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Turkic messiah Geser Khan, Burkhan Bator, or God’s Warrior

  • 17.10.2015
  • 108
  • 29576

    In this article we suggest to supplement the integrated and versatile outline of the Essence of the image of Messiah, Rigden Djappo, Archangel Gabriel, Imam Mahdi, Kalki Avatar, Maitreya, etc. who is mentioned in nearly all religions, traditions, and legends. We still persist in our daring opinion that all the aforesaid names belong to the Single One – the Holy Spirit. Who is he? What is his role in humanity’s destiny? And at which times does he come? Here we will speak about epos and legends of Turkic peoples: Buryats, Mongols, Kazakhs, Altaians, and Tibetans, and about the grains of knowledge those peoples managed to preserve over ages. We will speak of Geser Khan, Abai Geser, or Burkhan Bator. And the major source of information about this mysterious personality is the heroic Epic of King Geser (Gesar).

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141 Foresights. Poem by Eugene Gusev

  • 19.10.2015
  • 167
  • 25746

    We couldn’t overlook a prophetic poem by Eugene Gusev, which has become quite popular on the internet. Despite the obscurity and vagueness of his predictions, the poem contains some very clear specifics that we’ve highlighted in red. As for everything else, readers are welcome to guess in their comments.

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Chilam Balam: Mayan mysterious manuscripts. Seven Angels, seven ages

  • 28.10.2015
  • 152
  • 15562

    Continuing the search of records in ancient sources regarding not just the Messiah advent, but also predictions with respect to our epoch as a decisive time, a sort of time crossroads, the time of global human choice, we should certainly mention Maya Indians, the ancient American aboriginal population. It’s no secret that the 2012 end of the world date was widely advertised. Everyone knew about it, studied, feared, and lent an attentive ear to information on the end of Maya calendar and assumptions on what would take place afterwards. Nonetheless, the predicted doomsday didn’t happen, and people quickly started forgetting the subject, in spite of the fact it’s rather interesting and informative. In actual fact, a lot of things of the foretold have come true, though we admit most of predictions are most likely simply unintelligible for us, people with prevailing materialistic world outlook.

    Thus, here we will speak of Mayan mysterious manuscripts called CHILAM BALAM and the 7 Angels (ages) mentioned therein.

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The udumbara flower has blossomed, foreshadowing advent of the great man of wisdom!

  • 27.11.2015
  • 135
  • 33012

     Another unexpected and significant event has taken place! The udumbara flower has blossomed on the earth. According to a Buddhist legend, it blossoms once in 3,000 years. They say the last time it blossomed before Gautama Buddha’s birth, while during the last 20 years its flowering has been observed all over the globe. It is also said the udumbara blossoming foreshadows the advent of a great man of wisdom or enlightened sage.

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Reincarnation as the Soul’s Way to God. Salvation Teaching by Clement of Alexandria

  • 27.11.2015
  • 56
  • 4182

Everyone knows the official Christian doctrine rejects the concept of reincarnation of souls, the theory that the human Soul (as we now know from the Primordial Knowledge) is being continuously reborn on the Earth, while the human Personality never dies at all, as a rule turning into a “subpersonality”. For faithful Christians the reincarnation issue is closed once and forever, and most of them believe such concept was there from the very beginning. This is not true: some early Christian theologians considered otherwise, being dethroned by the official church later on. One of such persons was Clement of Alexandria, preacher of the Holy Writ among Hellenistic scribes, one of the first heads of the Catechetical School of Alexandria, predecessor of Origen. Clement’s idea of reincarnation certainly differs from the Primordial Knowledge brought by Rigden Djappo, but this is not the point. The point is that early Christians did admit reincarnation and studied the issue, as distinct from the narrow-minded contemporary clergy.

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One of the Quran riddles is unravelled! Jibrail, al-Kawthar and Geser Khan...

  • 11.12.2015
  • 109
  • 12213

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful! The Holy Quran is a revelation sent by Almighty Allah via Angel Jibrail to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Human mind is not always able to grasp the entire depth and meaning of the revelation. Even today a number of the Quran verses remain unclarified, and one of the major riddles is Surah 108 Al-Kawthar which means The Abundance. This obscure word has caused disputes and disagreements among translators. They cannot come to a single opinion on neither pronunciation nor translation, therefore this word is interpreted differently, mostly as abundance and prosperity. Yet, let us venture to assume the Surah title is one of names or epithets of the most faithful and greatest of Almighty Allah’s Angels – Angel Jibrail (Gabriel)! Being the mentor of all prophets and fulfilling Allah’s Will, Jibrail communicated Allah’s Covenants to the prophets and revealed His Will to them!

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Worship of the Mother of God in Christianity. Who’s really portrayed on icons?

  • 15.12.2015
  • 158
  • 24659

    Persistently threading our way through the thickets of various historical archives and records in search of mentions of Jesus Christ’s Beloved Disciple Mary Magdalene, we could not disregard a stunning resemblance between the Mother of God as a figure most worshiped by contemporary Christians and most often depicted on icons with a baby in her arms, and very similar pre-Christian prototypes of her. Despite the obvious malicious intent of certain invisible forces that obliterated historical records, extant artefacts do exist and can be an eloquent evidence of the outright plagiarism and striking manipulation of mass consciousness, which manipulation is unprecedented by its scale and timeframe.

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The revealed secrets of Angkor and Giza plateau – the pendulum of Orion and Draco. Apocalypse now?

  • 03.02.2016
  • 618
  • 68274

    Familiarizing myself with information about Angkor Wat on the web, I discovered almost same things written everywhere; simply speaking, the information was taken from a single source, though many do not refer to that source, as if they wrote it themselves. I will use the same source, but will also indicate the primary source not mentioned by many. The primary source is the book Heaven’s Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock and Santha Faiia. A connection between Angkor and the sky was ascertained by John Grigsby who cooperated with Hancock in 1996. I refer to the primary source, so that everyone who desires could get to know more detailed information on the subject, while I shall only cite extracts and give some comments.

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Gudea’s Goblet

  • 02.03.2016
  • 273
  • 23705

While reading myths, Vedic sources, studying signs and symbols, and based on the Primordial Knowledge given in the books by Anastasia Novykh, I have noticed that some images frequently used in all these sources (despite the fact they are depicted and called differently) symbolize one and the same concept – the one that may be figuratively referred to as the Bridge. I wrote on this subject in my earlier article Chinvat. The Bridge over the Abyss, but for those who haven’t read it I should briefly explain: what is meant here is the symbolic Bridge-Passageway signifying the spiritual Knowledge that helps human personality pass from the material world into the spiritual world – the world of God. It may otherwise be said that “the Bridge is what helps human personality merge with the Soul”.

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Pyramids in China. Secrets of the Sons of Heaven

  • 06.07.2016
  • 329
  • 464781

While gathering information in order to continue the initial article Pyramids: the mystery that may be finally unravelled, we could not omit the mysterious pyramids of China, which are still poorly studied though being very interesting for many researchers. It is assumed they are underexplored because Chinese authorities are unwilling to let researchers there. Moreover, many archaeologists and scientists of other fields have a too one-sided, politically determined attitude to ancient artefacts. Well, according to the AllatRa book: “In the creaking cart of purely materialistic worldview, one cannot go far in real science. Still, sooner or later a real scientist will get to such scientific horizons where it will not be possible to use the existing props on which the entire chain of human reasoning rests.”

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Consequences of the Primordial Knowledge distortion. An example from the past. The Aztecs

  • 24.08.2016
  • 150
  • 11213

In view of the recently published precedents of the Primordial Knowledge distortions (link) in the works of our contemporaries, we thought it would be interesting and edifying to give an example from a not-so-remote past in the history of a no longer existing nation that became globally notorious for their deeds. Let’s talk about the Aztecs.

In the very beginning of Heaven’s Mirror Graham Hancock gives an excellent description of the outcome achieved by the Aztecs some 500 years ago as a result of distortion and misinterpretation of the Knowledge which all of us, the contemporary humanity, are given in the AllatRa book. I am sure there are many more of such examples in the history of bipeds living on this beautiful planet, calling themselves humans, yet surpassing any wild beast by their cruelty.

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Notes in a notebook

  • 02.09.2016
  • 155
  • 4686

Oh, it’s so hard to make myself write anything... My head is as if squeezed... I’m in stupor. At that, despite everything, certain clarity is preserved, and there is still the inner observer who simply and impartially records everything what is happening here and now.

- I don’t want to write..!

- Hush! It’s necessary.

- Who needs this at all?!

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Navels of the World and the Soul of the Mother of Stars

  • 19.09.2016
  • 194
  • 14151

The subject of this material was suggested to us in comments to the article Five points of the Star. Hypotheses in addition to Star, The Golden Ratio series, where we published certain assumptions regarding the symbolism of the name ‘navels of the world / earth’ as ascribed to some geographic points on the planet. According to our experience, once you start searching for information on a given subject you always find more than you initially expected. Hence, in this research we will actually touch upon several topics that have proved to be closely interconnected.

As we have discovered while studying information about the territories where incredible archaeological sites and ancient architectural complexes are located, there are quite a lot of places on our planet, which in various times used to be called the ‘navels of the earth. Since today we don’t have genuine knowledge of the true history of humanity, there are probably many more of such places than official science is aware of.

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Symbols of the sky

  • 17.10.2016
  • 320
  • 450421

What is the sky for us? When we peer at the bewitching view of the night firmament, unwittingly arises a sensation of perishability of our existence compared to the eternal silence of trillions of shining stars. There is a feeling that the starry arch is a gate to the incomprehensible, which begins right here on the earth. Perhaps, for this very reason since ancient times people believed in a heavenly divine being that had created the world. The prayer most widespread in the world is addressed to the Heavenly Father: “Our Father, Who art in heaven...”

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I give you just one commandment: LOVE!

  • 10.12.2016
  • 469
  • 20919

Without beating about the bush let me say that, in addition to the unique books by Anastasia Novykh, this is the text to which I have repeatedly recurred lately. The philosophical work entitled The Lost Pages of the Gospel, compiled by Denis Sokolov based on the analysis of sacred texts that make up the Holy Bible and of extant sacred legends, contains major ideas and statements by Jesus Christ. While reading this book, you as if travel through millennia and find yourself sitting in a serene warm evening, near the bonfire under the boundless starry sky, right next to Him – near and dear Jesus – and listen to His words with your soul widely open… 

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How Christians may be helped to realize the need to save their Soul already in this life

  • 19.12.2016
  • 189
  • 8875

After reading the books by Anastasia Novykh, for two years I have been working on self-improvement. My progress is rather slow, but it is strongly felt. At that, you know, in the past I read many books on positive thinking and spiritual development, and thereafter I felt a desire to improve myself, too. However, my zeal lasted for just a couple weeks. Now I may conclude that only А. Novykh’s books have given me essential awareness that this life for us, humans, is the only chance to save ourselves, and another awareness I’ve got is that absolutely everyone can save oneself. I believe for the further spiritual development many Christians lack only this simple understanding.

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“Sometimes, my dear, I reveal myself to people, especially to those who are in trouble.”

  • 10.02.2017
  • 285
  • 7852

The article Virgin Mary’s sites in Italy mentions Mary’s apparition that occurred on 26 May 1432 near the town of Caravaggio. That was a true miracle. However, nobody gives information on Mary Magdalene’s apparition in our days, although such event did take place and is recorded in Vladimir Lermontov’s book Delphania.

Summary of the book: Bad occurrences were faced by Maria and Constantine, when they went on a tour to the New Athos caves. Their son disappeared without a trace, and they failed to find him. Constantine sent Maria back home to Kazakhstan on a train to get prepared for their second child birth, while he himself stayed to continue searching for the son. He was advised to find a sagacious elder and hermit named Nectarios in the Caucasus, who might tell where his son was. He spent six months looking for the hermit and finally found him.

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“There might come once more some kind of Renaissance out of the hopelessly condemned and trampled past...” Graham Hancock

  • 17.02.2017
  • 204
  • 7887

It would be absolutely unwise to leave out Graham Hancock’s works and not to include in our Prophecies section the truly unique information he has collected over the years of his research activities. In his books the researcher one way or another touches upon the riddles of spiritually advanced ancient cultures and civilizations, as well as the single knowledge of immortality, traces of which have been miraculously preserved in ancient monuments and artefacts that are persistently ignored by mainstream science and conspiratorially suppressed in our age of general degradation and decadence.

Let me continue stringing priceless beads on the necklace of our initial preamble and present three final chapters of Graham Hancock’s sensational book Heaven’s Mirror, where the first bold attempt is made to bring together numerous facts relating to the global cosmological cyclicality and to the corresponding pattern of the new great Renaissance to come.

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Rejoice, highly favoured one, Life is approaching

  • 11.04.2017
  • 472
  • 13667

On the occasion of the Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady...

“Life is approaching,” he says to me, and his deep blue eyes are luxuriating in heaven.

“Where?” I ask a little confusedly. He, so unusually close, drops his eyelids, and his light eyelashes like ripe ears shield the fathomless heaven that has stood still in his eyes.

I understand without any words. It is he who is now living. The boundless blue waters of heaven have spread inside him.

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A song about the Mother of God

  • 22.12.2017
  • 157
  • 5967

(an unrhymed translation from Russian)


Mother of God, Mother of God, the Mother of light, love and good,
You are my hope, Mother of God, and the time of miraculous insights.
Mother of God, Mother of God, I love You so much with all my soul,
You are my star, You are my dawn, You are a ray of light in the earthly life. 

You are Our Lady of the Don, Our Lady of Kazan, Our Lady of the Sign – all Your images are with me.
You are the Theotokos of Vladimir, Our Lady of Valaam, and Derzhavnaya above the land. 
You are the heavenly joy of all the sorrowful, You are the punishment for all the killed,
Your are the Purest Bride of all virgins, You are my grief and love. 

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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