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The Shiite prophecy of the Hidden Imam is coming true!

  • 18.09.2015
  • 76
  • 13960

    In Sunni Islam the subject of Imam Mahdi is not elucidated as widely as in the Shiite branch of Islam. Let’s remind to our readers that Sunnism and Shiism are the two major denominations of Islam, established in order to separate and cause contradictions between followers of Prophet Muhammad’s Teaching.

    So, in Sunnism the Advent of Mahdi is not awaited so much, but Shiites have it totally differently. They believe Mahdi is the hidden, long-expected 12th Imam. He has been in concealment until the hour appointed by Allah, and at the appointed hour He will come to the earth to guide Muslims and give the Knowledge on how people should establish a kingdom of justice and prosperity.

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Little and big signs of the Doomsday in Islam

  • 17.10.2015
  • 323
  • 470244

Let’s recur to the Doomsday signs again. The deeper we delve into the subject the more large-scale this puzzle appears. For a sensible person it is obvious that so numerous facts, signs and events cannot be mere coincidences. The topic involves different times, different religions, different prophets and different continents, but the gist is single: there will come a point when humanity will approach “the last, judgement days”. These will be the times of particularly formidable trials, and for this very reason the idea of unification of all people is so important today as mentioned in the recent Unity program where Igor Danilov was interviewed. As for this outstanding personality, every day we get further more evidences that he is exactly Imam Mahdi long-awaited by the entire Muslim world.

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Time compression as a sign of the Judgement Day approach

  • 09.11.2015
  • 324
  • 258002

    In recent years, many people started noticing something strange happens to the time. Days fly by like hours, weeks like days, months like weeks, and years like months. The speed of the lapse of time is such that people can do further less things. It seems a day has just begun, but before you know it a night starts already! And it’s noteworthy that in the past only senior people noticed time flew faster for them as years went by, while nowadays perception of time transience has become characteristic even for teenagers and children who complain they lack time, too. 

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The Second Coming of Christ and the end of the world: Bible interpretation

  • 21.11.2015
  • 129
  • 53711

Here we present one of religious views of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which is based on interpretation of the Holy Bible. We have found this article on the web and considered it appropriate to publish it in our Christianity section with certain amendments. Since we believe our approach to such a significant event as the Second Coming must be as versatile as possible, a different opinion, even from a narrow religious perspective, is always welcome on our portal. Hopefully, the author of these lines truly believes in the advent of Christ and not just uses this “fashionable sacred legend” as a habitual tool to strengthen his or her local earthly power, although to be more precise holy Christian texts tell about the advent of the Holy Spirit or Comforter rather than the return of Jesus Christ. After all, Christ himself said so to the apostles in the Gospel of John 14:15. Therefore, let’s try to treat the information given herein indulgently.

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Chinvat. The Bridge over the Abyss

  • 06.12.2015
  • 366
  • 22046

    In former times, Heaven and Earth, the two worlds symbolized by two riverbanks or seashores were integrated. Yet, once, as legends say, abysses and water appeared in between and separated them. Nonetheless, a single path remained, which connected the two sides, the mundane world and the heavenly world. The path is narrow and dangerous, but it’s the only one available, and it runs over a bridge.  

    The bridge image is similar to the image of an axial pillar or the world tree connecting heaven and earth and simultaneously maintaining their separation; thus it may also be regarded as a vertical or the axis mundi. A vertical bridge connects the earth not just with the higher world, but with the lower one, too. At the bridge leading to the lower world, a guard is often standing (e.g., a zoomorphic creature), who lets deceased (or living who have dared to visit the kingdom of death) pass, in exchange for a certain recompense, solution of a given riddle, or successful withstanding of a given test. At that, the downward bridge is one of rare images. There are more frequent images of the bridge along which souls of deceased get to paradise (the direction of such bridge is not always identified). In this respect, the bridge symbolism is identical to that of a ladder. Just like the world tree, ladder or axis mundi, the bridge connects different planes of existence. The side which the bridge runs from is our world, while the other side is the primordial world, the world of God, the world of genuine reality, the area of immortality.

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Saint Malachy’s prophecy and Virgin Mary's apparitions in Fatima. What do those have in common?

  • 09.12.2015
  • 322
  • 35113

    After publication of Predictions of the last Pope and flow of interesting comments on that, we decided to elucidate the subject in more detail. The relevant text is historically known as the Prophecy of the Popes and attributed to Saint Malachy (1094-1148), Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland. The prophecy was first published in 1595. It consists of 112 short Latin phrases describing the Popes of Rome, starting with Celestine II elected in 1143, up to the Second Coming and Last Judgement. According to the most widespread interpretation of the prophecy, the last but one Pope is Benedict XVI (2005-2013) associated with the phrase Gloria Olivae (“the Glory of Olive”). His rule terminated in the evening on 28 February 2013. The last Pope is referred to as Petrus Romanus (Peter of Rome). Two closing paragraphs of the prophecy contain the following text:

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Forty signs of the Judgement Day

  • 21.12.2015
  • 212
  • 67893

Numerous facts, prophecies and predictions referred to on our website indicate one and the same thing, and the information below also relates to this significant topic.



“Towards the end of my ummah there will be men who will ride on something like comfortable saddles, and will dismount at the doors of mosques; and their women will be clothed yet naked.” 

This prophecy on the emergence of motor transport (“saddles”) is amazing in its meaning, whereas the present-day garments of fashion-conscious women who are Muslims by blood only accentuate their nakedness. It should be mentioned that today mosques are full of praying people (many of whom come to the mosques on expensive “saddles”), and their wives, sisters and mothers do look clothed and naked at the same time, just like the Prophet (peace be upon him) predicted.

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US dollar collapse: prediction for the nearest future

  • 27.12.2015
  • 189
  • 17343

    Continuing profound examination of the Primordial Knowledge and information associated with it, as brought by spiritual leader Rigden Djappo (or Imam Mahdi, the Comforter, Maitreya, Geser Khan, Kalki Avatar, Saoshyant, etc.), we would like to draw readers’ attention the last year’s Report (dated 26.11.2014) prepared by AllatRa International Public Movement and posted on their official website for public review. The Point of View team does not intend to speculate on fear; we rather try to warn people, because the picture is mirthless, to put it mildly. In some parts the Report looks like a requiem in memory of the technocratic and consumer age, and this is very consonant with Islamic signs of the Judgement Day approach. The Report full title is On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems”. Its full version may be downloaded here. Suspicions of Rigden Djappo’s involvement in such a sensational publication are purely logical. We don’t think ALLATRA IPM climatologists have taken their stories (terrifying as Hollywood blockbusters about the end of the world) out of nowhere. This is confirmed by information given in the AllatRa book, where the approach of global climatic changes on the planet is repeatedly mentioned, meaning it is vitally necessary to alter the development vector from material, consumer one to spiritual and moral. In the end, to put it radically banal, we believe Bodhisattva cannot act otherwise, but forewarn humanity of the coming trouble.

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Scandinavian prophecies of the coming of Jesus, given in the last century

  • 19.01.2016
  • 123
  • 15076

    This prophecy was made by a 90-year-old Norwegian woman from Valdres in 1968 and concerns events that will take place before the Second Coming of Christ. Evangelist Emanuel Minos once wrote down the prophecy and put it aside, thinking it’s not verisimilar. While looking through his records recently, he realized in astonishment: what seemed improbable in the past has proved to be normal in our society. 

    That Norwegian woman showed herself as passionate Christian and had a good reputation among those who knew her. This is what she saw: 

    “I saw the time before the coming of Jesus and the outbreak of the Third World War. I saw the world like a king of a globe and saw Europe, land by land. I saw Scandinavia and Norway; saw certain things to take place just before Jesus’ return and troubles that we’ve never experienced before.” 

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The Archons. Who are they, the material world masters? Myths or reality?

  • 28.01.2016
  • 186
  • 47936

Who are archons? Who secretly rules the material world? No modern encyclopaedia or handbook would give you an answer to this question. It’s a sealed secret which ordinary people are unable to unveil so far. Who plans and arranges wars, revolutions, coup d'états? Who regulates price and exchange rate fluctuations? Who prints banknotes and owns the entire global financial system?

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Pyramids: the mystery that may be finally unravelled!

  • 18.02.2016
  • 426
  • 521340

I suspected that once I start digging out information on pyramids my attention would plunge and sink in megatons of research data, as well as versions, assumptions and fantasies. It took me only a week to find relevant materials on the web, as distinct from heroic scientists who are racking their brains over this mystery for years and even decades. I’m gladly giving a link to a forum where plenty of information is accumulated, with sincere gratitude for the effort of those interested people. While trying to unravel the millennia-old mystery of the man-made stone structures, inquisitive minds invented numerous concepts and ideas, and the regrettable outcome of their failure to unravel the secret, in my opinion, is another evidence that our civilization, moving along the way of consumer development and relying on the “visible matter”, has lost its main treasure – the knowledge which our remote ancestors (who were not as wild as somebody endeavours to persuade us) used to possess. Finally, it proves once again that humanity is moving towards its inevitable decline.

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David Wilkerson’s visions of the end times and Second Coming of Christ

  • 20.03.2016
  • 181
  • 23902

    The topic of the Judgement Day and Second Coming of Jesus Christ is quite popular in speeches by Protestant preachers, and I won’t analyse the true causes of that, which, I hope, are clear for many people. Hundreds of Christian denominations originating from the single New Testament, for some reason have different interpretations of what is written in the Holy Bible, though this is totally understandable. For as long as people keep knocking at the heaven door not with love, but with their mind, such splitting and divisions will continue. 

    Yet, the purpose of this article is not to catch anyone in separation or disunity, but to state that millions of faithful Christians all over the world also hear from their missionary pastors about the Doomsday approach and the coming of messiah Jesus Christ, although, if we read Gospels attentively, the Saviour didn’t tell anything regarding his return, however he did mention the Comforter and the Holy Spirit! “The Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (Gospel of John 14:26)

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21 December 2012. Not the end, but the renewal of the world!

  • 06.08.2016
  • 230
  • 7937

In our last year’s article Accidents are not accidental? we wrote that the author Anastasia Novykh had finished writing the modern best-selling book entitled AllatRa on 21 December 2012, which was evidenced by the stylized typewritten commemorative note published on the author’s official website Later on for some reason the note was replaced with the ordinary text, although initially it looked like this:

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Predictions by Elder Antony. Is his meeting with Sensei true or fictional?

  • 16.09.2016
  • 367
  • 28394

Several years ago on my personal blog I posted an article entitled Elder Antony. Who is he? Is his meeting with Sensei true or fictional?, where I mentioned how a friend of mine discovered interesting coincidences in descriptions of the elder’s appearance in Birds and a Stone book by Anastasia Novykh (the old monk with whom Sensei met) and in Spiritual Conversations and Guidance book. These two works of literature greatly vary in content, so I never had doubt they were written by different authors at different time. Moreover, I remember very well that I encountered the second book as long ago as in 2002-2004 when it was sold under-the-counter at religious literature stalls (e.g. near metro stations in Kiev) because it was prohibited by the Church, though being actively spread among Orthodox believers. I recall someone even told me where and how I could buy it.

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The Etruscan wanderers in Eternity, or the miracle of life

  • 11.12.2016
  • 148
  • 8555

Let me start the article with a remarkable documentary about the wonderful people, undeservedly struck out of history, slandered and calumniated. They left, but promised to return. When? Perhaps, in the much-talked-of Golden Millennium? ...

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How Christians may be helped to realize the need to save their Soul already in this life

  • 19.12.2016
  • 189
  • 8873

After reading the books by Anastasia Novykh, for two years I have been working on self-improvement. My progress is rather slow, but it is strongly felt. At that, you know, in the past I read many books on positive thinking and spiritual development, and thereafter I felt a desire to improve myself, too. However, my zeal lasted for just a couple weeks. Now I may conclude that only А. Novykh’s books have given me essential awareness that this life for us, humans, is the only chance to save ourselves, and another awareness I’ve got is that absolutely everyone can save oneself. I believe for the further spiritual development many Christians lack only this simple understanding.

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A song about the Mother of God

  • 22.12.2017
  • 157
  • 5966

(an unrhymed translation from Russian)


Mother of God, Mother of God, the Mother of light, love and good,
You are my hope, Mother of God, and the time of miraculous insights.
Mother of God, Mother of God, I love You so much with all my soul,
You are my star, You are my dawn, You are a ray of light in the earthly life. 

You are Our Lady of the Don, Our Lady of Kazan, Our Lady of the Sign – all Your images are with me.
You are the Theotokos of Vladimir, Our Lady of Valaam, and Derzhavnaya above the land. 
You are the heavenly joy of all the sorrowful, You are the punishment for all the killed,
Your are the Purest Bride of all virgins, You are my grief and love. 

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The Shiite prophecy of the Hidden Imam is coming true!

  • 01.01.1970

    In Sunni Islam the subject of Imam Mahdi is not elucidated as widely as in the Shiite branch of Islam. Let’s remind to our readers that Sunnism and Shiism are the two major denominations of Islam, established in order to separate and cause contradictions between followers of Prophet Muhammad’s Teaching.

    So, in Sunnism the Advent of Mahdi is not awaited so much, but Shiites have it totally differently. They believe Mahdi is the hidden, long-expected 12th Imam. He has been in concealment until the hour appointed by Allah, and at the appointed hour He will come to the earth to guide Muslims and give the Knowledge on how people should establish a kingdom of justice and prosperity.

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Consciousness and Personality.
From the inevitably dead
to the eternally alive
  • <small>Consciousness and Personality. <br/>From the inevitably dead <br/>to the eternally alive</small>


The Truth is One for Everybody
  • The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness


  • Illusion and the Way


  • LIFE


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