrace…”

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Who needs this scribble? Appeal to the website readers

  • 29.08.2016
  • 170
  • 5694

Extract from the article I know better:

“Who really needs your scribble? This was told so many times before! This information is available everywhere. You think you have made a discovery! Don’t even think of sending it – they will shelve it at best.”




Dear Anna, let me express my sincere gratitude and assure you that your scribble is really, really needed, at least I do need it, and this already indicates its usefulness. You’ve noticed some points and shared them, and now not just yourself, but WE together with you know it, and this means we all have become spiritually richer. To me, this is what exactly means sharing knowledge with others. In my opinion, in such an unsophisticated and non-heroic way human society transformation is taking place: when a person, becoming honest with oneself, uncovers mechanisms of the System operation in order to share such information with other people. Although the phrase was being written in a totally different context, I fully understand, for the voice in my head whispers similar things to me as well: “Oh, give up all these unnecessary and endless writings. You haven’t even bathed in the sun this year. Go to the seaside”… Nonetheless, your article has prompted me to act, and this is what I am doing right now.

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Coming home... or what does Life consist in?

  • 30.08.2016
  • 133
  • 4374

Coming home, the first thing I do is embracing my daughter. I caress her hair, kiss her on both cheeks,... and I think to myself: “How many children are there on the planet Earth who don’t have parents? Who have nobody to caress, embrace and soothe them? Have I done everything today to decrease what I don’t like in this world and to expand what I like?” And I understand I haven’t done everything possible.

Then I go to wash my hands and think: “How many people in the world are deprived of access to pure drinking water, not to mention hot water in a bathroom? How many of them die every day, having no opportunity to wash their body or drink water…?”

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Notes in a notebook

  • 02.09.2016
  • 155
  • 4684

Oh, it’s so hard to make myself write anything... My head is as if squeezed... I’m in stupor. At that, despite everything, certain clarity is preserved, and there is still the inner observer who simply and impartially records everything what is happening here and now.

- I don’t want to write..!

- Hush! It’s necessary.

- Who needs this at all?!

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What will not happen if I don’t do it?

  • 11.09.2016
  • 178
  • 5560

When a certain while ago I was working in retail, I actively studied marketing and management. In one of books I found 4 remarkable questions that helped understand whether one or another decision should be taken. Here they are:

  1. What will happen if I do it?
    1. What will not happen if I do it?
    2. What will happen if I don’t do it?
    3. What will not happen if I don’t do it?

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Three pillars of spiritual practice

  • 01.10.2016
  • 377
  • 9411

It happens so that I may be reckoned among those who at the initial stage of self-development make no headway for a long time, vainly trying to enter the Spiritual World by means of consciousness. To make it as clear as possible (hopefully, regular visitors of this website have already learnt to distinguish a real pear of that made of papier-mâché) I was trying to force my way into the Spiritual World by means of mind or Devil, just like the absolute majority of believers on the planet. Yes! I was making my way to God with Devil’s help! Probably, it’s the most shocking paradox by which our civilization has punished itself, having lost the Primordial Knowledge and plunged into the swamp of lifeless mental dogmata and distortions.

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Prologues in Anastasia Novykh’s books

  • 30.11.2016
  • 147
  • 7329

Those who read the first four books by Anastasia Novykh (Sensei of Shambala series) certainly wondered Who is talking to Whom in a mysterious dialogue described in the Prologues (introductory part) of these works of literature.

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Among the finds in caves difficult of access... Easter Island again

  • 22.12.2016
  • 79
  • 3993

Once again we refer to Easter Island, the navel of the earth. Perhaps, the subject is not particularly interesting for many readers, but as an ordinary researcher I cannot omit another little “puzzle piece” to be added to our picture and refrain from mentioning it on our website. After the series of articles dedicated to this marvellous corner of the world situated in the middle of the boundless Pacific Ocean (Which secrets are hidden on Easter Island?In quest of… The 11th century. Easter Island and PolynesiaVoice in one’s head and Easter Island) I suddenly wondered: should we assume the island was indeed attended by the great civilizer and Kind Friend of people, is it really possible that no traces of one of the main signs from the Primordial Knowledge has been preserved there? Here is what I discovered while rereading the book Aku-Aku: The Secret of Easter Island by Thor Heyerdahl.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


We support Creative Society

Project Aim

Interesting headings